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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Prophets/Pre-Cogs 11, Kivi/Android Toolchain Setup, and More

This is obviously a continuation of my other posts:
- one way to get around the Genesis warping issue (can't see before the 'Big Bang'). If you have access to 'Heaven' you warp there and then you watch from there. Assume that the place that is the same place that 'scientists' often work from as they seem to know of working with something that resembles a 'primordial soup' (I've heard stories that it sort of feels/looks like 'play-doh'? Too stable to be 'virtual particles'?). It's something strange but formless but can be molded into anything you want at the same time? Technically, the Universe that we currently inhabited could have been created in the same space/dimension but my guess is that it's more difficult/cumbersome?
- they'll know that because of this not only do they have access to time and space but control of time and space as well. This is one of the reasons why the appearance of 'Heaven' may come up differently for different people. It's also one of the great things about it. It is whatever what you want it to be
- for any of the valid pre-cogs/prophets veering off of the pathway setup by those from 'up above' looks a bit crazy? It would be obvious in spite of their help humanity is a few thousand years off where it should be. Moreover, clinging to the current ways of man just looks self defeating? Some of the pre-cogs/prophets may have been up there, they know that they are at least ~15-20 Billion years ahead of humanity in science, technology, societal structure, etc... The notion of just taking what you want and ignoring the rest would like like complete madness to any of them. They literally gain nothing (from a tangible perspective) from helping those 'down below'. Trying to compare the difference between what life is 'up there' and 'down here' is virtually impossible? You hear about the problems 'up above' from time to time but it never devolves into a 'major conflict'
- this makes the idea of atheism/agnosticism a little bit crazy? If all of this true and you can go up and gain wisdom and potentially reverse engineer science and technologies from 'up above' it just seems silly to ignore the 'possible benefits'? Why struggle for incremental benefits down here if you make massive leaps at a time?
- the complete madness of 'free market capitalism' (especially the brand/type that has been deployed in many places worldwide thus far. As an aside, none of the social systems tried thus far seemed to have 'scaled up' either so far) can be summed up with the following: it's better to restrict supply to maximise profit, it's better to exploit others, there's no point in pursuing certain research and development if you can't make a profit, etc... Surely, there's no way that this can be the best system that humanity has to offer? If the balance between resource consumption and human population can be maintained (or made better) and everyone uses their spare time to work on things that they enjoy and benefit the overall group surely progress across all fields will be better?
- it feels like humanity is stuck in a battle with itself. If it focuses on the core issues at play it will eventually overcome these issues and effectively 'ascend' on the same plane/level that the others have achieved before (that what some of the religions seem to be implying?). Feels like the split in Islam occurred because there were those who thought they should 'force the issue'?
religious conflicts
The world's two largest faiths, Christianity and Islam, make up almost half the world's population and were the most widely targetted in 2012, facing official and social hostility in 110 and 109 countries respectively.

Jews suffer hostility in 71 countries, even though they make up only 0.2 percent of the world's population and about 80 percent of them live in Israel and the United States.

The report said there were probably more restrictions on religion around the world than its statistics could document but its results could be considered "a good estimate".

It classified war and terrorism as social hostility, arguing: "It is not always possible to determine the degree to which they are religiously motivated or state sponsored."
where does jihadism come from
- one possible problem with all of the pre-cogs/prophets seems to be interpretation and mis-attribution? Currently uncertain how exactly some of them interpret things? It's clear that some pre-cogs/prophets exist in a 1 to 1/WYSIWYG (like some others) 'augmented environment' though. I'm wondering whether or not they're interpreting these images/visions/dreams as the 'Will of God' though? If it's this it would explain a lot of difficulties that we have with religion and determining the what we believe to be the supposed 'Will of God' (as an aside, I wonder how many people actually think particular pathways are laid out beforehand for them by 'external entities'? Other interesting conundrum is how many people think those from 'up above' are perfect? If they had to throw out people/entities then how all knowing/seeing can they be all the time (unless they prefer not to use their 'abilities' all the time to foster better trust?)?)?
interpreting dreams
- one thing that is really obvious to me is that many people who use (or are used by) religion as the basis for something unseemly is that they don't really get where religion comes from and how the pre-cogs/prophets 'work'?
- the thing with the difference between Heaven/God, Earth, and Hell/Satan is that even if the pre-cogs/prophets managed to open gates to both up above and down below (simply to allow others to see the difference) I suspect that deep down some of those that are 'enhanced' know that they are effectively shielded. Without figuring out how the 'shielding works' in practice it would be foolhardy to attemp to open up a gate to Hell/Satan (if it exists)? With regards to opening a gate up to Heaven/God then it's possible that it may require someone who already has 'access' to initiate communication as it may be a push/pull type arrangement? Even if they turn it turn or we can't get exact co-ordinates we still have access to inter-stellar space?
- for any of the pre-cogs/prophets that have claimed to have 'worked up there' they'll be more familiar with what the 'primordial soup' actually is. The substance is 'too stable' to be a version of Zero Point Energy (or some of the other substances that have been theorised?). In the absence of further knowledge/theories, suggest just inserting random objects into particle accelerator detectors to test for possible new 'forces' (it reminds of the 'taste phenomenon'). Higher energy levels may not lead to figuring out this particular issue. Moreover, if 'the Universe' was built by a 'God' of some sort it's likely he would have made access to such knowledge possible to pre-cogs/prophets without access to resources as well...
zero point energy
- if ADCM model is correct then there will be more of the 'dark matter' at the 'end of it the chain'. Namely, at the outer edge of the Universe. Genuine FTL capability may be required to understand things better via experimentation. The ADCM model model feels like there's a core of matter then a shell of dark matter. If you think of how a nuclear bomb is contructed it feels remarkebly similar? An outer ring of an conventional explosives are timed to cause an implosion of enriched nuclear material which results in a much larger explosiion then could be otherwise be achieved through a standard explosion? If that's the case it's almost like the Universe was built at times? That somehow dark matter (or something else) was used to to control time/place in space?
The nature of dark energy is more hypothetical than that of dark matter, and many things about the nature of dark energy remain matters of speculation.[14] Dark energy is thought to be very homogeneous, not very dense and is not known to interact through any of the fundamental forces other than gravity. Since it is quite rarefied — roughly 10−27 kg/m3 — it is unlikely to be detectable in laboratory experiments. The reason dark energy can have such a profound effect on the universe, making up 68% of universal density, in spite of being so rarefied is because it uniformly fills otherwise empty space.

