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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Getting Free Education and Training, Random Stuff, and More

- I've been looking at free education, training, and certification options of late. In this post are some of the options that I found
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Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- there seem to be many former comedians and clowns (literally) becoming politicians nowadays?
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Zelensky's party set for unprecedented majority in Ukraine vote
- latest in science and technology
Monsanto dept worked to discredit critics & journalists
Leading role in quantum field could await China
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- latest in finance and politics
Assessing Trump - Is the president fit for office - UpFront (Special Discussion)
“The Dalai Lama — Scientist” set for World Premiere at 76th Venice International Film Festival
- latest in defense and intelligence
Ex-CIA Agent: America creates its own enemies
SBU detains Russia citizen in Cherkasy region on suspicion of subversion at military airfield
Source: Crashed US Drone in Iraq Armed with Missiles
- latest in animal news
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Random Quotes:
- New York: Google's Chief Executive Sundar Pichai has told a US congressional panel that the company has no plans to launch a search engine in China but did not rule out a future launch.

In a session that frustrated and bemused many observers, Pichai was also asked to explain why a picture of US President Donald Trump comes up in Google Images when people search the term "idiot".

"How would that happen? How does search work so that that would occur?" Democratic Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren asked Pichai on Tuesday, local time.

Pichai responded by explaining that Google has a search algorithm that collates data from billions of web pages.

"Any time you type in a key word, we, as Google, have gone out and crawled and stored copies of... billions of [web] pages in our index and we take the key word and match it against the pages and rank them based on our 200 signals, things like relevance, freshness, popularity, how other people are using it...

"Based on that, at any given time, we try to rank and find the best results for that query and then we evaluate them with external radars... to objective guidelines."
- Rwanda, which likes to portray itself as a front-runner in technical advances, has led the way. Members of Ghana's parliament, however, seemed skeptical that the drone deliveries could work in Ghana. "You can't even assemble an array of ambulances to meet the health needs of our people, you are talking about drones," said Inusah Abdulai Fuseini, minority spokesperson in parliament.

The lack of ambulances and poor road network is something that Franklin Cudjoe from the Ghanaian policy think tank IMANI addressed. "The challenges with the health system is about the medical supply systems which are in decrepit situation," he said. "We have just under fifty or so ambulances for the country." Before drones are introduced, the critics argue, the ministry should first show that it can handle its infrastructural problems.

Kobby Blay, a doctor who works at a rural community in the southern part of Ghana also thinks the drones shouldn't be a priority. "The drones may be necessary at a point but on a large scale for now it is not the case," he told DW.

That the Ghanaian case is different is of course true, Marfo from Zipline told DW. "Ghana is much bigger than Rwanda, so Zipline has to think of how it scales quickly, how it thinks of deploying its service more quickly and efficiently," he said.

Together with the ministry of health, the company mapped out its distribution sites, which will house emergency stocks of medicine and supplies and function as the launch pads for the drones. 

The first of four sites is located in Suhum in eastern Ghana. "You have communities that need to cross by boats which move only once or twice a day to get to those places," Marfo explained. Within the first year, a second site is planned. The drones only fly within a radius of 80km and the first distribution site is expected to cover 500 health facilities.

The high cost of the drone program was another matter of debate in Ghana. Per month, each site will cost around $88,000 (€77,000) when running at full capacity. Over the span of five years, that would amount to a bill of $21 million for the country.

While some argue that the money could be put to better use, Marfo explained that the government would only be paying for the actual delivery service. "The unique thing about this project is that a lot of corporate organizations are taking up the cost of the project as part of their corporate social responsibility," he said. "Currently the Ministry of Health and government are not footing any bill with regards to service costs."
- Attraction is, at its most basic level, a pretty mysterious thing. What makes one person attracted to another, and why are certain qualities more sought after than others? We often find it hard to explain, but it’s forever programmed into our minds and, in the case of a pint-sized amphibian species called the túngara frog it’s that magnetism that is apparently giving city frogs an edge over their country-dwelling brethren.

In a new study published in Science, researchers tested the attractiveness of frogs located in various regions around Panama. Some of the frogs were from bustling cities while others were observed in smaller towns or rural forested areas. Through extensive testing, the biologists determined that male frogs from the city are more attractive to females than those found elsewhere.

