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Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Guinea Pig Overview, Random Stuff, and More

- if you didn't already know I like studying animal and human behaviour. This post will outline some of the stuff I've learnt about guinea pigs
Deans Savvy Cavies
- there are special forums online but as with everything on the Internet. They are of limited use. For all you know, someone with the IQ of a dog could be on the other end, peddling fake information to redirect to a commercial operation, etc...
- picking them up is a problem for everyone. I've found that trying to pick them up like you would a basketball is almost impossible if you have an un-coperative guinea pig. The east method is to coral them into a corner and then scoop them up. For babies you can hold them in one hand, with adult guinea pigs you may need hold them with one hand around their bottom and one around their mid section. Move smoothly and quickly. Hold them close to your body to reduce the chances of them squirming and possibly falling. This method helps avoid having to use tunnels, towels, etc...
guinea pigs too fast to catch
- there are many conflicting reports on what to do with a rejected baby guinea pig. Using condensed milk, goat's milk, normal milk have been mentioned online. If you do some research you'll realise that guinea pigs are lactose intolerant which makes the only genuinely safe option non dairy milk replacements. These generally cost ~$10 for 400g
Smallest guinea pig pup baby needing emergency care at Cavy Central Guinea Pig rescue
guinea pig milk replacement
guinea pig milk alternative
- decoding their sounds and behaviours can be infuriating. There's obviously no formal education system for guinea pigs so you end up with dialects of the guinea pig language as well
13 Guinea Pig Sounds (Visual_Audio Clips)
5 Noises Guinea Pigs HATE + 5 Sounds They LOVE
Common Guinea Pig Sounds & Behaviours
Guinea Pig Crackling sound
Guinea Pig Sounds And What They Mean
Guinea pig sounds - purring and chutting _chubbling _ muttering
How To Tell Guinea Pig Sounds
Singing (Chirping) Guinea Pig (Rare Sound)
Use this sound if you love guinea pigs
guinea pig bubbling sound
guinea pig licking hand
Guinea pigs do a good bit of licking. ... A guinea pig might also lick their person's fingers/hand, which can be a sign of affection — after all, that's how guinea pigs show affection to one another. Or the guinea pig might just like the taste of a person's skin.
guinea pig runs around when i feed him
These behaviors together are referred to as popcorning. If your guinea pig is popcorning, he's probably feeling jovial. Perhaps he spots that nutritious and yummy treat in your hand and simply can't contain his enthusiasm. Popcorning is particularly common in youthful cavies.
my guinea pig doesn't want to run and play
do guinea pigs like to dig
guinea pig runs to me
How do you know if your guinea pig likes you?
Another sign that your guinea pigs love you is when they start wheeking once you arrive home or call them. Wheeking is a high pitch sound that a guinea pig makes whenever they feel excited or are anticipating something.
Your Guinea Pig Follows You Around
It's a sign of affection when they become so comfortable with you that they happily follow you around. Even if there's no treat waiting for them, at this stage in the relationship they'll stay with you simply because they like you and you make them feel safe.
What does It mean when a guinea pig chirps
It is possible that your guinea pig can chirp when they are happy. If they seem to be excited and full of energy while chirping, this is likely the reason. However, excited vocalizations usually sound more like whistling. They emit high pitched squeals when they are happy to play with you or receive food.
what does guinea pig play look like
They interact with each other often, and occasionally some of their playing can look slightly aggressive. This behavior can make it hard to tell if your guinea pigs are playing or fighting. Light chasing, humping and sniffing each other is considered playing.
indications stessed guinea pig
How do you know if your guinea pig is hurt?
How do guinea pigs show that they are in pain?
Grinding teeth.
Reluctance to move.
Shivers or quivers.
Sits hunched, with hair spiky.
Squealing or excessive noise.
Not eating or drinking.
Shallow, rapid breathing.
guinea pig teeth chattering
guinea pig frozen staring at space
guinea pig popcorning spasm
dealing with mating competition guinea pigs
Female guinea pigs provide only limited care to their pups. When adult females reach postpartum estrus, they pay little attention to their offspring. Although decreased body weight can occur due to maternal neglect, pups can usually survive on their own without extended maternal care. Females nurse their young for a period of 14 to 21 days until weaning. In addition, mothers stimulate their pups urinary and anal glands by licking their genital regions. Little information is available concerning paternal care. (Banks, 1989; Vanderlip, 2003)
- sexing is important because they seem to get pregnant easily. Worse still is that the weaning age seems to overlap with puberty which means that siblings can get each pregnant but still be feeding from mum. Most breeding societies have specific/general rules for breeding
pregnant guinea pig
Guinea Pig gives birth - Susie has an "ideal" pregnancy with 4 pups for Educational Purposes
how to know if a guinea pig is pregnant
Babies Babies Babies at Los Angeles Guinea Pig Rescue 15 total and Pippy check in!
