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Sunday, December 8, 2019

Mental Illness and Human Mind Control Experiments, Random Stuff, and More

- I've been doing more research for my medical search engine project. The main issues at the moment are understanding human biology better (so that I can build better data mining logic) and finding funding and time to do it (if I can't find funding I'll just do it as an interesting side project). The actual building of the search engine isn't actually all that hard as you've seen from my mini search engine prototype. I'm focusing in on mental illness because it's more interesting to me and it feels like an area that isn't well understood or explored. It also feels like it's easier to work from the brain outwards then from other organs to the brain sometimes?
SophieCo. Visionaries _ Knowledge is Hydra – neuroscientist
New data from Roy Morgan shows over 7.9 million Australians aged 14+ (38.4%) now suffer from a Mental Health condition according to the latest Roy Morgan health research based on a program of research that now spans over a decade into illnesses and medical conditions and derived from detailed in-depth interviews with over 50,000 Australians each year comprehensive health data is collected as part of the Roy Morgan Single Source survey.
- like I said previously I see huge similarities between human biology and that of animals. In the past, it was believed that a God of some sort created everything on Earth. Since Darwin things have changed and people now believe that mankind evolved from animals
Theory of Evolution - How did Darwin come up with it - BBC News
- there have been lots of human experiments. In fact, sometimes (despite what is said about the Nazis and Japanese being bad during the World Wars) it feels like other countries continued the work of the Nazis and Japanese with regards to Mind Control?
human experimentation
- the unfortuniate thing is that you don't need to do any of the more cynical experiments that they're talking about to achieve results. LSD favourite drug of Dr Gottlieb. 76 days of high dose LSD enough to destroy mind? US continued mind control experiments of Japanese and German Nazis? Obvious that espionage is rampant even amongst supposed enemies?
The CIA's Search For Mind Control
dr pfeiffer mk ultra cia
- I've looked at this stuff previously but not in too much detail. I understand the research better now and how it may help in the creation of better medicine? One strange thing has been cropping up over and over again is the theme of an elite few who want to control the world (depending on who you listen to this may be the Jews, United States Neo-Colonialists, various Royal Families, the wealthy in general, Transnational and Multinational Corporations, etc...)? Apparently, this is an obsession that in present in the minds of opponents of these people? There's one obvious flaw with current brainwashing techniques. Certain primitive styles can literally drive you crazy if the body breaks before it can be re-imprinted?
CIA search for mind control with Stephen Kinzer
Giants - Who Really Rules The World
The vilification of billionaires makes no sense to me - Cooperman
The Global Power Elite - A Transnational Class
In 1971, Stanford University psychologist Philip Zimbardo conducted the Stanford prison experiment in which twenty-four male students were randomly assigned roles of prisoners and guards in a mock prison situated in the basement of the Stanford psychology building. The participants adapted to their roles beyond Zimbardo's expectations with prison guards exhibiting authoritarian status and psychologically abusing the prisoners who were passive in their acceptance of the abuse. The experiment was largely controversial with criticisms aimed toward the lack of scientific principles and a control group, and for ethical concerns regarding Zimbardo's lack of intervention in the prisoner abuse.
From early 1940 until 1953, Lauretta Bender, a highly respected pediatric neuropsychiatrist who practiced at Bellevue Hospital in New York City, performed electroshock experiments on at least 100 children. The children's ages ranged from 3–12 years. Some reports indicate that she may have performed such experiments on more than 200. From 1942 to 1956, electroconvulsive treatment (ECT) was used on more than 500 children at Bellevue Hospital, including Bender's experiments; from 1956 to 1969, ECT was used at Creedmoor State Hospital Children's Service. Publicly, Bender claimed that the results of the "therapy" were positive, but in private memos, she expressed frustration over mental health issues caused by the treatments.[174] Bender would sometimes shock children with schizophrenia (some less than three years old) twice per day, for 20 consecutive days. Several of the children became violent and suicidal as a result of the treatments.[175]
In 1963, the CIA had synthesized many of the findings from its psychological research into what became known as the KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation handbook,[139] which cited the MKULTRA studies and other secret research programs as the scientific basis for their interrogation methods.[135] Cameron regularly traveled around the U.S. teaching military personnel about his techniques (hooding of prisoners for sensory deprivation, prolonged isolation, humiliation, etc.), and how they could be used in interrogations. Latin American paramilitary groups working for the CIA and U.S. military received training in these psychological techniques at places such as the School of the Americas. In the 21st century, many of the torture techniques developed in the MKULTRA studies and other programs were used at U.S. military and CIA prisons such as Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib.[135][140] In the aftermath of the Congressional hearings, major news media mainly focused on sensationalistic stories related to LSD, "mind-control", and "brainwashing", and rarely used the word "torture". This suggested that the CIA researchers were, as one author put it, "a bunch of bumbling sci-fi buffoons", rather than a rational group of men who had run torture laboratories and medical experiments in major U.S. universities; they had arranged for torture, rape and psychological abuse of adults and young children, driving many of them permanently insane.[135]
- psychoactive drugs are used for recreation, interrogation/torture (in higher concentrations), etc... They can cause similar effects as mental illness which is interesting. If particular illnesses have the same impact then can you infer what the original cause may be?
syria drug jihad
- good example is the following. Drunks, drug addicts, child abuse victims, schizophrenics, etc... have similar brain scan results and behavourial alternations. Basically reduced pre-frontal cortex activity and even ventricals (empty holes) sometimes? If activity in this section is blocked then then brain activity is controlled by other parts. Ironically, this reminds of the techniques to create artificial comas and to bring people out of them. Basically, they work on simple neurotransmitter basis. Deliberate comas block activity to the front part of the brain while stimulants are used to bring activity back up? If you believe that humans were created and understand how night visions goggles work it may become easier to understand? Basically, beyond a certain threshold of pain the mind needs to block/lock things out? It also explains behaviours when people get drunk, are mentally ill, etc... They basically revert to past/old behaviours?
dissociative state child abuse
dissociative state bullying
Severe trauma, also known as adverse childhood experiences, can leave children in near-constant fear and anxiety, always on the verge of fight-flight-or freeze mode, research shows. The result can be a constant release of stress hormones in the body, harmful enough to alter architecture in the developing brain.
“The biological response to this toxic stress can be incredibly destructive and last a lifetime,” the American Academy of Pediatrics described the process in a 2014 policy paper.
Beatings that leave bruises, sexual or emotional abuse, domestic violence, a drug-addicted parent — those and other major childhood adversities can
[73]shrink key parts of the brain, MRI scans show.
“We’ve seen the impacts of adverse childhood experiences for years,” said Deborah Harris, senior consultant for New Mexico’s Infant Mental Health Teams. The program sees some of the state’s most vulnerable babies, removed from their homes by Child Protective Services for maltreatment. “Now we actually have the brain research to support the theory.”
Harris says the science shows how critical it is to give infants and children the services they need. They can’t be expected to get over the abuse on their own.
“We’ve seen the impacts of adverse childhood experiences for years. Now we actually have the brain research to support the theory.”
nightscope using in daylight
The problem is that the image intensifier tubes used in conventional night vision devices, when exposed during the daylight, as mentioned give a very confusing picture and can basically overheat and get permanently damaged if exposed to bright sunlight. To prevent this case, there are expensive additions like auto-gating that protects the thermal night vision scope so that the image intensifier tube will basically SHUT DOWN itself when exposed to damaging daylight or bright lights. The further-developed FLIR technology does not have those problems actually.
pre frontal cortex
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the cerebral cortex covering the front part of the frontal lobe. This brain region has been implicated in planning complex cognitive behavior, personality expression, decision making, and moderating social behaviour.
limbic system drunk
Impaired emotional processing results from damage to the limbic system. ... Binge drinking, or heavy episodic drinking, can lead to damage in the limbic system that occurs after a relatively short period of time. This brain damage increases the risk of dementia and abnormalities in mood and cognitive abilities.
- one interesting thing from my research is that hazing, bullying, abuse, being over protective, military service, torture, tough love, etc... seem to produce similar results? Can't confirm completely without building completing my medical search engine prototype but suspect that this is true? If true, then the religions are true and we'll come full circle? They've been right the whole time. Better treatment of one another will lead to better health all around? The stress and nature of life in the the security services (intelligence and defense) make them perfect test subjects but data is limited for obvious reasons (recruitment, retention, morale, psychosomatics, etc...).
Health Minister Greg Hunt has unveiled a new children's national mental health strategy to prevent mental illness and suicides among young people.
It follows research that shows 50 per cent of all mental health conditions emerge by the age of 14.
mental illness single parent household
The mental health of single-parent families in relation to psychological, societal and financial parameters.
mental illness orphanges
A Qualitative Study of Mental Health Problems among Orphaned Children and Adolescents in Tanzania
link military service years ptsd
correlation defense ptsd
Evidence of genetic link to PTSD in soldiers exposed to childhood trauma
correlation soldier ptsd
A Meta-Analysis of Risk Factors for Combat-Related PTSD among Military Personnel and Veterans
ptsd by profession
High-Risk Professions
Several professions are associated with a higher risk for the development of PTSD. These include:
1) Military occupations: The experience of combat is a high risk factor for the development of PTSD. Combat veterans appear to develop PTSD at different rates depending on the conflict. For instance:
2) Veterans involved in operations Iraqi freedom and enduring freedom are reported to have rates of PTSD of 11-20 percent.
3) Gulf War veterans have rates of PTSD around 12 percent.
4) The rates of PTSD in Vietnam veterans are reported to be between 15 and 20 percent; however, the lifetime prevalence of PTSD in Vietnam veterans may be as high as 30 percent.
5) A large number of individuals in the military also report experiencing sexual harassment and sexual abuse. The rates of PTSD as a result of these experiences are not well defined but would be expected to be relatively high compared to the overall rate of PTSD in the general population.
