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Friday, March 13, 2020

Religion Vs US/Western Leadership, Random Stuff, and More

- the US/Western elite often talk about how they religious they are and how they're leadership is required to make the world a better place? In this post I will attempt to examine some of the issues that face US/Western leadership and how it interplays with religion
Chris Hedges on Death of the Liberal Class
Chris Hedges - Americans face a ‘one-choice election’
Giants - Who Really Rules The World
Peter Joseph - Eviscerating Capitalism & Building New Alternatives
Slavoj Zizek debates Jordan Peterson [HD, Clean Audio, Full]
Professor Slavoj Žižek _ Full Address and Q&A _ Oxford Union
Is the world actually getting better _ UpFront
Foreign Policy After Empire ft. Daniel Bessner (TMBS 98)
Changing Strained Alliances of World Capitalism [March 2020]
Modern-Day Slave Trade by Human Rights Diplomats
Abby Martin & Chris Hedges - War, Propaganda & the Enemy Within
USA vs. DPRK - Ignoring History Paves Way to Disaster
Used & Betrayed - 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats
Marxism 101 - How Capitalism is Killing Itself with Dr. Richard Wolff
Debunking Jordan Peterson’s “Cultural Marxism” with Richard Wolff
Chris Hedges - 'Democracy has been destroyed by global capitalism'
- one thing I've noticed over time is how much US/Western media seems to be at least partly rigged (media in Russian, Iran, and other opponents of the US/West are just as strongly Anti-US as well?)? A lot of others have noticed too. It covers the same topics, from the same sources, from the same people, etc... It genuinely rarely covers alternate views
Julian Assange - The 2011 60 Minutes Interview
Larry King slams MSNBC for not questioning more
Misinformation, lies and media spin - Inside the UK election _ The Listening Post (Full)
Ten Years To Break Out The Perceptual Bubble - David Icke
ABC Reporter Caught On Camera Exposing News Media Bias
Is the world actually getting better _ UpFront
Special documentary on France's 'gilets jaunes' movement
CNN Hilariously Shills For Billionaire Bloomberg! (Web Exclusive)
Propaganda & Engineering Consent for Empire with Mark Crispin Miller
unbrainwashing research
Brainwashing and Deprogramming
Sylvia Buford, an associate of Ted Patrick who has assisted him on many deprogrammings, described five stages of deprogramming:[21]
Discredit the figure of authority: the cult leader
Present contradictions (ideology versus reality): "How can he preach love when he exploits people?" is an example.
The breaking point: When a subject begins to listen to the deprogrammer; when reality begins to take precedence over ideology.
Self-expression: When the subject begins to open up and voice gripes against the cult.
Identification and transference: when the subject begins to identify with the deprogrammers, starts to think as an opponent of the cult rather than as a member.
Empire Files
Portugal reports some of Europe's best economic news. Its govt is coalition of socialists, communists, greens. Expect mainstream US medias' usual silence; they need to deny socialist successes even more than they deny Trump's failures.
Huge bribes in big bank loans to big corporations. Not remarkable that this happens: just big business as usual. Media reports each time as if it were exceptional helps to protect a corrupt system. Huge bribes in big bank loans to big corporations. Not remarkable that this happens: just big business as usual. Media reports each time as if it were exceptional helps to protect a corrupt system.
The Washington Post is a propaganda operation run by the US State Department and the Pentagon, an American writer and political commentator says.
“It's not It's not the legitimate journalism operation. And the same goes for the New York Times, and Wall Street Journal, and CNN and all the rest of them,” Stephen Lendman told Press TV in a phone interview on Saturday.
Lendman said, “In the US, the established media or major media don't give any news, don't report any news to viewers and readers and listeners. They’re propaganda machines on major domestic and geopolitical issues.”
“The reports consist of state approved propaganda. In other words, they run their stories by the State Department, the Pentagon, how they do it, maybe informally or formally or whatever, but they publish nothing that US agencies would not want to be shown in print, or broadcast on air, either on television or radio,” he added.
“The Washington Post is one of the worst. It's owned by Jeff Bezos of Amazon infamy. And he has something like $600 million CIA contract; meaning he basically is a CIA agent, call him a business agent,” he stated.
“So I call the Washington Post neocon-CIA-linked or a CIA-house organ, which is exactly what it is. Well, they’ve got a story about Iran building very mass burial pits and to bury people from the coronavirus illness,” he said.
“Whatever the US media, the Washington Post or anyone else in the US accused Iran, or Russia or Syria, or any other country on the US target list for regime change, whatever they accuse these countries on anything, there's never any evidence cited backing their claims. Why? Because no evidence exists,” he pointed out.
Gabrielle concludes, “Both the Russian government and the CCP view censorship, media manipulation, and propaganda as appropriate tools to control public opinion. Both exploit open, democratic societies to further their own ends while tightening controls around their own countries.”
Don’t worry, the CIA will eventually admit that they are elbow deep in all of the above, it just won’t be released until 30 years from now…In the meantime, I wouldn’t believe everything you read in the newspaper to stoke the fires for another war.
- US/Western intervention often doesn't result in peace for the people? If we look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc... you'll notice that things are worse now then they were before US/Western intervention. Some people say it takes roughly 10-20 years before a country can genuinely recover from external intervention and implement a new system? Even then it's still difficult and requires external support over an extended period of time? Not easy
8 countries Bolton mangled (Full show)
iraq perception united states
Gen. Nijm al-Jabouri at Saddam Hussein's former palace compound in Mosul, where he is in charge of Mosul security. In 2003, he thought the new Iraq would be orderly, liberal and secular. "We thought we would breathe freedom, we would become like Europe," he says. Instead, he says, "We returned to the Dark Ages."
Military leaders in the United States have publicly decried cuts to the State Department and its development and diplomacy efforts. This was neatly summed-up in 2013 by former United States secretary of defence, James Mattis, when he said: “If you don’t fund the State Department fully, then I need to buy more ammunition.”
Australia must heed this lesson, listen to our friends and allies and the voices in our national security sector. Ministers must use all the foreign policy tools we have and reinvest in our relationships and influence across the Asia-Pacific. Only then can we realistically fulfil the Australian government’s intent and the desire of the Australian people to live in a peaceful, prosperous and cooperative region.
- the role the US/West plays in global history and how it fits into religion is really important. A lot of people thought that since it did well out of the World Wars and won the Cold War it would mark the start of the End Times. Obviously, it hasn't really worked out that way. Right from point of inception it's been involved they've been involved in continual conflict? One interesting belief that they've had is that pure trade alone could somehow unite the world which is the same mistake that China seems to be making? They both acknowledge attempting to rig the system in their own favour? In the End Times that are espoused by many religions a particular ideology is spread around the world and the world sort of agrees to it because things are better. The obvious irony is that even internal to the states that are on the US/Western side they are struggling to keep people happy? In the meantime their share of global GDP continues to go down which means that they are becoming weaker over time relative to the rest of the world?
How poor people survive in the USA _ DW Documentary
Keiser Report - Chlorinated chicken Eugh! (E1356)
corbett report rose
global empires
timeline wars
define infidel
Infidel (literally "unfaithful") is a term used in certain religions for those accused of unbelief in the central tenets of their own religion, for members of another religion, or for the irreligious.
define heretic
Heresy is any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs, in particular the accepted beliefs of a church or religious organization. A heretic is a proponent of such claims or beliefs.
“If you haven’t stolen, what exactly have you come [into politics] for? We’ve checked this. And to my shock, they [the public] do not understand [this notion] of going into politics to do what’s good for the nation. You go into politics in order to steal and you need to be a man,” Eshel claims, not yet specifying which public he was referring to.
“Now, in this public, I’ll call it... non-Ashkenazi... What gets them worked up? Why do they hate the press?… They hate everything and we’ve succeeded in whipping up that hatred. Hatred is what unites our camp,” Eshel says plainly.
Eshel appeared to be referring to the Likud base of voters from Mizrahi communities, often in the periphery, who have long supported the party. 
