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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Psychological Warfare/Mind Control, More Economic Warfare, and More

Before we start, a lot of the following seems absolutely crazy but there are reasons for it and there is a history behind it. Moreover, all of these programs have been publicly acknowledged or de-classified...

One of the things I've been curious about is the interplay between broadcast media, some commonly distributed substances and their relation to population control as well as mind control. I just find it strange that both the United States or Russia have basically stated that they gained nothing from their programs in spite of techniques learned from the programs still being in play nowadays in the advertising industry and in intelligence and defense. Moreover, can it actually be used to re-program people? Here goes...

- based on what is publicly available (de-classified) the core components involve breaking the subject down/confusing them by using drugs (or torture), creating a new pattern (behaviour modification), and making them forget the process (often by by sleep) exist. While this seems completely crazy if you think about this carefully these patterns still exist in society nowadays. For instance, we don't need to break a subject down if you make the assumption that a child is a blank slate (Tabula Rasa). Since most parents nowadays work too many hours to take care of their children for the most part (the parents can also be more easily programmed due to higher stress levels due to higher working levels and work demands) they are going to be patterned via the education system as well as broadcast media. Since most media/marketing in most countries is controlled by a very small number (by accident or design, for good or worse, etc...) in reality for most children end up being 'patterned' towards a core set of values and behaviours. Finally, you don't need the final phase because there's no traumatic step in there which is present during 'enhanced interrogations' and during standard re-patterning procedures. Moreover, since most people aren't aware of the relationship between these programs and present society it just doesn't really make a difference. Obviously, this is one of those too crazy to be true circumstances but then again both the CIA and KGB have been known to pursue what seems to be rediculous projects... and parts of their mind control programs are still classified???
Government History of Mind Control Projects - Behaviour Modification & Unethical Experiments
- concentrated media and 'channel's repsresent perfect mechanisms for subtly re-programming/influencing people. They appear to give you the impression of freedom while it mightn't actually exist. Just get the story first and repeat your version of events over and over again
- perfect distribution mechanism if you want to dabble in mind control experimentation. Advertising is everywhere, difficult to pickup, ubiquitous, etc...
- if we look at out previous post on propaganda certain methods are used to massage the message in such a way to ensure a biased result. However, if we look further at the brain wave pattern of the human brain when it is involved in listening or watching television, movies, radio, even contact with microphone radiation from mobile phones, etc... it falls into the 'Alpha Brain' wave pattern state. A state that is commonly associated with hyponsis, re-programming, meditation, etc... What I'm curious about is whether whether some governments have used this as a means of maintaining social control/stability. For instance, look at some former Soviet defectors and it is said that they may have supported the 'hippie' movement to distract the US from other more pressing (and important) difficulties. Given the history of the security services (all over the world but with specific interest in the US since they seem to be the most advanced and this is where most information is available) with regards the media industry one wonders whether or not they've supported certain movements to make create stratas/layers within society which would ultimately allow for a working class, a ruling elite, etc... (if we know we can't create enough legitimate jobs why not support a criminal element in society via music/movies). I know this is a far fetched theory but if the security services are already attempting to control flim scripts I don't see how this is that crazy or that much of a stretch
Alpha, Beta, Theta Brainwaves - Understanding Our Brain
The Value of Drug Addiction Research - Michael Nader at TEDxWakeForestU
What you need to know about internet addiction _ Dr. Kimberly Young _ TEDxBuffalo
Government History of Mind Control Projects - Behaviour Modification & Unethical Experiments
US Psychotronics Association Conference 2015
- as stated previously one possible theory (if governments are still using these techniques in society) is using widely deployable psychoactive drugs which as a platform for to allow for re-programming. Think carefully about your memories. Which one's do you remember most? The ones where there was a heightened level of emotion... All of the psychoactive drugs that are in wide distribution (tobacco and cigarettes, soft drinks which often contain high levels of caffeine or sugar, etc...) have multiple effects. They're mostly stimulants which means that any propaganda that you may potentially have heightened effects, they're also inserted into foods which are cheap, unhealthy (given that National Security Memorandum 200 was real/actual policy it doesn't seem like a far fetched theory) which aides in population control, etc... Obviously, the dosage levels required to acheive the same efficacy as those used in the CIA's MKULTRA mind control experiments would be drastically different though... That said, they produce almost the exact same impact (especially if you fiddle around with dosage)
CIA Medical Experiments - Treating Psychosis - MKULTRA Mind Control Documentary Film (1955)
Mind Control - America's Secret War HQ FULL
CIA Acknowledges Years of Assassination Plots, Coerced Drug Tests and Domestic Spying
Caffeine And Mind Control by Joe Olson
MKULTRA- ``depatterning'' and ``psychic driving''
- in spite of what people may say it seems obvious that with respects to certain areas states don't want us to be neutral. They want us to support particular ideologies and not to think about possible alternative systems. In a way it's a form of suppression but it's about control of information rather than physical suppression which is often the difference between the West and more authoritarian societies
- if you know enough about 'enhanced interrogation' the links between it and the 'mind control experiments' of decades past becomes much more obvious. The use (and establishment) of breakdown, confusion phases, etc... If you know enough about the programs you'll know that both can lead to rediculous results at times because of the need that of the the need to break down/confuse a person, take control of them, etc... Sometimes you'll be left wondering whether you're ending up with pure giberish or not. Others times you're wondering whether you simply got lucky. Other times you think that it's a life saving technique
The Dark Art of Interrogation (Documentary)
SAS - Survival Secrets - Interrogation resistance
Marc Thiessen - The Truth About 'Enhanced Interrogation'
CIA Director John Brennan News Conference on Torture Report (COMPLETE)
CIA torture - Who knew what
Torture, Enhanced Interrogation & Mind Control - Crusade of the US Empire with Michael Kearns
Torture, Interrogation, Cheney and the CIA
- the thing with many whistleblowers is that I don't think they're seeing enough of the full picture. The more I look the more I see that it's just a bunch of average people who trying to create the best out of difficult circumstances. Once upon a time we tought of grand empires as being a fantastic ideas, after the World Wars we thought that wars were just silly, and came up with the concept of MAD and deterrence, then we had the Cold War, now we have hybrid/proxy wars, etc... On top of that you have to make comprimises over and over gain because of multiple, competing stakeholders. Whether by accident or design the world is the way it is because of that
