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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Cryptocurrency Market Manipulation, Random Stuff, and More

- someone recently asked me whether it was possible to manipulate cryptocurrency prices (within the context of an Initial Coin Offerring (ICO)). I've looked at this type of stuff before in the context of normal financial markets so wanted to see the mechanics of it:
- there are pure manipulating bots out there. Just like normal financial markets you can trade all sorts of instruments? For instance, trade indexes/options. You can purcahse this as a service or attempt to do it on your own. Not as easy as it sounds and not that as cheap as you may think. Depending on your business it may actually even be more economical to do this legitimately?
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- summary of one operation is as follows:
“The suspicious user accounts identified by the Willy Report all followed a particular pattern:

• Each account was active for a single time period, and only one account was active at a time.
• Each account bought 10-20 bitcoins every 5-10 minutes.
• Each account only bought bitcoin with USD, and never sold any coins.
• Each account bought bitcoin up to a very specific total USD amount (e.g. 2,500,000 USD).
• After each account was “finished”, another account would shortly become active and continue buying.
• These accounts were seemingly able to trade even when MtGox was inaccessible to the world.
• All trades by these accounts had unusual data in the trade log files.”

So every time you hear of the ‘All Time High’ of $1,100+, remember the Willy report.

You can read the WizSec update in full here.
- from a pure technical standpoint the software code wouldn't be much different from some High Frequency Trading/Hedge Fund Bots. The problem is that blockchain isn't ideal for this due to latency and transaction speed problems. That said, it may be "good enough"?
- the mechanics of this is not much different from standard financial market manipulation. It's a "pump and dump" but at some point you need someone to take the buy side of the equation (in the real world, the closest legitimate thing (on a per share level. Else, you'd be talking about Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) or Quantitative Easing (QE)) is a share buy back combined with other traders who aren't aware of the level of the level price manipulation going on). The crypto world is odd in that it's basically unregulated though. However, if something major did happen I suspect that someone would try to do something. In the case of ICO operations a lot of countries have made moves to shut them down entirely and many others have made moves to shutdown retail investment (no private individual investors, only institutions as is the case in Australia. The main problem is that pretty much all ICO contracts have no creditor/investor protection. It's effectively a contract asking for money without any protection or assurance over what happens to that money). The obvious irony is that most of them failed across the board (some statistics I've seen say that ~90-99% fail). They failed to raise enough investment, are scams, don't have the right resources/personnel, fail start a business venture, fail to create a valid product or service, etc... The main problem seems to be that there isn't enough protection for potential investors. That said, a tiny number of operations have actually, really taken off
- there are various types of market manipulation techniques but they mostly hinge upon control of supply and demand. There are moves to try to curb crypto market manipulation but it's obvious that it's just like normal financial markets. Those on the offence tend to have the advantage because the defenders of fair market practices have to be able to cover every single eventuality
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- at it's simplest crypto market manipulation could simply be one person with multiple crypto wallets and some cash buying and selling crypto for known price points. Easy for a small market but not so easy for anything large though
- my suspicion is that it may take a lot of money to move crypto markets in spite of the market still being relatively small? The reason being is that you need to maintain market liquidity, vigilance over things, and market depth like a true market maker at all times? You'd have to run a small test to see how things go prior to doing something bigger?
- you need to increase the amount of downloads any potential application that you may have in the public domain. Like I said in my previous posts about social media bots the difference between bot and actual human traffic becomes obvious after a while if you analyse things
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- to create a "successful personal" you need to create a fake/real media presence online. Standard advertising, influencer type marketing, etc.. It doesn't really matter but it needs to look "not fishy". Most of the common ICO based scams can be found out via a basic and quick Internet search
- some aspects of crypto are easy to fudge (you can even fudge ERC20 compatible crypto infrastructure via publicly available code now on Github). Others aren't. For instance, most things need to be on a public blockchain at some point (and there is a lot research into what actually does into a blockchain now). This is where things can often break apart