6) Police officers: Law enforcement officers are exposed to a number of serious direct threats and stressful conditions. In addition, they experience and witness the devastating effects of assaults, robberies, kidnappings, and other events. Individuals in this profession have surprisingly lower-than-expected overall rates of PTSD, estimated to be about 10 percent overall (although some estimates are lower than this). This lower-than-expected rate is most likely due to the number of opportunities for individuals in this profession to engage in counseling and directly expressing their feelings to others once they are involved in these situations, as well as rigorous pre-employment screenings.
7) Firefighters: This profession also includes paramedic work and being first responders to natural disasters in many countries. It is considered to be an extremely hazardous profession. Firefighters are exposed to a number of stressful conditions and traumatic events, ranging from threats to their own safety to experiencing the devastating effects of these catastrophes. The prevalence of PTSD has been described as high as 20 percent in this group of individuals. Volunteer firefighters may have even higher rates of PTSD.
8) Emergency medical and ambulance personal: People in these professions are routinely exposed to critical incidents and have a higher number of health problems than individuals in other professions. Prevalence rates of PTSD in this group have been reported as high as 20 percent; however, these figures can be variable depending on the samples used. When staff members undergo pre-employment screening and are informed about how to access support and counseling services, these rates are much lower. Best estimates of the prevalence of PTSD in this profession indicate that these prevalences are comparable with the prevalence of PTSD that occurs in police officers.
9) Other healthcare workers: Healthcare workers are as a group at a higher risk to develop PTSD than individuals in the general population, especially healthcare workers in emergency rooms or in intensive care units. However, there are a number of qualifying variables associated with this group of workers. For instance, nurses working in critical care units are more likely to develop PTSD than nurses on other units; senior-level nurses report fewer PTSD symptoms than junior-level nurses (but also report higher rates of burnout); and healthcare workers directly exposed to violence, such as an assault, are more likely to develop PTSD than surgeons who treat assault victims.
10) Journalists: Some journalists, such as journalists who work as war correspondents, are exposed to increased risks of being injured, killed, or kidnapped. This particular group has a high lifetime prevalence of PTSD that is close to 30 percent. This figure may be in part explained by a lack of support and available treatment options for these individuals.
First responders to disasters: Rescue workers, medical workers, and volunteers who are first responders to disasters witness the aftermath and can even become involved in severe traumatic events. The prevalence of PTSD in these individuals has been estimated to be between 15 and 30 percent depending on the sample.
- the funny thing about mental illness is that people who suffer from it have generally been shunned by society. The problem with this is that a lot of people don't realise there are many pathways towards mental illness (excluding genetics, chemicals, radiation, abnormal birth conditions, etc...). It may not be the victim's fault? Child abuse, bullying, torture, hazing, excess stress in general, etc... all produce similar effects down the line. Look at the following. If we're honest with ourselves we're seeing the same trend? Shorter lifespans (10-20 years), increased suicide rate (about 2-3 times over the general population), reduced ability to tolerate stress, increased likelihood of illness, cognitive deficits, etc...
In an article published in the June 2019 edition of InPsych, Dr O’Grady outlined four key factors which may protect children from suicide:
1. Strong family relationships;
2. Early identification and treatment of children with psychological disorders, particularly depression;
3. Efforts to reduce contagion following a suicide; and
4. Adults not dismissing early warning signs due to intuitive inconsistency between children and suicide.
child abuse suicide
Child abuse linked to risk of suicide in later life -- ScienceDaily
military suicide vs standard population
The Army suffered 52% of the suicides from all branches. ... A recent analysis found a suicide rate among veterans of about 30 per 100,000 population per year, compared with the civilian rate of 14 per 100,000. However, the comparison was not adjusted for age and sex.
“After adjusting for differences in age, the rate of suicide in 2015 was 2.1 times higher among veterans compared with nonveteran adults,” the report reads. Data for 2015 was the latest complete set of numbers available.
abuse leads to cognitive deficit
stress linked diseases
Studies have found many health problems related to stress. Stress seems to worsen or increase the risk of conditions like obesity, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, depression, gastrointestinal problems, and asthma. Before you get too stressed out about being stressed out, there is some good news.Apr 1, 2014
1. The common cold
2. Weight gain
3. Slower healing
4. Sleep dysfunction
5. Heart disease
6. Depression
7. Ulcers and other stomach problems
8. Back, neck and shoulder pain
overprotective parents autism
Tom Hays Ph.D., educational director of a high school for students with special needs, has seen what happens when parents try to inoculate their children from discomfort or failure, no matter how small.
"We will have students who can't do anything on their own although they have IQs in the 120s," said Dr. Hays of Franklin Academy, a day and boarding school for students with autism spectrum disorder and nonverbal learning disability in East Haddam, Connecticut.
The teens have a "learned helplessness," he said. Their parents may have battled to get services for them and to ensure they could succeed despite their challenges. After all that, it may be hard for those parents to back off and watch their kids possibly fail at something. But backing off will have its reward, in the long run, by creating more independent adults, Dr. Hays said.
child abuse and schizophrenia
overbearing parents anhedonia
- strength has nothing to do with mental illness? The human body can only take so much and most healthy people are similar? Around 5 days of sleep deprivation for mental illnesses such as schizophrenia to show up, about one year of neglect/solitary confinement for permanent changes to occur, etc... Notice the pattern is roughly the same in military units? High workload units have roughly double the health issue rate that regular units do?
SAS - Search For a Warrior Part 1
SAS - Search For a Warrior Part 2
mental illness in special operations units
To determine the rates of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) positive symptom scores in Special Operations Forces (SOF) personnel, an anonymous survey of SOF was employed, incorporating the PTSD Checklist (PCL-M) with both demographic and deployment data. Results indicate that all SOF units studied scored above the accepted cut-offs for PTSD positive screening.1 When total symptom severity score exceeded established cutoff points and were combined with criteria for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Edition 4 (DSM-IV) diagnosis of PTSD,2 approximately 16?20% of respondents met scoring threshold for positive screening, almost double those of conventional Army units. Collectively, Special Forces (SF) Soldiers and SOF combat-arms Soldiers had significantly higher PLC-M scores than their non-combat-arms SOF counterparts. SOF Soldiers with three or more deployments to Afghanistan had significantly higher PCL-M scores. Considering the evidence suggesting that SOF Soldiers are hyper-resilient to stress, these results should drive further research schemata and challenge clinical assumptions of PTSD within Special Operations.
Overall exposure to potentially traumatic events was high in both groups, with Special Forces experiencing significantly more traumatic events. More than 80% of the Special Forces had experiences of discharging weapons in direct combat, engaging in combat with enemy vessels and seeing the dead or wounded. Special Forces had significantly less common mental disorders, fatigue and fair or poor general health than regular forces. Fair or poor general health (21.1%) and fatigue (18.4%) were the commonest problems in the regular forces. Hazardous drinking was the commonest mental health problem among the Special Forces (17%). Prevalence of PTSD was 1.9% in the Special Forces and 2.9% among the regular forces. Exposure to traumatic events and problems with family life were identified as risk factors.
impact solitary confinement
single parent family child problems
impact bullying
Effects on the bullied victim can include:
• Social isolation
• Feelings of shame
• Sleep disturbance
• Changes in eating habits
• Low self-esteem
• School avoidance
• Symptoms of anxiety
• Bedwetting
• Higher risk of illness
• Psychosomatic symptoms (stomachaches, headaches, muscle aches, other physical complaints with no known medical cause)
• Poor school performance
• Symptoms of depression
Effects on the bully can include:

• Poor school performance (missed school due to suspensions increases this risk)
• Increased truancy risk
• Difficulty maintaining social relationships
• Increased risk of substance abuse
Long-term risks of bullying for the victim
With immediate and proper mental health treatment and support systems in place, victims can stave off some of the potential long-term consequences of bullying. Without intervention, however, kids are at risk for the following:
• Chronic depression
• Increased risk of suicidal thoughts, suicide plans, and suicide attempts
• Anxiety disorders
• Post-traumatic stress disorder
• Poor general health
• Self-destructive behavior, including self-harm
• Substance abuse
• Difficulty establishing trusting, reciprocal friendships and relationships

Long-term effects of bullying for the bully
Without proper treatment, bullying behavior is likely to continue into adulthood.
• Risk of spousal or child abuse
• Risk of antisocial behavior
• Substance abuse
• Less likely to be educated or employed
impact child abuse
Other factors that can affect the consequences of child abuse and neglect on children and adolescents include:
the age and developmental stage at which maltreatment occurred: some evidence suggests that the younger the child was at the time of the onset of the maltreatment, the more likely they are to experience problems later in life;
the severity of maltreatment: the greater the severity of abuse or neglect, the higher the likelihood of negative outcomes;
the type/s of abuse and/or neglect: different sub-types of maltreatment may be related to different negative outcomes;
the child or young person's perceptions of the abuse: worse outcomes are likely if the victim/survivor experiences feelings of self-blame, shame or stigmatisation; and
the relationship the child or young person had (or has) with the perpetrator: for example, in child sexual abuse increased negative affects tend to be associated with the perpetrator being a father, father-figure or someone with whom the child has an intense, emotional relationship (Bromfield & Higgins, 2005; Miller-Perrin & Perrin, 2007; Price-Robertson et al., 2013).