- make no mistake the US propaganda machine is far more advanced than that of other countries.The irony for me is that a lot of the things which are commonly thought of about the US and other countries are very much wrong if you go looking. Poverty, innovation, education, distribution of wealth, are comparable in if not better in a lot of 'trouble countries' then when compared to the US and other Western countries (this is based on multiple sources)... If those figures are accurate then it makes a lot of sense why they seem to be devoting so much effort towards their PSYOPS ecosystems
China's Hollywood Debut - Chinese are contributing more than just money
Japan Is a Disturbing Cautionary Tale for America and the World
- once upon a time when there was massive discussion about how music and other media may have been impacting upon youth in the wrong way. When you understand how the basic principles behind some of the mind control research in the past it becomes much more obvious what the problem is. Basically, the act of tuning into music/watching movies puts your brain into an Alpha brain wave state. This state is most commonly associated with hyponsis, relaxation, etc... Once you've hit this stage you can present any message you want and it will have a greater impact than if you simply tell someone to do something. Combine this with a drug stimulant of some form (MK ULTRA experiments occurred most commonly with barbituates and psychoactive drugs), the impact of microwave radiation, sleep deprivation, concentrated media, and you basically have a form of mass mind control possibly occurring??? I thought all of this stuff was just wild conspiracy stories but it's obvious what was learnt from the experiments are still very much in play now. I recently watched some Iranian videos online which made clear use of subliminal messaging and mind control techniques. They were clearly based on oldish concepts though. In the MK ULTRA experiments certain images and microwave signals were used to access/activate certain parts of the brain. In the videos that I saw it was clear that they were trying to use colours to activate particular parts of the brain and induce anti-US sentiment (as stated in my previous post you should be looking for extra/scrambled frames, sounds, etc... in sound/music). The obvious counter-measures against this type of subliminal messaging is by shielding against certain types colours so that they impact is impaired, using sound filters to block any potential sound that they could be using to attempt to induce hypnosis, etc...
redshift -l 0:0 -g 2:2:9 -t 7000K:7000K -v
CIA - World's biggest terrorist organization
- if you modify core/compression algorithms themselves (particularly in media creation software) you can achieve the same effect of mass re-programming as envisaged by some of the original MK ULTRA/Phoenix programs
- when you realise that the structures that existed in the MK ULTRA experiments still exist in society it feels slightly disturbing. ~20% of population easily hypnotised? Members of the US government/intelligence community actually advocated this in the past (on the record). Molding from a young age. Drugs to psychotronics. Many sub-projects and organisations involved in these projects. Project Pandora experiment on US embassy? Both Soviets/US engaged in this technology. Some of the testimonials seem over the top, unbelievable and without third party verification just looks crazy. Why was material regarding these programs destroyed and why is some material covered up? They were experimenting with using images/videos as a means of subliminal control/messaging. Clearly, images is more easily targetable than EM radiation as anyone who knows about brain imaging/scans knows
CIA, FBI, NSA Secret Covert Psychological Experiments - MK Ultra, New Phoenix, ELF Waves
- the PSYOPS capabilties of other country's are much less sophisticated than that of the US. The obvious key difference is that people tend to be forced to tow the party line in China while those who operate in the US are more likely to have a strong opinion of something already and they may end up doing the same thing any how whether there is government pressure or not. It's more a question of recruitment?
- association (and conditioning via repeating media) is one of the most common techniques. Think of the word associations that are used. Most of the time when I think about a dog it's a just a dog. In the media it would likely be associated with another word like a 'evil dog' or 'good dog' just like 'Axis of Evil' is associated with North Korea, Iran, Iraq, etc... The only real way to deal with this is to build a word proxy/filter which changes words to less biased ones
- in another post, I looked at the possibility of reading thoughts (long range remote brain scans) in the context of taking counter measures in preparing a defense against an incoming attack (particularly in the context of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency campaigns). Clearly, they went much, much further in the past. The Nazis, US, USSR, etc... have all experimented with using microwave radiation as a means of taking control of someone (or at least their state of mind). With the advent of AESA RADAR (military) and beam forming technology (used in military as well as civilian realm with applications of beam forming technology being used to overcome signal strength difficulties in 802.11 based wireless networks) one wonders what stage/level we are currently at? I previously thought that this was really fringe science, the realm of conpiracy theorists (it's clear that some of the people who have provided testimony with regards to this have 'issues' but it's also clear that others are quite lucid and intelligent), but it's obvious that some countries have taken it very seriously... Most common  counter-measure is sheilding (lookup SCIF facility construction)
Government History of Mind Control Projects - Behaviour Modification & Unethical Experiments
US Psychotronics Association Conference 2015
- operations still active? Governments aware of problems that these programs can cause but the industry is too big? Actual frequencies can produce different physiological impacts, problems, etc... Cell, tissue, inducing of birth defects, tumors, etc... based on results of experiments. ~500K people experimented upon in US, Australia, Canada? Microwaves with drugs, microwaves with hypnosis. Can instill psychosis, schizophrenia, blindness, heart dysnfunction, tumors, etc... I thought that some of this technology was banned somewhat recently though?
Former MI5 Microwave Warfare Specialist Barrie Trower (PSYCHOTRONICS)
ALEX JONES 9252013 ELF Technology and Mind Control with Dr John Hall
- it's obvious that we've basically hit the point of diminishing returns with regards to intelligence and defense. Fundamentally, the cost of our defending a single life has gone up and we need to expend an enormous amount of technology/expenses to keep people safe. Hence, the over-arching nature of our data collection. It's for this reason I'm wondering whether or not we're going about this in the wrong way. Wouldn't it be easier to simply prevent the attempt from coming in? Now that I understand how media can have a profound impact upon child behaviour and have seen it have adverse impacts upon them I wonder whether or not greater curbs upon media is actually the answer? I'm not saying that we should end 'Free Speech'. I'm just saying that we should have a more 'considered approach' to what we allow, what we teach our children, the options provided to them in life, etc... Do we simply allow for it to maintain social stability?