Teenage Pregnancy Complications for Harper the Guinea Pig
guinea pig milk nutrition
Influence of weaning age on the growth performance and survival of weaned guinea pigs
sexing guinea pig
at what age are guinea pigs sexually active
how early can guinea pigs be weaned from mother
The pups should be weaned from the sow at 14 to 28 days when they should weigh from 150 to 200 grams. They can be hand reared easily if necessary as they eat solid food in the few days following birth. However, normally a young guinea pig will suckle milk from its mother for around three to four weeks.
how to tell if guinea pig is in heat
How do you tell when a female guinea pig is in heat?
You can probably tell when the sow is in season as, during this time, she will regularly curve her spine downwards to elevate her rear end. In addition, you may find that she regularly mounts other female guinea pigs that she is living with.
- they have unique colourings and markings like other animals. Like other animals this doesn't seem to influence behaviour much
guinea pig colouring guide
do all female guinea pigs have red eyes
- they're pure vegetarians. They mostly eat fresh grass, hay, vegetables, fruit, pellets, special food mixes, etc... and drink only pure water
My Guinea Pigs Food : Everything They Eat
How to Feed the Best and Healthiest Guinea Pig Diet!
guinea pig diet
- they're generally placid animals but they can get pretty aggressive to one another. You're better off separating rather then trying to force bonding/friendship sometimes as they'll look to fight in some cases no matter how much extra space you give them (just like humans)
Ridiculous guinea pig fight
Guinea Pig Fight
Failed Guinea Pig Introduction
can guinea pigs bond after a certain age
guinea pig misbehaving
do male female guinea pigs ever fight
What does it mean when your guinea pig jumps?
Guinea pigs get happy, too, and that's the main reason that they give quick, little jumps. ... Often the guinea pig changes direction and squeaks. They can look like a bucking bronco sometimes. Because of the suddenness of the jumping, it's been dubbed popcorning.28 Feb 2017
guinea pig baby abscess
- the most common health issues you face with them are ringworm/worms and mites. Both of which have easy and cheap treatments such as creams and shampoos
guinea pig with bare patch on head
ivermectin baby guinea pig
- people make out like guinea pig bonding/relationships can somehow be influenced by human intervention. In reality, I think they're more like humans then people are willing to admit. Some will want to be friends while other won't. Based on what I've seen a lot of human behaviour is replicated in animals. Beyond a particular point though it may be hard for solitary guinea pig to bond/establish friendships with other guinea pigs. That said, isolation may have also make them needy and he may jump at the opportunity at friendship with other guinea pigs. The only way to be certain where a guinea pig is psychologically at is to setup a meet and greet of some sort (there are videos of how bonding guinea pigs is done on YouTube if you're interested). Some guinea pig shelters and social groups actually provide for this option but obviously given the COVID situation a lot of them haven't been doing this of late. Buying randomly is obviously also possible but I doubt they'd allow a meet and greet to guesstimate whether they'd make for good friends.
Guinea Pig Bonding Rules!