Other factors that may affect the consequences of child abuse and neglect on adult survivors include:
the age and developmental stage at which maltreatment occurred: some evidence suggests that the younger the child was at the time of the onset of the maltreatment, the more likely they are to experience problems later in life;
the severity of maltreatment: the greater the severity of abuse or neglect, the higher the likelihood of negative outcomes;
the type/s of abuse and/or neglect: different sub-types of maltreatment may be related to different negative outcomes;
the victim/survivor's perceptions of the abuse: worse outcomes are likely if there is the victim/survivor experiences feelings of self-blame, shame or stigmatisation;
the relationship the victim/survivor had (or has) with the perpetrator: for example, in child sexual abuse increased negative affects tend to be associated with the perpetrator being a father, father-figure or someone with whom the child has an intense, emotional relationship;
whether the abuse or neglect was detected and action taken to assure the safety of the child (e.g., child protection intervention);
positive or protective factors that may have mitigated the effects of maltreatment (e.g., family support, perpetrator readiness for change); and
whether victims/survivors received therapeutic services to assist them in recovery (Bromfield & Higgins, 2005; Miller-Perrin & Perrin, 2007; Price-Robertson et al., 2013).
symptoms dementia
Early symptoms of dementia
Although the early signs vary, common early symptoms of dementia include:
memory problems, particularly remembering recent events
- increasing confusion
- reduced concentration
- personality or behaviour changes
- apathy and withdrawal or depression
- loss of ability to do everyday tasks.
- Sometimes, people fail to recognise that these symptoms indicate that something is wrong. They may mistakenly assume that such behaviour is a normal part of the ageing process. Symptoms may also develop gradually and go unnoticed for a long time. Also, some people may refuse to act, even when they know something is wrong.
- once you begin to understand how how bio-organics works you no longer need to experiment as much. You can pick out the likely cause of adult behaviour based on particular childhood incidents in many people?
r kelly childhood
bill clinton
Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, 1946, at Julia Chester Hospital in Hope, Arkansas.[2][3] He is the son of William Jefferson Blythe Jr., a traveling salesman who had died in an automobile accident three months before his birth, and Virginia Dell Cassidy (later Virginia Kelley).[4] His parents had married on September 4, 1943, but this union later proved to be bigamous, as Blythe was still married to his third wife.[5] Virginia traveled to New Orleans to study nursing soon after Bill was born, leaving him in Hope with her parents Eldridge and Edith Cassidy, who owned and ran a small grocery store.[3] At a time when the southern United States was racially segregated, Clinton's grandparents sold goods on credit to people of all races.[3][6][7][8][9] In 1950, Bill's mother returned from nursing school and married Roger Clinton Sr., who co-owned an automobile dealership in Hot Springs, Arkansas, with his brother and Earl T. Ricks.[3] The family moved to Hot Springs in 1950.[10] Although he immediately assumed use of his stepfather's surname, it was not until Clinton turned 15[11] that he formally adopted the surname Clinton as a gesture toward his stepfather.[3] Clinton has described his stepfather as a gambler and an alcoholic who regularly abused his mother and half-brother, Roger Clinton Jr.; Clinton threatened his stepfather with violence multiple times to protect them.[3][12]
hillary clinton
Rodham's early political development was shaped mostly by her high school history teacher (like her father, a fervent anti-communist), who introduced her to Goldwater's The Conscience of a Conservative and by her Methodist youth minister (like her mother, concerned with issues of social justice), with whom she saw and afterwards briefly met, civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. at a 1962 speech in Chicago's Orchestra Hall.[23]
hillary clinton lewinsky mental state
hilary clinton trading futures
john nash childhood
John Nash Senior was born in 1892 and had an unhappy childhood from which he escaped when he studied electrical engineering at Texas Agricultural and Mechanical. ... She was a school teacher for ten years before meeting John Nash Senior, and the two were married on 6 September 1924.
In founding psychoanalysis, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and discovered transference, establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud's redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory.[8] His analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the underlying mechanisms of repression. On this basis Freud elaborated his theory of the unconscious and went on to develop a model of psychic structure comprising id, ego and super-ego.[9] Freud postulated the existence of libido, a sexualised energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of compulsive repetition, hate, aggression and neurotic guilt.[10] In his later works, Freud developed a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture.
Though in overall decline as a diagnostic and clinical practice, psychoanalysis remains influential within psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy, and across the humanities. It thus continues to generate extensive and highly contested debate with regard to its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status, and whether it advances or is detrimental to the feminist cause.[11] Nonetheless, Freud's work has suffused contemporary Western thought and popular culture. In the words of W. H. Auden's 1940 poetic tribute to Freud, he had created "a whole climate of opinion / under whom we conduct our different lives."[12]
Toby Ziegler: Well, there’s always been a concern... about the two Bartlets. [beat] The absent-minded professor with the “Aw, Dad” sense of humor. Disarming and unthreatening. Good for all time zones. And the Nobel Laureate. Still searching for salvation. Lonely, frustrated. Lethal.
President Bartlet: You’re gonna sing a country western song?
Toby Ziegler: The one whose father never liked him because he was too smart.
President Bartlet: [stands] This stopped being fun for me a little while ago.
Toby Ziegler: Sir?
President Bartlet: It was actually never fun for me. I was just being polite.
Toby Ziegler: [pause] Your father used to hit you, didn’t he, Mr. President?
President Bartlet: [with back turned] Excuse me?
Toby Ziegler: Your father used to hit you, sir?
President Bartlet: [pause] Yeah.
Toby Ziegler: Not like a spanking.
President Bartlet: He hit me. Why?
Toby Ziegler: He punched you.
President Bartlet: I’m done being polite now.
Toby Ziegler: He did it because you made him mad, but you didn’t know why.
President Bartlet: Toby, it was a complicated relationship. Can I help you?
Toby Ziegler: It was because you were smarter than he was.
President Bartlet: It was a complicated relationship.
Toby Ziegler: He didn’t like you, sir. That’s why he hit you. That’s why people hit each other. He didn’t like you. You were smarter than he was.
indicators child abuse victim
indicators bullying
- it's at this point that you being to understand a strange phenomenon that is experienced by certain military recruits. Some experience PTSD without actually seeing combat of any sort? Some of it is easily explained. The nature of the training can break you, prior abuse can make you more likely to break, etc... People have a tendency to believe that you need to be "tough". We see that under torture and abuse that most people's breaking points are roughly the same? A few days of sleep deprivation and a lot of people will be hearing voices/experiencing psychosis/hallucinations. It's possible that the people who break earlier may have experienced more in life then those who break later (all other things being equal such as general health and fitness)? You don't need to know much about healthcare to know the outcomes for former military veterans aren't great compared with the rest of the normal population?
'You see death every day' - Ex-Facebook content moderator sues tech giant for PTSD
criteria military service
psychosis sleep deprivation time
Results: A total of 476 articles were identified. Of these, 21 were eligible for inclusion. Duration of sleep loss ranged between 24 h and 11 nights (total 760 participants; average 72–92 h without sleep). All studies except one reported perceptual changes, including visual distortions (i.e., metamorphopsias), illusions, somatosensory changes and, in some cases, frank hallucinations. The visual modality was the most consistently affected (in 90% of the studies), followed by the somatosensory (52%) and auditory (33%) modalities. Symptoms rapidly developed after one night without sleep, progressing in an almost fixed time-dependent way. Perceptual distortions, anxiety, irritability, depersonalization, and temporal disorientation started within 24–48 h of sleep loss, followed by complex hallucinations and disordered thinking after 48–90 h, and delusions after 72 h, after which time the clinical picture resembled that of acute psychosis or toxic delirium. By the third day without sleep, hallucinations in all three sensory modalities were reported. A period of normal sleep served to resolve psychotic symptoms in many—although not all—cases.
military veteran discharge outcome
Chronic Health Conditions Among US Veterans Discharged From Military Service for Misconduct
The Association between Discharge Status, Mental Health, and Substance Misuse among Young Adult Veterans
ptsd correctional officer
The study found 53.4% of jail correctional officers reported having PTSD. By comparison, 35.3% of police officers have experienced PTSD symptoms and the rate of PTSD among adults in the general United States population is 6.8%.
Up to 20 percent of recent war veterans suffer post-traumatic stress disorder from their experiences, according to the Department of Veterans Affairs. A new study claims prison work can disrupt mental health in the same way.
In a survey of Washington State Department of Corrections employees, nearly 20 percent of participants expressed symptoms indicative of PTSD, the same rate as veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and higher than that of police officers, researchers said in a paper published in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
Prison work is harrowing, researchers said, and employees face some of the "toughest working conditions of U.S. workers," lead author Lois James said in a statement. Staff surveyed constantly feared for their safety at work, and almost half of them witnessed a co-worker's beating at an inmate's hands.
Female and black employees were more likely to suffer from PTSD as a result of their work, as were staffers of more than 10 years. Results were consistent for workers in all areas of the prison, including minimum and maximum security areas.
Ten percent of prison guards have contemplated suicide, three times higher than the U.S. population, facing the same exposure to violence that incites PTSD, a 2018 study of California prisons found. A guard who served as a Marine in the Iraq War told AP he felt like he "went from one war right to another one" when he started his prison job.
ptsd statistics police
According to studies cited by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), between seven percent and 19 percent of police officers experience symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, compared to 3.5 percent of the general population. Some officers have found support and understanding from their families.
ptsd statistics teacher
Recent research has found that over half of Australian teachers suffer from anxiety and nearly one-fifth are depressed. Here, a teacher details how her job triggered post-traumatic stress disorder and made her fell less capable of caring for her own children.
One of these students used to call me a “fucking c*nt”. I asked this eight year old to apologise, and he came right up into my face and told me “I’m never apologising to you again, bitch” and walked away. He threatened us with the metal bars from the computer wagons, he threatened us with scissors, rocks, branches, anything that could be made into a weapon and often hit students and staff with these weapons. I was never physically injured by these students but most staff working at the school were.
- this brings me to the following. A lot of people who we can fix and can prevent from becoming mentally ill are mentally ill? We can measure stress levels serum levels via lactic acid, hormonal variations, etc... We can discharge early if it's a genuine problem or not accept them for military service at all if they're likely to have problems down the line?