- for me, he obvious thing is whether or not if you expose people to any sort of bad behaviour whether it drags them towards it though. For instance, if they didn't know of any crime whatsoever would they still do it (people would revert to animal behaviour surely in the abscence of rules and regulations)? Or do people fundamentally need to be able to distinguish between right and wrong to be able to make a decision? That said even in societies where we consider them to be somewhat primitive they still take care of one another and have some form of 'socialism'... It seems obvious that no matter what if some people get access to certain information, they'll just use it to exploit others or to 'work the system'
Growing Up in Pornland: Girls Have Had It with Porn Conditioned Boys
- despite whatever made be said on the outside it's clear that there are formal policies which basically dictate that the certain countries will hold certain perspectives on others no matter what the circumstances are. I always thought that things were decided on a more piece meal/policy by policy basis? The fact that this is all hidden just provides more ammunition for whistleblowers and conspiracy theorists? Honestly, I think if we were more open with stuff people would be more accepting of some of the silly stuff that seems to be occurring behind the scenes?
- one of the things that becoming obvious is how the whole PSYOPS system is interconnected in some countries. Think about Russia, United States, Iran, North Korea, etc... Right from when they are young they are indoctrinated into a particular ethos using all manner of different mechanisms. By the time they hit security services they effectively no longer have a choice because of national security policy. Whether they like the country's policy or not they have to tow the line...
- something else is also very obvious is how everything is linked. Even if the US doesn't want to engage in such as massive PSYOPS operation they have no choice. They don't want a repeat of Pearl Harbour, they don't have defense agreements with various countries globally, etc... Some of the policies regarding defense make much more sense now. There are US troops stationed in Northern Australia not just for a deterence/surprise difficulties/police parts of the world but also if there is a direct attack on the homeland of the US. Just like British naval vessels purportedly have instructions to report to allied/Commonwealth countries in case Britain is attacked/wiped out/cut off from them the same arrangement is here
- given links between PSYOPS and Hollywood feels obvious that 'inception' may have actually exist. Think about housing renovation and associated bubble locally. Think about the recent local explosion in healthy eating and cooking shoes on local television recently and the subsequent reduction in local McDonalds sales. Does one drive the other or is it the other way around? Is it mutually exclusive? Inception/predictive programming is similar to reverse engineering PTSD by associating high levels of emotion with certain memories and events (if you've ever worked in sales or marketing you'll know about so called 'impact words'. This is basically the same principle). One of the other obvious things is that if they can't make make a documentary to make things 'cool' they'll try to glamorise things via fiction...
cia music
cia link music industry
How the CIA and Military Control the Music Industry
- there are clear concerns among the 'global elite' about population control. For me, something I'm curious about is whether or not they've been using subtle mind control techniques as a mechanism in an attempt to achieve social control. Addiction fundamentally changes people and by using addiction to stop people from developing the social skills required to develop relationships and to reduce productivity you provide plausible deniality to allow you to keep a cap on population growth. In addiction, brain function is actually changed. Attention span diminished/altered, abliity to change. Anywhere between 15-25% of populations dealing with this problem. Mostly focused in Asian region though. ~2 years before normal brain behaviour returns. University age group most impacted. Men drawn to pornography and video games, women drawn to social networks and casual games. Social impact in divorces, loss of productivity, etc... The irony is that it sometimes feels that they same counter-measures can be used to counter addiction. If they're basically using hypnosis and the findings of the MK ULTRA experiments to take control of people through addiction is it possible to deploy counter-measures to allow people to still enjoy things in a healthy fashion?
Web of addiction
What you need to know about internet addiction _ Dr. Kimberly Young _ TEDxBuffalo
Internet Addiction And Me - A documentary by Eoin Corbett
Crime & Punishment in the Gaza Strip
Dr. Phil  - Video Game Addiction
- parts of the US economy make no sense but when you have enough background knowledge they make much more sense. They basically use high ticket items as a means of partly controlling their currency, they use globlisation partly as a and improper distribution of wealth partly as a means of controlling inflation in spite of a massive QE program, they use PSYOPS to ensure that they procure the best talent and investment, they have covert financial operations to defend and take advantage of market circumstances, they also use PSYOPS to help ensure that their people are optimistic which means that they'll continue to take risk, invest, start businesses, ensure they can recruit enough defense personnel, etc...
- once upon a time I heard rumours that Tom Clancy novels were a view into the future of military warfare and that they were used as recruitment tools. I thought that that might have been a bit over the top (in spite of open admissions of 'official contact'). It's interesting how the entire US economy links together sometimes. The books are obviously part of a much wider PSYOPS program that sort of pays for itself (books, movies, games, etc...). It also becomes much more obvious who the other players and TV series, movies may be involved in the US Hollywood PSYOPS operation are. Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Ben Affleck, etc... feel like obvious candidates for the actors. TV series include Homeland, Covert Affairs, Alias, etc... Movies include Top Gun, Argo, etc...
- honestly, I think the whole aftermath of the whole enhanced interrogation/drone program is more about showing to the world that the US is willing to push certain boundaries in order to keep their people safe
- watch for keywords used by media and key figures (such as politicians). As soon as you hear words such as propaganda, narrative, etc... it's almost an automatic indicator of PSYOPS in play. At times, I'm not quite certain whether they're doing this because their doing it begrudingly, because they just like the idea that they're engaging in PSYOPS, etc...
- one of the obvious ways is to catch PSYOPS off guard completely are odd responses and unpredictability
- the way we write makes use of primacy and closure in the human memory. The problem is that the end reader isn't allowed to build an opinion based on the facts in front of them. They are guided towards one. Everything seems to loop back in on itself at times
- you need to put some international awards into context sometimes and the role they play in PSYOPS. Dig deeper. The Nobel Peace Prize has nominated some fairly strange people including Hitler and Stalin. Moreover, Nelson Mandela, Black Panthers, and Noam Chomsky have shown up on US security service watch and terrorist lists
- they don't want us to know how murky things are. Fundamentally, the thing is the US/Western alliance seems like a 'less worse' option than most other options on offer? How much of this is credible? Control of information, dis-information. Doesn't make sense until you understand just how complex/sophiscated the overall system is (if this is true). They have a hand in creating threats as well as destroying them
Antony Sutton-1976 Lecture (Full Length)
- if you're wondering why there is a focus on the US/West here it's basically because my Chinese/Russian isn't too great

