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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Occupy Movement, Veterans For Peace, and More

If you're a bit like me you've probably wondered what happened to the so called 'Occupy Movement'. In my recent look at Anti-War activists it's been clear that were part of that group but have basically splintered off of them. Reasons for this include internal/external subversion/dissent/dis-harmony, breakups by law enforcement/security services who see it as a threat to the state, etc...

- one of the things that is obvious is that a lot of these people don't know what they're getting themselve into. They come across as naive at times and need to know how the system works, how to subvert/challenge it, techniques that are currently employed to subdue them, how to succeed within the context of the current system, etc... It's clear that they also understand these limitations and have been working to address them
Occupy Movie
An Occupy Wall Street Story AKA TBBBPE! A Real Documentary By Dennis Feitosa
The Voices of Occupy Wall Street
Occupation Nation 'An Occupy Wall Street Documentary' (FULL)
- note the use of propaganda/subversion in attempting to discredit some of these groups/movements. An obvious problem with the group is that their cenck of centralisation is a strength and a weakness. It makes it seem as though they have a lack of compelling leadership/vision. Moreover, in cases where there is one they seem to lack a pathway towards it. With the way in which the security services/law enforcement/intelligence services were used against them in the US/UK it makes you constantly question where the line between free speech and treason is? Moreover, do you commit treason if you follow orders and knowingly do what's worse for the country?
The Julian Assange Show - Occupy Movement (E7)
Chris Hedges - Occupy Movement - Banks, Capitalism, Demands and Economic Inequality (2012)
Chris Hedges on the Occupy Movement and Economic Inequality (2012)
- parts of this very confusing. these movements thinking about this in too centralised a fashion. whether you're extreme right or left you somehow need to subvert the system. The irony is that subverting the system leads to it's collapse. plant a fruit tree in the backyard. help nature, keep control of your costs, subvert the system, etc... go solar and off the grid so that you can control your costs, subvert the system. develop alternative communications system and subvert the system. don't use drugs if you don't have to and subvert the system. understand propaganda and subvert the system. think about homelessness. if you have multiple rooms and lease them out the free ones you no longer support. one of the reasons why we give into the word of God is because we believe that in giving us freedom to live, work, play it is a sign of love. the irony is that we've created a system which is almost anti-thetical to this. communism gave rise to gulags, capitalism has given to borderline slave labour, etc... Einstein once said that Quantum Mechanics was the greatest failure in his life. What if it wasn't? What if alternate realities were just experiments which provided the best. the only real fundamental way to test a theory/idelogy if life is to actually practice it. we're supporting a system which could possibly collapse because we see no better alternative. oppression leads to victimisation leads to oppression when the other side has the opportunity
Occupy Wall Street (Full Movie) Documentary by KnowTheTruthTV , America Is Not In Debt! #EndTheFed
- a bit difficult to understand but interesting ideas are explored. People are indoctrinated into an idelogy via the education/workforce. You need to believe in the system (and have a reasonable amount of talent) in order to advance in most social systems. Whether by accident or design it's almost self censoring. I've experienced this myself, go to certain schools and you almost never explore certain ideas. When I was a child I explored the idea of a people's parliament somewhat similar in structure to a jury. It's obvious that others have also thought about this and it may actually do a lot to curb systemic corruption that seems inherent to some social systems. One fact that you might not have known. Nelson Mandela was listed as a terrorist by the US State Department for 27 years
Dr Cornel West ~Breaking The Shackles Of Capitalism And The Occupy Movement _The Indignants
- one of the reasons why the USSR and US were defeated in Afghanistan and Vietnam was because the enemy/people believed in an ideology that they were willing to die for. As a consequence of that there was no way they could be beaten down as a group. With the death of every soldier came many more (in spite of the technological superiority of the USSR and the US). That's the problem that these people face. Even if there are enough people willing to make the change are they willing to go the distance? One of the obvious issus is how do you fight a system that is designed to suppress dissent? I've been looking at background behind prophets recently and one thing that is obvious is that the world is far from pure and probably way off what any track that God would probably want us to be on. The notion of building parallel cities/societies actually makes more sense. These are the only places where puritan ideologies would be allowed to flourish without having to worry about suppression (because the core ideals are the same)
Rise Like Lions - Occupy Wall Street and the Seeds of Revolution
Fault Lines - History of an occupation
We Were Soldiers
- what seems obvious is that the US could face a revolutionary type situation situation in the future. Satisfaction with the system as it currently stands is unsteady and weak (if you're not lucky). While they don't/won't say one of the reasons I think that there are so many US billionares who are pledging to give money away prior to their death is for national security/stability
Fault Lines - History of an occupation
- one of the things that is being said repeatedly via these movements (and some prophets) is that there will be an engineered global, economic collapse in future. The primary cause for this is interesting. If you think about our system carefully we make money by lying about the value of something (whether we know it or not). Quantitative financial/economic analysts will argue that we require more time to come up with better models. If that's the case, how do we deal with the fact that there are new variables going into and out of existence all of the time? We need to face the facts, that basically much of financial/ecnonomic theory is effectively arbitrary. The value is something whatever we want it to be. The only system which genuinely doesn't collapse is nature. Everything is governed by specific scientific laws and ironically since those laws can basically never be broken it's perfect. Moreover, actors/organisms in that system only change purpose, they never change their role or over reach as part of a much larger system. Evolutionary changes are relatively minor (within each time cycle) so that the entire ecosystem doesn't collapse all at once. Within context given the flexibility of humans (compared to other organisms) we can have a society without ever having significant financial collapses if people are trained suffficiently well to adapt to their environment. Moreover, provided sufficient safeguards we can also have growth without causing asset bubbles. It's all a question of determining where our limits/lines should be... It's the perfect balance between progress and evolution/revolution...
- many things only become clearer when you remove external factors and only think about actors and their effects on systems. The concentration of media, capitalism, and hierarchical social systems means that in many parts of the world we've ended up with something very similar. The only question is how far the limits on certain activities are and how they are curtailed...

