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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Corbett Report Podcast Downloader Script, Useful Chrome Extensions, and More

Corbett Report Podcast Downloader Script:
- I needed a custom downloader script for the Corbett Report Podcast so built the following:
- description is as follows:
# There are often websites that don't interact well with download managers 
# so you sometimes have to build a custom script to deal with it. This is 
# a custom custom downloader script for MP3 podcasts for:

Useful Chrome Extensions:
- if you don't already know browser extensions can be used to do a lot of different things and the good thing is that unlike desktop applications you don't have go through what can sometimes be an arduous download and install process. These are some useful ones that I've come across that you may also find useful
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Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
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China unveils name of first Mars exploration mission
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Here’s why black families have struggled for decades to gain wealth
Call for South African ex-pats to return home
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Murphy's Law: The Unsinkable Iranian Aircraft Carrier
Coronavirus: The foster dad home-schooling 10 North Korean boys
Kaesong liaison office: What does North Korea want?
Portugal finally recognises consul who saved thousands from Holocaust
Crossing Divides: The bomb maker turned peacemaker
- latest in animal news
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Random Quotes:
- Steven Oliver says that the film is about rejecting the solo narrative of Australian history.
“We live in a society where we’re often expected to accept a narrative and that one narrative is the ultimate truth," he said. "Ultimately though, there is never one truth."
"If you take parts of several truths and add them together, usually the truth is in there somewhere. It’s making people agree on it that’s the hard part. Looky Looky Here Comes Cooky offers an alternative truth from an Indigenous perspective and asks us to open our eyes to possibilities or different realities of truth and ignites further discussion that Australia still needs to have,” Oliver said. 
- The virus sweeping the world has ended globe-trotting diplomacy but virtual gatherings have flourished, as leaders swap notes on the battle against a virus. The G20 meeting was convened via a video link by Saudi Arabia on April 7 and it turned into a piece of performance art, vividly illustrating the limits of technology and the glaring flaws in the current crop of premiers, presidents and prime ministers.
The technical glitch came when a still hale Boris Johnson began to speak and no one could hear him. Either his microphone was muted or some other gremlin had infected the narrowcast but, whatever the cause, London wasn’t calling. The chief complaint with some of the other presentations was you could hear what they were saying. “If this is the best the world has to offer then we are doomed,” one witness noted.
In the words of a former intelligence officer: “I don’t understand why Australian politicians think that we have to build a relationship of trust with China in order to do business with it. Russia and China understand each other perfectly because they don’t trust each other at all.”
- A double tap is a shooting technique where two shots are fired in rapid succession at the same target with the same sight picture (as opposed to the controlled pair, where a second sight picture is acquired for the second shot).[1][2][3] Instruction and practice of the double-tap improves overall accuracy as shooters often do not have the gun fully extended on the first shot meaning the second of a double-tap is usually the better.[4] The term hammer is sometimes used to describe a double tap in which the firearm's sights are not reacquired by the shooter between shots.[2][3]
The term has also been used more recently to refer to the practice of following up a strike, e.g., a missile, air strikes, artillery shelling or improvised explosive device attack with a second strike several minutes later, hitting response teams, helpers, and medics rushing to the site.[8][9][10]
Double-tap strikes have been used by Saudi Arabia in Yemen,[11] by the United States in Pakistan and Yemen,[12][13] and the Russian and Syrian governments in the Syrian Civil War.[14]
- The Kingdom of God (and its related form the Kingdom of Heaven in the Gospel of Matthew) is one of the key elements of the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament.[1][2] Drawing on Old Testament teachings, the Christian characterization of the relationship between God and humanity inherently involves the notion of the Kingship of God.[3][4] The Old Testament refers to "God the Judge of all" and the notion that all humans will eventually "be judged" is an essential element of Christian teachings.[5] Building on a number of New Testament passages, the Nicene Creed indicates that the task of judgment is assigned to Jesus.[5][6]