It's obvious I've had an interest in financial/algorithmic trading for a while now. What's clear is that a lot of economies are struggling with with economic growth. What I'm curious about is whether or not it's been playing a larger role than is being acknolwedged in order to maintain confidence in markets/economies. In many economies algorithmic trading now accounts for more about half of all trading volume. Moreover, if you look deep enough it seems as though there are loopholes which actually aide the price stability and growth:
- if this is the case, defending is more than possible. If you know exact information about the trade you just take the opposite side of the trade much like hedging against risk. While it may not entirely wipe out what's happening on the other side it at least you can counteract it. This is possible mechnically or by planting backdoors ino trading systems. It wouldn't surprise me if we already have this capability as it's already been aluded to by some consultants for US intelligence. The Russians/Chinese have backdoors into the US/Western allies market trading systems and vice-versa? As stated it seems as though countries use some specialist banks/financial institutions as fronts to maintain prosperity for their local economies or else engage in activity that they otherwise would not want to be caught publicly doing in financial markets?
- if you look at some figures it's clear that the world of pricing and risk makes no sense whether you're talking about China, Russia, US, or anywhere else. It often comes down to the fact that different countries use different metrics. Moreover, they keep figures optimismic in order to try and keep things positive and on an upward trend no matter how bad things may seem on the ground. Effectively, the same culture of optimism that has been seen to be so key in US entrepreneurship is now being replicated in China (based on my experience and what I've heard you it somtimes feels as though you can literally get funding for almost anything the US when compared to elsewhere). Obviously, it comes off as completely rediculous at times (because they've just basically come out said what the whole point was and their propaganda machine is far less sophisticated than that of a lot of Western countries) especially when taken out of context (one of the things that's recently been said is that it's wrong/betrayal to pop an asset bubble because what is an asset bubble which never pops, strong economic growth...
U.S. Government Financial Numbers Are Manipulated To Keep The Illusion Of A Recovery - Episode 786a
- ban certain actions outright through rules/regulations. A typical example of this is banning 'short selling' (occurred both in Europe as well as the US during volatile times. China has resorted to short circuit mechanisms, etc...) The obvious problem is that as has been discovered in the case with HFT/algorithmic trading if you don't have someone who understands 'the game' enough it can end up back firing badly or else you just end up in spillover effects. Namely, the effects will just happen outside of where you've tried to block it. It's a bit like any other game. If you try to create certain rules to stop certain behaviour, others will try to skirt it unless the rules are created wisely enough
- learn enough about algorithmic trading and it's pretty damn obvious that they do distort markets. Algorithms don't panic. They only deal with what they see in front of them. Used correctly I think that they can be used to smooth things out. Moreover, think about how our financial/economic theories work. Based on previous certain input we expect certain output and react accordingly. However, if there are enough people who use the new theories then shouldn't some of the previous theories be debunked? My suspicion is that countries are engaging in algorithmic economic warfare and that proprietary/algorithmic traders represent the perfect front. Moreover, they are doing some odd things at the moment. If you've watched markets for long enough you know that there are some link between volatility, direction, trading volume, certain other fundamental data, etc... In the last few months there have been very odd movements in local and overseas markets indicating likely outside intervention. In the case of China what they're basically trying to do is game the system so that price re-corrections can still occur but crashes can't happen (the exact same case as some other countries but since they're not good enough at it yet they're basically telling people outright that popping asset bubbles out right is bad thing). The obvious problem is that they haven't been able to figure things out completely yet though (I guess it's an ongoing problem for most countries though otherwise we wouldn't be having relatively sluggish economic growth globally at the moment)
Quant Labs
Trader Riz
Bryan Downing
Popular Videos - High-frequency trading & Lecture
by #HighFrequencyTrading
Million Dollar Traders Full Series 1 of 3
Million Dollar Traders Full Series 2 of 3
Million Dollar Traders Full Series (Anton Kreil)/Million Dollar Traders Full Series 3 of 3
- given the large volume of Russian and Chinese finance (some of it allegedly illegal/laundered) that has been pumped into Western economies at the back of your mind one always wonders whether or not it's part of a deliberate plan to create 'asset bubbles' offshore like in a massive 'pump and dump scheme'. Think about many insider trading schemes that have occurred elsewhere. It requires multiple 'partners' to take part in such a scheme. If they play their hands right in creating such asset bubbles others countries can reap the benefits while the offshore asset bubbles are being created as well as while they are being popped. There's some evidence to suggest this may have been a possibility in Iceland with part of the original schemers in Icelandic ascendency into the financial world a potentially Russian scheme?
- I've been looking at some fundamentals at rivals (such as China and Russia) of the US as well as the US itself. Sometimes you hear about the Chinese or Russians saying that much of US/Western pre-eminence comes down to propaganda. It makes no sense until you look more closely. If you've been watching this blog it's obvious I've been looking at mortality rates, median age figures, foreign exchange reserves, economic diversification, education levels, porverty levels, patent application numbers, distribution of wealth, media freedom, etc... If you try to think like them, it suddenly all starts to make sense (though it still sounds crazy sometimes). If all of these figures are correct, investment in their countries should just be as strong as into the US/Western economies. They're thinking that if the world works based on pure fundamentals things are better off elsewhere so why aren't things more relatively equal? Hence, it comes down to PSYOPS/propaganda and a fundamental belief that we can never be genuine friends and will technically be 'frenemies'. Namely, friends on the surface who co-operate because they have to but fundamentally rivals...
Li says economy regains composure
- the way countries are using financial proxies/agents to defend their lifestyle becomes much more obvious if you look at some of the stuff that they are targeting. If the US (and others) targeted Europe for intelligence then they could have used their own proxies/agents to take more advantageous financial positions. Technically, as long as they can maintain their intelligence edge used in such a way they could have an enormous advantage in any negotiations, etc... Just like High Frequency Trading, if they have all the data ahead of everyone else (and they have adequate strategies to take advantage of them) they will always have a jump with regards to less risky, higher yielding investments. It's the same as having insider information at a state level if implemented correctly? Factor in if the IT/finance sector are effectively acting as proxies of the US government and you can see where this is headed...