Independently of its actual nature, dark energy would need to have a strong negative pressure (acting repulsively) like radiation pressure in a metamaterial[15] to explain the observed acceleration of the expansion of the universe. According to general relativity, the pressure within a substance contributes to its gravitational attraction for other things just as its mass density does. This happens because the physical quantity that causes matter to generate gravitational effects is the stress–energy tensor, which contains both the energy (or matter) density of a substance and its pressure and viscosity[dubious – discuss]. In the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker metric, it can be shown that a strong constant negative pressure in all the universe causes an acceleration in universe expansion if the universe is already expanding, or a deceleration in universe contraction if the universe is already contracting. This accelerating expansion effect is sometimes labeled "gravitational repulsion".
The existence of dark energy, in whatever form, is needed to reconcile the measured geometry of space with the total amount of matter in the universe. Measurements of cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies indicate that the universe is close to flat. For the shape of the universe to be flat, the mass/energy density of the universe must be equal to the critical density. The total amount of matter in the universe (including baryons and dark matter), as measured from the CMB spectrum, accounts for only about 30% of the critical density. This implies the existence of an additional form of energy to account for the remaining 70%.[23] The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) spacecraft seven-year analysis estimated a universe made up of 72.8% dark energy, 22.7% dark matter and 4.5% ordinary matter.[5] Work done in 2013 based on the Planck spacecraft observations of the CMB gave a more accurate estimate of 68.3% of dark energy, 26.8% of dark matter and 4.9% of ordinary matter.[26]
- mind control/manipulation in extensive use throughout society. Limited to a smallish few but in reality can have a massive impact. Clear that they can be turned back/de-radicalised though. Interesting thing for me with violence and religion is that it results in a self-referential doom loop. Does religion advocate violence or not? Most Western documentaries regarding this topic seem 'superficial'. Those who seem to understand it better tend to be Islamic themselves?
Inside the mind of a former radical jihadist _ Manwar Ali
The American Jihadist - Eric Harroun In His Own Words
- the US/West is it's own enemy? Blanket statements over entire religions very problematic. Translation of 'Boko Haram' is 'Western education is sinful'? One theme that
Why do Islamic jihadists hate us
- wonder whether this is true?
- global phenomenon. Discredit and de-popoularise. Ideas, narratives, leaders, symbols, vision. Danger of omission and commission
Nawaz Discusses What Fuels Global Jihadism
- the origin of 'Jihadism' is pretty interesting. Revolves around reviving the original interpretation and practice of Islam. Moreover of a literalist interpretation. Internal vs external conflict. Jihad, Takfiri, Wallah are keywords
Chatham House Primer - Jihadism
- local law overrides Islamic law according to Sharia law so this is just a ridiculous comment?
- everyone who wants abilities (of any type whether pre-cog/prophet or something more) needs to understand that there are many downfalls to having them. As a pre-cog/prophet you don't necessarily get to see what you want to see. Moreover, the 'augmentation' mechanism that they often use to identify pre-cog/prophetic dreams/visions from standard dreams can get a little bit thrown off from time to time. So what they dream (through the concept of 'lucid dreaming') can sometimes get mixed up from time to time. They end up wishing for things that mightn't be possible (this seems to reduce with time)
- the pre-cogs/prophets over demonisation and idealisation problems are very significant have resulted in enormous consequences. Think very carefully about the nature of some of the protagonists that we have have been 'deified'. Religious leaders clearly thought that since certain people had abilities there was something peculiar about them which made them 'desireable' to those up above. Religions ultimately formed around these people but because of over idealisation what's happened is that it's very hard to disinguish what attributes are required to achieve 'ascension'. If some of the accounts (across a number of reliable pre-cogs/prophets) are correct then you'll be you aware that there is a diversity of people up there. You don't need to be 'perfect' (just imagine the most honorable person you know and who respects the place of God within the Universe they're probably 'up there' based on what I hear?). They come in all shapes and sizes and come from a variety of different faiths which means that there are multiple pathways into the 'Afterlife'
- if I'm correct then basically many of the pre-cogs/prophets and different interpretations for each religion were formed based on what each saw of 'part of the overall picture'. Assuming the following pre-cog/prophets were properly authenticated/valid then Buddha saw part of things, Muhammad another part, Jesus another part, Lenin another, Einstein another, Moses another, etc... (am assuming these were all valid pre-cogs/prophets?) Very few/if any saw multiple parts of the picture?
- for instance, seeing pre-cog/prophetic visions it tells you one thing (one thing you'll realise is that a lot of the time you basically can't stop things from occurring no matter what you do. Hence the pre-cogs/prophets belief in divine power/intervention. You can also use this to your advantage. If you try to replicate the set of circumstances in your dream/vision you may believe that it may come true no matter what?). The trouble is what you with them is that you can mix them up with personal wishes and 'false positives' (as I've outlined previously) can occur for all sorts of reasons
- the pre-cogs/prophets have been fundamentally important to all of the religions and to a certain extent they sort of all realise that it's sort of a 'personal journey'. The troubling thing for me is that basically people thought that the visions were 'God's will'. This is why the issue of 'interpretation amongst' pre-cogs/prophets is so dangerous. If you see a '1 to 1' vision of what's to happen does that mean (and you can change time/space) that mean you should go with it (ignore it but know that it's likely to happen) or do you try to change/enact it (if possible). Clearly, a lot of pre-cogs/prophets thought the latter which leads leads to huge problems? If you interpret that as 'Divine Will' this can lead to all sorts of problems such as war, territorial conflict, etc... This is also the reason why wisdom (and not just intelligence) is so important in how to interpret pre-cog/prophetic visions and dreams. A good example is the following. If Moses and the '10 Commandments' were valid then how do you reconcile warfare with the '10 Commandments' (or them within the context of today's world?)
- in a way I wonder whether or not some of the major religions were frustrated in attempting to identify valid prophets/Messianic figures that they just gave up for a while waiting until someone who could finally resolve everything?
- it's clear where a lot of pre-cogs/prophets have possibly been deployed. Military-industrial complex and obviously working in the national interest of many different countries. The troubling thing is this. Everybody knows that to a certain extent evil is self defeating. So if you attempt to run a lie up against another lie it doesn't really work out. My guess is that it's the same with pre-cogs/prophets. Each one of them run up against the other for a finite resource is self defeating. Both of them deployed and trained scientists/doctors against the most difficult problems that humanity has to offer and you have the opportunity to transcend/ascend way past anything/everything that you could imagine possible?
Ex-Mossad chief warns of ‘demographic threat’ to Israel
- read 'everything' about Islam. Note this is where Muhammad may diverge much differently from the other prophets. His entire life was effectively chronicled and we got everything that there was. The good, bad, an the ugly. This means that unlike some of other religions who may have 'edited out' aspects of other prophet's lives. A good example of this is Jesus' life whose life was effectively redacted down to to the four well known gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Personally, the frustrating thing about many religions is that their seem to be a lot of internal contradictions not just missing pieces?
A hadith (/ˈhædɪθ/[1] or /hɑːˈdiːθ/;[2] Arabic: ḥadīth, plural: ahadith, ) is one of various reports describing the words, actions, or habits of the Islamic prophet Muhammad.[3] The term comes from Arabic meaning a "report", "account" or "narrative". Hadith are second only to the Quran in developing Islamic jurisprudence,[4] and regarded as important tools for understanding the Quran and commentaries (tafsir) written on it. Some important elements of traditional Islam, such as the five salat prayers, are mentioned in hadith.[5]

The hadith literature is based on spoken reports that were in circulation in society after the death of Muhammad. Unlike the Qur'an the hadiths were not quickly and concisely compiled during and immediately after Muhammad's life.[3] Hadith were evaluated and gathered into large collections during the 8th and 9th centuries, generations after the death of Muhammad, after the end of the era of the "rightful" Rashidun Caliphate, over 1,000 km (620 mi) from where Muhammad lived.

Each hadith consists of two parts, the isnad (Arabic: 'support'), or the chain of transmitters through which a scholar traced the matn, or text, of a hadith back to the Prophet.[6][7][8] Individual hadith are classified by Muslim clerics and jurists as sahih ("authentic"), hasan ("good") or da'if ("weak").[9] However, there is no overall agreement: different groups and different individual scholars may classify a hadith differently.