Bonding Guinea Pigs: How to Introduce Them
- some people say that you should regularly weigh your guinea pigs. In reality, sometimes this isn't always possible or you just want a rough guide to how things are going. Size charrs are helpful in this case
guinea pig size guide
Guinea Pig Size Chart
For convenience, the following table summarizes these figures:
Age Size
Birth 8-10 cm (3-4 inches)
8 Weeks 15-20 cm (6-8 inches)
16 weeks 20-25 cm (8-10 inches)
14 months 20-30 cm (8-12 inches)
guinea pig sextuplet frequency
As a result of domestication, many different guinea pig breeds occurred, differing in appearance. The available literature lacks information on the subject of reproductive traits in long-haired guinea pigs. The study indicates that the number of pups born per litter, season of the year as well as mother's age at the time of delivery statistically significantly affect birthweight of pups (P < 0.001). Obtained results confirm that long-haired guinea pigs reproduce throughout the year. The average litter size was 2.7 ± 1.03 pups (the range of 1-6). Most frequently triplets were born, which constituted 44% of all live born litters, and the least frequently sextuplets, which in the studied samples were born only once. The average birthweight was 98.45 ± 22.42 g (ranging between 42 and 150 g). It was proved that the body weight of singletons and twins was similar and statistically did not differ significantly. However, body weight of triplets statistically differed significantly (P < 0.05) compared to singletons and twins, as well as pups from larger litters. Calculated correlation coefficient (R = −0.501; P < 0.001) indicates that the increased number of pups is accompanied by the decrease in the body weight of newborns. It was observed that the largest newborns in terms of birthweight (104.47 ± 23.83 g) were born by females at 18-24 months of age. The pups born by mothers of this age group statistically differ significantly (P < 0.05) from the offspring born by females from other groups. Mortality in pups was 27%, from which stillbirths constituted over 80%, and the rest of pups died during 28-day rearing.
Length of gestation in the guinea pig with data on the frequency and time of abortion and stillbirth
Guinea pig miscarriage signs
My little guinea pig just had a miscarriage yesterday and it came to me as a shock because I wasn't aware she was a "she" when I got her and her companion from a pet shop I took them to a local vet who has a specialty on exotic animals and the vet sexed them, the vet said it was 2 males just like I wanted it to be and it all went fine until a couple of days she started to feel wrong and suddenly I woke up to yesterday finding an unborn dead fetus.
I have no clue when she got pregnant by her companion so I wouldn't know how many weeks she was into the pregnancy but the fetus was somewhat well formed, it was hairless but you could already see the formation of nails and the whiskers, she's been acting real weird recently as she is no longer a really active/happy guinea pig and I'm really scared for her health, both of my guinea pigs are about 9 months old as the vet told me, and I want to know if she can be depressed or what should with her?
- taking care of guinea pigs isn't as simple as it sounds. The costs of keeping them in good health often are higher then the cost of purchasing a new guinea pig. One irony is that there seems to be a small group of vigilante animal activists who both make things easier and harder due to their hard headed and close minded nature towards animal care
guinea pig vet fees
- they've pretty died out in the wild. The only variety left that most people will come across is domesticated. That said they still carry a lot of their wild behaviour into the domestic environment. They like to hide a lot and generally only come out for people whom they know
where do guinea pigs live
Where did Guinea Pigs come from?
Guinea pigs live in the wild in South America, living in rocky areas, grasslands and forest edges. They live in groups of about 10 adults, and live in burrows, either dug by themselves or by other animals. They are most active at night, when they come out and forage on a wide variety of plant materials.
The guinea pig was first domesticated as long ago as 2000BC in the Andes in South America, in the region now known as Peru and Bolivia. They were originally kept for food, but some may have become family pets for the children at that time. Guinea pigs were not often bought; rather they were given as presents, especially as wedding gifts, or as gifts to special guests or children! They would be kept in the household kitchen, where they would be allowed to run around freely.
At this time the guinea pig also played the role of the evil spirit collector in traditional healing rituals. In Andean medicine the guinea pig was rubbed over the body of a sick patient, and when it started squeaking they believed it had identified the affected area! Black guinea pigs were considered especially holy, as in the wild black is the rarest colour, most wild guinea pigs are brown or grey, similar to the agouti colour we see today.
In the 1700s Dutch and English traders brought guinea pigs over from South America to Europe, where they became popular pets for the aristocracy. It is possible that on the journey over to Europe that they did stop at Guinea, leading people to believe that was where they came from. Queen Elizabeth 1 owned a pet guinea pig, which probably accounted for their popularity as pets from that time.
Guinea pigs are now extremely popular pets. They are very friendly and have no tendency to bite or scratch (if you do get nipped by mistake it is probably because they mistook your finger for a carrot!). They are also very hardy, and if cared for properly they have very few health problems.
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Random Quotes:
- "Our prosecution system is a joke for mafia groups. In the mafia, they price this in — they expect to face trials and even convictions. But the penalties threatened in Germany are laughably mild. They're not a deterrent. The mafia isn't bothered by them," Schraven said. "With a bit of luck, they might even be back out within three years. The concept of social rehabilitation really does reach its limits when dealing with career criminals."
