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Monday, May 14, 2018

Book Downloader Script, Random Stuff, and More

- had to do some research recently. Wrote a script to mass download stuff based on links via Google search engine. You can download it here:
- details are as follows:
# From time to time you just want to download a bunch of documentation
# on a particular topic. This script automates that process by scraping
# relevant links via Google and then downloading it.
# To use it just alter the "keyword" variable in the script and then 
# run it. Else, modify the relevant part to take first argument
# as part of keyword search to use things from command line. I like
# to keep it in a script to keep a track of what I've already 
# looked up and downloaded.
# Use it in combination with my whitepage_examine.sh script to compare
# and summarise documents quickly. This script obviously uses large
# amounts of code from my compare_social_media.sh and email_harvester.sh
# scripts. Very useful for training and/or study and much easier
# then looking up educational websites. You may be surprised at how
# much good free stuff is out there.
# I obviously considered using links obtained from alternate search
# engines but I found out from email_harvester.sh that the level of
# indexing by Google seems to be much better then the others. Hence,
# I've left the code out. If you want those results it's obviously
# not too difficult to port. Ironically, you'll discover that while
# search engines are good in some areas they're very weak in others.
# You're best bet is to use specialised search engines if you want
# to hone in on a particular area. Testing hasn't been easy because
# of the way replication, caching, networks, etc... works. You can't
# get consistent data even if the same requests have been made within
# seconds of one another.
# As this is the very first version of the program it may be VERY buggy. 
# Please test prior to deployment in a production environment.
- as an aside, above script can be easily modified for other purposes such as searches for music, pictures, videos, etc... 
music search engine
face search engine
security search engine
alternative to shodan

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- latest in science and technology
selenium extension chrome
- latest in finance and politics
- latest in defense and intelligence
- latest in animal news
- latest in music and entertainment
funny rss
followforfollow twitter all my followers follow back

Random Quotes:
- ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - A man was injured north of Anchorage after a moose that he had just kicked stomped his foot in return, state officials said.

KTVA-TV reported the man escaped major injuries in the encounter Thursday with the moose and her calf.

"It sounds like the moose were on a trail and in this case, it sounds like the guy was trying to go through them," State Department of Fish and Game spokesman Ken Marsh said. "That's never a good idea."

The two moose left the area after the man had his foot stomped, said Alaska Troopers spokeswoman Megan Peters.

"I am not a biologist, but as a lifelong Alaskan I would advise people not to go around kicking moose," Peters said.

Moose have vast leg strength, Marsh said.

"If you get into a kicking contest with a moose, guess who's going to win?" he said.
- According to The Times, they ‘found’ a British nuclear-powered Astute-class attack submarine.

This sparked a deadly, days-long dance.

“This is interesting, considering the Astute class are arguably fitted with the finest sonar suite ever to go to sea and are equivalents to the US Seawolf class in terms of their ‘stealthy underwater ninja-ness’,” Dr Clarke says. “The odds of one being found if it didn’t want to be, seem very remote or very unlikely ... yes they do make more noise than a diesel-electric submarine running on batteries, but its not a lot of noise and again it comes back to the sonar suite, they’d have known the Russians were there a long time before the Russians knew where they might be ...”

According to The Times, the Russian forces strove to keep the pressure up on the British sub day after day. Meanwhile, it sought to lose itself among the currents and temperature layers of the Mediterranean to get within firing range of Syria.

Dodging the Russian ships and aircraft was the easy part.

But the Project 638 Improved Kilo-class submarines, which Russian media calls “Black Holes”, was likely another matter. One, named Krasnodar, last year demonstrated their ability to run silent and evade Western trackers.

They also trailed Britain’s new aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth as it undertook its first sea trials. Later, another watched NATO naval drills off Scotland.

Last week, Russia’s submarines appear to have been involved in an attempt to interfere with preparations for the strikes on Syria.
- “The central concept of liberalism is that under the enforcement of universal rules of just conduct, protecting a recognizable private domain of individuals, a spontaneous order of human activities of much greater complexity will form itself than could ever be produced by deliberate arrangement, and that in consequence the coercive activities of government should be limited to the enforcement of such rules, whatever other services government may at the same time render by administering those particular resources which have been placed at its disposal for those purposes”
- Do not control the people with laws,
Nor violence nor espionage,
But conquer them with inaction.