Different branches of Islam (Sunni, Shia, Ibadi) refer to different collections of hadith, and the relatively small sect of Quranists reject the authority of any of the hadith collections.[10][11]
According to Islamic tradition, the angel Gabriel appeared to the Prophet over the course of 20 years, revealing to him many messages from God. Muslims recognize some earlier Judeo-Christian prophets—including Moses and Jesus—as messengers of of the same true God. But in Islam, but Muhammad is the last and greatest of the prophets, whose revelations alone are pure and uncorrupted.
age of marriage 630ce
In Rabbinic Judaism and maybe during Pharisaical Judaism, the expectations of marriageable ages were 13 years old for girls and 14 years old for boys.[2] However, a 9 years old boy was considered marriageable.[2] Minor girls could be given in marriage by their father.[2] Displaying signs of puberty before the age of 12 years meant that the girl was no longer a minor, beginning from the age of 12 years and one day.[2][3] Such girls attained full adulthood six months afterwards.[2] Failure to show signs of puberty before the expected age (it applied to both men and women) meant the prolongation of underage status until 20 years or 35 years and one day.[2]
problems with muhummad
- if you struggle with time please note that many religions can often be distilled into a small number of pages and there are many smallish guides on what to do to follow a particular one
religious cheat sheet
- another funny (though slightly ignominious moment) moment in religious history?
luther indulgences
- if you want to gain anything from religion you need to ignore the obvious shenanigans. Historical truth should match up and science should match religion (eventually. 1 for 1 relationship. Perfect unison). For pre-cogs/prophet/miracle workers there are almost certain to be some out there but things are extremely difficult to verify. It feels obvious that for the most part many of the 'legitimately enhanced people (such as pre-cogs/prophets/miracle workers)' just want to get things done and to 'go home'. What needs to be understood though is that they are basically/effectively human 'with enhancements' though. They're just as much part of this jigsaw of life that ordinary humans are part of as well
attack the problem bottom up where you can
- you need to understand how perplexing some of how life has turned up 'down here'. If they've had meetings just imagine what might have been said? As I've said before it feels obvious to any of the pre-cogs/prophets that humanity is probably a few thousand years behind where it currently should be. With regards to 'ascension' just honour the 'basic core agreement' and you'll go up. One thing that feels obvious about 'up there' is that it's clear that money and most forms of 'hard and soft enforcement' of social order aren't present. I find it difficult to believe that they would want to harm humanity (for the most part). They're 'beyond that point'
Exactly, the problem with central planning is that a) “leaders” are corrupted and b) “leaders” are a bunch of petty idiots entertaining a piss contests. They also like to buy votes with public funds and shower their friends with gifts purchased with the very same funds.

Even if you rooted out corruption, inherent system flaws would remain. For this type of system to work, you’d need to completely prevent vote buying (i.e. sortition) and make the fund flows completely transparent (i.e. bitchain.) You could simply introduce a “crowd funding” platform through which people could choose directly which projects are to be funded with their taxes. Yes, some people will say that people are idiots and can’t make good decisions but that doesn’t negate the fact people in power are power hungry pig whores AND giving the power to the people would put the “leaders” in position to lay the weight of possible bad decisions right where it belongs – the people.

There’s a zillion things one could do to improve this system. Nothing is being done about it, though.

Overregulation is just another facet of the crazed bureaucracy. When that blade cuts on the its swing back, you get deregulation, as we can see today with the markets. I personally don’t believe in the “free” market because sooner or later you’ll end up with one mega corporation suffocating and devouring everything else, but “almost free” market would work great imo.
- telepathic medicine pre-cogs/prophets could have warped ahead in time, into 'Heaven' itself, could have been wrong, etc...
- Muhammad seems to have a slightly different interpretation of the 'arrangement' between Heaven, Earth, and Hell. He seems to make the assumption that people have to be effectively purged of all their sins pior to entry. Jesus was the same but sort of the believed that they needed simply to be 'forgiven' prior to entry
- it feels obvious that 'Heaven' may be a 'restricted or shielded area' (if it exists)? No access without a pre-cog/prophet who already has access? I wonder whether there is also an information barrier to block people from bringing more information back? If I'm reading things correctly though my actual calculation on the total number of pre-cogs/prophets out there may be smaller then I first thought. Of this percentage, a lot of them haven't really had a choice but to 'compromise themselves' which means that in reality there the actual number who can actually open up a gate between Heaven and Earth are probably less then half a dozen globally?
- one thing that feels obvious is if pre-cog visions/dreams are a mechanism for passage into the 'Afterlife' then the way we live our life is non-conducive for this phenomenon if my previous theories about how this phenomenon comes around are correct
- just wait for a proper pre-cog/prophet to make significant progress in this area. Obvious that they're struggling to find valid ones... As I said previously, "identifying those who are more 'useful' suddenly becomes much easier. Core to experiments are pre-cog/prophet (raw ability), purity (less inclined to lie. Will allow faster progress), intellect and curiosity (easier to work with as they'll be able to identify more exactly what they are seeing and be able to make use of what it is that they are seeing), age (they tend to lose power/abilities as they grow older as has been seen with other pre-cogs/prophets?), health (pointless working with them if they aren't 'stable'). Despite what is said those who have abilities/borderline schizoprehnia tends to be asset to some people provided that they are stable because it if the balance is correct between intelligence and the 'symptoms' then that other space offers more room to help their understanding of things around them." My criteria to knock over pretty much all of the problems in religion/spirituality basically comes down to half a dozen (or less) trained polymatch, pre-cog/prophets, etc... They will also help humanity's general ascension/transcendence as well
We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. . . .  The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries. (source)
Nation-building usually fails. It failed in at least 73% of cases in a study by James L. Payne that examined 51 instances of attempted nation-building in the past 150 years or so. This included 24 U.S. attempts and 27 British attempts. A study of 12 cases of U.S. interventions produced a similar finding: 4 success and 8 failures.
- spend enough time online and it becomes clear that there is a very definite (and substantial) anti-Jewish/Israel group out there... Comprimised of many people around the world but the main backers seem to be Middle-Eastern, African, European
Dr. David Duke 'Exposing the Jew World Order'
Flat Earth The World Is Awakening To the Jew World Order
Dissecting The joo World Order
Wise Warrior's Path
- clear that we are right on the edge of a pseudo-religious conflict. One of the things I think people severely underestimate is just how problematic our existing problems are. I don't think this issue is going to disappear anytime soon
- the most interesting work of the religions (for me) has been the root of evil and similar type studies. You can only beat a lie with a another lie (in most cases). Greed is often dictated by the most greedy individual as part of a group. This shifts the entire group in a particular direction
- the other interesting for me is how can have such different perspectives on the same person?
- almost all of the religions seem to forget that we're all different? It may be that we simply need a different path to reach where we need?
- some of the stories in the Holy Scriptures are likely just scare stories to keep others at bay. Virtually all of the religions have endured some form of impurity of 'some form'
- Hindu believes that each journey is unique. The great irony for me is once again the overlap with many of the other religions. There's not that great of a difference? Moreover, one of the things that feels very strange to me is the way it's been interpreted. It feels monotheistic (like the Abrahamic religions) at times?
The term dharma has a number of meanings.[42] Fundamentally, it means "what is right".[42] Early in the text, responding to Arjuna's despondency, Krishna asks him to follow his swadharma,[43][note 3] "the dharma that belongs to a particular man (Arjuna) as a member of a particular varna, (i.e., the kshatriya)."[43] Many traditional followers accept and believe that every man is unique in nature(svabhava) and hence svadharma for each and every individual is also unique and must be followed strictly with sole bhakthi and shraddha.[citation needed]
- aspects of Hindu remind me of some interpretations of Islamic Jihad
This Kurukshetra War is only an allegory. When we sum up its esoteric significance, it means the war which is constantly going on within man between the tendencies of good and evil.[62]
- clearly, all of the major pre-cogs/prophets have been critical to human history. One of the things that's important for everyone to understand is how/why some of the pre-cogs/prophets think the way they think. Over time, they've figured out that when they see a vision/dream and it keeps happening repeatedly (no matter what they do) there is a form of 'divine intervention'. The problem is how this manifests itself in real life. In the case of Israel they believe that it is theirs, in the case of Islamic jihadists they believe it is their duty to fight for their cause and religion, in the case of Muhammad he thought that since he couldn't do anything else to change the course events so it meant total submission to God, in the case of Jesus it meant that others should follow his path to achieve the 'Afterlife', in the case of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada his thought process seems to parallel that of Muhammad as well (total submission to God), etc... In all cases, it has proven to be dangerous because they didn't seem to be able to overcome their own 'internal biases'? They seemed to have thought that they came to a 'Eureka moment' but for the most part they haven't been able to bring their experiences to others? Think of the pre-cogs/prophets like this. Most of them seemed to have only seen only 'bits and pieces' of the overall picture which led to a slightly dis-jointed picture (it's almost like they watched a part or parts of a movie but not seeing the whole thing). Stack mis-interpretation (by others) on top of this and it's easy to see how and why our religion problems look 'very strange'
- this is where the notion of Purgatory and re-incarnation look so interesting across the various religions. Hindu and Buddhism (which both believe in re-incarnation many times) before entry into the Afterlife can be achieved. It almost look like a form of 'Purgatory' at times?
Rebirth is a key concept found in major Indian religions, and discussed with various terms. Punarjanman (Sanskrit: ) means "rebirth, transmigration".[20][21] Reincarnation is discussed in the ancient Sanskrit texts of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism, with many alternate terms such as punarāvṛtti (), punarājāti, punarjīvātu, punarbhava, āgati-gati, common in Buddhist Pali text), nibbattin, upapatti, and uppajjana.[20][22] These religions believe that this reincarnation is cyclic and an endless Saṃsāra, unless one gains spiritual insights that ends this cycle leading to liberation.[2][3] The reincarnation concept is considered in Indian religions as a step that starts each "cycle of aimless drifting, wandering or mundane existence",[2] but one that is an opportunity to seek spiritual liberation through ethical living and a variety of meditative, yogic (marga), or other spiritual practices.[23][24] They consider the release from the cycle of reincarnations as the ultimate spiritual goal, and call the liberation by terms such as moksha, nirvana, mukti and kaivalya.[25][26] However, the Buddhist, Hindu and Jain traditions have differed, since ancient times, in their assumptions and in their details on what reincarnates, how reincarnation occurs and what leads to liberation.[27][28]
In Roman Catholic theology, Purgatory (Latin: Purgatorium, via Anglo-Norman and Old French)[1] is an intermediate state after physical death in which some of those ultimately destined for heaven must first "undergo purification, so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven," holding that "certain offenses can be forgiven in this age, but certain others in the age to come."[2] And that entrance into Heaven requires the "remission before God of the temporal punishment due to [venial] sins whose guilt has already been forgiven," for which indulgences may be given which remove "either part or all of the temporal punishment due to sin," such as an "unhealthy attachment" to sin.[3] Only those who die in the state of grace but have not yet fulfilled the temporal punishment due to their sin can be in Purgatory, and therefore no one in Purgatory will remain forever in that state nor go to hell.