The film's flaccidity also allows liberals to continue to giddily cheer the intel community's crackdown on nationalists, militias and Julian Assange, just as conservatives once cheered Hoover's targeting of King, civil rights and anti-war groups, and communists.
It also surreptitiously endorses the Black Lives Matter movement and allows woke advocates to deceive t$hemselves into thinking they're morally equivalent to Dr. King.
BLM is no Poor People's Campaign meant to threaten the establishment order. It's a contrived and manipulative movement meant to uphold the status quo, not disrupt it, which is why it's been swiftly embraced by Washington, the media and corporate America.
In conclusion, by being a documentary that talks an awful lot but never really has anything useful to say, MLK/FBI is a deceptive piece of establishment propaganda not worthy of your time.
- The heading for the course indicates that it will cover "understanding what it means to be white," and "challenging what it means to be racist." Students are told that "to be less white is to: be less oppressive; be less arrogant; be less certain; be less defensive; be less ignorant; be more humble; listen; believe; break with apathy;" and "break with white solidarity."
It stands to reason that white people inherently have all those undesirable traits, such as being oppressive, arrogant and defensive. The underlying point of the mandatory training is made all by itself on another slide: "Try to be less white."
One of the leading peddlers of the critical race doctrine, DiAngelo is perhaps best known for her book 'White Fragility', which impugns white people for becoming angry, defensive or hostile when "confronted with the idea that they are complicit in systemic racism." Former President Donald Trump last September banned federal agencies from subjecting their employees to training based on critical race theory after finding that it was "divisive, anti-American propaganda." President Joe Biden rescinded that ban last month, on his first day in office.
Coca-Cola previously produced an 'Allyship Guidebook' for employees amid last summer's wave of US race riots. Borysenko believes the latest racial wokeness effort by the company won't be helpful to employees of any skin color. "You are not creating a healthier work environment," she said. "You're doing nothing but creating more division and teaching… a large portion of your staff to hate themselves."
- "You can take a kidney that looks damaged, purpled and mottled and you put it on the machine and within minutes it looks like a perfect, healthy pink kidney."
The machine pumps blood and oxygen through the kidney at body temperature one hour before it's transplanted in the operating theatre.
Two patients have so far benefited from the technology.
"Both kidneys have worked straight away, which we're excited about," Dr Pleass said.
Westmead researchers spent three to four years investigating its use.
"We are still conducting a number of studies that allows us to understand some of the mechanisms as to why it's improving the function of the organ," Westmead Institute of Medical Research Dr Natasha Rogers told 9News.
More than 800 Australians each year receive a transplant due to kidney failure often caused by disease such as diabetes. It's hoped this new approach can improve patient outcomes.
"We hope it improves the long-term function of the kidney as well as possibly increase the number of kidney transplants," Dr Pleass said.
Sue Sutton, the chief executive at Salix Homes, said the Artifex development would bring 108 desperately needed affordable homes for people in Salford. The area is the 18th most-deprived local authority in England and its mayor, Paul Dennett, is keen to use housing to create a more equal society.
"We wanted to pay our own tribute to this much-respected Salford son whose fight against social injustice represents our own beliefs and values at Salix Homes and our ethos to deliver high-quality, affordable housing for everyone," she said.
The tower block's one- and two-bedroom apartments will be available under the government's rent-to-buy scheme, with rent set at 20% below the market value for the area. After five years of renting, residents will have the option to purchase the flat.
Dr Janette Martin, a modern history archivist (special collections) at John Rylands Library, part of the University of Manchester, said the naming of the Artifex building during the year the Guardian celebrates its bicentenary was a "fitting tribute to the memory of the champion of social justice, compassion and decent housing".
- 2.1 Development is primarily internal: Piaget
Shortly after the First World War a Swiss biologist and teacher named Jean Piaget (1896–1980) became interested in a new method for testing children's intelligence. Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests were originally developed by psychologists to identify children in France who were considered to be at risk of learning delays. The test involved presenting children with a series of questions and comparing each child's individual performance with group averages for the child's age. Piaget noticed that children of the same age often made the same sorts of errors in consistent ways. This led him to think that children might think about the world in a substantially different way from adults that could not be explained simply through having less experience of the world. Piaget was a prolific researcher and eventually directed one of the world's first research institutes specialising in examining child development. On the basis of his lifelong work he developed a theory that the thinking of typically developing children matures in distinct stages, meaning that older children are biologically capable of understanding things that those in earlier stages cannot. He believed that children moved through these stages as a result of the accumulated physical experience of interacting with objects in the world – so that their growing abilities are the result of brain maturation as well as encountering experience in their environments.