The more morals and taboos there are,
The more cruelty afflicts people;
The more guns and knives there are,
The more factions divide people;
The more arts and skills there are,
The more change obsoletes people;
The more laws and taxes there are,
The more theft corrupts people.

Yet take no action, and the people nurture each other;
Make no laws, and the people deal fairly with each other;
Own no interest, and the people cooperate with each other;
Express no desire, and the people harmonize with each other.
-  Wil Allsopp, principal consultant with Verizon Business and a veteran penetration tester, says the abilities of a pen tester is best learnt by reading their CV. “My opinion is that certs for pen testing are pretty worthless all round for experienced testers; you should be able to look at someone's CV and within a short time interviewing them have a pretty good idea of where they are.”

Allsopp has taken the CHECK test, equivalent to senior CREST infrastructure certificate and run by CREST in Britain. His criticisms came despite having hired and been hired based on the certificate. His criticisms about the technical relevance of the exam are shared by others contacted by SC Magazine Australia.

“CREST … assumes that pen testing is a single discipline that can be baseline evaluated,” he says. “It isn't and you can't. To be a good pen tester takes time and experience because you need a very broad knowledge of operating systems, databases, languages and so on.” That broad experience doesn’t translate well in an exam, Allsopp says, arguing that a question asking ‘what stored procedure would you use to compromise an MS SQL 2005 server’ is unfair when examiners accept only one answer (xp_cmdshell) of dozens.
- Almost three quarters of school leavers who enrol at university get in using their ATAR, and its calculation is a frequently misunderstood science. The ATAR is not a mark out of 100 but a rank - a ranking of 80 means the student has performed better than 80 per cent of their year 7 cohort.
- Gordon: [looks back at Blake, offended by what he said] There's a point far out there, when the structures fail you. When the rules aren't weapons anymore, they're shackles, letting the bad guy get ahead... One day, you may face such a moment of crisis. And in that moment, [agitated] I hope you have a friend like I did! To plunge their hands into the filth, so that you can keep yours clean!!!
- Bane: Home, where I learned the truth about despair, as will you. There's a reason why this prison is the worst hell on earth... Hope. Every man who has rotted here over the centuries has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy... So simple... And like shipwrecked men turning to sea water from uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. I learned here that there can be no true despair without hope. So, as I terrorize Gotham, I will feed its people hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe they can survive so that you can watch them clambering over each other to stay in the sun. You can watch me torture an entire city and when you have truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Ra's al Ghul's destiny... We will destroy Gotham and then, when it is done and Gotham is...ashes... then you have my permission to die.
- Bane: You don't fear death. You welcome it. Your punishment must be more severe.
- "...No ordinary child. A child born in hell. Forged from suffering. Hardened by pain."
- Miranda Tate: You see, it's the slow knife, the knife that takes it's time, the knife that waits years without forgetting, then slips quietly between the bones, that's the knife, that cuts deepest.
- Ra's al Ghul: Oh, there are many forms of immortality.
- Innocence cannot flower underground. It has to be stamped out.
- Aslan was born into a Shia Muslim family.[19] He converted to evangelical Christianity at the age of 15,[20] and converted back to Islam the summer before attending Harvard.[21] In 2005 The Guardian called him "a Shia by persuasion".[22] In a 2013 interview with WNYC host Brian Lehrer, Aslan said: "I'm definitely a Muslim and Sufism is the tradition within Islam that I most closely adhere to."[23] He also proclaims himself a "genuinely committed disciple of Jesus of Nazareth."[19] In a 2013 article in the Washington Post, Aslan states: "It's not [that] I think Islam is correct and Christianity is incorrect. It's that all religions are nothing more than a language made up of symbols and metaphors to help an individual explain faith."[24] In 2014, in an interview with Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks, Aslan described Islam as:

    a man-made institution. It's a set of symbols and metaphors that provides a language for which to express what is inexpressible, and that is faith. It's symbols and metaphors that I prefer, but it's not more right or more wrong than any other symbols and metaphors. It's a language, that's all it is.[25]

Aslan states that he follows the Sufi movement.[26]

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...