Ylitalo, who has battled PTSD after serving nearly 40 years in the military including two tours in Iraq, didn't seem bothered by the bees swarming around his head or crawling all over the entrance to their hive. Instead, the 57-year-old logistics expert said the several hours spent working on the two hives each week at the Manchester VA Medical Center in New Hampshire was a respite of sorts from his anxiety and depression. Known as an apiary, the hives are located next to a lilac garden off a busy street.
"I'm in this program to help me get out of the thought process of all those problems that I have," said Ylitalo, who has struggled since leaving the Army in 2017. "It helps me think of something completely different. ... I'm just thinking about bees."
- there are some huge ironies to religion. Like the "Sea of Fakery" that we seem to be bathed in you'll observe that many religions seem to be playing with words? In fact, it could even be said that the main religions has two main roots? One of them being the Western/Abrahamic religions and the other Eastern religions (Bhuddist/Hindu)? It's possible that many people have been fighthing over interpretation or very minor issues? Wonder whether I could modify my whitepaper summariser script to take a further look at things? Unbrainwashing research? Guessing it would be a similar process to de-radicalisation?
Deradicalization refers to preventive counterterrorism measures that aim to have those with extreme and violent religious or political ideologies adopt more moderate and nonviolent views.[1][2] This is most effective when counteracting an ongoing − rather than well advanced −[citation needed] process of radicalization (counter-radicalization) whereby individuals or groups gradually develop a mindset that increases the risk of violent extremism or terrorism.[3] Deradicalization is not to be confused with anti-radicalization in which radicalization is aimed to be deterred and prevented from occurring in the first place.[3] Deradicalization has been described as an emerging science.[4]
- when I publish notes for a humanoid (from single cell DNA style technology to a something similar to a human?), build medical search engine, genetic compilers, language conversion tables, etc... overlay on top of existing human biology suspect a lot of things will make more sense for myself and many other people? High stress and abuse has been associated with high adrenaline/dopamine/cortisol levels, etc... The side effects can be very strange including insomnia, lower/higher libido (think it through and BDSM will make more sense once you understand the science of human bodies, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BDSM), apprehension, apathy, depression, etc... This can explain some odd behaviour? Abuse can not be the only mechanism through which to discipline and teach people as more creative teachers and social workers have figured out?
rape military
draft dodger politicians
- a lot of people have tried to figure out how/why violent Jihadism works and why some people think they deserve an Afterlife? I think for some people they see this as the only way out especially if they are unsure whether an Aftelife exists? Often things happen on Earth that are very difficult to justify. This is the only mechanism through which to balance things "back up"? They hope that someone will see the injustice, step in, and provide them with an Afterlife?
A martyr is someone who suffers persecution and death for advocating, renouncing, refusing to renounce, or refusing to advocate a religious belief or cause as demanded by an external party.
Admiral Fitzwallace: We measure the success of a mission by two things: Was it successful and how few civilians did we hurt. They measure success by how many. Pregnant women are delivering bombs. You're talking to me about international laws? The laws of nature don't even apply here. I've been a soldier for 38 years. And I found an enemy I can kill. He can't cancel Shareef's trip, Leo. You've got to tell him he can't cancel it.
Infidel is a term used in certain religions for those accused of unbelief in the central tenets of their own religion, for members of another religion, or for the irreligious.
Jihad is an Arabic word which literally means striving or struggling, especially with a praiseworthy aim.
Leo: This is the most horrifying part of your liberalism. You think there are moral absolutes.
Bartlet: There are moral absolutes.
Leo: Apparently not. He's killed innocent people. He'll kills more, so we have to end him. The village idiot comes to that conclusion before the Nobel Laureate.
Infidel is a term used in certain religions for those accused of unbelief in the central tenets of their own religion, for members of another religion, or for the irreligious.
Raymond Ibrahim wrote an article on taqiyya in 2008. In it he mentioned a translation of Lebanese Druze scholar Sami Makarem's monograph Al Taqiyya Fi Al Islam ("Dissimulation in Islam"), stating Sami argued that the concept should be considered "mainstream" and ubiquitous in modern Islamic politics, "Taqiyya is of fundamental importance in Islam. Practically every Islamic sect agrees to it and practices it. We can go so far as to say that the practice of taqiyya is mainstream in Islam, and that those few sects not practicing it diverge from the mainstream...Taqiyya is very prevalent in Islamic politics, especially in the modern era."[48][49] It[clarification needed] was later characterized by another author in Jane's Islamic Affairs Analyst as being "well-researched, factual in places but ... ultimately misleading".[50] Ibrahim responded to this charge in his rebuttal, "Taqiyya Revisited: A Response to the Critics.[51]
The Orientalist Stefan Jakob Wimmer explains that Taqiyya is not a tool to deceive non-Muslims and spread Islam but instead a defensive mechanism to save ones life when it is in great danger, such as Muslims' lives during the Reconquista.[52] Similar views are shown by Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen from the University of Copenhagen.[53]
- my suspicion is that similar programming that similar programming kicks in with mass shootings? Once you understand how the countersystems operate then you'll understand how to stop them? The unfortunate thing is that a lot of people have given up on mental illness because it's too hard to fix? My suspicion is that if you understand it enough then anything can be cured and living in a human body indefinitely as is isn't so rediculous as it sounds?
mass shooting bullying
According to studies, factors behind school shooting include family dysfunction, lack of family supervision, mental illness among many other psychological issues. Among the topmost motives of attackers were: bullying/persecution/threatened (75%) and revenge (61%), while 54% reported having numerous reasons.[5] The remaining motives included an attempt to solve a problem (34%), suicide or depression (27%), and seeking attention or recognition (24%).
- the End Times/moment of truth part of relgions is also interesting because of the way that some empires have referred to themselves as doing the work of God. They have (in a way) but they've also wiped out entire civilisations wiped out and enslaved many because of slight differences in the way people live their lives and because they look slightly different. Examine the way of life of many indigenous populations and you'll find that most are similar. They have a social structure, a form of civilisation and democracy, are just trying to get by?
aboriginal way of life
american indian way of life
- the reason why the religion/Afterlife question is so interesting is because it's circular at some point. It doesn't matter whether there is a God or not. The existence of the pre-cog/prophet phenomenon tells us that FTL travel and traversal of time is possible (ironically, the only people who know whether this is possible are the pre-cogs/prophets themselves). The US Stargate, equivalent Soviet, Chinese, etc... programs all said that they found no evidence for this being real. However, research continues on despite the supposed "lack of evidence" (possible PSYOP to keep populations in line?). Some psychics are adamant that this phenomenon is real? My guess is that humans just haven't been able to achieve the type of physical particle resolution required (if this phenomenon is real)? I'll go through the theory of this another time but I'm gessing it goes like the following. This phenomenon implies that time travel and FTL capability possible? One useful analogy may be the following. Let's say you have a cup in front of you on a table and you move it. Your hand is able to move it at 30 cm/s, the corresponding sound moves at ~340 m/s, the corresponding light moves at 3x10^8 m/s, etc... This is the reason why it's irrelevant why there is a currently an Afterlife or not? You can create an Afterlife at some point in the future if you understand how everything fits together (I'll explain another time). If real, then pre-cogs/prophets should lock to a physical place on star maps?
cherenkov radiation
- anhedonia is interesting for various different reasons. It seems to be a phenomenon that is present in both animals as well as humans. Given the state of the world it seems obvious that the cause of abuse may not be linked to the behaviour of the victim (especially if the victims take measures to appease the abuser/s?). The obvious question is whether disconnecting body from mind is deliberately chosen by the victim or else it's automated system that kicks in?
anhedonia causes
anhedonia "concentration camp"
anhedonia torture
anhedonia "child abuse"
“The Biological Effects of Childhood Trauma” - NCBI
lack of emotion mental illness
Emotional detachment often arises from psychological trauma in early years as well as throughout adulthood, and is a component in many anxiety and stress disorders. The person, while physically present, moves elsewhere in the mind, and in a sense is "not entirely present", making them sometimes appear preoccupied.
Thus, such detachment is often not as outwardly obvious as other psychiatric symptoms; people with this problem often have emotional systems that are in overdrive. They may have a hard time being a loving family member. They may avoid activities, places, and people associated with any traumatic events they have experienced. The dissociation can also lead to lack of attention and, hence, to memory problems and in extreme cases, amnesia.
- the body isn't that simple. If you asked somebody what diabetes, schizophrenia, depression, anhedonia, insomnia, Multiple Sclerosis, etc... have in common most people would say absolutely nothing. Understand how bio-organic technology works and understand how some treatments and cures work you'll understand what the link that I see is. Death is basically multiple system failure. Organ failures can simply be due to sub-system failure. Components that are critical to the function of cells within an organ simply burn off/away. A good example of this is the way people lose weight as they get much older. Another good example is anhedonia/depression which basically causes you to be semi-permanently or permanently unhappy. It can be caused in multiple ways but basically it causes the same effect. Drugs basically burn out dopamine and dopamine receptor functionality which are mostly present in the pre-frontal cortex. Since this neurotransmitter is particularly important in mood control (think of the pre-frontal cortex as your brain's emotion chip and one of the core mechanisms through which to regulate it is dopamine) burning it up can cause significant issues in emotional stability and other functions that are caused downstream. The way islet cell transfer works is similar. My guess is that part of the "junk code" section in DNA is sacrificial much like parts of an electrochemical cell/battery. Once it burns out you can't really fix it without a special recharger. Humans don't understand enough about how things fit together to be able to better fix it. This is why I'm curious about my medical search prototype. If I can make it work it'll operate a bit differently then how many search engines currently work?
anhedonia drug addict
It can lead to compulsive drug-seeking, obsessive thinking, and irrational behavior. In addition to these new thought patterns and behaviors, however, addiction is also associated with a diminished ability to experience pleasure from non-drug rewards. This reduced ability to experience pleasure is termed anhedonia.
emotion chip
brain function map
“While the focus of this work was on creating a beautiful, reliable, average brain template, it really opens up the possibility to further explore the unique intersection of individual talents with intellectual and creative abilities — the things that make us uniquely human,” says Rex Jung, a neuropsychologist at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque.