- 2.2 Development is determined by environmental factors: Vygotsky
Piaget set the tone for many decades of research but his theory has also received a great deal of criticism. Many believe that Piaget ignored the huge influence that society and culture have in shaping a child's development. At a similar time, another researcher named Lev Vygotsky (1896–1934) had come to similar conclusions as Piaget about children's development, in thinking that children learned about the world through interaction with it. However, where Piaget felt that children moved naturally through different stages of development, based on biological predispositions and their own individual interactions with the world, Vygotsky claimed that adult or peer intervention was a much more important contributor to the developmental process. Vygotsky concentrated more on children's immediate social and cultural environment and their interactions with adults and peers. He argued that cognitive development occurred first through children's immediate social interactions, and then moved to the individual level as they began to internalise their learning. While Piaget saw the child as actively discovering the world through individual interactions with it, Vygotsky saw the child as more of an apprentice, learning through a social environment of others who had more experience and were sensitive to the child's needs and abilities.
- The retailers of Australia are growing fat on online deliveries. Woolworths grew its supermarket online sales by 92 per cent in the last year alone as they drove their profits to new record levels.
Big W hit a huge milestone for a bricks and mortar retailer – it now does half its traffic online. Woolworths' CEO says the same trend will probably hit the rest of its businesses, which include Woolies supermarkets and Dan Murphy.
"I don't think it will be long before digital visits exceeds physical visits at our stores," said Woolworths CEO Brad Banducci last week. That's a huge claim for a major retailer in Australia, a country which, pre-covid, was slow to adopt to online.
Online sales are now the shiny cherry on top of Australian retail, from JB Hi-Fi to Bunnings. But there is one glaring exception to the trend. Little old Aldi, which is stuck in the past. It has no online shopping offer at all.
Hampton, Malcolm X, and MLK weren't targeted by COINTELPRO's massive surveillance and infiltration operation and ultimately assassinated under extremely suspicious circumstances because they were standing up just for black people, but because they were trying to bring all people together to fight against the corrupt and criminal political power exploiting the poor and working class in America and across the globe.
- Just for once, I would like to see the ABC getting hold of an unaffiliated techie, a real nerd, one who knows bits and bytes, one who is willing to provide a technical view about the claims that the Americans have been throwing around about Huawei.
Engineers don't lie as a general rule; nobody from this profession will create two wires that convey 12 volts to a a device and then tell you that, hey, it's only five volts. That doesn't happen.
And that does not mean one should get a man from China. There are numerous Americans, technical types, who know this whole FUD stream is a big lie and are more than willing to talk about it. There are even numerous Australians who will blow up this whole nudge-nudge, wink-wink rubbish that the Chinese are about to spy on our breakfast.
But does the ABC really want that kind of truth? Or does it prefer to host those who insinuate that China is waiting with a nuclear bomb designed individually for Scott Morrison and getting ready to blow him up? That, of course, pleases the government.
This is an organisation that claims to be the most trusted news source in Australia. If this is the most trusted source, then one shudders to think of the FUD that is being poured into the brains of those who watch the other TV channels available in Australia.
- Arnold mingled with Loyalist sympathizers in Philadelphia and married into one such family by marrying Peggy Shippen. She was a close friend of British Major John André and kept in contact with him when he became head of the British espionage system in New York. Many historians point to her as facilitating Arnold's plans to switch sides; he opened secret negotiations with André, and Peggy relayed the messages. The British promised £20,000[a] for the capture of West Point, a major American stronghold; Washington greatly admired Arnold and gave him command of that fort in July 1780. His scheme was to surrender the fort to the British, but it was exposed in September 1780 when Patriot militia captured André carrying papers which revealed the plot. Arnold escaped and André was hanged.
Arnold received a commission as a brigadier general in the British Army, an annual pension of £360,[a] and a lump sum of over £6,000.[a][7] He led British forces in the Raid of Richmond and nearby areas, and they burned much of New London, Connecticut, to the ground and slaughtered surrendering forces after the Battle of Groton Heights—just a few miles downriver from the town where he had grown up. In the winter of 1782, he and Peggy moved to London, England. He was well received by King George III and the Tories but frowned upon by the Whigs and most Army officers. In 1787, he moved to Canada to a merchant business with his sons Richard and Henry. He was extremely unpopular there and returned to London permanently in 1791.