Democracy, and much of the law, is a fiction, or at least an abstract, only as strong as the people who abide by the web of conventions that holds it together. The conventions of respecting the caretaker period of government, for example, or of not including the armed forces in what is essentially a political advertisement, are not iron-clad laws that independently police themselves. They work only insofar as they are respected by the political and bureaucratic classes.
And the results were unequivocal. Wherever in the world you look, you will find democracy in a state of malaise.
Overall, since the mid-1990s, the number of people who say they are "dissatisfied" with democracy has increased by almost 10 percentage points from 47.9% to 57.5%. That figure is the highest in the time taken in by the study, and 2019 is the year with the highest level of democratic discontent on record.
In developing countries around half of people are dissatisfied with democracy in their countries—a huge figure, although this represents only a slight increase in the last 25 years. The authors believe that poorer countries received an injection of positivity from their brand new democracies, but as people see their countries slide back into crime and corruption it is beginning to wear off.
The decline is particularly severe in developed countries (defined in this study as Europe, North America, East Asia and Australasia). Here, the proportion of people dissatisfied with democracy in their country has increased from one-third to half over the last 25 years—an average increase of around 17 percentage points. Ironically, and unsurprisingly, faith in democracy peaked in 2005, right before the onset of the global economic recession. Pride comes before a fall?
There is one region where belief in democracy is going strong. The ‘’island of contentment’’ as the authors have dubbed it, includes Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Here, less than one-quarter of people are dissatisfied with democracy. But less than 2% of the world’s democratic citizenry live in this oasis, and much of their satisfaction probably has to with being among the richest and most stable countries in the world.
“the preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact, upon public policy.”
Princeton – 2014
“Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens”
Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page
Free trade stops wars. Heh, and that's it. Free trade stops wars! And we figure out a way to fix the rest.
“All of this clarified to people that big business is not on our side,” she said. “This mythology that, ‘Oh if only we behaved nicely and we brought big business to the table, things would work out.’ Well that’s been blown to smithereens. They are not on our side and in fact they will use every dollar that they can to try and crush the movement.”
Social critic and academic Noam Chomsky has criticized the commission as undemocratic, pointing to its publication The Crisis of Democracy, which describes the strong popular interest in politics during the 1970s as an "excess of democracy".[14] He described it as one of the most interesting and insightful books showing the modern democratic system not to really be a democracy at all, but controlled by elites. Chomsky says that as it was an internal discussion they "let their hair down" and talked about how the public needs to be reduced to its proper state of apathy and obedience.[15]
Essentially liberal internationalists from Europe, Japan and the United States, the liberal wing of the intellectual elite. That's where Jimmy Carter's whole government came from. [...] [The Trilateral Commission] was concerned with trying to induce what they called "more moderation in democracy"—turn people back to passivity and obedience so they don't put so many constraints on state power and so on. In particular they were worried about young people. They were concerned about the institutions responsible for the indoctrination of the young (that's their phrase), meaning schools, universities, church and so on—they're not doing their job, [the young are] not being sufficiently indoctrinated. They're too free to pursue their own initiatives and concerns and you've got to control them better.[16]
Critics accuse the Commission of promoting a global consensus among the international ruling classes in order to manage international affairs in the interest of the financial and industrial elites under the Trilateral umbrella.[17][18]
In his 1980 book With No Apologies, Republican Senator Barry Goldwater suggested the discussion group was "a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical... [in] the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved."[19] Right-wing groups such as the John Birch Society and conspiracy theorists such as Alex Jones have also promulgated this idea.[20]
trend starvation statistics
11% of the world’s population are undernourished – this means they have a caloric intake below minimum energy requirements.
820 million people globally are undernourished.
22% of children younger than five are ‘stunted’ – they are significantly shorter than the average for their age, as a consequence of poor nutrition or repeated infection.
9% of the world population – around 697 million people – are severely food insecure.
One-in-four people globally – 1.9 billion – are moderately or severely food insecure.
working poor trend
Britain has seen a big jump in the working poor since the 1990s, with almost three out of five people below the official poverty line living in a household where at least one person is working.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies found that a drop in the number of workless households, better-off pensioners and higher rents had resulted in 8 million in poverty from working households.
The thinktank said that between 1994 and 2017 the share of poverty accounted for by working households had jumped from 37% to 58%.
The in-work poor were living in relative poverty because they were living on less than 60% of median income. The IFS said the less well-off had been financially hit by more expensive housing and by weak earnings growth, but were still better off than they would have been had they been unemployed.
working poor
working poor trend
poverty line
“Newstart Allowance for single people is $190 a week less than the pension and unlike pensions, it is not indexed to wage movements so the gap grows each year,” Davidson told Pro Bono News.
“A failure to increase Newstart, and tax cuts skewed to high-earners, are likely to further increase poverty and inequality.”
number of people who die per gdp percentage drop
mortality and economic growth
average savings per person
human trafficking statistics
Trafficking involves transporting someone into a situation of exploitation. This can include forced labor, marriage, prostitution, and organ removal. This kind of exploitation is known by a few different names -- “human trafficking,” “trafficking of persons,” and “modern slavery” are the ones accepted by the US Department of State. [1]
It’s estimated that internationally there are between 20 million and 40 million people in modern slavery today. Assessing the full scope of human trafficking is difficult because so cases so often go undetected, something the United Nations refers to as “the hidden figure of crime.”[2]
Estimates suggest that, internationally, only about .04% survivors of human trafficking cases are identified, meaning that the vast majority of cases of human trafficking go undetected. [3]
Human trafficking earns global profits of roughly $150 billion a year for traffickers, $99 billion of which comes from commercial sexual exploitation.[4]
Globally, an estimated 71% of enslaved people are women and girls, while men and boys account for 29%.[5]
Estimates suggest that about 50,000 people are trafficked into the US each year, most often from Mexico and the Philippines. [6]
In 2018, over half (51.6%) of the criminal human trafficking cases active in the US were sex trafficking cases involving only children.[7]
Reports indicate that a large number of child sex trafficking survivors in the US were at one time in the foster care system. [8]
Advocates report a growing trend of traffickers using online social media platforms to recruit and advertise targets of human trafficking.[9]
The average age a teen enters the sex trade in the US is 12 to 14 years old. Many victims are runaway girls who were sexually abused as children.[10]
In 2018, The National Human Trafficking Hotline received more calls from California than any other state in the US, followed by Texas and Florida, respectively. (To contact the Human Trafficking Hotline: call 1-888-373-7888, text 233733, or chat online.)[11]
homelessness global trend
Based on national reports, it's estimated that no less than 150 million people, or about 2 percent of the world's population, are homeless. However, about 1.6 billion, more than 20 percent of the world's population, may lack adequate housing.
starvation global trend
Globally we see a falling – although variable – trend over the last few decades. The total number of undernourished has been steadily falling. However, over the last few years, the total number increased by around 40 million, reaching 821 million in 2017.
Does the world produce enough food to feed everyone?
The world produces enough food to feed everyone. For the world as a whole, per capita caloric availability and food diversity (the variety of food groups in a diet) have increased between the 1960s and 2011 (FAO, 2017). This growth in food availability, along with improved access to food, helped reduce the percentage of chronically undernourished people in lower-middle-income countries from about 30 percent in the 1990-92 to about 13 percent two decades later (FAO, 2017). A principal problem is that many people in the world still do not have sufficient income to purchase (or land to grow) enough food or access nutritious food.  This is an element of “food security”.  The FAO defines four dimensions of food security, all of which must be fulfilled simultaneously, for food security to exist.  The four dimensions are: 1) physical availability of food, 2) economic and physical access to food, 3) food utilization, and 4) the stability of those other dimensions over time.
What are the causes of hunger?
