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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Diverging Convergence

The 'Convergence Effect' report has become far larger than I had originally intended. Part of this was due to feedback which indicated that, "more detail" would make the document more useful, part of it has to do with me thinking of other ideas, and part it has to do with me working on a few side projects (some are related to 'Security') and this document provides me with a good outlet for some of my notes.

Another reason is that I've discovered that LibreOffice currently has some issues dealing with large documents (I'm around the 210 page/61000 word mark) that aren't in the native file format (Switching to working in the native 'odt' file format seems to work well but for reasons of compatibility I'd like access to other formats as well though.). The side effects of this can be data loss, inexplicable crashing, etc...

For these reasons, I will be splitting the 'Security' chapter (The new document will be more 'technically orientated' and will take offensive and defensive positions into consideration.) into a separate document (For reasons of coherence, I will maintain maintain much of the current content/state of the 'Convergence Effect' report.) and will consider these projects as largely, separate entities.

As an aside, I recently discovered a bug with cup-pdf which means that partial page loads aren't well supported under certain web browsers. I've worked around the issue for now by switching to a different browser.

I've also had some feedback that the following is a bit complex, http://dtbnguyen.blogspot.com/2011/03/eeepc-recovery-without-recovery.html
Since I recently damaged my recovery disk I've concur that the article can be a little difficult to read for someone who has never tried it before. Below is a simplified version:

1) Get 1005P recovery disc/image
2) Copy/extract contents to an 'arbitrary folder' which will be used to build a new image
3) Use ImgBurn to extract boot sector from recovery disc/image
4) Get recovery
5) Use a WIM utility to split the WIM image obtained from your 1015PD into sub 4GB files
6) Rename WIM files to asus.wim, asus2.wim, asus3.wim, etc... and drop them in the root directory of your 'arbitrary folder' where you stored the contents of the recovery image
7) Use ImgBurn to use boot image from disc/image on new recovery image
8) Create image
9) Write the image to an optical disc
10) Test whether it boots by using VM software such as VirtualBox or VMWare

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...