The notion of Purgatory is associated particularly with the Latin Rite of the Catholic Church (in the Eastern sui juris churches or rites it is a doctrine, though it is not often called "Purgatory", but the "final purification" or the "final theosis"); Anglicans of the Anglo-Catholic tradition generally also hold to the belief. Eastern Orthodox Churches believe in the possibility of a change of situation for the souls of the dead through the prayers of the living and the offering of the Divine Liturgy, and many Orthodox, especially among ascetics, hope and pray for a general apocatastasis.[4] Judaism also believes in the possibility of after-death purification and may even use the word "purgatory" to present its understanding of the meaning of Gehenna.[5] However, the concept of soul "purification" may be explicitly denied in these other faith traditions.

The word Purgatory has come to refer also to a wide range of historical and modern conceptions of postmortem suffering short of everlasting damnation,[6] and is used, in a non-specific sense, to mean any place or condition of suffering or torment, especially one that is temporary.[7]
In a study titled ‘Birthmarks and Birth Defects Corresponding to Wounds on Deceased Persons’, Dr Stevenson used facial recognition to analyse similarities between the claimant and their alleged prior incarnation, while also studying birth marks.

He wrote in his study: “About 35 per cent of children who claim to remember previous lives have birthmarks and/or birth defects that they (or adult informants) attribute to wounds on a person whose life the child remembers. The cases of 210 such children have been investigated. 

“The birthmarks were usually areas of hairless, puckered skin; some were areas of little or no pigmentation (hypopigmented macules); others were areas of increased pigmentation (hyperpigmented nevi).

“The birth defects were nearly always of rare types. In cases in which a deceased person was identified the details of whose life unmistakably matched the child’s statements, a close correspondence was nearly always found between the birthmarks and/or birth defects on the child and the wounds on the deceased person. 

“In 43 of 49 cases in which a medical document (usually a postmortem report) was obtained, it confirmed the correspondence between wounds and birthmarks (or birth defects).”

In a separate study, Dr Stevenson interviewed three children who claimed to remember aspects of their previous lives.
“The statements of the subject, taken as a group, were sufficiently specific so that they could not have corresponded to the life of any other person. 

“We believe we have excluded normal transmission of the correct information to the subjects and that they obtained the correct information they showed about the concerned deceased person by some paranormal process.”
- even if the existing religions suspected that this may be the correct interpretation they were stopped by the fact that there no individuals/group of individuals who could prove things to the satisfication of everyone else?
- Muhammad/Islam and Jesus/Chritianity are the most intereting ones because they are obviously the two largest religions by population size
- note the 'magic paradox' in all of what they can do 'up there'. Given the time head-start alone basically anything could probably be explained away using their science
- please note the 'reasonability paradox' in all of those who supposedly use religion and the favour of God in spreading their religion or ideology. It's difficult for any person ('enhanced' or not) to understand this at times?
- for any pre-cog/prophet wanting to push things 'over the line' the obvious thing is to simply to ignore the existing arguments and just deliver the necessary instructions/actions to 'finish things off'. They could be bogged down forever and there will always be people who are 'unbelievers' otherwise. The great difficulty is that you need to examine the Holy Scriptures in order to unlock abilities and understand them though (helps to understand other pre-cogs/prophets). Either way, it can be a very time consuming task (even if you know what to look for)
- there are some really interesting interpretations out there on various phenomena. As usual with all Islamic teachings/scholars learn a little bit of Arabic and it helps a lot (they tend to mix things up with a lot of Arabic sayings)
The Reality of Jinn in the Qur'an and Sunnah ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi _ 20th April 2014
The Best lecture on Jinns- By Shaykh Hasan Ali
The World of Jinn - Ustadh Muhammad Tim Humble
Jinnat Ki Duniya - World of The Jinn And Devils By Adv. Faiz Syed
Connection with the JINN - The SECRET life of Celebrities
- at times, it feels almost impossible believe that the physical Universe and ecosystems came about through pure evolution and science. If you examine how the whole system fits together in particularly you'll understand what the problem is
- if you examine the word 'security' and 'interests' and the context it in which they get used it's impossible to believe what they actually mean at times
- the single pathway to Heaven/God theory makes no sense because many of those who seemed to have gained 'early entry' know that there are may be those that technically shouldn't be there if this were true. Moreover, the level of strictness doesn't necessarily make sense either for this partcular reason (assuming some of the pre-cogs/prophets that have been talking about this are telling the truth and have relatively good control and understanding of their own abilities). My guess, is that any pre-cog/prophet would be unlikely to care what pathway people take. You need to overlay this conversation with something else. It's madness to worship/follow a 'false pre-cog/prophet'. The penalty is heavy (the irony is that only actual pre-cogs/prophets would know this?). Multiple pre-cogs/prophets can atest to/verify this...
- it's clear that a lot of people would think that having 'abilities' is a good thing. I don't think the average person understands the inherent problems. It isn't as great as some make out to be? If you can see everything bad that is possibly coming at you ahead in time it can fill you with anxiety especially if you know that there is nothing that you can do to change the vision/dream that you see in the future. A good example of this is the following. Imagine you know how people will likely pass away but you have no idea how to fix it? For instance, how to deal with cancer or AIDS/HIV? Moreover, there are inherent flaws in people's belief in some of these abilities. Think about telepathy and mind reading capabilities as a good example of this. Humanity has clearly become very adept at manipulating itself. Imagine you enter the mind the mind of someone who has been 'manipulated' and you find out something that is 'technically untrue'. This ability has limitations. The only way it works is those with abilities have multiple abilities with complete control of 'this particular time and space'. It helps to remove some doubt from the equation
- technically, the only way this will be 'fixed' if kids are taught to take control over the abilities early on and learn how to keep themselves 'in check'. Thereafter, no matter what challenges the world throws them up they'd have a pretty good chance at changing things for the overall good?
- it's obvious what some of the religions may have done. Since they didn't know what to look for they basically looked at everything/recorded everything for each 'true pre-cog/prophet' that they found and then journalled it. It makes for an enormous 'haystack' to look through for anyone searching for 'interesting bits' of potential research. That said, this is still an area of enormous mystery
- it's interesting that the US is saying that anyone can basically do it but that there's a lot of incoherent information regarding this phenomenon out there. Surely, those who are 'naturally enhanced' are best equipped to experiment on themselves and provide guidance for others? It just makes more sense?
remote viewing accuracy
Remote viewing (RV) is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target, purportedly using extrasensory perception (ESP) or "sensing with mind".[1]