The team came to their conclusions by recording the mating calls made by the tiny frogs located in different areas. Those recordings were then played back in the wild, and the scientists observed the number of females that responded, as well as the activity of bats that prey on the frogs and insects that pose a threat to them.

City-dwelling frogs were found to have more creative call patterns, and those calls were more appealing to female frogs from both the city and the country. That’s an interesting discovery on its own, but it wasn’t until the team transplanted city frogs into the country and vice versa that the city males really showed their skills.

When moved out of the cities, the city frogs were able to adapt their calls to match their country-dwelling peers. The more complex city calls became more basic. However, when the country frogs were brought to the city they were at a loss, failing to adapt with more creative mating calls.

If you’re having trouble knowing what to make of all this, I think the message is clear: If you’re having bad luck in the dating scene, just move to the city.
- MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian parliament has announced a rap song competition amid a crackdown on contemporary music that evoked Soviet-era censorship of the arts.

A dozen rappers have had their shows cancelled recently after warnings from officials who claim that their music promotes the wrong values. At least three musicians have been detained.

In a symbolic gesture of reconciliation, the State Duma announced on Thursday that it would run a competition for the best rap song on the subject of travel in Russia. The winner, according to lawmaker Mikhail Degtyarev, will win a trip around Russian cities.

Rap has emerged as one of the most popular music genres among Russia’s youth thanks to its frank portrayal of daily realities and scathing criticism of the government.
- The world's biggest porn site, Pornhub, has issued its yearly report and the figures therein (traffic, not humans) are something for which every publisher on the face of the Earth would kill.

The site saw 33.5 billion visits, a number that assumes gigantic proportions (no pun intended) when one takes into account the fact that the population of the planet is about 7.5 billion.

Vists from Australian IPs were ninth in the list of countries. The US was at the top by a big margin from the UK, followed by India, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Australia and the Philippines.

Average daily visits were 92.5 million and the report said that was now up to 100 million, meaning that it was akin to the entire populations of Canada, Poland and Australia visiting the site every day.

The site handled 30.3 billion searches, or 962 searches per second. The report says Pornhub's amateurs, models and content partners uploaded 4.79 million new videos which worked out to more than a million hours of screentime.

To put that in perspective, the report said: "If you were to start watching 2018’s videos after the Wright brother’s first flight in 1903, you would still be watching them today 115 years later!"

There was a total of 4403 petabytes of data transferred by the site, or about 575MB of data for every citizen of Planet Earth. Looking at in terms of time, that meant 147GB per second, 529,900GB per hour or 12,700,800 GB per day, meaning more bandwidth than consumed by the entire Internet in 2002.

The most watched video on the site remains one detailing the antics of one Kim Kardashian, clocking in at 195 million views. The report said 63,992 new visitors visitied the site every minute, 207,405 videos were watched, with 55 being of the Kardashian video, and 57,750 searches were carried out.

Each minute 12 new videos and two hours of content were uploaded while 7708 GB of data was transferred globally.

US President Donald Trump, whose presence is visible in many areas worldwide, is not forgotten on the site, with the name of his one-time mate, Stormy Daniels, being the top star searched for in 2018. Daniels was the 671st ranked star among search terms the previous year, making it a meteoric rise (again, no pun intended).

The full report is here.
- Anything that paints Huawei in a good light is Communist propaganda in the eyes of journalists such as these.

For all the talk of spying by Huawei, one has yet to see any evidence of such activity. There have, however, been backdoors disclosed in equipment from global networking vendor Cisco, one which the company buried therein. Yet there has never been any talk of banning Cisco equipment from the Internet.

There has also been a verified account of the American NSA spy agency planting backdoors in Cisco equipment when it was en route to certain customers.

But then Cisco is an American company. It ain't got no truck with those Communists. So too the NSA, which is as American as apple pie. And you know that anything American cannot be involved in anything shady.

The argument one hears often is that under Chinese law, Beijing can ask any Chinese company to assist in the task of espionage. But then nobody mentions that the situation in the US is the same – and, in fact, the NSA has already used the good offices of Messrs Google Verizon, Apple, Microsoft et al to spy on all and sundry. After the Snowden revelations, this is no figment of one's imagination.