Some random stuff:
- interesting to note the wording from some senior officials sometimes. It often gets you to what people are really thinking (as opposed to what they want you to think they are thinking). Literally almost anything and everything is now perceived as a security threat (that said, a lot of more players are out there and they're using a variety of elements to create difficulties for whomever may be involved). This partly explains the defense budget blowout in the US. What's interesting for me though is that what's basically being admitted is that isn't so much that the US is worried about a direct attack on them but an attack on their place in the world and what the world will look like if they aren't at the top of the world pecking order. Same goes for their allies... Either way though, if the US and China go to war is somewhat self-defeating. They need one another now. That said, I've heard that the exact same was said prior to the commencement of WWI? (integration of various interests meant that war was unthinkable)
- a while back I said that we should be thinking about using propeller based aircraft a while back in counter-terrorism/insurgency operations. Will be interesting to see how this goes. With regards to defense force spending if we have more solutions to our problems then we can choose the most cost effective/custom solution for our problem each time. This means we're only using our high end equipment for high end conflict, low end equipment for low end conflict and so on... It doesn't mean that we neglect advanced research and development but that we should keep in mind we don't always need to go into overkill mode all the time. This is particularly the case with autonomous devices/drones where no lives are in danger
- the more you read into the history and nature of society nowadays the more you realise how we've ended up as cogs in a much larger apparatus. However, one thing is clear there is a so called 'political elite' but their abilities aren't much more different then the average guy off of the street who happens to be exceedingly lucky. By the time you reach the top, you have no choice but to make 'comprimises' in your decision making even if it does make you look rediculous and ironically the checks and balances that exist in a lot of democracies can create as many problems as benefits. I think the only real way you can step back from this is to basically de-centralise things more. I think of it this way. De-centralising government (whether through privatisation or through managerial change) basically allows for greater experimentation. To choose a more custom, better, solution that is better for the circumstances at hand than a generalised solution that may not be suitable? Hierarchy heavy systems only work well when the people at the top know best all or most of the time. This balance is ironically very difficult to achieve but is somewhat present in nature. Each organism has 'their time' as part of an ecosystem which means that they have an opportunity to reap the benefits of life (but also suffer a bit as they enter old age). Evolution, life and death, means that different perspectives are given a chance to prosper or wither without having to worry about ideology or dogma (natural disaster provides the ultimate form of renewal if the system is entrenched and corrupted beyond possibility). The system is full proof in that the laws of science bound it but provides endless possibilities by it's free nature
- once upon a time I thought that the idea of promoting good, young talent as politicians was a good idea. Now, I look at them and feel that they're far too big of a risk to be generally worth it. So many politicians just seem to lack understanding, breadth and depth of experience in areas where they are supposed to be governing. Moreover, the world that we exist in is so heavy in such dogma, ideology, and we aren't really given the opportunity to be able to genuninely pursue alternative strategies and life experiences that I wonder whether or not there should be greater limitations on those who can enter parliament and those who can enter the upper echelons of politics and public service. For instance, at a minimum I feel that they should have spent some time in private enterprise as well as government and worked blue collar as well as white collar jobs. They need a grounding in what it's like to be at various stratas in society to be able to be able to figure out what's important for people and make the comprimises that will help those throughout society not just those that they may know about or care about
- conspiracy theorists often talk about a cabal/establishment running some governments at times. To the layman this sounds rediculous. Sometimes, it actually makes sense though and the operations that various intelligence agencies run against other nations makes much more sense. If their are key players than subverting these key players means that you can effectively change the nature of nation relationships for the price of a single agent
- looking at everything you wonder whether our social systems are somewhat self corrupting at times? Nature doesn't allow you to accumulate power or wealth. It only allows you to play your part within a strictly defined boundaries. Communism/Socialism effectively shifts the balance of power towards the collective/state while the capitalism shifts it towards the individual. What's clear is that the checks and balances in both systems are effectively failing as people aren't operating within the spirit of what it's supposed to be. Once upon a time (a long time ago), I came up with the idea of using a jury like parliament to form the basis of governmental decision making (still a bicarmel system with potential for professional politicians in one house (limits on who can enter) and a jury like second house which stops government from overstepping bounds. A head of state would be elected in the same election but would operate in a more independent fashion). It would limit the ability to self corrupt by limiting terms and by not allowing for 'parties'. Basically, people would vote on everything before them and trying to make the best decision for everyone. It also wouldn't allow for direct funding. Money would be pooled and only allow transparent voting to decide who would be allowed to run for public service would result in allocation of money based pre-defined criteria or else an equal split of money. The irony is true freedom provides true progress, peace, respect, etc... Ideology and dogma does not...
- more and more I look at the role of government, the nature of globalisation and wonder whether or not they really are just pawns in a larger overall system? In effect, they've effectively become financial consultants/advisors who allocate resources to areas of investment
- most parliamentary systems breed rivalry. Wonder what would happen if we basically gamed the system so that it was based on acceptance of policy? Basically, if they could pass policy and it could be proven that it was for the benefit of society they would be paid on that basis (the people would effectively determine the wages of politicians with their base wage being the median/mean wage of the average citizen with the rest being determined by vote). The vote on the performance of a government would be done at each election while new candidates are voted in?
- buying better quality gear and a slightly slower screw driving speed almost guarantees stopping your screw driving bits from being stripped
- if you don't know much about how RADAR works (particularly in the context of stealth aircraft) then the following will help
- it'll be interesting whether or not Russia and China will do any better then the US at dealing with their own spheres of influence in future (if the world is to become more multi-polar) then the US on their own. If you do enough background on the USSR it seemed as though both Russia and the US were equally as good/bad at runnings things at times
- if you need to download Windows the ISO file is available online. The good thing is with more modern systems the key is actually included in the BIOS which means that you it's much more difficult to lose track of things/lose the key