Poverty is the principal cause of hunger. The causes of poverty include lack of resources, unequal income distribution in the world and within specific countries, conflict and hunger itself. As of 2013, when the most recent comprehensive data on global poverty was collected, about 767 million people are living below the international poverty line of less than $1.90 per person per day (The World Bank, 2016). This was a decrease of about 1 billion people below the poverty line from 1990 (The World Bank, 2016). However, although the number of people living in extreme poverty globally has been declining, in lower-middle-income regions, such as sub-Saharan Africa, the number is actually growing (FAO, 2017).
Hunger is also a cause of poverty, and thus of hunger, in a cyclical relationship. By causing poor health, small body size, low levels of energy and reductions in mental functioning, hunger can lead to even greater poverty by reducing people’s ability to work and learn, thus leading to even greater hunger. See Victoria et al. 2008.
Conflict. More than half (489 million) of the 815 million hungry people in the world live in countries affected by conflict (FAO et al., 2017). Ranging from non-state and state-based violence to one-sided violence, some of the conflicts that result in internal or international displacement have occurred in Syria, Yemen, Somalia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Myanmar, among many other countries throughout the world. In addition, most of the 19 countries listed by FAO as countries in complex, prolonged conflict are located in Africa (FAO et al., 2017).
In 2016, the average prevalence of undernourishment in countries undergoing conflict was about four percentage points greater than the prevalence in non-conflict countries (FAO et al., 2017). About 75 percent of children in the world who are stunted live in conflict areas (FAO et al., 2017).
Conflict in rural areas interferes with food and agriculture production, when transportation or market infrastructure are affected, land is seized or resources are destroyed, or the violence forces displacement from home (FAO, 2017). In addition to impacting food systems, conflict can also impact the economy, driving up food prices and making it difficult to buy necessary foods (FAO et al., 2017). In areas of severe violence, it may be difficult to deliver humanitarian assistance to address undernutrition (FAO, World Food Programme [WFP], & European Union [EU], 2018).
The Global Slavery Index estimates 40.3 million people are entwined in modern slavery, with the world’s worst offender being North Korea. Other countries highlighted are Libya, Iran, Burundi, Congo and Russia.
They also say the country doing the most to combat modern slavery is the UK, followed by the Netherlands and the US.
But it’s still happening in a nation that’s leading the way, apparently.
At this very moment, around 500 Indian sailors are trapped on six cruise ships docked in British waters – along with hundreds more Indonesian crew members. Port authorities have “serious concerns” about their welfare.
- the reason why the US role is so interesting is crucial is how they interpreted things. Part of their Empire has to do with good luck, part with cynicism, part with with imperialism, etc... They created a semi-form of order via various tiers within the global economy. They can't pull away from the rest of the pack so their only choice is to divide and conquer (their share of global GDP is reducing). US often says that they're leadership is about values but it's obvious that many (even inside the US) believe otherwise?
Keiser Report - Boom Times Or Financial Apocalypse (E1402)
us dollar vs other currencies
You know what I think about a lot, when I'm having these kinds of discussions?
What, sir?
Capitalism vanquished communism, obliterated it. And here we are having a discussion where you are trying to restrict our markets.
We're trying to address a humanitarian situation in the Sudan.
Exactly. But you have always taught us that liberty is the same thing as capitalism, as if life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness cannot be crushed by greed. Your American dream is financial, not ethical.
"Your country has a history of brutal dictatorship, I don't think a strong executive is such a good idea.... Half the faculty at Yale Law describes the American Presidential system as one of this country's most dangerous exports.... It is recipe for constitutional breakdown." 
- despite what they say US/Western leadership is strongly top down. Not in keeping with the supposed End Times that religion and the US often talks about?
Chris Hedges - Americans face a ‘one-choice election’
Giants - Who Really Rules The World
Peter Joseph - Eviscerating Capitalism & Building New Alternatives
- the reason why some leaks are so damaging to the US/West is because it breaks the image of them being the supposed good guy? They only partly adhere to international law and it's because obvious that they and most other countries co-operate with anyone provided they have something that they need. War criminals walk free and if you do a little bit of digging you'll realise that we're surrounded and may be dependent on  a lot of Nazi technology in the fields of space, medicine, psychology, politics, etc?
nazi occult research
war crimes vietnam war
war crimes global timeline
How can the ICC investigate possible war crimes in Afghanistan _ Inside Story
ICC acquits Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo of war crimes l Al Jazeera English
What's the future of the ICC after its latest setback _ Inside Story
Will Sudan's former leader Omar Al Bashir face trial at the ICC I Inside Story
Israeli Soldier's Explosive Tell-All - 'Palestinians are Right to Resist'
tiger "south vietnam" unit defense
tiger force vietnam war
On October 19, 2003, Michael D. Sallah, a reporter at The Blade (Toledo) newspaper, obtained unreleased, confidential records of U.S. Army commander Henry Tufts. One file in these records referred to a previously unpublished war crimes investigation known as the Coy Allegation. To investigate this further, Sallah gained access to a large collection of documents produced by the investigation held at the National Archives in College Park, MD.[7]
Sallah found that between 1971 and 1975, the Army's Criminal Investigation Command had investigated the Tiger Force unit for alleged war crimes committed between May and November 1967.[8] The documents included sworn statements from many Tiger Force veterans, which detailed war crimes allegedly committed by Tiger Force members during the Song Ve Valley and Operation Wheeler military campaigns. The statements, from both individuals who allegedly participated in the war crimes and those that did not, described war crimes such as the following:
the routine torture and execution of prisoners[9]
the routine practice of intentionally killing unarmed Vietnamese villagers including men, women, children, and elderly people[10]
the routine practice of cutting off and collecting the ears of victims[11]
the practice of wearing necklaces composed of human ears[12]
the practice of cutting off and collecting the scalps of victims[13]
incidents where soldiers planted weapons on murdered Vietnamese villagers[14]
an incident where a young mother was drugged, raped, and then executed[15]
an incident where a soldier killed a baby and cut off his or her head after the baby's mother was killed[16]
The investigators concluded that many of the war crimes took place.[17] This included the murder of former-ARVN personnel, the murder of two blind brothers, the crippled and old and the routine murder of women and children.[3] Despite this, the Army decided not to pursue any prosecutions.[18]
The Toledo Blade articles represent some of the best reporting on a Vietnam War crime by any newspaper, during or since the end of the conflict. Unfortunately, the articles tell a story that was all too common. As a historian writing his dissertation on U.S. war crimes and atrocities during the Vietnam War, I have been immersed in just the sort of archival materials the Toledo Blade used in its pieces, but not simply for one incident but hundreds if not thousands of analogous events. I can safely, and sadly, say that the "Tiger Force" atrocities are merely the tip of the iceberg in regard to U.S.-perpetrated war crimes in Vietnam. However, much of the mainstream historical literature dealing with Vietnam War atrocities (and accompanying cover-ups and/or sham investigations), has been marginalized to a great extent -- aside from obligatory remarks concerning the My Lai massacre, which is, itself, often treated as an isolated event. Unfortunately, the otherwise excellent reporting of the Toledo Blade draws upon and feeds off this exceptionalist argument to a certain extent. As such, the true scope of U.S.-perpetrated atrocities is never fully addressed in the articles. The men of the "Tiger Force" are labeled as "Rogue GIs" and the authors simply mention the that Army "conducted 242 war-crimes investigations in Vietnam, [that] a third were substantiated, leading to 21 convictions... according to a review of records at the National Archives" – facts of dubious value that obscure the scope and number of war crimes perpetrated in Vietnam and feed the exceptionalist argument.
love thy enemy
Matthew 5:44, the forty-fourth verse in the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament, also found in Luke 6:27-36, is part of the Sermon on the Mount. This is the second verse of the final antithesis, that on the commandment to Love thy neighbour as thyself.
Jesus brought up the issue of mercy repeatedly. Everyone wants mercy. The Bible tells us that mercy triumphs over judgment. Of course we want it. Giving mercy requires us to give up revenge and hand the judgment part to God. Loving our enemies doesn’t mean to allow them to continue to hurt us. That would be a failure of loving ourselves as God loves us. We can do what is in our control to protect ourselves while trusting God to step in.