The reason why I've gone through the Occupy Movement is because of my previous research into Anti-War activists. Obviously, this leads us back to 'Veterans for Peace'.

- it's obvious that that the system has failed many ex-servicemen. They've effectively come up with solutions for their problems independently (such as using drugs for treatment of PTSD even though it's technically illegal, http://dtbnguyen.blogspot.com.au/2015/12/understanding-propaganda-us-anti-war.html). What's clear is that they have other issues with society in general. What some of them are doing is what amounts to creating a 'parallel society'. They seemed to have ended up creating infrastrature/systems for dealing with problems that many ex-servicemen face such as employment, medical treatment, etc... I wonder how far they've taken this? It's obvious they've explored alternative food sources, testing/practice of alternative medicines, testing of social systems, etc...
American Spring - Occupy Wall Street
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
- some intersting points in the following video. If the reason for the 'Cold War' was a battle between a clash between communism/socialism and capitalism was why has the US maintained such a large military? Why is China seen as an enemy unless this is about nothing other than having power/dominion over the rest of the world? There are often many sides to every single conflict. One for the public and the real one. It's interesting how the US, China, and Russia have all been attempting to subvert (support of locals sympathetic to their cause is the most common mechanism along with propaganda) one another with the public being mostly unaware of what has been happening....
Veterans for Peace Forum - US v Russia-Ukraine Tug of War
- two crazy theories which have been explored by whistleblowers, conspiracy theorists, etc... has been using war/instability as a means of population control and maintaining economic growth (rebuilding of destroyed cities, arms sales, etc...). Seems as though there are groups forming around the world. One pro-Western, the other resisting it (very few neutrals). What worries me is that if the US political elite do secretely believe in PNAC then we're in for a bit of trouble up ahead. What's going to happen is that everything is going to be done in order to suppress China from becoming a genuine rival to the US. Something to note is that most challengers to the US have ended up at least going temporarily into a economic zombie zone; think Japan, EU, Asian Tigers, and now perhaps China. The obvious problem will be if this is manufactured whether or not China has the ability to be able to deal with it? The other obvious question is if the US is willing to give up the prosperity of the world for it's own desires (not because China will not be global citizen/leader in future) for global hedgonomy whether or not it is a worthy world leader
Veterans for Peace Forum - Honduras
- listening to some of these people the question that runs through the back of your mind constantly is whether or not our way of life (in the first world) requires warfare for prosperity. Is it only possible to have clean, safe, sanitary, life in the West as long as there are problems elsewhere? (Marx and Lenin apparently explored these ideas more fully). Clear that there has been really poor intelligence collection in Iraq. It makes more sense why they seem to get things wrong now. Leads to actual insurgent percentages are about 5%.
Ben Griffin, Veterans for Peace - 'War is the most destructive activity humanity participates in...'
Syria and Iran Vets for Peace Forum
- if you join the military you're better off not being much of a 'thinker'. The rules and setup are such so as to keep you and your compatriots (as well as the overall 'system') safe. Neo-Colonialism is highly desctructive especially if the local population don't want it. People have very different questions/ideas of what democracy is across different parts of the world
Interview - Elliott Adams - Veterans for Peace
Veterans For Peace UK - A Different Kind of Tour - Derry
- people say that only capitalism facilitates (communism/socialism only with punishment) progress but if you look/think carefully about the FOSS movement, crowdsourcing, etc... it's clear that complex systems/technolgies can be formed without that social system overlay
Veterans For Peace UK - A Different Kind of Tour - Derry