The New Testament is written against the backdrop of Second Temple Judaism. The view of the kingdom developed during that time included the restoration of Israel to a Davidic Kingdom and the intervention of God in history via the Danielic Son of Man. The coming of the kingdom of God involved God finally taking back the reins of history, which he had allowed to slacken as pagan Empires had ruled the nations. Most Jewish sources imagine a restoration of Israel and either a destruction of the nations or a gathering of the nations to obedience to the One True God. Jesus stands firmly in this tradition. His association of his own person and ministry with the "coming of the kingdom" indicates that he perceives that God's great intervention in history has arrived and that he is the agent of that intervention. His suffering and death, however, seem to cast doubt upon this (how could God's appointed king be killed?) but his resurrection affirms his claim with the ultimate proof of only God having resurrection power over death. The claim includes his exaltation to the right hand of God establishes him as "king." Jesus' predictions of his return make it clear that God's kingdom is not yet fully realized according to inaugurated eschatology but in the meantime the good news that forgiveness of sins is available through his name is to be proclaimed to the nations. Thus the mission of the Church begins and fills the time between the initial coming of the Kingdom, and its ultimate consummation with the Final Judgment.
Christian interpretations or usage of the term "kingdom of God" regularly make use of this historical framework and are often consistent with the Jewish hope of a Messiah, the person, and ministry of Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection, his return, and the rise of the Church in history. A question characteristic to the central theme of most interpretations is whether the "kingdom of God" has been instituted because of the appearance of Jesus Christ or whether it is yet to be instituted; whether this kingdom is present, future or is omnipresent simultaneously in both the present and future existence.
The term "kingdom of God" has been used to mean Christian lifestyle, a method of world evangelization, the rediscovery of charismatic gifts and many other things. Others relate it not to our present or future earthly situation but to the world to come. The interpretation of the phrase is often based on the theological leanings of the scholar-interpreter.[7] A number of theological interpretations of the term the Kingdom of God have thus appeared in its eschatological context, e.g., apocalyptic, realized or Inaugurated eschatologies, yet no consensus has emerged among scholars.[8][9]
- "The relevant actions of the US blatantly intervened in Hong Kong affairs, grossly interfered in China's internal affairs, and seriously violated international law and the basic norms of international relations," Mr Zhao said.
"China urges the US to have a clear understanding of the situation, correct mistakes, and immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong affairs and interfering in China's internal affairs."
Those named include senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, who have already been singled out by Beijing.
Others include senators Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton and Pat Toomey and Representative Chris Smith.
National Endowment for Democracy president Carl Gershman, National Democratic Institute president Derek Mitchell, International Republican Institute president Daniel Twining, Human Rights Watch executive director Kenneth Roth and Michael Abramowitz, president of Freedom House, were also on the sanctions list, according to Mr Zhao.
Beijing had already placed a travel ban on Mr Rubio, Mr Cruz and Mr Smith last month after Washington announced similar measures against Chinese officials linked to measures taken against Muslims in the north-western Chinese region of Xinjiang.
- Veteran American tech journalist Robert X. Cringely has described WeChat this way: "Imagine Facebook, LinkedIn, PayPal, Venmo, Skype, Uber, Gmail and eBay all in a single application. That’s WeChat. It’s even a third-party application platform, so while US banks operate on the Internet, Chinese banks operate on WeChat."
Somehow, there seems to be a pattern in the actions that the Americans take. The bid to block Huawei from gaining access to the most advanced semiconductors has its flaws; there have been no less than three warnings from extremely competent sources that the move will achieve exactly the opposite that it intends to.
With the May 2019 order, the US tried to damage Huawei's smartphone business, among others. But the WeChat order will achieve exactly the opposite and drive users of other Android devices into Huawei's arms.
Remember, this order comes from a man who claims to be a stable genius.
- What up with the frozen food in almost all programs of fixing up restaurants , and the cleaning?. Main problem in all kind of restaurants, they have lets say a crew of total 8 from which 2 or 3 are hard workers with passion, other 2 or 3 just for the paycheck with work acceptable but not with passion, other 2 or 3 just to get an easy paycheck and c what happens.
I guess probably 1 or 2 of ten restaurants in the world have 90% of hard workers with passion while the rest go to mediocrity (culture of the wanted "easy succes").

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...