We can always pray for our enemies. Praying is an act of mercy. Praying is loving like our Heavenly Father. Praying changes our hearts.
I remember when the Lord directed me to speak a blessing over an enemy who brought harm to a family member. With tears streaming down my face, and pain in my soul, I did. The person continued acting as an enemy, but it broke the chain off my heart. The love of God saved me from bitterness and unforgiveness.
Loving our enemies means to see them as human beings in need of the Father’s love.
deaths from war over time
According to the authors, current methods of collecting data on those killed during war are plagued by biases that produce inaccuracies and underestimate the number of people actually killed. This can lead to widely varying casualty estimates. For example, in Iraq, a report published in the medical journal The Lancet in 2006 estimated that 650,000 Iraqi civilians had been killed by that time since the start of the war -- a claim disputed by the White House, whose own estimates put the death toll at 30,000.
In their study, Obermeyer's team drew on several sources to try to more accurately estimate the number of military and civilian deaths from recent wars. Their estimates do not include people who died during the war from starvation, sickness or other conditions indirectly caused by war.
"There is a notion in political thought that the number of deaths due to war has been declining in recent years," Obermeyer noted. "That is attributed to a lot of different things, but among them technological innovations like 'smart' bombs and different strategic priorities. This idea appears to be supported by media reports. But what we are finding is these reports are not a reflection of reality."
Contemporary media reports of deaths are not to be fully trusted, Obermeyer addeds. "The reason we should be skeptical of media reports is that they are subject to political pressures and cannot always be verified," he said. "These numbers can be pushed up or down, depending upon what kind of political pressure is being exerted."
Worldwide War Deaths Underestimated
Resistance against the ICC from the United States is far from new. Henry Kissinger feared it, and said so, suggesting it would preside in thuggish majesty and impunity citing universal jurisdiction as its basis of operation. His views were rebuked by former Nuremberg war crimes prosecutor Benjamin B. Ferencz. “The innocent,” he remarked pointedly, “need not fear the rule of law.”
But fear and loathing for the ICC has been a recurrent theme. In 2018, then national security adviser John R. Bolton, famed for his opposition to international institutions, insisted that the US would not “cooperate with the ICC. We will provide no assistance to the ICC. And we certainly will not join the ICC. We let the ICC die on its own.”
Such a view sits in that particularly odd canon of US political thinking that dismisses aspects of international law – notably those involving breaches of human rights – as matters of convenience and sentiment. Such a view holds that Washington’s enemies deserve trial and punishment at the hands of international law; alleged offences by US forces should be a matter of US jurisdiction.
The U.S, played a major role in setting up the "The Permanent Court of International Justice", known as the World Court.[79] Presidents Wilson, Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover supported membership but were unable to get a 2/3 majority in the Senate for a treaty. Roosevelt also supported membership, but he did not make it a high priority. Opposition was intense on the issue of losing sovereignty, led by the Hearst newspapers and Father Coughlin. The U.S. never joined.[80][81][82] The World Court was replaced by the International Court of Justice in 1945. However The Connally Amendment of 1944 reserved the right of the United States to refuse to abide by its decisions. Margaret A. Rague, argues this reduced the strength of the Court, discredited America's image as a proponent of international law, and exemplified the problems created by vesting a reservation power in the Senate.[83][84]
nazi scientists
The collaboration between Von Braun and Silverstein was not unique. During the Apollo program, which landed Americans on the moon six times between 1969 and 1972, NASA was filled with both Jewish scientists and a large group of Germans who had worked for Hitler before and during World War II. The Nazi regime had been dedicated to the extermination of Jews. That the two groups were able to work side by side suggests a level of reconciliation, or at least acceptance, that would seem a near impossibility in today’s fractious social and political climate.
Apollo-era engineers, space historians, the engineers’ children, religious leaders and political analysts say the quiet collaboration was based on intellectual respect, a belief in redemption and a partnership forged for the nation’s benefit.
It was an era when moral judgments took a back seat to a deeply held commitment to the future of space travel and support of national goals.
The children of both the Germans and the Jews say there was never any talk at home about resentments or bigotry. Instead, their parents were laser-focused on the monumental challenge of the lunar mission. NASA historical records tell the same story.
It helped to have a little humor too.
“My dad said NASA was built by Jews, Nazis and hillbillies,” recalled Reuben Slone, the son of NASA engineer Henry Slone, a member of the Cleveland Jewish community.
The story of that collaboration has scarcely, if at all, been written about, space historians say, though much has been written about the German scientists and some about various Jewish scientists.
“The government of China is persecuting ethnic groups like Uygher Muslims. People in concentration camps are cut off from family. Every detail of their lives is controlled. Many are punished and endure brutal torture.
“Of course, the government of China is no stranger to brutal repression. It has committed large scale human rights abuses against the Tibetan people for decades using the same argument -- combating extremism and terrorism -- that it’s using to justify mass detention and surveillance of Uyghur Muslims now.
“Are Apple’s profits more important than the lives of the millions of Uyghurs, Tibetans and Chinese rights activists surveilled and detained?
“Just as companies like IBM collaborated with the Nazi Party in the 1930s, Apple today is hiding a terrible complicity behind the shiny gleam of its iPhones.
“But we won’t let Apple get away with it.
“When we demanded Google stop working with the government of China to develop a censorship app called Project Dragonfly, we won. Let’s do the same now with Apple.”
operation paperclip
Franz Stangl, a former SS-Hauptsturmführer and commander of the Sobibor and Treblinka extermination camps, was responsible for the deaths of almost 1 million Jews. Via Graz, Merano and Florence, he made his way to Rome and — most importantly for him — to the Vatican.
In Rome, Bishop Alois Hudal, a fellow Austrian, greeted him with the words: "You must be Franz Stangl — I've been expecting you." He then handed Stangl forged documents that allowed the Nazi war criminal to travel to Syria, where his family eventually joined him. In 1951, the Stangl family emigrated to Brazil. The man who perfected mass murder in the concentration camps spent years assembling cars at a Volkswagen plant near Sao Paulo.
Franz Stangl is one of thousands of Nazis and collaborators who, with the help of the Catholic Church, escaped Europve via routes called "ratlines" — some of which ran from Innsbruck over the Alps to Merano or Bolzano in South Tyrol, then to Rome and from there to the Italian port city of Genoa.
Stangl chose a detour via Syria, but the majority of Nazis boarded ships headed directly to South America — mainly to Argentina, the country Holocaust survivor and writer Simon Wiesenthal named the Nazis' "Cape of Last Hope." Argentina was that last country to declare war on Nazi Germany.
osama bin laden bookshelf
Bin Laden, who was 54 when he died, also had a copy of The America I Have Seen, a vitriolic memoir of a short trip to the US by the Egyptian thinker and activist Syed Qutb, considered the godfather of modern jihadi thinking and hanged in 1966.
The presence of Democracy: A Religion, by extremist scholar Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, is also unsurprising. Bin Laden’s own oft-repeated argument that voters in democracies are responsible for the acts of the governments and are thus legitimate targets for violence is close to that once made by the Jordanian Palestinian cleric.
There also appear to be a dozen or more books published by Hizb ut-Tahrir, the international Islamist organisation.
But much of the reading appears to be more secular, with a large numbers of works critical of US foreign policy, including Hegemony or Survival: America’s Quest for Global Dominance, by Chomsky. There is also a handbook to international law.
Danny Archer : Sometimes I wonder... will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize... God left this place a long time ago.
Danny Archer : So you think because your intentions are good, they'll spare you, huh?
Benjamin Kapanay : My heart always told me that people are inherently good. My experience suggests otherwise. But what about you, Mr. Archer? In your long career as a journalist, would you say that people are mostly good?
Danny Archer : No. I'd say they're just people.
Benjamin Kapanay : Exactly. It is what they do that makes them good or bad. A moment of love, even in a bad man, can give meaning to a life. None of us knows whose path will lead us to God.
Danny Archer : Let me tell you something. You sell blood diamonds too.