Remote Viewing experiments have historically been criticized for lack of proper controls and repeatability. There is no credible evidence that remote viewing exists, and the topic of remote viewing is generally regarded as pseudoscience.[2][3][4][5][6][7]

Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object, event, person or location that is hidden from physical view and separated at some distance.[8] The term was coined in the 1970s by physicists Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, parapsychology researchers at Stanford Research Institute (SRI), to distinguish it from the closely related concept of clairvoyance.[9][10]

Remote viewing was popularized in the 1990s upon the declassification of certain documents related to the Stargate Project, a $20 million research program that had started in 1975 and was sponsored by the U.S. government, in an attempt to determine any potential military application of psychic phenomena. The program was terminated in 1995 after it failed to produce any actionable intelligence information.[n 1][11]

A specific application of remote viewing, called Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) gained popularity in the last decade. ARV is a method mostly used by individuals and groups to predict future outcome of an event that has not yet occurred. Individuals use this method to make profits by predicting outcomes of sports events or stock market moves. Successful ARV making money projects include: Keith Harary and Russell Targ earned more than $100,000 by predicting changes in silver futures market in 1982,[12] Greg Kolodziejzyk's 13-year (1998-2011) ARV experiment which yielded $146,587.30,[13] Colorado ARV experiment.[14] A typical ARV trial can be automated by software like ARV Studio.[15]
- what's interesting for me is all of the pre-cogs/prophets who wrote the 'Revelations' basically said that the only way an Earthly empire could encompass everyone is if it were that built by one of those from 'up above' (it's obvious that this is true because if you look around the world the benefits haven't exactly been spread out). It would be ruled by the 'Word of God' not by man itself? From a logical standpoint it makes more sense because this is the only way around the finite resource issue as well as the internal bias issue that most humans face
- obvious what some pre-cogs/prophets have found. They were on the wrong track so they reset. They ignored the theological/issues for a life for a while and split hoping that one day an individual (or group) could/would finish things off for them?

Random Stuff:
- if you've been looking at this blog for a while you may have noticed a new look while I've beens playing around with themes, layouts, etc... Notice, that I've now added news feeds (for both International news as well as Linux and FOSS material) down the right hand side and towards the bottom? Makes life a bit easier for me because of generally 'heavy/slow websites now' which takes ages to load. Feels like a lot of people rely on super heavy JavaScript libraries now
- if you haven't screwed around with Android development there are heaps of alternatives out there besides Eclipse and Android Studio. Recently, I took a look at Kivy. It has been a harrowing experience for many different reasons. All across the board the whole thing reminds me of programmers who have out-smarted themselves... If you understand Java, Python, ant, XML, etc... then it's relatively easy to debug these things. If not, you're going to be in a lot of trouble if your platform is 'non-standard'
android development in eclipse
- I've been looking at CLI based development. I guess I prefer this because this is the way I've grown up and to be honest a lot of IDE's out there have become too resource intensive/slow for my liking. I tend to auto-generate code a lot of the time so I guess it matters less to me as well?
pure command line development android
command line development android
windows android development ide
After a lot of research I found the following options for free cross-platform frameworks:

    Unity – C#
    Xamarin – C#
    Kivy – Python
    Titanium Appcelerator – Javascript
    Sencha Touch – Javascript web app framework (using Cordova/Phonegap to get native functionality and compile into a native app)
    Enyo – Javascript web app framework (using Cordova/Phonegap to get native functionality and compile into a native app)
Using Unity for non-game app development
light weight environment android development
- heaps of existing applications out there if you want a base to work from...
open source android applications
- you can develop in other languages on Android besides Java if you aren't aware
- had a hilarious error in Android Studio. I was staring at a NULL error problem for a while. Moreover, logging isn't that great from Android Studio and the way you think it works isn't necessarily the way it actually works. It came down to how the SDK was located and yet the error was showing up as a 'NULL' exception?
android studio error startup in ubuntu
- there are alternative Android App Stores out there with more then enough traffic to make some money if you aren't aware
free android app stores
- the toolchain for kivy is probably the core issue with it. It's just layers upon layers of abstraction and tools on top of one another (add on top of that, the Android toolchain). If you don't how/where to look for issues it's unlikely you'll ever figure out how to setup up the environment let alone get an application going
kivy build environment varaibles
- need this in order to get around local issues
sudo cp -rf apt/ /var/cache/
cd apt/archives/
sudo dpkg -i *.deb
- due to my local setup had some errors on installation of python-for-android. Had to upgrade it get things going
pip install --upgrade setuptools
cd python-for-android/
sudo python setup.py install
following results in errors
sudo pip install python-for-android
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'packaging'
- need to setup environment variables properly to get things going
export ANDROIDSDK="/pathtosdk/android-sdk-linux"
export ANDROIDNDK="/pathtondk/android-ndk-r10e"
export ANDROIDNDKVER="r10e"
cd "/demopath/touchtracer/"
p4a apk --private . --package=org.example.myapp --name "My application" --version 0.1 --bootstrap=sdl2 --requirements=python2,kivy
- this hack is required to get around home size quota
cp -rfv "~/.local/share/python-for-android/*" "/pathtopythonforandroid/python-for-android/"
ln -s "/pathtopythonforandroid/python-for-android/" "~/.local/share/python-for-android"
Kivy – Open-source Python library for rapid development of applications
rapt python
"python-for-android" debian package
- there are some systems online to test for compability across the board for your APK
online system to test apk compability
- there's a cloud building capability for kivy but it doesn't seem to be working/functional. You'll have to build it yourself
kivy android cloud building service
p4a cloud builder
p4a cloud builder
- multiple ways to build APKs in kivy
online kivy to apk converter
- you'll need 32-bit editions of SDK and NDK if you're on a 32-bit platform. Copies are still out there/archived but aren't necessarily easy to access
android ndk 32-bit edition
- check AndroidManifest.xml, project.properties, default.properties. Had a compilation issue that basically came down to the relevant files not targeting the correct API (this has to do with the software works not me?). After that I had to run the compilation manually via 'ant debug'
- if you can't deal with the following error just comment out the relevant section from AndroidManifest.xml (which no one seems to have mentioned)
kivy No resource identifier found for attribute 'hardwareAccelerated' in package 'android'
can't create apk kivy no resource identifier aapt
- need to sign things manually if you're developing using kivy. Note that you may have issues if you're using the wrong JDK version
kivy sign apk packages
apksigner java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/apksigner/ApkSignerTool : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0
- this supposedly creates relocatable executables from Python code. Haven't tried it out yet. Looks neat?
- one of the funny things I've figured out about the Linux world is that the news world seems to have dropped off the map? About a decade ago there were Linux news sites showing up almost everywhere. Now, they've mostly disappeared?
- funny animals
- 'deep state' phenomena in the US (most states have it but a lot of attention seems to be focused on the US?) is kind of interesting
CrossTalk - Who Rules
- latest in ICT
- latest in finance
- latest in science and technology
- one of the things you constantly hear about Elon Musk is that technically he isn't an entrepreneur in the true sense. He's basically subsidised by the government on projects that have (thus far) not made any money? In any case, curious how he got that funding? Guessing there has to be a 'quid pro quo' some where?
Elon Musk’s Neuralink aims to connect human brain with AI
- latest in politics
- for some strange reason I can easily see this ending badly? Imagine if people start hacking and stealing the robots themselves?
- latest stuff in the defense world
- latest stuff in the geo-political world. One of the interesting things for me is that Russia seems to be slowly re-acquiring the role that the USSR seemed to play in the Middle-East decades ago...