Some recent quotes in media:
- Enormous wealth and influence wielded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is distorting the direction of international development in a global vacuum of accountability, a new report claims.

With assets totaling $43.5 billion, the BMGF is the world’s biggest charitable group. It is viewed by some as the most powerful actor on issues of international health, environment and agriculture, and distributes more aid for global health than any democratically elected government.

Critics warn this concentration of political and monetary clout is skewering the direction of international development in an undemocratic and unaccountable fashion. A report, conducted by UK campaign Global Justice Now, warns this trend could bolster corporate power and exacerbate global inequality.

The study, titled Gated Development – Is the Gates Foundation always a force for good?, was published on Wednesday. It argues the power and influence of the BMGF has a silencing effect on NGOs and agencies that are critical of its operations, but are also dependent on the foundation's funding.
- (CNN) Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders may have little in common on policy, but they have one message that has fired up both their respective bases: The system is rigged and I'm the only one who's not in the pockets of big-money donors.
- However, the United States must also recognize that its own policies have played a role in enabling the North Koreans to conduct four nuclear tests over the last decade. Specifically, there are three examples of U.S. policies that have undermined our credibility on the issue of nuclear proliferation.

First, the United States has yet to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT), which bans all nuclear explosions in all environments by any nation, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly twenty years ago. In fact, the U.S. Senate in 1999 actually refused to provide advice and consent to the CTBT. Because of the failure of the United States and several of it close associates—including Israel, India, Egypt and Pakistan, as well as North Korea and China—to ratify the treaty, it still has not entered into force. Seven years ago, one month after taking office, President Obama, stated that he intended to pursue Senate ratification “immediately and aggressively.” But to date, he has not done so.

Second, the United States itself has undermined the global non-proliferation regime by withdrawing unilaterally from a major arms control agreement with the Russians, the Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty. The George W. Bush administration withdrew from the treaty, which had been in force for three decades, so that it could deploy ballistic missiles in Eastern Europe, ostensibly to combat Iranian nuclear weapons. Given such actions, how can the United States criticize North Korea for withdrawing from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) so that it could continue to develop nuclear weapons?