Maddy Bowen : Really?
Danny Archer : Yeah.
Maddy Bowen : Tell me, how is that?
Danny Archer : Who do you think buys the stones that I bring out? Dreamy American girls who all want a storybook wedding and a big, shiny rock like the ones in the advertisements of your politically-correct magazines. So, please, don't come here and make judgments on me, all right?
An association called "Stolen Children - Forgotten victims" helped him in his search for his roots. The documents of the SS association Lebensborn were destroyed after the war, when the association was classified as a charitable organization in the Nuremberg post-war trials. The local youth welfare offices also had no interest in revealing the identity of the stolen children. Hermann Lüdeking is the only one who is also fighting for moral recognition as a victim, but the struggle has been in vain until now. "The Germans don't want to be made aware of this because it would cost money," the now 84-year-old bitterly says. Monika Sieradzka adds: "To this day, Hermann alias Romek feels like a foreigner in 'his' country."
- if you examine how people are filtered in this system you'll realise that there are a lot of people who get caught out of position? Watch how many errors show in conversations by our elite? These aren't issues of perspective, these are facts? Also notice how much of our resources are dedicated to determining hierarchy rather then actual productive enterprises?
Jack Ma and Elon Musk hold debate in Shanghai
Ben Burgis - Worst Logic Fails Of The Year
Wonkery Won't Save Us ft. Brandon Sutton (TMBS 91)
Debunking The Steve Jobs & Elon Musk "Genius Entrepreneur" Myth ft. Ben Burgis & Artesia Balthrop
The Michael Brooks Show
Peter Joseph - Eviscerating Capitalism & Building New Alternatives
The Capitalist Blind Spot In Economics
overqualified candidates statistics
Job applicants considered to be overqualified for a position are typically individuals who have a higher educational background than what is required for the open position. Applicants may also have too many years of experience in the industry, making the job they are applying for a step down the corporate career ladder instead of a step up.
In 2013, the Center for College Affordability and Productivity reported that ''around 48 percent of employed U.S. college graduates are in jobs that the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) suggests requires less than a four-year college education.'' This means that roughly 48 percent of employed college graduates at the time were overqualified for their jobs. In February 2017, Stephen Rose of the Urban Institute released a study indicating that one in four U.S. employees with a bachelor's degree are overqualified for their current position.
For the employer, an overqualified applicant can spell trouble for the company by demanding more money to meet the employee's experience, wasting the company's time by going through interviews, hiring processes, and training only to leave as soon as a better position becomes available, and so on. ''Many employers avoid hiring overqualified candidates because they fear these individuals will become bored in their positions or leave as soon as they find a better opportunity,'' writes Heather R. Huhman, president of Come Recommended (content-marketing and digital-PR consultancy) and contributing writer for Entrepreneur.com. Other cons include the following:
food waste statistics
The World: There is enough food produced in the world to feed everyone. One third of all food produced is lost or wasted –around 1.3 billion tonnes of food –costing the global economy close to $940 billion each year. One in nine people do not have enough food to eat, that's 793 million people who are undernourished.
- the concept of US/Western exceptionalism falls apart very quickly if you focus in on the elite and check what they are doing? Conservatives stop progress because they're by de-facto saying this is the best we can do? If they can't win debates they'll censor, bribe, threaten, kill, etc?
The Newsroom - America is not the greatest country in the world anymore...(Restricted language)
The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER...
The Newsroom - America is not the greatest country in the world anymore...(Restricted language)
License to Hate - White Supremacy in the US _ Fault Lines
Why isn't the US dealing with the rising threat of white supremacy
Why So Many College Students Are Delusional - Explained By Heather Mac Donald
CollegeFix - Heather Mac Donald defends due process against hostile crowd (part 1)
CollegeFix - Heather Mac Donald defends due process against hostile crowd (part 2)
Heather Mac Donald On How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity
Heather Mac Donald - Why China Laughs at Western Diversity Quotas
The College Fix
larry summers debunk
The Federal Reserve chairman wields such enormous power, with so little accountability, that he or she is said to be the second-most-powerful person in government after the president. Decisions are habitually made in secret. The job requires a person of great personal tact, subtlety, and self-control. It requires someone who knows how to build consensus at the highest levels for the right kind of policies—someone who possesses the maturity and character to admit error and shift course when needed.
But, according to numerous accounts from those who have worked with him, Summers has often displayed the opposite attributes during his long career. Behind the scenes, he has used his power, combined with intellectual arrogance, to bully opponents into silence, even when they have been proved right. He has refused to allow his dissenters a voice at the table and adopted a policy of never admitting errors.
And Summers has made a lot of errors in the past 20 years, despite the eminence of his research. As a government official, he helped author a series of ultimately disastrous or wrongheaded policies, from his big deregulatory moves as a Clinton administration apparatchik to his too-tepid response to the Great Recession as Obama's chief economic adviser. Summers pushed a stimulus that was too meek, and, along with his chief ally, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, he helped to ensure that millions of desperate mortgage-holders would stay underwater by failing to support a "cramdown" that would have allowed federal bankruptcy judges to have banks reduce mortgage balances, cut interest rates, and lengthen the terms of loans. At the same time, he supported every bailout of financial firms. All of this has left the economy still in the doldrums, five years after Lehman Brothers' 2008 collapse, and hurt the middle class. Yet in no instance has Summers ever been known to publicly acknowledge a mistake.
Can't Win The Debate Then Don't Have It - Making Questioning Climate Change Illegal - David Icke
Deep State Tactics 101 Part V
elon musk overhyped
Same is with Elon Musk, who I would like to believe is doing a great job, but I will have to be really high to believe that. Let me put into perspective-
Tesla cars run on electricity, and hence are believed to lower the pollution. Here is the catch, In 2016, America generated 65% of it’s electricity from fossil fuels, and only 15% of it was from renewable energy resources.
Again if Tesla does manage to do any good, it’s cars are too steeply priced. Even the cheapest Tesla Model S costs $75,000, and still the company runs at a loss, when in the last quarterly release revealed that the losses had widened even more. Also, the rich people are not the problem, because there are so few in number, that no matter what they do, they cannot undo the harm done by the other 7 billion.
Why do we need to be an interplanetary species? Looking at the recent(and now stayed) executive order by Trump to ban immigrants from Muslim Countries, our first attempt should aim trying to be an anti-xenophobic species; I mean what’s the point of waging religious wars on Mars?
All the ideas for the Gigafactory sound really nice on paper, but you do not know yet that Lithium is not a readily available material, and its control over mining resides with very few people. Also, handling lithium itself is equally dangerous, as it catches fire on exposure to moisture. Apart from that, the type of graphite required by the factory is enormous, and even the market cannot supply it at this moment.
He founded X, and not Paypal, X was later merged into Paypal, where he served as the CEO for a brief time, before getting chucked out of the company. There are not many details regarding why this happened; some say it was because Musk wanted to move from Unix to Windows as he considered Paypal would fail without it. Guess what, Paypal on average turns in around $300 million in profits, whereas Tesla has been able to show profits in only two quarters since it’s inception.
Musk did not find Tesla, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning did. Musk was brought on as a CEO by the board to replace Martin Eberhard after the recession of 2008. And guess who was on the board? Musk himself. He himself meddled a lot with the working of the company, and his first step after becoming the CEO was firing 25% of his staff.
Lots of people are nuthugging this guy but all he does is every few months he peddles some impractical and unprofitable idea and the muppet public just eats it up. The guy's businesses would be bankrupt already if not for government subsidies. He received 5 $ billion from the government.
- most people realise that there are many logical flaws throughout it. For me one of the more disturbing aspects is the Apocalypse component. There's obviously people who may never change but in reality can you kill your way to peace and justice? It feels like it isn't possible especially given the fact that the US military is basically rented by others and they still can't resolve their own conflicts let alone others? Moreover, note that most of the countries who have been colonised in any shape or form seem to be worse off then if they had of been left alone (if you examine the whole of history)? Basically, the US/West is basically giving back the wealth that it took from the East during the colonial era? Due to flaws in capitalism it will flip back and forth which may refer to the Antichrist component that some religions refer to (you can try to make capitalism and many current ideologies work but it's difficult to make simultaneously fair if you understand how it seems to filter people sometimes. It just won't lock out for a potential End Times?)?