- apparently you can fax via Gmail with sufficient
Gmail to Fax options

- there is device locking capability on Android devices (similar to Apple iCloud device locks) 

- ever want to see how how a fighter jet gets built? These are images of construction of a Russian Sukhoi Su-34

- the Su-47 (S-37 Berkut) Golden Eagle Fighter, Russia

- given the head start the West has in AESA RADAR it makes sense that Russia would explore alternatives

- it's clear that the US doesn't know what to do with regards to North Korea and it isn't really a priority to them
North Korea's Test Of A "Hydrogen Bomb" Was Only Somewhat Successful

- there are naming conventions for US military aircraft though sometimes they don't make much sense

- not sure how valid this is but it's interesting to see some of the aircraft carrier designs that the Chinese are looking at

- some of the world's most effective air to air missiles

- Security does not exist today for anyone. There are nine states which possess nuclear weapons. One of them, the United States, dropped two bombs which killed hundreds of thousands of people in just three days, and caused physical and psychological harm to millions of defenseless people.

The People’s Republic of China and Russia know the world’s problems much better than the United States, because they were obliged to endure the terrible wars imposed on them by fascism’s blind egoism. I do not doubt that, given their historical traditions and their own revolutionary experience, they will make the greatest effort to avoid a war and contribute to the peaceful development of Venezuela, Latin America, Asia and Africa.
- The world situation changed and deterrence became less important when the Soviet Union collapsed. No longer did we face an Evil Empire whose destructive might matched our own and whose aggressive tendencies needed to be deterred because the cost of conflict would be so unacceptably high. Instead, in the first Gulf War allied forces readily won a conflict where the ground campaign lasted all of one hundred hours and involved minimal losses. Who needs to deter that sort of war? It is probably easier to just fight and win it than to go through the effort to prevent it.
It is time for military leaders, strategists and students to put deterrence back into our vocabulary. We must dedicate ourselves to preventing wars, not just fighting them. This is not about embracing pacifism. It is about pursuing the “supreme military excellence” that Sun Tzu wrote about. We need to look at how we might organize, train and equip ourselves to not fight, to play the only winning move in this strange game and to re-embrace the old SAC motto, once again proclaiming that while we wear our nation’s uniforms and serve as its warriors, peace truly is our profession.
- Yesterday, while Sydney's suburbs were littered with people downing a greasy fry-up or "hair of the dog" in the hope of feeling human again, others were forking out between $140-$200 on a treatment package that pumps saline, sodium, minerals, vitamins, oxygen and anti-nausea medication through their blood.

But the practice has been slammed by heath experts. "This encourages people to use alcohol in an entirely inappropriate way and it's something the government should look at very, very carefully," said Michael Moore who is chief executive of the Public Health Association of Australia.

"After all the hard work that has been done to reduce the harm associated with alcohol ... this is ridiculous."
- Guo is just the latest in a long list of suspended or “disappeared” Chinese bankers and finance heads, after President Xi Jinping’s sweeping anti-graft campaign spread to the financial sector this year. Since China’s stock market crash that vaporized nearly $5 trillion between June and August, China’s authorities have been ruthlessly looking for culprits guilty of insider trading, rumor-spreading, and what they called “malicious” short-selling.
- Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu warned Friday that “about 200 US nuclear bombs are currently deployed in Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany and Turkey.”

Russia does not look favorably upon the deployment of nuclear weapons in NATO states near its borders. Russian President Vladimir Putin said in June that if NATO threatens Russia, Moscow will respond to the threat accordingly.

“When we look at this whole [issue of] Vladimir Putin’s Russia and NATO, the United States has broken a series of explicit promises to Russia… that the United States would not move American and NATO military assets closer to Russian borders,” Mark Dankof said in an interview with Press TV. “We have broken that promise.”

“We promised that we would not recruit former Eastern Bloc countries to join NATO, we have broken that promise,” he continued.

“And then of course, we have proceeded in what we have been doing against Russian interests in Ukraine, where we supported the illegal coup d'etat there in February 2014,” Dankof noted.

“And of course, what the United States has been doing in conjunction with Israel and Saudi Arabia and Turkey and the [Persian] Gulf Cooperation Council states in supporting ISIL and supporting al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria in an attempt, among other things, to marginalize the Russian position in that part of the world, we have really been pushing the envelope,” he said.