Random Quotes:
- The rationale for U.S. government support for weapons exports varies. Along with the defense industry lobby, the administration—which by law must approve all weapons transfers overseas—emphasizes the need to keep defense industry production lines moving to be able to supply U.S. forces in the event of an unexpected crisis. And with defense industry jobs in nearly every congressional district and military contractors channeling millions in campaign contributions to both parties, lawmakers remain reluctant to cut weapons industry subsidies.

Facing modest post-cold war reductions in military spending, the weapons industry has, for the most part, ducked the challenge of conversion to nonmilitary production (see In Focus: Defense Conversion) and looked increasingly to overseas weapons sales to bolster production lines and profit margins. This plan hasn’t worked: Runaway costs for military equipment have priced most of the world out of the market, and demand has declined.

As a result, U.S. taxpayers have underwritten a growing share of the costs of military exports. In 1993 the U.S. authorized foreign military sales valued at a record $36 billion, a level unprecedented even during the cold war. By 1995 the sales volume had fallen to $12.6 billion. But over the same period, federal subsidies for weapons exports actually rose slightly—from $7 billion to $7.6 billion per year.
- New cargo planes on order for the U.S. Air Force are being delivered straight into storage in the Arizona desert because the military has no use for them, a Dayton Daily News investigation found.

A dozen nearly new C-27J Spartans from Ohio and elsewhere have already been taken out of service and shipped to the so-called boneyard at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson. Five more are expected to be built by April 2014, all of which are headed to the boneyard unless another use for them is found.

The Air Force has spent $567 million on 21 C-27J aircraft since 2007, according to purchasing officials at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Sixteen had been delivered by the end of September.

The Air Force almost had to buy more of the planes against its will, the newspaper found. A solicitation issued from Wright-Patterson in May sought vendors to build more C-27Js, citing Congressional language requiring the military to spend money budgeted for the planes, despite Pentagon protests.
- Peter Steiniger runs a website that enthusiastically chronicles the German MiG experience, and is replete with stunning photos and heartfelt tributes to the Fulcrum. And yet Steiniger says: “Would I want to go to war with it? No. Except for the [AA-11 Archer system], the cockpit was terribly labor-intensive. Our overall [situational awareness in beyond visual range] setups was in the map case.” In other words, the pilot had to put his head down, break out the paper, and figure out where he was.

Although a small number of Fulcrums continue to be upgraded—Poland’s MiGs are receiving new mission computers, navigation technology, and even a Rockwell Collins UHF/VHF radio—other air forces, except for an inordinate number of former Soviet-aligned states, never queued up to buy the Fulcrum after the cold war. “The MiG-29 really got exposed with the fall of the Iron Curtain,” Clifton says. “You don’t see further foreign sales. Who’s bought it? Nobody.” As to the wisdom of upgrading the Fulcrum into a modern, data-linked, multi-role fighter, Clifton says, “Go buy an F-16. It would be more economical, and it’s a better airplane.”

Today the Russians are offering for export a better MiG, the -35. “Over the years, the Russians modified the MiG-29. They tweaked it, improved it,” says Ben Lambeth. “The MiG-35 looks like a MiG-29, but it has much more capability.” So far it has attracted only one potential customer: India. The new jet will reportedly join the Russian air force in 2016. But the attention of Western analysts—and almost certainly the syllabus of the Air Force Weapons School—is now focused on the products of a different aviation design bureau.
- The defense and foreign aid budgets are the largest single source of government funding for private corporations. More than half of U.S. weapons sales are now being financed by taxpayers instead of foreign arms purchasers. During fiscal year 1996 (the last year for which full statistics are available), the government spent more than $7.9 billion to help U.S. companies secure just over $12 billion in agreements for new international arms sales. The annual $7.9 billion in subsidies includes taxpayer-backed loans, grants, and government promotional activities that help U.S. weapons makers sell their products to foreign customers. Also, the provision of low-cost facilities and extensive subsidies for research and development and mergers and acquisitions to major contractors fosters a “risk-free” environment in which weapons makers have little economic incentive to produce effective systems at affordable prices. Furthermore, a portion of the $120 billion the Pentagon spends each year on contracts with U.S. defense contractors is being wasted on defense pork—that is, redundant or unneeded weapons systems. Such subsidies and spending for defense pork can interfere with the fulfillment of legitimate security needs.
- We do know that the development contract will be cost-plus-reimbursable-incentive, meaning that a percentage will be added to the direct material, labor, and overhead costs in order to create a profit margin for the contractor. That percentage will vary with a subjective assessment of how well Northrop Grumman is performing as it works to design and test the prototypes. Loren Thompson of the Lexington Institute called that approach “out of sync” with the Obama Administration’s Better Buying Power (BBP) enthusiasm for fixed-price deals. However BBP has been interpreted throughout the bureaucracy, fixed-price was never meant as a panacea. For unfashionable is preferable to uneconomical, and some historical experiences suggests that the Air Force might be getting this right.
- Yitzhak Rabin was the first Israeli leader to move from stage one to stage two of the strategy of “the iron wall” in relation to the Palestinians. He practised what Jabotinsky had preached: he negotiated from strength and he went forward towards the Palestinians on the political plane. For him, at least in the twilight of his political career, military power was not an end in itself but a means to an end: a negotiated settlement of the century-old conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine. Rabin appreciated the value of military power but, unlike the politicians of the right, he also understood its limits. That is his true and enduring political legacy. It is as relevant today, when a third Palestinian intifada seems in the making, as it was 20 years ago.
- So my car has been unable to turn itself on these past 3 weeks.

I have gotten around this by always parking on a hill (both at home and at work), and doing a rolling jump start to get me going. Of course, this is not ideal, as I cannot travel to a destination that does not have a hill :| Stalling, especially in rush hour, is no longer an enjoyable pastime, however I do always keep a set of jumper leads in my car.
- Chinese hackers have gained access to designs of more than two dozen major U.S. weapons systems, a U.S. report said on Monday, as Australian media said Chinese hackers had stolen the blueprints for Australia's new spy headquarters. 

Citing a report prepared for the Defense Department by the Defense Science Board, the Washington Post said the compromised U.S. designs included those for combat aircraft and ships, as well as missile defenses vital for Europe, Asia and the Gulf. 

Among the weapons listed in the report were the advanced Patriot missile system, the Navy's Aegis ballistic missile defense systems, the F/A-18 fighter jet, the V-22 Osprey, the Black Hawk helicopter and the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. 
- Whether out of hubris, fear or lack of competence, Mr. Obama has elected to take a meandering middle course. But that is nothing new for his policies in the Middle East. In the end, adding special ops to Syria isn't anything new. It’s not even really newsworthy, other than to remind that brave soldiers are once again going in harm's way on our behalf. Let's hope their missions are worthy of the risks we ask them to take.
- “This Stryker parade won’t fool anyone in Moscow,” says retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor. “The Russians don’t do many things well, but they have been subverting, destabilizing, invading and conquering their neighbors since Peter the Great. And what’s our response: a small unit of light armored trucks.” 
- Lockheed Martin's IT staff say they encounter 1 million "incidents" a day.  They have to filter through these, distinguishing "white noise" from serious threats.