To digress a bit, Australian journalists are also prone to work themselves into a lather whenever they mention the fact that China has developed islands in the South China Sea as a military base. But there is never a mention of the equally indisputable fact that the US has about 40 military bases in the Pacific, completely ring-fencing China.

Nope, American spying good. Chinese spying bad.

This morning, I was struck by some posts on an American website known as Slashdot; responding to a post about Huawei asking for proof to justify the US and other countries' claims that it is involved in spying, several people responded by saying that they would prefer to buy Huawei phones.

Crazy? No, their argument was that China could do nothing to them even if it were spying on them, whereas if they were spied on by the NSA and the CIA — through American devices — then they were indeed in danger.

The level of espionage carried out by the NSA and the CIA is far in excess of anything indulged in by China, Russia, Iran or North Korea – the four countries that are most often blamed for cyber intrusions. But one never hears of any American cyber activity at all; when it comes to that, American journalists, for all their talk of democracy and a free press, become fiercely patriotic.

So I guess the mud being thrown at Huawei will continue, until the US is satisfied that it has saved its allies from the danger of Chinese spying.

People who look for logic in this nakedly political exercise are searching for pearls in mud.
- The Type 997 Artisan (Advanced Radar Target Indication Situational Awareness and Navigation) is a medium-range air and surface surveillance 3D radar developed and built by BAE Systems for the United Kingdom's Royal Navy. As of 12 January 2017, it has been fitted to 11 of 13 Type 23 frigates, HMS Ocean, HMS Bulwark and HMS Queen Elizabeth. It will further be fitted to HMS Prince of Wales, the remaining two Type 23s in their refit cycle, and HMS Albion as she returns to front-line duties.[1]

The Type 997 Artisan has a range of 200 m - 200 km (110 nmi) at 30 RPM and is reportedly capable of tracking more than 900 targets at once. BAE Systems state that Artisan is capable of tracking targets the size of small birds or tennis balls travelling at Mach 3 with "unrivalled detection performance and world beating electronic protection measures against even the most complex jammers".[2][3]
- 3D radar provides for radar coverage in three dimensions; unlike the more common 2D radar which provides range and bearing, the 3D radar also provides elevation. Applications include weather monitoring, air defense, and surveillance.

The information provided by 3D radar has long been required, particularly for air defence and interception. Interceptors must be told the altitude to climb to before making an intercept. Before the advent of single unit 3D radars, this was achieved with separate search radars (giving range and azimuth) and separate height finding radars that could examine a target to determine altitude. These had little search capability, so were directed to a particular azimuth first found by the primary search radar.
- +31 votes
Alister on 21/12/2018 - 21:38 new
Alternatively, just change your DNS to a different DNS server. 
Open DNS is free and excellent, not to mention safe as it's owned by Cisco.
https://www.opendns.com/ ·


+20 votes
TarquinOliverNimrod on 21/12/2018 - 21:52 new
Or Google's
CloudFlare's (fastest)

- To paraphrase the Victorian writer, John Ruskin, the highest reward for a university education is not what graduates get paid but what type of person they become. By including electives and the opportunity to study for double-degrees, students completing Wollongong’s Bachelor of Arts (Western Civilisation) course will not only be prepared for a career, but they also will be given the opportunity to think deeply about history, philosophy, literature, and what kind of people they want to become. Character is an essential, but often ignored, part of real education.
- “Australians want to access it, they read the paper, they see what’s happening in oil prices,” he said. “We’re seeing a massive shift, 77 per cent of our customers have bought and sold shares directly before but three quarters of them are trading US shares for the first time.”

While stock picking is practically blasphemy to a new generation of Warren Buffett-inspired, “Financial Independence, Retire Early” millennials who advocate for the slow and steady returns of index funds, many young people still enjoy the challenge.

“Ultimately you’re taking risk to make more money, so you’ve got to be aware of that,” said Mr Leibowitz. “(The advice is) always start small and see how you go. Every expert was once a novice. It’s not for everyone, but you’ll find out pretty quickly whether it is or not.”

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...