The analyst said that “these policies are wrong, they’re evil, and they’re immoral. But beyond that, they are simply insane.”
- “There is an element of demonstrating capability in order to gain strategic leverage more widely,” said Brig Barry. “If they want to deter what they consider to be adventurism from an irresponsible Nato, then it helps to show they’ve got the capability to fire cruise missiles from both surface warships and submarines.”

Ordinary Russians, who are enduring the pain of economic crisis even as military spending rises, are also part of the intended audience. “This helps to justify to the Russian public the sort of resources that have been put into military modernisation,” added Brig Barry.
- According to the military hardware analysts at BGA-Aeroweb, each F-35A aircraft carries a $129 million "flyaway" price. The F-35Bs destined for the Royal Navy cost a whopping $183 million each.

Thus, the very least that Britain's commitment means to Lockheed is $13.2 billion in revenues from the B's and an additional $8.5 billion from the A's -- or more than $21.7 billion in total revenue. Even at the F-35's subpar operating profit margin of just 7%, that's a good $1.5 billion worth of profits that Lockheed can now count on earning -- nearly $5 per share.
- "We used diesel engines, but sterling engines and the AIP system means we don't need much air from outside to move the engines to generate electricity," he said.

The Hull is the key to the Soryu's strength and its ability to drive deep. It is made with special steel and the Japanese say that through precision engineering they have come as close as possible to what submariners call the perfect circle.

The sub also has a secret X configuration rudder design that gives it extra stability

Master chief petty officer Katsuyuki Matsui from SS Kokuryu said he was proud to be a part of it because "its full of world-class technology and it's essential to Japan's national defence".
- Russia is battening down the hatches for a Biblical collapse in oil revenues, warning that crude prices could stay as low as $40 a barrel for another seven years.

Maxim Oreshkin, the deputy finance minister, said the country is drawing up plans based on a price band fluctuating between $40 to $60 as far out as 2022, a scenario that would have devastating implications for Opec.

It would also spell disaster for the North Sea producers, Brazil’s off-shore projects, and heavily indebted Western producers. “We will live in a different reality,” he told a breakfast forum hosted by Russian newspaper Vedomosti.

The cold blast from Moscow came as US crude plunged to $35.56, pummelled by continuing fall-out from the acrimonious Organisaton of Petrol Exporting Countries meeting last week. Record short positions by hedge funds have amplified the effect.
- Over two months, McCain has listened to and voiced many criticisms on the DoD: The acquisitions system wastes billions of dollars and struggles to incorporate advanced commercial technologies. Its “archaic military personnel system” is “losing and misusing talent.” The military health care system needs to be streamlined. DoD’s overhead elements, “especially its contracted workforce, have exploded,” yielding a “tooth-to-tail ratio” that is “below the global average.”
- Italy already has a strong culture of wiretapping stemming from the country’s long battle against organized crime and Italian police are now proving adept at tracking the online postings of fundamentalists.

Italian Justice Minister Andrea Orlando spelled out the country’s focus on surveillance when he told police chiefs on Nov. 26 to figure out how to eavesdrop on young fundamentalists.

“Once news was swapped by telephone only, but today we must get better at wiretapping online communications, meaning through PlayStation as well as chatting with programs, including music downloads,” he said.
- After 16 years of radical left-wing rule, Venezuelan politics is changing. The opposition has won a two-thirds majority in congress, and after his very narrow win in 2013, president Nicolás Maduro, who would otherwise stay in power until 2018, could now face a recall referendum. Whether he retains his grip on power, leaves peacefully or struggles with the opposition could determine the fate of Latin America’s largest oil sector.

With shortages of food and even toilet paper, an epidemic of violent crime, inflation at more than 100 per cent and the economy shrinking by 10 per cent this year, the Bolívarian Republic is paying the price for years of mismanagement, rampant corruption and now tumbling oil prices. Even if Mr Maduro hangs on, the opposition’s super-majority will allow them to replace judges and election officials, and perhaps pressure the ruling party for better policies.
- WASHINGTON — The top US Army commander in Europe said the service will work to establish most of its maintenance sites for equipment caches — built up to respond to Russia’s continuing incursion into Ukraine — by the end of next year.

Maintenance sites for what the Army is calling European Activity Sets in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria will be completed by the end of 2016, ideally by September, Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, commander of US Army Europe, said Wednesday at the Pentagon.
- In September 2013, Turkey selected China Precision Machinery Import Export Corp. (CPMIEC) to build the country’s first long-range air and anti-missile defense system. The Chinese company offered a $3.44 billion solution.

The firm defeated a US partnership of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, offering the Patriot air defense system; Russia’s Rosoboronexport, marketing the S-300; and Italian-French consortium Eurosam, maker of the Aster 30.