The Maryland data center from which information was taken is a state of the art facility, built in 2008.  It covers 25,000 square-feet and cost $17M USD to build.  But even with relatively modern systems and protections, defenses were still not strong enough to hold off the sophisticated and savvy attacker. 
- Despite the exceptional defense offered by Iron Dome, and the IAF, and despite the exceptional strikes on enemy forces, this [current] equation is bad for Israel. Fifty one days of conflict, all over Israel, that disrupted lives. Thankfully, we sustained low casualties, but this is before they learned their lessons. We want to do things better,” Nahushtan said. “We want to be able to hit every place that they fire from. We need another kind of intelligence, and another kind of direct strike capability. We have to decide that we want this. We must also invest in subterranean warfare. In terms of intelligence, we should strive for higher resolution, and automation.”
- Revenues from oil are inherently unstable and tend to cause epidemics of governmental corruption. Countries which suffer from this “resource curse” tend to grow much more slowly economically over time as putting oil revenues into a welfare state is much more attractive politically than reinvesting the wealth to boost economic performance. From 1965 to 1998, the GDP per capita of oil exporting countries decreased on average by 1.3 percent per year, while in the rest of the developing world, it grew by an average of 2.2 percent per year.
- TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The slogan "Death to America" is not aimed at the American people, but rather American policies, Iran's supreme leader said in comments reported on his official website Tuesday.
Khamenei says the "aim of the slogan is not death to American people. The slogan means death to U.S. policies and arrogance." The slogan has "strong support" In Iran, he said.

Khamenei and hard-liners in the Iranian government remain deeply suspicious of the United States and view its policies a threat to the country.
- Labor assistant treasury spokesman Andrew Leigh said that for 40 years Australian incomes at the bottom grew faster than those at the top. But from the 1980s, inequality grew, he said.

"Since Neighbours first went to air, the income share of the top 1 per cent has doubled," he said. "The income share of the top 0.1 per cent has tripled."
- The death rate among white middle-aged Americans is rising at an alarming rate, even as death rates for all other Americans are falling. The increase is concentrated among whites with meager educations and is “largely accounted for by increasing death rates from drug and alcohol poisonings, suicide and chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis,” according to two Princeton University scholars, one of whom was just awarded the Nobel in economics.

Their findings should awaken Americans to the price we pay for pursuing economic policies that enrich the few at the expense of the many.
- The United States has strongly criticized President Vladimir Putin's military intervention in Syria's 4-1/2-year civil war, and President Barack Obama has predicted it could lead to a quagmire for Russia.

But Obama has had little success in affecting the conflict himself. Washington has targeted Islamic State in more than a year of air strikes, and last week Obama ordered the first U.S. troops into Syria - a small contingent of up to 50 special operations forces who will advise U.S.-backed rebels.
- The median wage, adjusted for inflation, has been stuck at about $550 a week since 1999. The pretax incomes reported on 90 percent of tax returns in 2013 were in real terms about the same as way back in 1966, up just $191, or six-tenths of 1 percent, after 47 years.

The big income gains were among the top 1 percent, especially the upper reaches of that group. Among the top hundredth of 1 percent, average real income soared from $5.5 million to $25 million over those 47 years. That’s a growth rate 590 times greater than what the bottom 90 percent experienced, a disparity made even greater because those at the top saw their federal income tax burdens fall by about three times as much as the bottom 90 percent.

The Congressional Research Service looked at people who had been out of work for two years or more in 2013 and found they were more likely to be male and older. Among the unemployed, 8.2 percent of workers under age 35 had spent two years or more without a job. For workers age 45 or older, that rate more than doubled, to 18.2 percent.

Here is an even more disturbing fact: Long-term unemployment rates were essentially the same for those with a high school diploma and those with a four-year college degree.
- An integrated jamming system to screen strategic facilities from cruise missiles, smart bombs and drones using GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and Beidou global positioning systems for homing has entered service with the Russian armed forces, the newspaper Izvestiya wrote citing a Defense Ministry source in Moscow.

Dubbed as POLE-21, the system consists of jamming modules installed on mobile phone towers and working as a single whole to cover entire areas and making them impregnable to satellite navigation systems.

Besides being powered by a tower’s circuit, the Pole-21 modules also use their GSM antennas as a backup channel for signal control and transmission. “The system has already been successfully tested and is now operational,” the source told the newspaper.

All the four global positioning systems whose signals are effectively deflected by Pole-21 work within the 1176.45 and 1575.42 MHz range. Even a 20 watt transmitter is enough for Pole-21 to jam all signals in this range within a radius of 80 kilometers.

Pole-21 has one downside though. While generating radio interference against the enemy using the GPS satellite navigation systems, it does the same to domestic users of GPS and its Russian analogue – GLONASS.
- The US Treasury Department today announced the addition of a number of companies to their list of sanctions related to the Crimean Peninsula, this time going after companies involved in the construction of the Kerch Strait bridge, which links the peninsula to Russia.

This included multiple Russian bridge-building companies, and several subsidiaries of OAO Gazprom. 11 Crimean officials were also sanctioned over the construction, which intends to build a $3.2 billion bridge spanning 19km.

The Treasury Department insisted this showed they continue “condemning Russia’s violation of international law, and we will continue to sanction those who threaten Ukraine’s peace.” The US objects to Crimea’s 2014 secession from Ukraine and its accession into the Russian Federation.

At the same time, the bridge plan was initially made between Russian and Ukrainian officials way back in 2010. Ukraine only withdrew from the bridge construction deal in late 2014, after Crimea had already seceded, and primarily with an eye toward doing economic harm to the peninsula. Russian officials have not commented on the new sanctions, but it is doubtful the sanctions will have any impact on the plan.
- 7 Things About The Mainstream Media That They Do Not Want You To Know - Based On A Photo By Doug WaldronHave you ever wondered who controls the mainstream media?  In America today, we are more “connected” than ever.  The average American watches 153 hours of television a month, and we also spend countless hours watching movies, playing video games, listening to music, reading books and surfing the Internet.  If someone could control the production of all of that media, that would make them immensely powerful.  They would literally be in a position to tell people what to think.  Well, what if I told you that there are just six enormous media conglomerates that combine to produce about 90 percent of all the media that Americans consume.  Would that alarm you?  It should alarm you.  The truth is that our attitudes, opinions and beliefs are greatly shaped by what we allow into our minds.  After all, they don’t call it “programming” for no reason.  Even those of us that realize that we are connected to “the matrix” probably greatly underestimate the tremendous influence that the media has over us.  We live at a time when it is absolutely imperative to think for ourselves, but most Americans are being absolutely overwhelmed with information and seem more than content to let others do their thinking for them.  Sadly, this is greatly contributing to the downfall of our society.

And of course the mainstream media desperately does not want you to look at “the man behind the curtain”.  They just want you to stay plugged into the “programming” that they are feeding you without asking any questions.

Fortunately, a growing minority of Americans are waking up and are starting to reject the mainstream media.  An increasing number of people are beginning to recognize that the mainstream media is the mouthpiece of the establishment and that it is promoting the agenda of the establishment.
- While Sony's IFA events focused on the new top-shelf Signature Series, it is accompanied by the launch of a new entry-level NW-A30 series Hi-Res Audio Walkman, with the new $349 NW-A35 replacing last year's $279 NW-A25.

While the new entry-level model is more expensive, it adds a larger display which is now a touchscreen. The NW-A30 series does not feature a 4.4mm audio jack but supports the DSD Hi-Res Audio format and LDAC Bluetooth found in the high-end models.
- “The most common theme in my parenting classes is that the biggest trigger for anger is children’s lack of co-operation,” Mike says. “But we’re living in a world of information overload. Children have access to incredible information, such as social media and apps. It’s instant gratification and just another distraction from being present. That can have a catastrophic effect on children. They are consumed by social media and games, staying up later and becoming preoccupied. They are bored out of their skulls by real life. Meaning they are becoming less and less cooperative. And parents are getting angrier about it every year.”

Part of the reason that parents get so angry is lack of emotional articulacy. “It is hard for British parents to own up to their own feelings. There’s a lack of education around it. So I don’t have parents actually telling a child that they feel angry or scared or vulnerable. When we’re running late, tired or stressed, instead of telling our children how we feel, we resort instead to shaming and blaming the child.”