Countries Worldwide Ready to DUMP America
In Christian eschatology, the Antichrist, or anti-Christ, is someone recognized as fulfilling the biblical prophecies about one who will oppose Christ and substitute himself in Christ's place before the Second Coming.
Solomon Lane : There cannot be peace without first, a great suffering. The greater the suffering, the greater the peace. The end you've always feared is coming. It's coming, and the blood will be on your hands.
Slovakia’s parliamentary election, held on 29 February, resulted in a victory for Ordinary People and Independent Personalities (OLaNO), a centre-right party under which “zero tolerance of corruption will be the alpha and omega” – according to its leader, Igor Matovic. Like President Zuzana Caputová, who was elected to the largely ceremonial post last year as the representative of Progressive Slovakia, Matovic campaigned on a promise to dismantle the corruption network allegedly responsible for the murder of investigative journalist Jan Kuciák and his fiancée, Martina Kusnirová, in February 2018. Matovic’s uniquely single-minded focus on graft may explain why OLaNO rose from around 5-6 percent in the polls in December to claim 25 percent of the vote. In any case, the parliamentary election ended the long rule of Direction–Social Democracy (SMER) and its autocratic leader, Robert Fico.
Foreign Policy After Empire ft. Daniel Bessner (TMBS 98)
Chris Hedges on Death of the Liberal Class
God to Peasant "worship me and I’ll protect you."
Peasant "protect me from what."
God "the unspeakable things I will do to you, if you don’t."
ban homelessness
Apocalyptic literature is a genre of prophetical writing that developed in post-Exilic Jewish culture and was popular among millennialist early Christians.
"Apocalypse" (ἀποκάλυψις) is a Greek word meaning "revelation", "an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling".[1] As a genre, apocalyptic literature details the authors' visions of the end times as revealed by an angel or other heavenly messenger.[2] The apocalyptic literature of Judaism and Christianity embraces a considerable period, from the centuries following the Babylonian exile down to the close of the Middle Ages.[3]
human instrumentality project
Religion is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices, morals, worldviews, texts, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or organizations, that relates humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. However, there is no scholarly consensus over what precisely constitutes a religion.[1][2]
stalin purge
The Great Purge, also known as the “Great Terror,” was a brutal political campaign led by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to eliminate dissenting members of the Communist Party and anyone else he considered a threat. Although estimates vary, most experts believe at least 750,000 people were executed during the Great Purge, which took place between about 1936 and 1938. More than a million other people were sent to forced labor camps, known as Gulags. This ruthless and bloody operation caused rampant terror throughout the U.S.S.R. and impacted the country for many years.
colonialism deaths
R.J. Rummel, a University of Hawaii scholar who spent his life estimate state-perpetrated atrocities, put the 20th century death toll attributable to colonialism at 50 million (behind only the Soviet Union and communist China in total killed). And European colonialism was around for hundreds of years.
Colonialism in India
As the largest colony of the world’s largest imperial power, India is often cited by apologists for the British Empire as an example of “successful” colonialism. Actually, India provides a much more convincing case study for rebutting Gilley’s argument.
With a population of over 1.3 billion and an economy predicted to become the world’s third-largest by 2030, India is a modern day powerhouse. While many attribute this to British colonial rule, a look at the facts says otherwise.
From 1757 to 1947, the entire period of British rule, there was no increase in per capita income within the Indian subcontinent. This is a striking fact, given that, historically speaking, the Indian subcontinent was traditionally one of the wealthiest parts of the world.
As proven by the macroeconomic studies of experts such as K.N. Chaudhuri, India and China were central to an expansive world economy long before the first European traders managed to circumnavigate the African cape.
During the heyday of British rule, or the British Raj, from 1872 to 1921, Indian life expectancy dropped by a stunning 20 per cent. By contrast, during the 70 years since independence, Indian life expectancy has increased by approximately 66 per cent, or 27 years. A comparable increase of 65 per cent can also be observed in Pakistan, which was once part of British India.
Although many cite India’s extensive rail network as a positive legacy of British colonialism, it is important to note the railroad was built with the express purpose of transporting colonial troops inland to quell revolt. And to transport food out of productive regions for export, even in times of famine.
This explains the fact that during the devastating famines of 1876-1879 and 1896-1902 in which 12 to 30 million Indians starved to death, mortality rates were highest in areas serviced by British rail lines.
Colonialism did not benefit the colonized
India’s experience is highly relevant for assessing the impact of colonialism, but it does not stand alone as the only example to refute Gilley’s assertions. Gilley argues current poverty and instability within the Democratic Republic of the Congo proves the Congolese were better off under Belgian rule. The evidence says otherwise.
Since independence in 1960, life expectancy in the Congo has climbed steadily, from around 41 years on the eve of independence to 59 in 2015. This figure remains low compared to most other countries in the world. Nonetheless, it is high compared to what it was under Belgian rule.
Under colonial rule, the Congolese population declined by estimates ranging from three million to 13 million between 1885 and 1908 due to widespread disease, a coercive labour regime and endemic brutality.
Gilley argues the benefits of colonialism can be observed by comparing former colonies to countries with no significant colonial history. Yet his examples of the latter erroneously include Haiti (a French colony from 1697 to 1804), Libya (a direct colony of the Ottoman Empire from 1835 and of Italy from 1911), and Guatemala (occupied by Spain from 1524 to 1821).
By contrast, he neglects to mention Japan, a country that legitimately was never colonized and now boasts the third largest GDP on the planet, as well as Turkey, which up until recently was widely viewed as the most successful secular country in the Muslim world.
These counter-examples disprove Gilley’s central thesis that non-Western countries are by definition incapable of reaching modernity without Western “guidance.”
In short, the facts are in, but they do not paint the picture that Gilley and other imperial apologists would like to claim. Colonialism left deep scars on the Global South and for those genuinely interested in the welfare of non-Western countries, the first step is acknowledging this.
European colonization of the Americas resulted in the killing of so many native people that it transformed the environment and caused the Earth’s climate to cool down, new research has found.
Settlers killed off huge numbers of people in conflicts and also by spreading disease, which reduced the indigenous population by 90% in the century following Christopher Columbus’s initial journey to the Americas and Caribbean in 1492.
The pith helmet, an icon of colonialism in tropical lands. This one was used during the Second French colonial empire.
Colonialism is the policy of a country seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories,[1][need quotation to verify] generally with the aim of economic dominance.[2] In the process of colonisation, colonisers may impose their religion, economics, and other cultural practices on indigenous peoples. The foreign invaders/interlopers rule the territory in pursuit of their interests, seeking to benefit from the colonised region's people and resources.[3]
Starting in the 15th century, some European states established their own empires during the European colonial period. The Belgian, British, Danish, Dutch, French, Ottoman [4]:116 Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish empires established colonies across large areas. Japan, the United States and China also followed this path, as did the Germans and the Italians in the late 19th century.
