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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Financial Data Acquisition, Blu-Ray VLC Playback, and More

- in my previous post we looked at some of the better known traders (such as Ed Thorp, Jim Simons, Stanley Druckenmiller, etc...) in the Quantitative sphere. Obviously, if you understand trading you'll realise that it can be difficult. In fact, most figures I've come across indicate that good full time traders are rare. Even IT backed trading is difficult if you examine the data out there. Arbitrage opportunities have minimised with the advent of more players (such as HFT and supported market markets) and spreads have narrowed as trading models have become more similar. It makes sense that very few players can become genuinely successful in this field due to the combination of skill, patience, etc... required of people. Not a genuine option for people to make money on the side for many people because of it's complexity and amount of time and resources required to make it successful? Even people who work full time at this struggle? In this post I'll be looking at some of the more obvious sources of data that they may be looking at? Please excuse me if parts of this post seem unreadable. It's mainly a record for research
Point 72 said it talks to about 1,200 'alternative data' vendors a year, but only purchases data from about 30 or 40 of them. The company's Chief Intelligence Officer, Matthew Granade, said: “There is a tremendous amount of data that has to get sorted through, and that’s huge part of challenge. The vast majority of people on our platform, our discretionary investors, are using this data. This was not true four or five years ago.”
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- to put things into perspective how difficult it is to trade purely on technical trading and price signals try a simulation. This will put things into perspective. Don't trade or mirror systems you don't understand? Check reviews across the board. Losses are more common then not for most trading systems out there?
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- given the digital nature of cryptocurrencies it seems ironic that sometimes little data (of the type that you may want) seems to be available? You may need to extrapolate it from data that you can get?
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- a lot of the newer data supply and trading platforms are pulling the same tricks that the traditional financial services industry are. High fees, front running, etc... Paying for data is becoming common place. If you understand why and how you need to parse things it begins to make more sense?
- a lot of finance data is obviously pretty easy to find due to size of the industry but it often pertains to the US?
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Economics: Data
- given what Ed Thorp says you have to wonder whether there are patterns in sports markets? A lot of people seem to imply that fake odds are supplied to the public (my guess is that is done primarliy to reduce bookmaker risk?)? People banned if making too much money? Obvious that many others have looked at this field as well due to the data available in public Github accounts
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- there's so much data out there that I've half thought about building a crawling data searcher. Crawl, download, analyse, test, check feedback, extrapolate and update algorithms/theories, loop back, etc... Finite amount of memory leads to finite learning? Can it read and understand books? I'd like to use it for a range of different purposes over multiple fields just to see what it can do? Obviously, most components are already on my website and blog?
- you'll figure out that a lot of data you get is incomplete. Many sources only supply partial data (due to resource limitations, laziness, lack of payment, etc...). You may need to catch up on your database join theory and practice techniques. You can obviously work via flat files, upload into a database, use Big Data/NoSQL/Unstructured Database style technologies, etc... There doesn't seem to be universal best answer for everything?
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- the most common data formats are CSV, XLS, XLSX, DOC, DOCX, PDF. You'll soon realise that not all converters work the same or perfectly. In fact, I wrote a script which uses multiple converters and then compares them to see which output is best. I may upload it here at some point when it's cleaned up a bit
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- you may find my mass downloader and web crawlers/spider scripts useful especially if you don't already have a favourite mass download tool as yet. Obviously, you may need to tweak it to get it to work on certain websites?
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- some players and trends are systemic (you can only really read them and not much can change them). These include the biggest banks, governments, private investors and financiers, etc... Simply mirroring such trades could work although margins will likely be minimised?
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- obviously, I often create my own tools because it opens up options, is faster, more applicable to the task, etc... The problem with Excel, PSPP, and R is that they're relatively heavy (in terms of setting up and maintaining their environments. Learning and transitioning could be easier as well) and aren't really designed to look at large and disparate data sets and look for links between them. That said front ends such as littler and ministat are often useful and quick
- an alternate to building your own software is to use that of others. Although there are many free options there's no guarantee as to the quality and timeliness of signals that you're getting though. The ideal situation is that you end up with something agnostic. Something which you can apply to any field without understanding the underlying data or else the converse where the software understands the data and can tell you what anomalies may be present? Some software is platform specific. If you can't use a VM then emulators are another option
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- despite what is said about cloud platforms being safe it's obvious that it's easy to screw things up. Deeply sceptical some governments aren't using them for espionage?
- particular sectors are naturally higher margin?
Keiser Report - Will Brazil’s Economic Stars Align in 2020 (E1480)
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- the news is an obvious form of data but it needs to be re-modeled for you to gain something
- it sounds bizarre but getting some data can be frustratingly difficult. Paid data, data stuck behind paywalls or CAPTCHA systems, pure data that exists only in the cloud, etc... becoming more commonplace. That means you can't really download data to analyse locally anymore unless you do some work to get around them. That said, the usual problems abound with the Open Source world. Poor code quality, code which doesn't work, incomplete solutions, discontinued developmnent, etc... You need to be prepared to do some work to do something worthwhile?
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- one thing I'm interested in is how sectors are related/dependent, independent and contrarian/hedged? For instance, the following should be one or the other?
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- it sounds crazy but fake data may be a genuine problem? You don't realise until you start digging into things?
- one thing that's becoming apparent is limitations in current search engine technology (including Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, etc...). It feels like the Internet has many unexplored alleys which are brimming with information that few people ever look into?
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- statistics bureaus for each country? Federal bank. IMF, World Bank, WTO? Note, there are some countries that don't provide or don't provide complete information?
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- high growth markets are always interesting because you just want to know what makes them tick?
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- nothing seems to be easy nowadays. Even if you hoover up all data and find heaps of profitable opportunities sometimes there's no actual way to take advantage of data. You have to figure out a correlated way of taking advantage of it and even then there often seems to be hoops to jump through?
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- getting Blu-Ray discs to play back via FOSS software actually requires a bit of work? You need to manually copy files to various places depending on whether you're system is 32 or 64 bit. That's why I was half thinking of creating my own installer software for it?
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- you may need to get into some trouble with menus. The following are fixes and workarounds that you can use a bypass Java menu trick to get around the issue
sudo apt-get install libbluray-bdj libbluray2
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VLC Blu-Ray menu tips
VLC Unable to play Blu-Ray menus using BD-J
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sudo apt-get install libbluray-bdj libbluray-bin
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VLC 3.0.0 - Manually set Java location for Blu-Ray menus?
Solution for libbluray+java BD-J bluray menus troubleshooting on win10
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- you may also get into trouble with AACS file. Here is the workaround
- you need to use wget or links to bypass HTTPS certificate checks which are common to many modern browsers to access the relevant files
- the main tool I was looking at to build an MSI package was wix/msitools. I didn't realise it wasn't well documented and investigated yet?
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- you can use Snaps to install VLC if you're worried about messing up your installation
sudo snap install vlc --edge
snap switch --channel=edge vlc
snap enable vlc
snap run vlc