Third, the Obama administration has embarked on a massive program to modernize all three legs of its own nuclear triad—bombers, land based missiles and sea based missiles. This program, which will cost at least $350 billion over the next decade and more than a trillion dollars over the next 30 years, will enable the Obama administration to maintain about 2,000 strategic warheads and several hundred tactical nuclear weapons indefinitely. Yet President Obama has not only called for the eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons, but an immediate reduction to 1,000.
- Washington has long assumed that the Gulf states have nowhere else to go for their national security. For decades, that was a valid assumption. But with a resurgent Russia reaching out to states all over the Middle East, and China expanding its influence in the region as well, that assumption no longer may hold true. If it does not, other allies elsewhere in the world will also begin to question just how reliable an ally the United States really is.
- Britain sold Saudi Arabia just over £1 billion worth of bombs between July and September in 2015, more than a hundredfold increase on the previous three-month period, when £9 million worth of bombs were sold.
- Despite the political alignment however, Russian companies mostly avoided Iran because of the risks of sanctions and subsequently the economic relationship never flourished. In 2014, the trade between the two countries amounted to just 0.2 percent of the total value of Russia’s foreign trade.

There is a feeling in Russia that “we’ve been your friends for all this time and now you should give something to your friends,” according to Andrei Baklitsky, an expert on Iran at the Moscow-based PIR Center think tank.
- Russians are known for their love of alcohol — and the problems that can come from having too much of it, including early deaths caused by alcohol poisoning, cirrhosis, accidents and suicide. Data from the World Health Organization in 2012 found that Russia had the highest global rate of mortality attributable to alcohol consumption at 30.5 percent, with men having a life expectancy of only 65 years.

Statistics released Monday showed that alcohol consumption in Russia has declined in recent years. In 2009, the average citizen consumed 9.1 liters of pure alcohol a year while in 2014 the average was 8.3 liters. Despite the decline, Russia’s consumer watchdog reported that almost 500,000 people a year die due to alcohol abuse and that 33 percent of young men and 20 percent of young women have an alcoholic drink almost every day.

Russia’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine has also affected alcohol consumption. Vodka imports fell almost four times in 2015, with popular brands from Ukraine contributing to the steep decline. Kiev banned 70 additional Russian goods Wednesday as the neighboring countries continue to escalate a tit-for-tat economic trade war alongside the military conflict that started in April 2014 after Russia annexed Crimea.
- And it's also clear why. Of those who would prefer IS to stay in Mosul (39 per cent), only a third actually support them. The rest simply distrust the US, the Iraqi government or Kurdish militias too much. More people now regard US air strikes as the biggest threat to their family's security than see IS the same way, and a large majority are also worried about Shia militias. Put simply, the people of Mosul feel trapped. Unable to trust the Iraq government, and terrified of both American air strikes and Shia militias, they are more or less back where they were 18 months ago when ISIS rolled into town: sizing ISIS up as the least worst option.
- For the thousands of undergraduate to PhD students, fellows and academic researchers facing a precarious employment market, self-censorship for fear of freezing one’s career is not unlikely. One publicised incident from November 2010 concerning the office of career services at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA), which according to The New York Times “grooms future diplomats”, provides the perfect illustration. That year the office sent an email to students warning them against commenting on or posting WikiLeaks’ documents on social media because “engaging in these activities would call into question your ability to deal with confidential information, which is part of most positions with the federal government”. The warning came to the office through a SIPA alumnus working at the State Department.
- The notion of global irresponsibility works in the United States in two ways.

Option 1: “We will do whatever we think is right, for this is God’s will and we have been chosen to interpret it. All others must join us. If they do so, it is going to be good for them; if they don’t, so much the worse. We will do it alone.”

Option 2: “The world must become democratic. We are the perfect democracy. Therefore a democratic coalition must be led by the United States and act according to our plans and methods. ‘Allies’ may receive individual assignments, if need be. Any attempt to suggest a different way of building a coalition will be regarded as an act of hostility towards the United States and therefore towards democracy.”
- Last, but not least, Saudi Arabia. Ever wonder why the Arab Spring—which toppled governments in no less than four countries and sparked often violent rebellion in a dozen oithers—barely touched the Royal Kingdom? Because for years, the Saudi government has used oil revenue to pay off its citizens. And I mean pay off. Here are the goodies that oil bucks currently provide:

• Free health care

• Free schooling

• No income tax

• Public pensions (90% of Saudis work for the government)

• Subsidized water/electricity

This wasn’t a problem when oil prices were high, but now the party’s over. CIA analysts say petroleum accounts for 80% of the Saudi government’s budget, 45% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings. So when oil falls below $29 as it did on Monday, you don’t have to be a math whiz to understand that the big squeeze is on. The government this month jacked up the price of gasoline 50% (it’s still absurdly low), and there’s talk of phasing out other freebies that simply can’t be covered with crude this low. With Saudi Arabia’s population at maximum combustible age—nearly half its 27 million citizens are age 24 or younger—this is a potential powder keg.
- Keep in mind folks, that when General Abramson sold the F-16 to Congress, it was for 1,300 jets plus 300 models for NATO clients facing a nightmare Warsaw Pact threat.

Yet we are talking 3,000+ JSF-35s for a post Cold War world in which the technology is supposedly an order of magnitude better than the F-16 and the average threat state doesn't have a quarter the capacity of Poland during the height of the 1980s final frenzy of preparation for a hot war with the Soviets.