So parents are guilty of projecting their own stresses on to their children? “Exactly. And we’re living in a world getting more stressful all the time. There’s no opportunity for peace and quiet because of the nature of our lifestyles and environments. If we don’t know how to manage it, it all gets projected. People dump on their children all the time.”

Despite the explosion of online emotional sharing, Mike thinks that fundamentally, the British stiff upper lip remains embedded in our psyche. “We hold on to our resentment, we hold on to our anger – we see the inside and just act it out.”

Is parenting idealised to the point that people are doomed to fail and then get furious about it? “As a culture, there is something about doing things well that we really value. It feeds our confidence or self-esteem, so we strive for perfection. When we don’t achieve that we blame our children.”

He makes it clear that once people become parents, they are unwittingly drawn into an invisible, tangled web of competition with not just their partner but also their peer group and their own past. “One of the reasons parents put themselves under too much pressure is because of the way they were brought up. Either they don’t want to parent their children the way they were, so they overextend themselves and over-compensate. Or their parents were brilliant and people try to match that, which can be competitive too.”
- Technology, media, pharmaceutical and other companies, along with major corporate lobbying groups, filed legal briefs on Friday in support of a Microsoft Corp lawsuit that aims to strike down a law preventing companies from telling customers the government is seeking their data. Friday was the deadline for filing of friend-of-the-court briefs by nonparticipants in the case. The filings show broad support for Microsoft and the technology industry in its latest high-profile clash with the U.S. Justice Department over digital privacy and surveillance.

Microsoft’s backers included the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the National Association of Manufacturers, Delta Air Lines Inc, Eli Lilly and Co, BP America, the Washington Post, Fox News, the National Newspaper Association, Apple Inc, Alphabet Inc’s Google, Amazon.com Inc, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and many others. Microsoft filed its lawsuit in Seattle federal court in April, arguing that a law allowing the government to seize computer data located on third-party computers and often barring companies from telling their customers that they are targets is unconstitutional.
- The recent Falcon 9 rocket explosion badly damaged SpaceX's Florida launch pad at Cape Canaveral, meaning the company’s primary launch site is out of commission for the foreseeable future. But while that pad undergoes repairs, SpaceX says it can continue launching vehicles from its two other launch sites — one in California and another one in Cape Canaveral.

That doesn’t mean the company will be getting back to its regular flight schedule just yet, though. SpaceX’s California launch pad can only be used for certain types of missions to space, and the second Florida pad isn’t quite ready to support launches just yet.

The pad damaged in Thursday’s explosion is located at Launch Complex 40 — a site at the Cape that SpaceX leases from the US Air Force. It’s the pad that SpaceX uses for most of its launches: of the eight Falcon 9s the company has launched this year, seven took off from Launch Complex 40. Not being able to use the pad is going to significantly throw off SpaceX’s busy launch schedule for the rest of the year. The company is currently trying to figure out how long it’s going to take to get the site back to normal. "The pad clearly incurred damage, but the scope has yet to be fully determined," said SpaceX in an update on Friday. "We will share more data as it becomes available."
- Here’s a phrase to conjure with: “zero-day vulnerability”. If you’re a non-techie, it will sound either like a meaningless piece of jargon or it’ll have a vaguely sinister ring to it. “Year Zero” was the name chosen by the Khmer Rouge for 1975, the year they seized power in Cambodia and embarked on their genocidal rule. Behind the term lay the idea that “all culture and traditions within a society must be completely destroyed or discarded and a new revolutionary culture must replace it, starting from scratch”.

If you run a computer network, though, especially one that hosts sensitive or confidential data, then zero-day vulnerability evokes nightmares and worse. It means that your system has a security hole that nobody, including you, knew about and that someone is now in a position to exploit. And you have no real defence against it.

All software has bugs and all networked systems have security holes in them. If you wanted to build a model of our online world out of cheese, you’d need emmental to make it realistic. These holes (vulnerabilities) are constantly being discovered and patched, but the process by which this happens is, inevitably, reactive. Someone discovers a vulnerability, reports it either to the software company that wrote the code or to US-CERT, the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team. A fix for the vulnerability is then devised and a “patch” is issued by computer security companies such as Kaspersky and/or by software and computer companies. At the receiving end, it is hoped that computer users and network administrators will then install the patch. Some do, but many don’t, alas.

It’s a lousy system, but it’s the only one we’ve got. It has two obvious flaws. The first is that the response always lags behind the threat by days, weeks or months, during which the malicious software that exploits the vulnerability is doing its ghastly work. The second is that it is completely dependent on people reporting the vulnerabilities that they have discovered.

Zero-day vulnerabilities are the unreported ones. Nowadays, they can be very valuable. Software companies and computer manufacturers offer bounties to those who report them. But they are also traded online in the recesses of the dark web, where the customers include not just affluent criminals but also government agencies.

For years, it’s been a reasonable conjecture that intelligence agencies such as the NSA and GCHQ were stockpiling zero-day exploits for use in the wars against cybercrime and global terrorism. Some of these will be vulnerabilities that the spooks themselves have discovered; others will be ones they’ve bought on the black market. After all, if you’re a public official charged with protecting society against these threats, then you would take all available steps to fulfil that mission.

The agencies won’t talk about their hoards, for obvious reasons. So up to now all we’ve had are our suspicions. But on 13 August all that changed. A mysterious group calling itself the Shadow Brokers released 300 megabytes of the NSA’s “cyberweapons” stash on the internet. “The people behind the link used casual hacker lingo,” reported Bruce Schneier, a leading computer security expert, “and made a weird, implausible proposal involving holding a bitcoin auction for the rest of the data: ‘!!! Attention government sponsors of cyber warfare and those who profit from it !!!! How much you pay for enemies cyberweapons?’”

Nobody knows who these Shadow Brokers are but the stolen material appears to be genuine. In which case, it’s embarrassing for the NSA. What is more interesting, from a democratic point of view is the nature of the zero-day vulnerabilities that have been revealed. For some of them can be exploited not just against enemy states or cybercriminals, but against common internet security systems – Schneier identifies products made by Cisco, Fortinet, Topsec, WatchGuard and Juniper, for example.
- The Bear was born from the Soviet Union’s desire to develop its own strategic bomber force to match the one fielded by the United States in World War II. Soviet planners requested in 1950 a four-engine bomber that could fly five thousand miles to hit targets across the United States while hauling over twelve tons of bombs.

The jet engines of the time, however, burned through fuel too quickly. Thus, the design bureau of Andrei Tupolev conceived of an aircraft using four powerful NK-12 turboprop engines with contrarotating propellers.

Each of the NK-12s has two propellers, the second one spinning in the direction opposite the first. This not only counteracts the torque created by the rotational airflow of the first propeller, but harnesses it for greater speed. Contrarotating propellers are therefore modestly more efficient—but because they are more expensive to produce and maintain, and also unbelievably noisy, they have not been widely adopted. In fact, the noise produced by Tu-95s has reportedly been remarked upon by submarine crews and jet pilots.
- Russian activists have prepared a proposal to launch a major international rights organization that would work in the Eurasian space and would be not as ‘politically-biased’ as Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

“We want to create the Eurasian Human Rights Group or EARG with the primary task of constant monitoring of observation of human and civil rights. It is important for activists to coordinate their activities and when it’s necessary to urgently go to places where violations of human rights are registered. In addition, our group will distribute humanitarian aid,” the main figure behind the project, the head of the Russian Volunteers Union and secretary of the Russian Council for Human Rights, Yana Lantratova, said in comments to Izvestia daily.

She also told about plans to accredit the new group with all international institutes, such as the United Nations, the Eurasian Economic Union and the Commonwealth of Independent States. “Our main objective is openness and independence, the ability to operatively assess any events and react on them,” she said.

- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...