At first, European colonising countries followed policies of mercantilism, aiming to strengthen the home-country economy, so agreements usually restricted the colonies to trading only with the metropole (mother country). By the mid-19th century, however, the British Empire gave up mercantilism and trade restrictions and adopted the principle of free trade, with few restrictions or tariffs. Christian missionaries were active in practically all of the European-controlled colonies because the metropoles were Christian. Historian Philip Hoffman calculated that by 1800, before the Industrial Revolution, Europeans already controlled at least 35% of the globe, and by 1914, they had gained control of 84% of the globe.[5]
In the aftermath of World War II colonial powers were forced to retreat between 1945–1975, when nearly all colonies gained independence, entering into changed colonial, so-called postcolonial and neocolonialist relations. Postcolonialism and neocolonialism has continued or shifted relations and ideologies of colonialism, attempting to justify its continuation with adjusted narratives like development and new frontiers, as in exploring outer space for colonization.[6]
africa civilisation
deaths per capita through war
invasion day
lives lost through colonisation
religious war
A religious war or holy war (Latin: bellum sacrum) is a war primarily caused or justified by differences in religion. In the modern period, debates are common over the extent to which religious, economic, or ethnic aspects of a conflict predominate in a given war. According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 123, or 6.98%, had religion as their primary cause.[1] Matthew White's The Great Big Book of Horrible Things gives religion as the cause of 11 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities.[2] In several conflicts including the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the Syrian civil war, and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, religious elements are overtly present but variously described as fundamentalism or religious extremism—depending upon the observer's sympathies. However, studies on these cases often conclude that ethnic animosities drive much of the conflicts.[3]
- despite what is said there is a lot of cynicism regarding some aspects of US/Western leadership and whether they can be genuinely bring things to a close?
On Contact -  Trump’s Israel-Palestine ‘peace’ plan with Prof. Rashid Khalidi
Israel, Palestine - “The U.S. is proposing a war crime and calling it a peace plan”
Trump unveils ‘win-win’ plan for Israel, Palestine rejects
Jared Kushner on Israel-Palestine deal - Time to try something new _ Talk to Al Jazeera
Marc Lamont Hill and the limits on the Israel-Palestine debate _ The Listening Post (Full)
Palestine's PM - Trump's Middle East Plan 'insult' to Palestinians _ Talk to Al Jazeera
- if you read the following sequence it feels more and more like religion was a gradual attempt by the elite to civilise humans? A progression of events that makes more sense if the supposed good guys were trying to get rid of supposed bad guys by getting supposed bad guys to fight one another rather then the supposed good guys?
Operation Cyclone was the code name for the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) program to arm and finance the mujahideen (jihadists) in Afghanistan from 1979 to 1989, prior to and during the military intervention by the USSR in support of its client, the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan. They were supported by Britain's MI6 who also conducted their own covert actions. The program leaned heavily towards supporting militant Islamic groups that were favored by the regime of Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq in neighboring Pakistan, rather than other, less ideological Afghan resistance groups that had also been fighting the Marxist-oriented Democratic Republic of Afghanistan regime since before the Soviet intervention.[1]
Operation Cyclone was one of the longest and most expensive covert CIA operations ever undertaken;[2] funding officially began with $695,000 in 1979,[3][4] was increased dramatically to $20–$30 million per year in 1980 and rose to $630 million per year in 1987.[1][5][6] Funding continued after 1989 as the mujahideen battled the forces of Mohammad Najibullah's PDPA during the civil war in Afghanistan (1989–1992).[7]
The word jihad appears frequently in the Quran with and without military connotations,[10] often in the idiomatic expression "striving in the path of God (al-jihad fi sabil Allah)".[11][12] Islamic jurists and other ulema of the classical era understood the obligation of jihad predominantly in a military sense.[13] They developed an elaborate set of rules pertaining to jihad, including prohibitions on harming those who are not engaged in combat.[14][15] In the modern era, the notion of jihad has lost its jurisprudential relevance and instead given rise to an ideological and political discourse.[7] While modernist Islamic scholars have emphasized defensive and non-military aspects of jihad, some Islamists have advanced aggressive interpretations that go beyond the classical theory.[7]
Toby: The Torah doesn't prohibit capital punishment.
Rabbi Glassman: No.
Toby: It says, 'An eye for an eye'.
Rabbi Glassman: You know what it also says? It says a rebellious child can be brought to the city gates and stoned to death. It says homosexuality is an abomination and punishable by death. It says men can be polygamous and slavery is acceptable. For all I know, that thinking reflected the best wisdom of its time, but it's just plain wrong by any modern standard. Society has a right to protect itself, but it doesn't have a right to be vengeful. It has a right to punish, but it doesn't have a right to kill.
Bartlet: I like your show. I like how you call homosexuality an abomination.
Dr. Jenna Jacobs: I don't say homosexuality is an abomination, Mr. President. The Bible does.
President Josiah Bartlet: Yes it does. Leviticus.
Dr. Jenna Jacobs: 18:22.
President Josiah Bartlet: Chapter and verse. I wanted to ask you a couple of questions while I have you here. I'm interested in selling my youngest daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. She's a Georgetown sophomore, speaks fluent Italian, always cleared the table when it was her turn. What would a good price for her be? While thinking about that, can I ask another? My Chief of Staff Leo McGarry insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself or is it okay to call the police? Here's one that's really important because we've got a lot of sports fans in this town: touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean. Leviticus 11:7. If they promise to wear gloves, can the Washington Redskins still play football? Can Notre Dame? Can West Point? Does the whole town really have to be together to stone my brother John for planting different crops side by side? Can I burn my mother in a small family gathering for wearing garments made from two different threads? Think about those questions, would you? One last thing: while you may be mistaking this for your monthly meeting of the Ignorant Tight-Ass Club, in this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.
[Dr. Jenna Jacobs stands]
Israel Ben Eliezer, the "Baal Shem Tov", is regarded as its founding father, and his disciples developed and disseminated it. Present-day Hasidism is a sub-group within Ultra-Orthodox ("Haredi") Judaism, and is noted for its religious conservatism and social seclusion. Its members adhere closely both to Orthodox Jewish practice – with the movement's own unique emphases – and the traditions of Eastern European Jews, so much so that many of the latter, including various special styles of dress and the use of the Yiddish language, are nowadays associated almost exclusively with Hasidism.
Hasidic thought draws heavily on Lurianic Kabbalah, and, to an extent, is a popularization of it. Teachings emphasize God's immanence in the universe, the need to cleave and be one with him at all times, the devotional aspect of religious practice, and the spiritual dimension of corporeality and mundane acts. Hasidim, the adherents of Hasidism, are organized in independent sects known as "courts" or dynasties, each headed by its own hereditary leader, a Rebbe. Reverence and submission to the Rebbe are key tenets, as he is considered a spiritual authority with whom the follower must bond to gain closeness to God. The various "courts" share basic convictions, but operate apart, and possess unique traits and customs. Affiliation is often retained in families for generations, and being Hasidic is as much a sociological factor – entailing, as it does, birth into a specific community and allegiance to a dynasty of Rebbes – as it is a purely religious one. There are several "courts" with many thousands of member households each, and hundreds of smaller ones. As of 2016, there were over 130,000 Hasidic households worldwide, about 5% of the global Jewish population.
In Buddhism, the Four Noble Truths (Sanskrit: catvāri āryasatyāni; Pali: cattāri ariyasaccāni) are "the truths of the Noble Ones", the truths or realities for the "spiritually worthy ones".[1][web 1][2] The truths are:
dukkha (suffering, incapable of satisfying, painful) is an innate characteristic of existence with each rebirth;[web 2][3][4]
samudaya (origin, cause) of this dukkha is the "craving, desire or attachment";[web 3][5][6]
nirodha (cessation, ending) of this dukkha can be attained by eliminating all "craving, desire, and attachment";[7][8]
magga (path, Noble Eightfold Path) is the means to end this dukkha.[9][10][11]
Taoist cosmology is cyclic; relativity, evolution and 'extremes meet' are main characters.[64] It shares similar views with the School of Naturalists (Yinyang)[30] which was headed by Zou Yan (305 – 240 BCE). The school's tenets harmonized the concepts of the Wu Xing (Five Phases) and yin and yang. In this spirit, the universe is seen as being in a constant process of re-creating itself, as everything that exists is a mere aspect of qi, which, "condensed, becomes life; diluted, it is indefinite potential".[73] Qi is in a perpetual transformation between its condensed and diluted state.[74] These two different states of qi, on the other hand, are embodiments of the abstract entities of yin and yang,[74] two complementary extremes that constantly play against and with each other and cannot exist without the other.[75]
Human beings are seen as a microcosm of the universe,[20] and for example comprise the Wu Xing in form of the zang-fu organs.[76] As a consequence, it is believed that deeper understanding of the universe can be achieved by understanding oneself.[77]
Lowe's summary of a Taoist worldview highlights points such as:
society seen as multi-level self-organising "living" systems[108]
aesthetics favored over absolute or scientific "truth"[109]
nominalist consensus about acceptability[110]
social constructivism[111]
dialectical acceptance of simultaneous multiple realities[112]
non-abstract narrative or context-based knowledge[113]
multivalent, non-linear holistic acceptance of contradiction and paradox[114]
relationality, with the whole as a system of related parts[115]
virtue as an organising principle of identity and harmony[116]
Seven Druze precepts
Further information: Seven pillars of Ismailism § Druze list
The Druze follow seven moral precepts or duties that are considered the core of the faith.[31] The Seven Druze precepts are:[94]
Veracity in speech and the truthfulness of the tongue.