It should be clear from all this: There is no combat doctrinal warfighter plan in place to justify the levels of capacity being built to. It is a massivey overpowered capability which would only be necessary if the U.S. intended to conquer the planet 'from all sides'. Since our politicians cannot be trusted not to go first-card to the military solution and our warriors have no sense of balance in constraining their multiple capability overlaps and excesses, it is up to us, the taxpayers, to fire and hire new custodians of the national purse and defense.
- Development of the Block 3F version of the Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) cannot be completed on the current schedule—by July 31, 2017—without shortcuts that risk failure in the initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) program, according to Michael Gilmore, the Pentagon’s director of OT&E (DOT&E). Block 3F is the culmination of the system development and demonstration (SDD) phase and conforms to the requirements set at the start of the program.

A Dec. 11 memorandum from Gilmore to Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, and Gen. Paul Selva, vice chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, also warns that the program is risking trouble by attempting to define Block 4, the first post-service-entry upgrade, early this year, when Block 3F and its predecessor, Block 3i, are still “problematic” and performing poorly in testing.

Also, the program office has yet to order essential equipment for specialized software laboratories that are needed to support operational testing and initial operational capability (IOC), with the result that there will not be enough capacity when it is required.

The JSF Program Office (JPO) acknowledges it has pulled tests out of the program and that each of the software blocks—including Block 3F-—will enter service with deficiencies. In the case of Block 3F, these will have to be remedied as part of Block 4, JPO says, and it will be up to customers to decide whether all the deficiencies need to be fixed and when.
DOT&E Gilmore’s Verdict on F-35 Software Demonstrations

Block 2F for Marine Corps F-35B IOC in 2015 delivered with “hundreds of deficiencies”

Block 3i for Air Force F-35A IOC in 2016 “problematic” and performing poorly in development testing

Block 3F to complete F-35 system development in 2017 “demonstrating poor performance”

Block 4, first post-service-entry upgrade, too aggressive and under-resourced

Gilmore’s memo, a copy of which was obtained by Aviation Week, lists multiple problems that threaten the program’s ability to deliver a reliable and mature product on schedule. Gilmore traces many of the issues to “schedule-driven decisions” made during the 2010-12 rebaselining of the program, under the leadership of current program director Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan and his predecessor, Rear Adm. David Venlet.

Brought in after the previous program director, Marine Maj. Gen. David Heinz, had been fired, Venlet, Bogdan and a renewed leadership team defined a phased program to permit a limited, early IOC for the U.S. Marine Corps and Air Force, while meeting the program’s full requirements later. This involved two interim IOC standards: Block 2B for the Marines and the Air Force’s Block 3i.
- From NPR News, this is All Things Considered. I'm Michele Norris. This week some people in Maryland are receiving a strange letter in the mail. It turns out that in 2005 and 2006, the state police spied on anti-death penalty and anti-war activists. And now, the police are notifying 53 people that were marked as suspected terrorists in a state database. As NPR Libby Lewis reports, it turns out the spying efforts were even broader than the police had previously acknowledged.
- Clinton is not liked. She is seen as cold and controlling – and that's by people who like her. Those who don't have far, far harsher criticisms. But there is no escaping that she is no orator like Obama. She is no populist like Trump. What must really hurt her, though, is that she is seen as less likeable than the grumpy 74-year-old senator from Vermont.

Sanders leads all candidates when it comes to likeability. He is shown as beating Trump, Cruz and Rubio as well as Clinton. Unbelievable, one would have thought only a few weeks ago. And of course it might not last. Or the surge might continue and the revolution in American politics might just deliver a President like no other before him. America's first Jewish president. American's first socialist President and America's oldest president (he would be six years older than Reagan was when he assumed office).

Can it happen? The panicky tone of the Clinton campaign emails and other messages this week suggests they think so.
- "While Nulka has been used by smaller U.S. naval vessels for years, it had never been fired from a ship as large as an aircraft carrier before," BAE Systems said.

The Nulka is a rocket-propelled, disposable decoy. It hovers in midair and lures away incoming missiles from their intended targets by radiating a ship-like radar cross section. The decoy was jointly developed by Australia and the United States. Australia developed the hovering rocket while the U.S. developed the electronic payload.

More than 150 U.S., Australian and Canadian warships carry the system, but none as large as a carrier.
- President Erdogan expressed alarm yesterday at reports that up to 200 Russian personnel have begun work to strengthen the runway at an air base in Qamishli, in an area controlled by the Assad regime. It lies within a few kilometres of Turkey — a NATO member state which regards that area as being within its sphere of influence. The Turkish army has sent reinforcements to the border and soldiers have begun digging trenches.

Barely 50kms from Qamishli, US forces have established a presence on Syrian soil for the first time, according to local activists. They told of several dozen US military personnel setting up a base at a former agricultural airfield a few miles from the Iraqi and Turkish borders.
- The Su-35 and MiG-29M/M2 multirole fighters, Yak-130 combat trainer, Il-76MD-90A military transport, Ka-52 and Mi-28NE attack helicopters, Mi-35M transport/attack helicopter, and Mi-17 type military transport helicopters are seen as having great export potential for the region, the company said.

"Interest from foreign customers, including in the Middle East and North Africa, is growing," said Sergey Kornev, head of the Air Force Equipment Export Department, who leads the Rosoboronexport's delegation. "This stems from both launching new aircraft models to the international market and high operational effectiveness of modern Russian military aircraft, including its capabilities for delivering surgical strikes on ground targets.

"Demand is supported by an excellent cost-effectiveness ratio and Russia's reputation as a reliable and responsible partner in military-technical cooperation."

As part of its marketing strategy at the show, Rosoboronexport is holding a presentation called "Russian Military Aircraft Fighting against Terrorism," which analyzes the Russian aircraft's capabilities for use in counter-terrorist operations.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...