- Woolworths has taken the extraordinary step of stripping its shelves of vegetables, fruit and pantry items to show what supermarkets would look like if bees became extinct.
The supermarket giant's store in Neutral Bay in Sydney's lower north shore this week removed all products that rely on pollination to show the importance of bees and other insects when it comes to Australia's food supply.
Without them fruits and vegetables including avocado, apples, cucumbers, pumpkins, rockmelons, blueberries, zucchini, macadamias, kiwi fruit would become scarce, Woolworths says.  
The same goes for pantry staples like coffee beans, muesli, cereal, almonds, fruit juices, fruit based jams, canola oil and sunflower seeds.  
Some 65 per cent of Australian horticultural and agricultural crops require honey bees in order to pollinate, amounting to more than $14 billion of food each year.
'As the Fresh Food People, we're passionate about providing millions of Australians access to the fresh food they love most,' Woolworths Chief Marketing Officer Andrew Hicks said.
'What many people don't realise is how much of our food supply relies directly on pollinating bees.  
'Our goal here is to start a conversation in Australian homes about what a supermarket without bees would look like and how their impact goes far beyond just fruit and vegetables.
'However, if we take small actions to support bees and pollination today, we can create a better tomorrow and prevent this from becoming a reality.'
- Slicing open the stomach of the 315kg black bear in front of them, the team of pathologists weren't expecting to find millions of dollars worth of cocaine.
The bear had gobbled up and overdosed on a staggering 135kg of the drug, which it found, strangely, in the middle of the Chattahoochee National Forest in Georgia, USA.
The discovery of the bear was quickly linked to an even stranger case that happened three months earlier – when a drug smuggler strapped up with $15 million of cocaine fell from the sky.
Andrew Thornton II, an ex-narcotics cop and lawyer, was found dead on a driveway in Tennessee with a failed parachute on his back.
The 40-year-old was carrying thousands in cash and two pistols, and he was wearing night vision goggles, a bulletproof vest, and Gucci loafers.
Investigators later discovered he'd jumped from a plane that he'd also been using to drop duffel bags of cocaine – one of which the bear found.
"Its stomach was literally packed to the brim with cocaine," the medical examiner who looked at the bear told the owners of Kentucky for Kentucky, a shop which promotes the state.
"There isn't a mammal on the planet that could survive that. Cerebral haemorrhaging, respiratory failure, hyperthermia, renal failure, heart failure, stroke. You name it, that bear had it."
Cocaine Bear is the stuff of local legend – and now the incredible story is being made into a film to be directed by Hunger Games star Elizabeth Banks.
These are the incredible events that led up to the mysterious death of a drug smuggler and a black bear 160km away.
- A Taiwanese official has pleaded with people to stop changing their name to "salmon" after dozens made the unusual move to take advantage of a restaurant promotion.
In a phenomenon that has been labelled "salmon chaos" by local media, about 150 mostly young people visited government offices in recent days to officially change their name.
The cause of this sudden enthusiasm was a chain of sushi restaurants.
Under the two-day promotion, which ended on Thursday, any customer whose ID card contained "gui yu" – the Chinese characters for salmon – would be entitled to an all-you-can-eat sushi meal along with five friends.
Taiwan allows people to officially change their name up to three times.
But Taiwanese officials were not amused. "This kind of name change not only wastes time but causes unnecessary paperwork," the deputy interior minister, Chen Tsung-yen, told reporters on Thursday as he urged the public to "cherish administrative resources".
"I hope everyone can be more rational about it," he added.
Local media ran interviews with people who had taken advantage of the promotion. "I just changed my name this morning to add the characters 'Bao Cheng Gui Yu' and we already ate more than Tw$7,000 (£176)," a college student surnamed Ma told the TVBS news channel in southern Kaohsiung city.
Roughly translated, Ma's new moniker means: "Explosive Good Looking Salmon."
"I've changed my first name to salmon and two of my friends also did," a woman surnamed Tung told SET TV. "We'll just change our names back afterwards."
Other salmon-themed names reported in local media included "Salmon Prince", "Meteor Salmon King" and "Salmon Fried Rice".
The United Daily News reported that one resident decided to add a record 36 new characters to his name, most of them seafood themed, including the characters for "abalone", "crab" and "lobster".

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