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- latest in science and technology
- latest in finance and politics
Fed’s Future Plans & Capital’s Unicorn Crackdown
- latest in defense and intelligence
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- latest in music and entertainment

Random Quotes:
- Russia’s air force has gained valuable combat experience in Syria.
In fact, the majority of combat pilots have flown in Syria, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu stated during a military conference.
“The figures speak for themselves here,” said Russian military newspaper Red Star.  “98 percent of the transport aviation crews and 90 percent of operational-tactical and army aviation crews, and also 60 percent of the long-range aviation pilots have already participated in the previously mentioned operations. Furthermore, nearly one-third of the air defense specialists - 32 percent of the servicemen - have confirmed their mastery and professionalism during the course of the fulfillment of missions in Syria.”
The Vietnam War left the U.S. military devastated for a decade, but it did give the Pentagon a chance to grapple with the challenges of modern aerial warfare, such as anti-aircraft missiles, smart bombs and electronic warfare. The cost was more than 3,700 American aircraft destroyed, plus another 5,000 helicopters.
- In its position paper on WTO Reform, China says it "will never agree to be deprived of its entitlement to special and differential treatment as a developing member".
At the same time, it says it "is willing to take up commitments commensurate with its level of development and economic capability".
It remains far less developed than traditionally developed countries. In purchasing power terms, its standard of living is about one-third of that in the United States.
Although not practically important in terms of its obligations under the WTO, its developing country status is useful to it in other ways, giving it the opportunity to gain meaningful advantages in other international organisations such as the Universal Postal Union.
It costs the rest of the world little to accommodate China's wish to be described as a developing country.
If Trump and Morrison got what they wanted, they would find little had changed.
- The people who worked for the project are known as Google TVCs - temps, vendors or contractors - and were told to go after people of colour, hide the fact that their faces were being recorded and tell the occasional fib to improve their ability to collect more data.
Some of the TVCS were told to pretend that it was a game of selfie in order to avoid telling the subjects that their images were being stored.
Google calls this "field research". A company that makes billions in profits by slurping data through both legal and illegal means has no qualms about paying people US$5 for the images. Its founders and all those in positions of power at the company appear to have lost the last vestiges of shame.
This is the same company which is seeking lenient treatment from the Federal Government over its online advertising practices which have crippled local media. And we have prominent local publications, like the Australian Financial Review, allowing Google to spin its way through.
Looks like a lack of shame is not limited to Google; journalists appears to be willing sell their souls for a foreign junket.
The NYDN contacted Google for a response which is within the story. iTWire has contacted the company with a number of queries about what is a truly shameful practice.
The queries iTWire sent to Google were:
How does this tie in with the oft-stated Google mantra of treating people fairly?
Is the company lacking money that it cannot pay people a decent amount?
There are plenty of indications in the story that the workers who were hired by Google told lies in order to collect this data. What does the company have to say about this?
Have the people who run Google never hear of the human attribute called shame?
A Google spokesperson responded but avoided answering any of these queries. Instead he/she said: "We regularly conduct volunteer research studies. For recent studies involving the collection of face samples for machine learning training, there are two goals.
"First, we want to build fairness into Pixel 4’s face unlock feature. It’s critical we have a diverse sample, which is an important part of building an inclusive product. And second, security. Face unlock will be a powerful new security measure, and we want to make sure it protects as wide a range of people as possible."
- In other words, the F-22 is arguably the best fighter in the world when it comes to air-to-air combat. But even so, it can fall prey to a variety of causes, of which hurricanes are one—albeit not the most likely—cause.
This wasn’t supposed to happen. Back in the late 1990s, the Air Force wanted at least 381 F-22s. But the Raptor proved too pricey, at around $412 million per plane (today's F-35 will cost around $100 million per aircraft). After years of bean-counting and dithering , in 2009 the Obama administration ended production of the F-22 after just 187 aircraft had been ordered.
Whether this was the correct choice will always be debated: the F-22 is a phenomenal fighter that happens to be phenomenally expensive as well as maintenance-intensive. Recent F-22 availability has been intolerably low, the result of maintenance difficulties, spare parts issues and peculiar Air Force practices such as splitting off detachments of Raptors to send overseas.
Whatever the mistakes made, the fact is that just 187 copies of an aircraft intended to engage in aerial battles with enemy planes doesn’t leave much room for error.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...