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Monday, March 23, 2015

Mee (noodle) and Nasi (rice) Goreng Recipe/s

This is based on recipes online and an interpretation by a local restaurants that I used to frequent. While there are other alternative recipes that possibly taste better, I find that this is the quickest and easiest version.
- sugar
- curry powder
- chilli sauce
- soy sauce
- tomato sauce
- eggs
- chicken, prawns, and/or seafood mix
- egg noodles (any kind)
- lemon juice (optional)
- oyster sauce (optional)
- garlic (optional)
- ginger (optional)
- onion (optional)
- tomatoes (optional)
- tofu (optional)
- vegetables (optional, type is your choice)
Coat chicken with bicarbonate soda if desired (meat tenderiser. This step is not required at all if chicken is diced into small enough pieces and cooked well) and then wash off in cold water. Marinade chicken in fish sauce, sugar, garlic, pepper (optional step). Fry off chicken, tofu, onion, garlic, ginger, etc... in pan. Create sauce by using tomato sauce, soy sauce, chill sauce, curry powder, sugar, etc... Cook sauce and add noodles/rice when ready. Garnish everything with chopped lettuce and fried shallots if desired.

The following is what it looks like.

- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

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