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- fake news/speculation is another viable alternative but it's only a short term measure in most cases unless the there has already been a sufficient "network effect" already created
- do basic background into a lot of people in the crypto space and you'll realise that a lot of them aren't experts and are feeling their way around
- one thing you'll notice about the crypto world is that many things tend to be strongly correlated with one another. Namely, often move as one rather then moving independently. It may be worth trying to get your particular crypto currency involved with an index fund or another type of crypto based fund if possible 
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- crypto price manipulation. Ages ago (before Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies were worth anything in terms of real/fiat currency) they basically tried to give away Bitcoin/cryptocurrency (people that I know in the IT community literally tried giving it to me for free and then they started getting interested in mining it) as a means of building up interest in it? Once they had a 'network effect' then they started to use it as a mechanism for exchange, etc? 
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- understand niche/pressure points. Much like everything in life there are alternate methods of acheiving the same thing. Below is a list of things one particular individual/group believed in when it comes to increasing mobile application downloads:
App Name & Keywords
App Name Format
App Name Length
App Subtitle
App Description & Keywords
App Description – The First Few Sentences
App Description – The Expanded Description
App Description Length
App Promotional Text
App Icon
App Store Keywords – Getting Keyword Ideas
App Store Keywords – Selecting Your Keywords
App Store Keyword Optimization
In-App Purchases
App Screenshots
App Preview Video
App Store Ratings – The Impact
App Store Ratings – Getting Five-Star Ratings
App Store Ratings – Reply To Reviews
App Store Ratings – One-Star Reviews
App Localization Strategy
App Localization – Best Countries For Your App
App Localization – Top Countries By Revenue
App Indexing – Spotlight Search
App Indexing – Firebase Indexing
App Conversion Rates – The Impact
App Conversion Rates – Page View CR
App Conversion Rates – Download CR
App Size
App Pricing – Free with In-App Purchases
App Pricing – Free with Ads
App Pricing – Paid Apps
App Compatibility – iMessage
App Compatibility – Apple Watch
App Compatibility – Family Sharing
App Compatibility – Game Center
App Updates
iOS App Store vs. Google Play
Putting It All Together
Here’s What To Do Next
- make use of all the free and cheap advertising programs that you have available to you and understand engagement. The Internet is a broadcast medium but is much more effective and useful when it is used as a two way communication mechanism. This also helps to establish whether or not you're dealing with fake/bot traffic. Note, that once you understand this you'll understand why some companies experience exponential/viral as opposed to linear growth
- note that most major bot operations get shutdown eventually. It doesn't matter whether they are legal or not. If they somehow use the services of a company in an unintended/abusive way they the original company will try to take measures to stop it from re-occurring
- people often say that crime pays/doesn't pay. My guess is that both sides exist because one side can't really provide for everyone (while keeping them happy as well) and it's basically the same here. The cost of doing business legitimately versus non-legitimately may be somewhat similar. If you do attempt to try something like this my guess is that it will cost something starting from about four figures (that's only for infrastructure. Market liquidity costs could sky rocket depending on how big/small the market in question is as well). In reality, an economic operation is likely to be based overseas due to favourable currency conversion rates, will have an existing setup/operation (bot operations need economies of scale to be economical, efficient, work well, maintain secrecy, etc... You need many accounts, systems, ideally custom software and hardware, etc... to genuinely be able to make it work), and it will need to be someone you trust. Perhaps even via a website like Freelancer or Upwork where there is an escrow arrangement to ensure that both sides are happy. As mentioned above, at times you wonder whether it's more economical and less risky to do things legitimately?
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Random Quotes:
- -15 votes
Diji1 on 17/01/2019 - 22:38
And that is why Labor and Liberal's neoliberal economic policies have been so harmful to the economy: internal economic activity has been strangled by wages that have been dropping in real terms for over 30 years, shifting of the tax burden from business to the lowest socio economic individuals, privatisation of everything and free trade agreements that shifted labour to third world countries.

The largest form of welfare in the country is towards business.