But the map is limited in some important ways. For one, it reveals little about the biochemical underpinnings of the brain — or about the activity of single neurons or small groups. “It is analogous to having a fantastic Google Earth map of your neighbourhood, down to your individual back yard,” says Jung. “Yet, you cannot really see how your neighbours are moving around, where they are going or what sort of jobs they have.”
“We’re thinking of this as version 1.0,” says Glasser. “That doesn’t mean it’s the final version, but it’s a far better map than the ones we’ve had before.”
pancreas cells in liver diabetes cure
islet cell transfer success rate
Using enhanced techniques to collect and prepare the extremely fragile donor islet cells, as well as using improved anti-rejection drugs, the researchers achieved a 100% success rate. All of the patients in their trial were freed from the need for insulin for at least one month.
- a lot of study has been done into human biology and it's obvious that they've figured out how many systems operate. Unfortunately, they've figured out how to imbalance/control some systems that weren't ever intended to be controlled in such a way? The more you understand how the body works the more you understand what covert operations may be in play. Based on what I've heard even mobile app game programmers know some mind control techniques. There are obvious counter mechanisms you can deploy against many of them (explain another time?)
- huge chunks of society take advantage of understanding of addiction in human biological makeup. Good examples of these are addictive substances such as sugar, blue light, drugs, soft drinks, drugs, food, etc... Obvious side effects is that they burn off chunks of code/circuits in human body that are important for regulation and control of various and important and critical systems. Countries desperate for money obviously resorting to drug trafficking and illicit trade obviously?
asian teen technology addiction
europe teen technology addiction
It is difficult to determine how many teens and young adults suffer from technology addiction, but a 2012 study found that 4.4% of European adolescents had what researchers termed “pathological internet use” and approximately 14% displayed what they called “maladaptive internet use.”
colour neurotransmitter bias
Feeling blue and seeing blue: Sadness may impair color perception
blue light addiction
is sugar addictive
If you've ever wondered why you crave sugar, the answer is simple: sugar is addictive. ... Many studies have shown that sugar is one of the most palatable and addictive foods and, with this knowledge, food manufacturers often use excessive amounts of it in foods we don't even consider to be sweet.
“Medical addiction changes brain chemistry to cause binging, craving, withdrawal symptoms, and sensitization,” says Greene. ... But whether or not sugar is more addictive than cocaine, researchers and nutritionists are in agreement that yes, sugar has addictive properties, and we need to be getting less of it.
Sugar activates the brain's reward system Activation of this system leads to intense feelings of reward that can result in cravings and addiction. So drugs and sugar both activate the same reward system in the brain, causing the release of dopamine. ... So it appears sugar may have addictive qualities.
caffeine addiction
What are the symptoms of caffeine addiction?
Here are 8 common signs and symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.
Headache. Share on Pinterest.
Fatigue. Many people depend on a daily cup of coffee to give them an energy boost.
Difficulty Concentrating.
Depressed Mood.
Low Energy.
Caffeine is a commonplace central nervous system stimulant drug which occurs in nature as part of the coffee, tea, yerba mate, cocoa and other plants. It is also an additive in many consumer products, most notably beverages advertised as energy drinks and colas.
Caffeine's mechanism of action is somewhat different from that of cocaine and the substituted amphetamines; caffeine blocks adenosine receptors A and A2A.[1] Adenosine is a by-product of cellular activity, and stimulation of adenosine receptors produces feelings of tiredness and the need to sleep. Caffeine's ability to block these receptors means the levels of the body's natural stimulants, dopamine and norepinephrine, continue at higher levels.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders describes four caffeine-related disorders including intoxication, withdrawal, anxiety, and sleep.[2]
columbia farc drugs
cia tom cruise drug trafficking
countries drug trafficking
The illegal drug trade or drug trafficking is a global black market dedicated to the cultivation, manufacture, distribution and sale of drugs that are subject to drug prohibition laws. Most jurisdictions prohibit trade, except under license, of many types of drugs through the use of drug prohibition laws.
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's World Drug Report 2005 estimates the size of the global illicit drug market at US$321.6 billion in 2003 alone.[1] With a world GDP of US$36 trillion in the same year, the illegal drug trade may be estimated as nearly 1% of total global trade. Consumption of illegal drugs is widespread globally and it remains very difficult for local authorities to thwart its popularity.
- as I said in my other post a side effect of learning more about human biology, building data mining,  and search engine technologies is that I've learnt a lot about what possible PSYOPS may be in play whether by individuals, countries, governments, etc?
Main revelations of the papers dubbed The China Cables:
* Camps are forced ideological and behavioral reeducation centers, run in secret to rewire inmates' thinking. Vocational training is only conducted in separate facilities after the prisoners' release.
* Prison authorities have been ordered to "prevent escapes" by installing guard towers, double-locked doors, alarms, blanket video surveillance and front gate security. 
* The camps are linked to wider mass surveillance infrastructure across Xinjiang where a centralized data system, utilizing artificial intelligence, identifies targets for questioning and potential detention.
* Details are provided on how to maintain total secrecy about the camps' existence, methods of forced indoctrination and how to control disease outbreaks.
* Detainees are scored on their use of Mandarin and their adherence to the camp's strict rules that govern everything from where they eat, carry out chores, study or even go to the toilet.
* Detainees must remain in the centers for a minimum of a year and can be held for an indefinite period.
* "Students" are encouraged to truly transform, and the promotion of "repentance and confession" is also called for.
- suspect that circuit for fairness and equality may be innate rather then conditioned/educated response based on observation of some animals? It's obvious that some will try to break particular circuits (fairness and equality in general) to turn people into "effective slaves". If humans were built, I think those circuits are there for a reason? Both animals as well as humans seem to have suicide circuits. If things get "difficult" there are coping mechanisms (such as dissociation during torture, abuse, etc...) as well as kill switches in things get really bad?
SophieCo. Visionaries _ Knowledge is Hydra – neuroscientist
astronauts cyanide pill
spies suicide pill
euthanasia law by country
animal suicide
Animal suicide refers to any kind of self-destructive behavior displayed by various species of animals, resulting in their death. Although contradicting the natural progression of life and an animal's evolutionary instinct for survival, some situations may lead to an animal inducing their own death. Animal suicide in the defense of the group could be instantaneous or altruistic self-removal once an animal becomes diseased.[1] There are anecdotal reports of grieving pets displaying such behaviour after the death of their owner, or monogamous animals refusing to feed after the death of their mate.
Some parasites manipulate the behavior of their host, causing them to expose themselves to greater risks of predation to enable the parasite to proceed to the next life-cycle stage. Some carpenter ants and termites use autothysis, producing a sticky secretion to trap colony marauders, and pea aphids will sometimes explode, protecting other pea aphids from ladybugs.
- as I said in my previous posts due to the way in which society is structured it sometimes feels as though there's a policy of eugenics via stealth? If the Eugenicists (and fundamentalist religious scholars) had their way then some of humanity's greatest interveners would never have been born? It makes sense that humans could/should be torn on this issue? Alan Turing was estimated to have saved 14 million lives? For others, taking care of someone who is disabled isn't a chore. Some of these people are able to return the complement and genuinely love life as well? Ironically, if Jesus (religion is more symbolic the literal?) was just another attempt at civilising humanity then it's possible that he did accept the sick, poor, disabled, homosexuals, etc? Also explains why some religious teachers teach from only the New Testament?
total lives turing saved
Historians estimate that breaking enigma shortened the war by two years, saving over 14 million lives. But here's the kicker: After the war ended, the concept of the Turing machine was analyzed, improved, and built upon.
On 7 June 1954, Turing was found dead from cyanide poisoning. An inquest ruled that it was suicide, although this has been contested more recently, with Turing expert Prof Jack Copeland attributing his death to the accidental inhalation of cyanide fumes during an experiment.
famous mentally ill people
mental illness geniuses
list homsexual genius
How come gay people are such talented geniuses?
famous disabled people
abortion law by country
Gideons International is an evangelical Christian association founded in 1899 in Wisconsin. The Gideons' primary activity is distributing copies of the Bible free of charge. This Bible distribution is a global enterprise taking place in around 200 countries, territories and possessions. The association's members focus on distributing complete Bibles, New Testaments, or portions thereof. These copies are printed in over 100 languages. The association is most widely known for its Bibles placed in lodging rooms. The Gideons also distribute to hospitals and other medical offices, schools and colleges, military bases, as well as jails and prisons. The association takes its name from the Biblical figure Gideon depicted in Judges 6.
The Gideons began distributing free Bibles, the endeavor for which it is chiefly known, in 1908, when the first Bibles were placed in the rooms of the Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana. Members of The Gideons International currently distribute over 80 million Bibles annually. On average, more than two copies of the Bible are distributed per second through Gideons International.[2] As of April 2015, Gideons International has distributed over two billion Bibles.
The headquarters of Gideons International is in Nashville, Tennessee.
- as I said previously, the more you understand how the human body the more you basically infer how illnesses are likely caused and how they are caused. Good example is the following. Autism and Down's Syndrome is incomplete programming of Emotion control systems? Could be similar with various other disabilities? Recently, a Chinese scientist attempted to lock out particular disease. I suspect the semi-random nature of bio-organic humanoid technology makes this much more difficult? 
young mother autism
Older men and women are more likely than young ones to have a child with autism, according to multiple studies published in the past decade.