Under strong pressure from NATO allies who said that a Chinese system could not be made interoperable with NATO assets on Turkish soil, Turkey opened parallel talks with the US and European contenders.

The Ankara government Nov. 13 scrapped the competition and tasked two local companies to build an indigenous system instead.

Military electronics specialist Aselsan, Turkey’s biggest defense company, and missile maker Roketsan, both state-controlled, will develop the system. But there are concerns the work may take too long.
- GÖTTINGEN, Germany — The German Defense Ministry is assuming the leadership role for development of a European drone, the so-called Medium Altitude Long Endurance Remotely Piloted aircraft system or MALE RPAS. In a statement, the ministry also announced that Spain will participate as an equal fourth partner in the project.

According to the ministry, Germany will take over 31 percent, or €18.6 million (US $20.3 million) of the cost of the definition study. France, Italy and Spain each will contribute €13.8 million to the study.
- Lee said there are less dramatic reasons to establish additional bases, such as to improve search-and-rescue capabilities in the event of downed aircraft — a concern that drove US military thinking in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the Marine.

“If they are conducting operations down there, and they want to have the combat search-and-rescue capability, you want to be closer to wherever the planes are operating rather than not because the farther away you are, the slower your response time is, and one of the big things for us in Iraq and Afghanistan was the concept of the golden hour," Lee said.

While there have been reports that up to 5,000 Russian personnel are now in Syria, and that Russian T-90 tanks have been seen outside of their base in Syria, analysts continue to discount the possibility of a true Russian ground operation.

“At most, [these additions] reflect a recognition that there is going to be no quick resolution,” Galeotti said. “I don't think there is any indication of any change to Russia's endgame, which is some kind of process allowing not so much Assad but the bulk of the Alawite regime to survive, and with it Moscow's influence in the region.”
- Buchanan said, “if I were in ISIS, what I would do is I would say, look at the two characters [who] commanded the entire media of the United States and still do for a week, do one or two more of these things, they would up one of their sleeper cells, get this done, and we can elect and — nominate and elect Donald Trump, and the great war with Islam is on.”

He later added, “You send American troops over there into Syria, but ISIS, [is saying] please send 10,000 Americans into Raqqa. They’re begging for the great war with the Americans. Why would you comply with them?”
- NEW DELHI — US cooperation in engine technology was a top issue for Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar when he met US Defense Secretary Ash Carter Wednesday and Thursday in Washington, said an Indian Defence Ministry source.

India needs engine technology for its proposed homegrown advanced medium combat aircraft (AMCA), which is still on the drawing board. Availability of a higher thrust advanced engine would kick-start the AMCA program, under which India proposes to build medium combat aircraft similar to the Rafale, which it is buying from France, said a senior scientist of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), which is developing AMCA.

Another priority is cooperation on development of an electro-magnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS) for the proposed Indigenous aircraft carrier INS Vishal, the MoD source added.
- Yatseniuk was defending his embattled government's record when lawmaker Oleh Barna walked over to him, presenting him sarcastically with a bunch of red roses. Barna then grabbed him around the waist and groin, lifting him off his feet and dragging him from the rostrum.

Members from Yatseniuk's People Front party waded in, pushing Barna and throwing punches. Lawmakers from Poroshenko's bloc joined the fray and an angry brawl ensued for several minutes before deputies returned to their seats.

The incident exposed deep divisions in the pro-Europe coalition that have fueled speculation the government could fall even as Ukraine's Western backers warn that time is running out for Kiev to make good on its promises to root out endemic corruption and cronyism.

Yatseniuk is, like Poroshenko, a pivotal player in the pro-Western leadership that emerged after the downfall of the Moscow-backed Viktor Yanukovich in February 2014. But support for him has fallen dramatically in the past year.
- No less a figure than Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work has said bluntly that EW and cyber held more promise for missile defense than the traditional method of shooting down one missile with another. “It doesn’t have to be a kinetic solution,” Work said in March. “Hell, I don’t really want a kinetic solution. It’s got to be something else.”

So that’s the promise — but when I’ve tried to get any specifics, I get polite demurrals that the topic is too classified to talk about. But it’s not just reporters who have this problem. People in the military who really need to know about these capabilities, as a matter of potential life and death, aren’t always allowed to learn about them either.

“We need to have enough people who understand what each of them is [and] a way to use them when the time comes,” said Rear Adm. Archer Macy, retired director of the Joint Integrated Air and Missile Defense Organization (JIAMDO). “The fact that only very few people know what [some of these capabilities] are make that very difficult.”

- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...