Both of the major parties are so beholden to failed neoliberal economic theory that the Greens are the only ones making economic sense now let alone social.
- chumlee on 17/01/2019 - 22:11
Consumption is 60% of our economy. People need to buy things they don't need so we can all live unhappily ever after
- “We have a hater in the White House. The birther-in-chief. The Grand Wizard of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. One of the things that we’ve learned is that while Jim Crow may be dead he’s still got some nieces and nephews that are alive and well,” he stated. (RELATED: MLK’s Niece Encourages America To ‘Pray Without Ceasing’ — Especially For Donald Trump)

“So one of the things we need to do is learn from the lessons of Dr. King, and he dealt with such hate in the ‘50s and ‘60s. In 1963, I think it was the governor of Alabama who rose in his inauguration speech and said, ‘segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever,’” Jeffries continued. “That was Governor George Wallace. But, Dr. King showed us in that very same year that when haters rise up, you don’t run from the problem, you run toward the problem. So shortly after that, Dr. King announced that he was going to desegregate Birmingham.”

Jeffries has made similar comments about the president and his supporters in the past. In June, 2016, he claimed that “every racist in America voted for Donald Trump” during House proceedings.

Freshman Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has reportedly set her eyes on backing a primary challenger to Jeffries come 2020.
- To identify characteristics most predictive of net worth, Stanley Fallaw conducted two studies that included a group of individuals with a net worth ranging from $US100,000 ($139,680) to $US1 million and a group of high- and ultra-high-net-worth individuals.

She found that six behaviours, which she called “wealth factors”, are related to net worth potential, regardless of age or income:

Frugality, or a commitment to saving, spending less and sticking to a budget
Confidence in financial management, investing and household leadership
Responsibility, which involves accepting your role in financial outcomes and believing that luck plays little role
Planning, or setting goals for your financial future
Focus on seeing tasks through to their completion without being distracted
Social indifference, or not succumbing to social pressure to buy the latest thing
- "Men reject their prophets and slay them, but they love their martyrs and honor those they have slain." "So long as man remains free he strives for nothing so incessantly and so painfully as to find someone to worship."
- Howdy guys! First time here. I have started "bluing" wedges..really any iron that does not have any insert or plastic crap in them. Started with a Walmart Dunlop lob wedge (budget constraints) stainless steel.  Phys ed. teacher by trade but rustic furniture, knife maker and soon to be "club restorer" extrodinaire (sp ?). First gave the bounce a custom grind, taking some off the toe and some off the heel.  Sanded the groove section to 150 grit. sharpened the grooms with a modified tungsten rod, polished the entire club and then set out on creating the magical bluing effect!!  Took the head off and but used the shaft as the holder of my club head in a padded vice.  Placed 1 quart of new oil in a....FIRST MISTAKE, big plastic cup.  Yes, this is where I hear laughter throughout the internet!!  Have a portable torch hose that connects to a small camping size propane bottle that clips to my belt.  Had on thick leather gloves, goggles and actually practiced taking the club off the shaft and placing it where the oil would be.  Had the oil about a foot away from where I was torching.  Started the torching process, directing the majority of the heat in the center part, or thickest part of the wedge.  Did not care if the hosel got color. kept moving the torch over the back of the wedge.  Started to see color, straw at first and then darker brown and then purple/blue. It was so amazing and extremely hot and scarey! Went a little further and then quickly turned off the torch, set it down and using a pair of non marring pliers carefully lifted it straight up and over into the cup and released it and stepped back!!!  Started smoking just a litte, "ok, thats not bad" I thought.  Then it happened.... a small stream of oil started running out and then grew till I saw the sides of the cup buldge and reveal (along with the hot oil on my concrete) a plastic coated wedge.  Waited till it cooled and was kicking myself for not thinking that  a metal object heated to 550-570 degrees would possibly melt plastic.  Started picking at the plastic coating and low and behold, it peeled away to reveal this colored wedge!!!!! Dark browns with purple and blue hues running along the back!!  The face of the club had a nice straw color.  I was fine with that.  Wiped off the remaining oil and looked at it in the Alabama setting sun... just amazing. Gotta get to bus duty.  Will be doing my sand wedge very soon using a metal container this time.  Later guys.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...