Especially regarding fathers, this effect is one of the most consistent findings in the epidemiology of autism. The link between a mother's age and autism is more complex: Women seem to be at an increased risk both when they are much older and much younger than average, according to some studies.
Nailing down why either parent's age influences autism risk has proved difficult, however.
age down syndrome
TRUTH: Most children with Down syndrome are born to women younger than 35 years old simply because younger women have more children. However, the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome increases with the age of the mother, especially after age 35.
Advancing maternal age. A woman's risk of conceiving a child with Down syndrome increases after 35 years of age. However, most children with Down syndrome are born to women under age 35 because younger women have far more babies.
autism immigrants
- what's interesting for me with regenerative medicine is that 
In situ is a Latin phrase that translates literally to "on site" or "in position." It can mean "locally", "on site", "on the premises", or "in place" to describe where an event takes place and is used in many different contexts.
- hallucinations (whatever the context and how it was induced whether sleep deprivation, alchohol, drugs, mental illness, etc...) often depend on the background of the person provided the person. Hallucinations don't make sense unless you think of context and how the brain works. During high stress barriers/membrances between parts of the brain that should be impervious become previous. Certain drugs can be used to break this connection, return to less stressful situations can return things back to normal, etc...
Effects of the drug last up to 12 hours, but high doses and frequent use can result in a terrifying psychological condition known as “ice psychosis” that is characterised by paranoid delusions, hallucinations and bizarre, aggressive or violent behaviour.
psychosis sleep deprivation time
Results: A total of 476 articles were identified. Of these, 21 were eligible for inclusion. Duration of sleep loss ranged between 24 h and 11 nights (total 760 participants; average 72–92 h without sleep). All studies except one reported perceptual changes, including visual distortions (i.e., metamorphopsias), illusions, somatosensory changes and, in some cases, frank hallucinations. The visual modality was the most consistently affected (in 90% of the studies), followed by the somatosensory (52%) and auditory (33%) modalities. Symptoms rapidly developed after one night without sleep, progressing in an almost fixed time-dependent way. Perceptual distortions, anxiety, irritability, depersonalization, and temporal disorientation started within 24–48 h of sleep loss, followed by complex hallucinations and disordered thinking after 48–90 h, and delusions after 72 h, after which time the clinical picture resembled that of acute psychosis or toxic delirium. By the third day without sleep, hallucinations in all three sensory modalities were reported. A period of normal sleep served to resolve psychotic symptoms in many—although not all—cases.
reduce cortisol
- psychosis can be of many forms. Inflammation, stress/anxiety, neurotoxins, heavy metal poisoning, etc... Basically, the brain gets rewired. That's why activity tends to move away from the pre-frontal cortex towards the parietal and temporal lobes. This explains why some schizophrenic behaviour tend towards impaired cognitive ability, reduced mental age, and tendency towards conditioned/patterned behaviour from a persons' distant past. Since the body has phenomenal abilities to repair itself shorter periods of psychosis can be dealt with without medication. The brain effectively repairs itself. Longer periods are much more difficult to deal with because I'm guessing internal repair systems are depleted or malfunctioning. In this case, synthentic/artifical medication is required on a more long term basis. One thing I don't understand about treatment for long term psychosis is why imaging isn't used in conjunction with more direct means? Most crude method method would be to make physical cuts, cauterisation, integrate physical shields, in problem areas?
terminal illness psychosis
- mood problems can be caused by intense stress. Suspect Diabetes is similar (multi-factor). That's why insulin is the preferred mechanism to deal with it in spite of their being alternative theories for treatment/cure. Imagine reverse engineering extremely complex circuits with Service Mount Devices (SMD) without suitable instrumentation or understanding of the technology. That's basically what humans are dealing with with regards to their own biology? As it currently stands regenerative medicine (such as stem cell therapy, gene editing, islet cell transplants, etc...) are the closest humans have come to dealing with curing rather then treatment of illness
Effects of Adaptogens on the Central Nervous System and the Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Their Stress—Protective Activity
surface mount device
- we know that better imaging technology can brings about significant breakthroughs in understanding of human biology. fMRI imaging combined with a better understanding of the brain map and we could do a lot? Based on what I've seen the brain basically operates similarly to a hash table? Can you somehow remap or block out certain sectors of the brain for those who are repeat engagers in bad behaviour?
brain scan memory recall
By scanning your brain, scientists can tell what memory you are recalling.
Scientists have made impressive gains recently when it comes to reading minds. For instance, through brain scans, researchers can tell what number a person has just seen, figure out what letters a person wants to type, and determine where people were standing within virtual reality environments.
To see if they could discern even more complex information during mind-reading, scientists more recently had 10 volunteers watch three films, each seven-seconds long and featuring a different actress in a fairly similar everyday scenario on a typical urban street. For instance, in one movie, a woman rifled through her purse to find an envelope she then dropped into a mailbox, while in another, an actress finished her cup of coffee, which she then dropped into a trashcan. Participants watched the films 15 times.
The researchers scanned the participants' brains using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while the participants were asked to recall the films. The data was run through a computer algorithm to identify brain activity patterns linked with memories for each of the movies. Using these patterns, the researchers could accurately predict which film volunteers were recalling as they had their brains scanned.
"The algorithm was able to predict correctly which of the three films the volunteer was recalling significantly above what would be expected by chance," explained researcher Martin Chadwick at University College London. "This suggests that our memories are recorded in a regular pattern."
hash table
In computing, a hash table is a data structure that implements an associative array abstract data type, a structure that can map keys to values. A hash table uses a hash function to compute an index, also called a hash code, into an array of buckets or slots, from which the desired value can be found.
Science in recent years has begun to provide some answers. One thing most pedophiles have in common: They discover, usually as teenagers, that their sexual preferences have not matured like everyone else’s. Most get stuck on the same-age boys or girls who first attracted them at the start of puberty, though some retain interest in far younger children.
A majority of convicted offenders are men who prey on children ages 6 to 17. But women [18]also commit hands-on offenses; rough estimates put the rate of pedophilic attraction at 1 to 4 percent in both men and women. Studies suggest that a small subset of male and female pedophiles have an interest in toddlers, or even infants.
As scientists seek to understand how the disorder develops, there is growing consensus that the origin is largely biological. This view is based in part on studies pointing to subtle physical traits that have a higher incidence among pedophiles.
“The biological clues attached to pedophilia demonstrate that its roots are prenatal,” said James Cantor, director of the Toronto Sexuality Center. “These are not genetic; they can be traced to specific periods of development in the womb.”
Psychological and environmental factors may also contribute, though it is not yet clear what those are or how they interact with developmental conditions.
By contrast, the common presumption that pedophiles were themselves abused as children now has less support. Child victims are at far greater risk of future substance abuse, depression, persistent traumatic stress or criminal aggression than of becoming molesters. The vast majority of offenders deny any sex abuse in their childhood, even though they could garner sympathy in court by doing so, experts say. “A chaotic childhood increases the likelihood of a chaotic adulthood, of any kind,” Dr. Cantor said.
pedophiles physical medical profile
pedophilia low iq
Cantor has undertaken extensive research into the area, previously finding that pedophiles are more likely to be left-handed, 2.3 cm shorter than the average male, and 10 to 15 IQ points lower than the norm.
pedophiles medical background
“Truthfully, I don't think the psychiatric profession has much of a clue about pedophiles. Most studies are based on…the 5 percent who get caught—a very unrepresentative group.” In other words, most pedophilia research subjects are outliers.
Cantor’s most potentially consequential finding, however, is his most recent one, published in a 2008 study. Using brain-scanning technology, he discovered significant differences in the white matter—the substance that connects one brain region to another—of pedophile versus non-pedophile brains (both groups were composed of convicted criminals, to rule out the confounding variable of criminality). In the pedophile group, Cantor found significantly less white matter in two different regions, suggesting a connection deficit.
puberty age
Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child's body matures into an adult body capable of sexual reproduction. It is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads: the ovaries in a girl, the testes in a boy. In response to the signals, the gonads produce hormones that stimulate libido and the growth, function, and transformation of the brain, bones, muscle, blood, skin, hair, breasts, and sex organs. Physical growth—height and weight—accelerates in the first half of puberty and is completed when an adult body has been developed. Until the maturation of their reproductive capabilities, the pre-pubertal physical differences between boys and girls are the external sex organs.
On average, girls begin puberty around ages 10–11 and end puberty around 15–17; boys begin around ages 11–12 and end around 16–17.[1][2][3] The major landmark of puberty for females is menarche, the onset of menstruation, which occurs on average between ages 12 and 13.[2] For males, first ejaculation occurs on average at age 13.[4] In the 21st century, the average age at which children, especially girls, reach puberty is lower compared to the 19th century, when it was 15 for girls and 16 for boys.[5] This can be due to any number of factors, including improved nutrition resulting in rapid body growth, increased weight and fat deposition,[6] or exposure to endocrine disruptors such as xenoestrogens, which can at times be due to food consumption or other environmental factors.[7][8] Puberty which starts earlier than usual is known as precocious puberty, and puberty which starts later than usual is known as delayed puberty.
Notable among the morphologic changes in size, shape, composition, and functioning of the pubertal body, is the development of secondary sex characteristics, the "filling in" of the child's body; from girl to woman, from boy to man. Derived from the Latin puberatum (age of maturity), the word puberty describes the physical changes to sexual maturation, not the psychosocial and cultural maturation denoted by the term adolescent development in Western culture, wherein adolescence is the period of mental transition from childhood to adulthood, which overlaps much of the body's period of puberty.[9]
Puberty usually occurs in girls between the ages of 10 and 14, while in boys it generally occurs later, between the ages of 12 and 16. In some African-American girls, puberty begins earlier, at about age 9, meaning that puberty occurs from ages 9 to 14.
late puberty gerontophilia
There is almost no research on mesophilia or gerontophilia, probably because acting on them is legal, as long as the other person consents. The typical attraction to young sexually mature adults is called teleiophilia. ... Acting on this age attraction is most likely to lead to reproductive success (having children).
peak hormone output age male
The “normal” or healthy level of testosterone in the bloodstream varies widely, depending on thyroid function, protein status, and other factors.
For men ages 19 and up, normal testosterone levels range from 240 to 950 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). For women ages 19 and up, normal testosterone levels range from 8 to 60 ng/dL.
Testosterone levels reach their peak around age 18 or 19 before declining throughout the remainder of adulthood.
peak hormone output age female
Levels peak in a woman’s 20s and decline slowly thereafter. By menopause, level is at half of its peak. 
world favourite porn type
graph testosterone level over time
graph oestrogen level over time
- what's interesting for me is how crime and education and mental illness all correlates. Basically, we see that harsher societies tend to have lower crime rates. The strange thing is that they also seem to have lower suicide rates as well? Once you understand how mental illness is created then you can begin to reduce mental illness as well as create a better society overall? More freedom and attention to recividism and creation of opportunities seems to create a better synergy for society? Some people (pertinent to teachers, correctional officers, police, parents, etc...) probably don't realise why some people don't change from bad to good? My guess is that PSYOPS and certain anti-abuse systems (dissociation, anhedonia, etc...) are kicking in?
recidivism by country
mental illness by country
iq vs crime correlation
For example, studies consistently reflect the fact that chronic or repeat criminal offenders have a lower average IQ than non-offenders. This is true among both juvenile repeat offenders (who average about 92) and adult repeat offenders (who average about 85). IQ tests are normed for a populace to 100. Every few years the tests are re-normed due to IQ drift, which tends to be upwards (commonly referred to as the ‘Flynn effect’). The 15 point difference between the norm for the general population and that of chronic offending adults is known as 1 standard deviation.
jail recidivism rate
As reported on BBC Radio 4 on Monday, 2 September 2005, the recidivism rates for released prisoners in the United States of America is 60% compared with 50% in the United Kingdom. The report attributed the lower recidivism rate in the UK to a focus on rehabilitation and education of prisoners compared with the US focus on punishment, deterrence and keeping potentially dangerous individuals away from society.
The United States Department of Justice tracked the re-arrest, re-conviction, and re-incarceration of former inmates for 3 years after their release from prisons in 15 states in 1994.[13] Key findings include:
Released prisoners with the highest rearrest rates were robbers (70.2%), burglars (74.0%), larcenists (74.6%), motor vehicle thieves (78.8%), those in prison for possessing or selling stolen property (77.4%) and those in prison for possessing, using or selling illegal weapons (70.2%).
Within 3 years, 2.5% of released rapists were arrested for another rape, and 1.2% of those who had served time for homicide were arrested for homicide. These are the lowest rates of re-arrest for the same category of crime.
The 272,111 offenders discharged in 1994 had accumulated 4.1 million arrest charges before their most recent imprisonment and another 744,000 charges within 3 years of release.
correlation education crime
- the more you understand how the body works the more you can infer what substances are likely to cause trouble? Certain materials just aren't supposed to be used by the body? Code isn't supposed to get mixed up? Human body has limited mechanisms to deal with stuff like this
monte carlo computer program
Monte Carlo methods, or Monte Carlo experiments, are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results. The underlying concept is to use randomness to solve problems that might be deterministic in principle. They are often used in physical and mathematical problems and are most useful when it is difficult or impossible to use other approaches. Monte Carlo methods are mainly used in three problem classes:[1] optimization, numerical integration, and generating draws from a probability distribution.
prostitute ovarian cancer
Social differences in sexual behaviour and cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer in nuns and prostitutes: A plea for scientific continence
aftershave breast cancer
“Promise Me” contains galaxolide, a synthetic musk. According to the article galaxolide is
“a hormone disruptor, it accumulates in the body and has shown up in the fat, blood, and breast milk of women who wore perfumes that contained it. More disturbing, some studies have shown that it may be a contributing factor in the development of breast cancer.”
prostate cancer kidney problems
Anything that gets in the way of urine leaving the body can lead to acute renal failure. Kidney stones or blood clots in the urinary tract can cause it. Prostate cancer or BPH can cause it as well.
Symptoms of BPH tend to get worse over time. In the most severe cases, BPH can lead to infection, bladder damage, or kidney damage. It’s not common, but BPH can lead to renal failure. That’s why it’s important to seek treatment for BPH before it causes damage to your kidneys.
The good news is that most men with BPH don’t develop kidney damage or renal failure.
- ironically, certain stimulus which locks out parts of the brain tells you lots about how certain illnesses and counter systems may work. Understanding these illnesses help you understand how other parts of the body work. My hope is to build a form of assisted "data mining". A combination of human reasoning combined with machine learning can make easier work then pure algorithmic work itself?
- once you understand a lot of human medicine and associated therapies you begin to understand how backward it seems compared to DNA based technology? A lot of medicine and treatments seem to cover up cracks rather then fixing code? Good examples are anti-depressants to change brain lobe bias, anti-psychotics to create blocks between lobes, use of various oils to break particular circuits within the brain and as a lubricant in other parts of the body, lithium to strengthen circuit signal strength, etc... My suspicion is that people with mental illness, drunks, drug addicts, even eyewitnesses, etc... may suffer from the same problem when experiencing memory loss. Over saturation of particular neurotransmitters in the brain effectively stops or reduces encoding efficacy of memories in the brain?
brake bias oversteer
- wonder how many different ways brain fog and Alzhiemers like symptoms can be achieved? Think about Normal Pressure Encephalitis and Beta-Amyloid theory (mice are the main source of evidence for this based on what I've seen?)? Is it possible that food or medicinally induced brain food is a more subtle version of this?
brain fog cause
Brain fog can happen for various reasons, including a medical condition, stress, poor diet, a lack of sleep, or the use of some medications. If symptoms result from a medical condition, they may improve with treatment.
Stress and too little sleep can cause brain fog symptoms, but so can conditions like depression, celiac disease, and more.
What's causing your brain fog?
Who among us hasn't experienced straying attention, trouble concentrating, or stumbling over the perfect word? A lot of the time brain fog is just a fact of life in the dizzying world we live in.
“Brain fog is present in many of us who are overworked, sleep-deprived, multitasking, or asked to remember too much,” says Gayatri Devi, MD, a psychiatrist and neurologist with Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
But brain fog is also part and parcel of many medical conditions, something that goes wrong with the 100 billion nerve cells and 100 trillion connections that make up your brain.
There is good news though: Once you pinpoint a cause, you can often find a treatment for brain fog, Dr. Devi says. And, comfortingly, the problem is rarely dementia.
Here’s a run-down of what might be causing your mental haze and how to fix it.
- the obvious irony for me is that if so much manipulation is occuring in the world why do they focus so much on materialism? The world would be better overall and across the board if people were more balanced overall? Given our understanding of human biology why don't people work from that basis?
nazi cruelty jews
The Law for the Prevention of Genetically Defective Progeny was passed on 14 July 1933, which legalized the involuntary sterilization of persons with diseases claimed to be hereditary: weak-mindedness, schizophrenia, alcohol abuse, insanity, blindness, deafness, and physical deformities. The law was used to encourage growth of the Aryan race through the sterilization of persons who fell under the quota of being genetically defective.[33] 1% of citizens between the age of 17 to 24 had been sterilized within 2 years of the law passing.
human experimentation
Unethical human experimentation is human experimentation that violates the principles of medical ethics. Such practices have included denying patients the right to informed consent, using pseudoscientific frameworks such as race science, and torturing people under the guise of research. Around World War II, Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany carried out brutal experiments on prisoners and civilians through groups like Unit 731 or individuals like Josef Mengele; the Nuremburg Code was developed after the war in response to the Nazi experiments. Countries have carried out brutal experiments on marginalized populations. Examples include American abuses during Project MKUltra and the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, and the mistreatment of indigenous populations in Canada and Australia. The Declaration of Helsinki, developed by the World Medical Association (WMA), is widely regarded as the cornerstone document on human research ethics.[1][2][3]
Since the late 20th century, African nations have often been the sites of clinical testing by large international pharmaceutical companies. In some cases, rural communities have developed iatrophobia (fear of doctors) after undergoing or learning of highly controversial medical experimentation. The fundamental distrust lies in the potential confrontation of Hobson's choice: "Experimental medicine or no medicine at all". Multiple cases of ethically questionable experiments have been documented.[71]
In the late 20th century, Depo-Provera was clinically tested on Zimbabwean women. Once approved, the drug was used as a population control measure in the 1970s. Commercial farm owners put pressure on native women workers to accept the use of Depo-Provera.[72] Population control interests motivated many of the family planning programs. This led to its eventual ban in Zimbabwe.[72]
A 1996 clinical trial in Kano, Nigeria involving the Pfizer drug Trovan to treat meningitis resulted in 200 children being disabled and the deaths of 11. Because of these casualties, the Nigerian government sued Pfizer over whether it had appropriately obtained informed consent.[73][74] Pfizer argued in court that it had met all regulations for drug testing. Many Nigerians mistrust the use of medical vaccines and also refuse to participate in medical trials.[73]
In 1994 United States drug companies began conducting trials of the drug AZT on HIV-positive African subjects with the goal of developing treatments to reduce the transmission of HIV/AIDs during childbirth.[75] With funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the program tested over 17,000 Zimbabwean women for the efficacy of AZT in preventing transmission of HIV/AIDS during childbirth. Half of the women were given a placebo rather than the drug, and the subjects were not informed of the potential dangers of the treatment. According to Peter Lamptey, the head of the AIDS Control and Prevention Program, "if you interviewed the people in the study, most wouldn't understand to what they had actually consented."[75] An estimated 1000 newborns of women in the study contracted HIV/AIDS, although this could have been avoided by treating the women with known drugs. The testing was ceased in 1998 when the CDC claimed to have obtained sufficient data from experiments in Thailand.[75]
dissociation and torture
The Shutdown Dissociation Scale (Shut-D)
Why are some people who are subjected to cruel and inhuman treatment, even prolonged torture, both of body and mind, able to emerge relatively unscathed from their experiences and go on to rebuild their lives, while others are completely shattered by the same experiences, and remain broken and ineffectual all their lives after? Using the psychoanalytic concept of object relations, Dr Alayarian argues convincingly that the differences are explained by early family life having allowed the establishment of good loving and secure figures in the psyches of the resilient ones, and the absence or insufficiency of such presences is responsible for the vulnerability of the others. The ideas explored are valuable for defining the aims of therapists in this field. That is, to try to establish, via the therapeutic relationship (both with the individual therapist and the institution that cares for the client) an equivalent caring, but individual, internalized presence of the welcoming host country, which will be a source of strength and reassurance for the person trying to adjust to the new life and come to terms with all the hurts and losses that have occurred before. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)
Alayarian, A. (2011). Trauma, torture, and dissociation: A psychoanalytic view. London, England: Karnac Books.
For the past decade, Metin Basoglu, director of the Istanbul Centre for Behaviour Research and Therapy in Turkey, has been a key figure in investigating the psychological damage inflicted by physical torture and CIDT. From studies of hundreds of survivors of coercive interrogation by a variety of regimes around the world, Basoglu has arrived at a clear-cut answer. “The most common psychiatric condition after torture and harsh interrogation techniques is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), followed by depression and other anxiety disorders,” he says (see “A tortured mind”).
- modern society tells you that people are driven by greed and materialism and that for most people that's enough. That will serve the needs of everyone but in reality when you look at the life of some people you come to realise that a more rounded approach to life is better for everyone. Most people know Bill Gates as just the former founder of Microsoft, a ruthless businessmen. In reality, he's done far more of utility in his life after Microsoft?
Free trade stops wars. Heh, and that's it. Free trade stops wars! And we figure out a way to fix the rest.
“All of this clarified to people that big business is not on our side,” she said. “This mythology that, ‘Oh if only we behaved nicely and we brought big business to the table, things would work out.’ Well that’s been blown to smithereens. They are not on our side and in fact they will use every dollar that they can to try and crush the movement.”
- when you actually understand the technology behind bio-organics and understand what the very best of humanity has to offer then you begin to understand the potential for something greater?
Bill Gates explains Terrapower And The Traveling Wave Reactor
Bill Gates Talks Philanthropy, Microsoft, and Taxes _ DealBook
- something else I've been interested in is why some black out while drinking, taking drugs, are in a blind rage, etc... In the context of the legal system it helps me understand why eyewitness testimony is often wrong as well? My guess is that the neurochemical and optical link is governed via a complex version of electrochemical photographic style technology. If the brain is saturated by neurochemicals (caused via fear, adrenaline, or something similar) to the point whereby it can no longer imprint physical phenomena reliabily upon brain cells then this would make sense and would be similar to what is experienced by those who suffer from minor cognifitive deficits? Projection (a theory as espoused in the move Inception) fills in the rest of the details which is why we end of with flawed memory recall sometimes?
Photographic film is a strip or sheet of transparent plastic film base coated on one side with a gelatin emulsion containing microscopically small light-sensitive silver halide crystals. The sizes and other characteristics of the crystals determine the sensitivity, contrast, and resolution of the film.[1]
Projections are the images of people or objects within dreams that are "projected" by the sleeping subject's subconscious mind.
While any sleeper can project these images, part of the subject's role in a shared dream is to populate a dream space with projections. A lucid sleeper can consciously affect the existence of their projections, but the actions of those projections are still always controlled by the subconscious. As manifestations of a person's subconscious, interrogating projections is one method by which an extractor can obtain a person's secrets.[1]
Projections of humans are compared to "white blood cells fighting an infection";[2] as the subject's subconscious becomes aware that the subject is being manipulated by a dreamer, they will attack to defend the subject's mind from invasion, such as extraction. For this reason, it is advised that the dreamer not make too many unnecessary alterations to a dream while the subject is populating it.[3] It is generally believed that killing projections has no negative effect on the subject, because none of them are real.[4] For this reason, when deemed necessary, extractors will mercilessly dispatch projections without a second thought.
- I've obviously been studying the impact of stress, torture, abuse, etc... on biological organisms such as the human body and animals. Many parts of the human body are obviously chained which means that fairly of particular systems can cause failure in other parts of the body. A good example of this is excess stress which can cause sleep problems, sexual dysfunction, depression, reduced lifespan, impaired immune system function, mental issues in general, etc...
- the reason why gay conversion therapy has limited success is because it seems to be the standard protocols for mind control as was found out via many secret experiments? It's an old, cruel, and primitive method and once you try and build humanoid style being from scratch you'll understand why it may have limited success. It makes the assumption that most of the programming is centred in the brain? I suspect it's much more complicated like that (possible but really difficult). A lot of systems may work independently of the brain?
gay conversion therapy success
- sadism is interesting for multiple reasons. Some people do bad things because they're told, others do it to right a supposed wrong. The one I'm most interested in are those who do it for no apparent reason? Some medical professionals call these people sociopaths/psycopaths because they enjoy seeing others in pain. We know that abuse can lock out parts of the brain responsible for empathy. This leads to a rather ironic state whereby abuse victims become abusers themselves with a reduced capacity for empathy. The other interesting thing is that if you do a chain/sequence analysis of particular biological reactions within the human body it can possibly lead to a doom loop effect. The abuser has no idea when or how to stop? An external entity needs to intervene to make them stop?
psychology university stanford prison experiment
schadenfreude abusers
sadism torture
I enjoy seeing people hurt.
I would enjoy hurting someone physically, sexually, or emotionally.
Hurting people would be exciting.
I have hurt people for my own enjoyment.
People would enjoy hurting others if they gave it a go.
I have fantasies which involve hurting people.
I have hurt people because I could.
I wouldn’t intentionally hurt anyone. (Reversed-scored)
I have humiliated others to keep them in line.
Sometimes I get so angry I want to hurt people.
- while I don't advocate experimenting on babies and toddlers the impact of PSYOPS is most easily observed on them. Watch how a baby's/toddler's behaviour changes as they watch different programs and you may be suprised at how differently they act (you don't even need to change programming? A lot of them figure out how to channel surf themselves?)?
Teletubbies - WildBrain
- the seperation of church and state was a good thing from an experimentalists standpoint. As the Cubans and religious folk have discovered better medicine isn't the only way to live longer? Ironically, I suspect the healthier and lower stress lifestyles that these people live helps to stretch their life expectancies out to longer then average and reduces their health issues?
life expectancy by religion
life expectancy monk
In 2016, the World Health Organisation reported the average life expectancy at birth for Cubans as being 77 years for males and 81 for females, which is higher than that of the United States.

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- latest in science and technology
- latest in finance and politics
Going to the ICJ: Myanmar, Genocide and Aung San Suu Kyi’s Gamble
- latest in defense and intelligence
- latest in animal news
- latest in music and entertainment

Random Quotes:
- According to Experian, six million online records globally are breached every day, including personal information such as telephone numbers and email addresses - and “by monitoring thousands of websites and millions of data points on the dark web, CyberAgent proactively detects compromised confidential records”.

Experian says its CyberAgent online portal solution is able to break language barriers and uncover identity theft across the globe by searching the dark web for:

National Identity Numbers
Email addresses
Telephone numbers
Medical ID numbers (i.e Medicare and private health numbers)
Bank Account and routing numbers
Credit/debit card numbers
Drivers licence numbers
Passport numbers
Retail credit numbers
- A thief in Austria tricked a factory into giving him a 20-ton truckload of chocolate, police confirmed on Thursday.
"In recent years we have seen a number of individual cases where loaded trucks never arrived — also containing chocolate," a police spokeswoman told news agency DPA.
The factory had asked a local company to drive its Milka products from Austria to Belgium. The Austrian company seconded the contract to a Hungarian freight firm, which then hired a Czech contractor to carry out the transaction.
Read more: No, we won't run out of chocolate by 2050
So when a Czech truck arrived at the factory in the Austrian town of Bludenz, factory workers loaded the truck without any suspicions.
The chocolate on board was worth around €50,000 ($55,000). It never reached its destination and both truck and driver remain missing.
Investigators have discovered that the number plates on the vehicle were stolen and that the driver in question does not work for the Czech company.
- Michael McNally
October 31, 2016
A Melbourne University study found that post-race 50% of racehorses have blood in their windpipe, and 90% have blood deeper in their lungs.
With 122 horses pronounced dead on Australian racetracks in the past 12 months and many thousands more killed for not running fast enough, please make this the year that you choose to never again participate in any celebration of the disgrace that stops the nation.
And now this damning investigation exposing thousands of former racehorses being sent to slaughter and brutally mistreated. The systems in place to track their fate are a complete sham and can never be trusted.
- For a broader understanding of the extent to which we abuse animals in Australia, please take the time to view this important documentary:
Read more on pulmonary bleeding in racehorses at http://www.horseracingkills.org/6_3.htm
University of Melbourne research:
- How fast do trains go?
When the F-16 came to Europe early 1980's their radars where useless.
They painted all cars on German highways, and most trains on their screens.
Their initial radars had to be "upgraded" to remove all ground clutter like cars and trains. 
And if you really want to cheat? 
Go hang above and follow a locomotiv or large truck or bus.
And in France and other countries, you need turbo copters to follow the TGV (high speed train)

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...