Protection and mutual aid to the brethren in faith.
Renunciation of all forms of former worship (specifically, invalid creeds) and false belief.
Repudiation of the devil (Iblis), and all forces of evil (translated from Arabic Toghyan, meaning "despotism").
Confession of God's unity.
Acquiescence in God's acts no matter what they be.
Absolute submission and resignation to God's divine will in both secret and public.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are they
which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs will be the Kingdom
of Heaven.
We see several people in the audience who are listening to Bartlet's eulogy.
And blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of God
- there are major problems with regards to people's perspectives of religion and counterterrorism? It's like people have thrown out all aspects of religion in spite of some tenets being quite honourable and admirable. If you ignore cetain ancient aspects and look at what fundamentalists are focused in on it often narrows in on issues of injustice, inequality, systemic flaws, etc... Despite misgivings about religious banking it performs as well or outperforms US/Western banking systems statistically and also ironically the more fundamentalist perspective is identical across the world's major Abrahamic religions? Our financial system could be more stable and perform better if we took a more fundamentalist approach? Things start and end in the Middle East (End Times) because it's where things started and has to end for most of the world's major religions (even the Eastern ones potentially) if you do a check of origins?
Bill Maher vs. an intelligent Christian (Maher loses). _mirror
investment funds balanced vs index
Islamic banking in particular is interesting because it reminds me of balanced mutual funds which have a balanced outlook towards growth, a spread of risk, etc... They also tend to outperform more narrow focused industry funds
bank crisis islam
IMF Survey: Islamic Banks: More Resilient to Crisis?
Islamic finance is one of the fastest growing segments of the global financial industry. In some countries, it has become systemically important and, in many others, it is too big to be ignored. It is estimated that the size of the Islamic banking industry at the global level was close to $820 billion at end-2008. The largest Islamic banks are located in the countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates).
While Islamic banks play roles similar to conventional banks, fundamental differences exist between the two models. The main difference between Islamic and conventional banks is that the former operate in accordance with the rules of Shariah, the legal code of Islam. The central concept in Islamic banking and finance is justice, which is achieved mainly through the sharing of risk. Stakeholders are supposed to share profits and losses, and charging interest is prohibited.
There are also differences in terms of financial intermediation, the paper notes. While conventional intermediation is largely debt based, and allows for risk transfer, Islamic intermediation, by contrast, is asset based, and centers on risk sharing. One key difference between conventional banks and Islamic banks is that the latter’s model does not allow investing in or financing the kind of instruments that have adversely affected their conventional competitors and triggered the global financial crisis. These include toxic assets, derivatives, and conventional financial institution securities.
iran finance system
uae financial system
jewish financial system
The dictum "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence" has become known as Hitchens's razor.
afghanistan crime statistics
Sharia, Islamic law or sharia law is a religious law forming part of the Islamic tradition. It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam, particularly the Quran and the hadith.
jewish equivalent sharia
Religious law includes ethical and moral codes taught by religious traditions. Different religious systems hold sacred law in a greater or lesser degree of importance to their belief systems, with some being explicitly antinomian whereas others are nomistic or "legalistic" in nature. In particular religions such as Judaism, Islam and the Bahá'í Faith teach the need for revealed positive law for both state and society, whereas other religions such as Christianity generally reject the idea that this is necessary or desirable[1] and instead emphasise the eternal moral precepts of divine law over the civil, ceremonial or judicial aspects, which may have been annulled[2][3] as in theologies of grace over law.
Examples of religiously derived legal codes include Jewish halakha, Islamic sharia, Christian canon law (applicable within a wider theological conception in the church, but distinct from secular state law[4]), and Hindu law.[5]
life under taliban
Abdul Rashid Dostum held the north of the country, going so far as to issue his own currency. Ismail Khan had an iron grip on the west. The Taliban had been in control in the south since 1994, when they chased out the gunmen who had terrorized the population with a direct and vicious violence.
“We wanted an end to the warlords, and we wanted national unity,” recalled Nasimi. “The Taliban gave us that.”
Of course, the Taliban also imposed a set of rules and restrictions that soon set the population’s teeth on edge: no music, no kite-flying, no shaving of beards. Women were largely restricted to the home, and most girls were barred from school. Universities continued to function, although girls were absent from all faculties except medicine.
But the study of Islamic theology was de rigueur in all classes, even if the subject under discussion was English language or chemistry. Still, a professor of Darwinism was able to keep teaching throughout the period, although he admits his topic was not popular with the Taliban.
The Amr bel Maaruf, or the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice, patrolled the streets looking for those who strayed outside the narrow confines of their laws.
“It was like being in prison,” said Abdul Qadir, 28, a shopkeeper. “We lost the feeling of being young.”
“I was very comfortable under the Taliban,” said Dr. Malalai, a doctor in Mazar-e-Sharif, capital of Balkh province. “I worked part-time, but made enough money for my needs. I could go anywhere, security was not a problem. We did not fear robbery, rape, murder. But now, I work full time and do not make enough money. And if someone offered me a job in one of the outlying districts, I would never go, because of poor security.”
Mazar was a special case in Afghanistan — the only city that actually defeated the Taliban, in 1997. An indeterminate number of Taliban fighters were killed by members of the resistance, largely from the Hazara ethnic group. When the Taliban finally took control of Mazar in 1998, they perpetrated a massacre of Hazara that still haunts the nation.
The country’s laws are also some of the strictest in the world: people can be detained for free speech-related offences, and sodomy carries a 10-year prison sentence. The Emirates also enforces the law of male guardianship, where women can effectively only work with their husband’s permission, must have a lawful excuse if they refuse to have sex with their husband, and must grant full custody of her children to her husband if she wants to divorce him and remarry. Rape victims are also often ostracised for going public.
Salafism is a branch of Sunni Islam whose modern-day adherents claim to emulate “the pious predecessors” (al-salaf al-ṣāliḥ; often equated with the first three generations of Muslims) as closely and in as many spheres of life as possible.
The Salafi movement, also called Salafist movement, Salafiya, and Salafism, is a reform[1] branch[2][3] or revivalist[4] movement within Sunni Islam[5] that developed in Egypt in the late 19th century as a response to Western European imperialism.[4][6][7][8][9] It had roots in the 18th-century Wahhabi movement that originated in the Najd region of modern-day Saudi Arabia.[10] It advocated a return to the traditions of the salaf, the first three generations of Muslims, which they preached as the unadulterated, pure form of Islam. Those generations included the Islamic prophet Muhammad and his companions (the Sahabah), their successors (the Tabi‘un), and the successors of the successors (the Taba Tabi‘in).
The Salafist doctrine is based on looking back to the early years of the religion to understand how the contemporary Muslims should practise their faith.[11] They reject religious innovation or bid'ah, and support the implementation of sharia (Islamic law).[12] The movement is often divided into three categories: the largest group are the purists (or quietists), who avoid politics; the second largest group are the activists, who get involved in politics; the third group are the jihadists, who form a minority and advocate armed struggle to restore the early Islamic movement.[12] In legal matters, the Salafi are divided between those who, in the name of independent legal judgement (ijtihad), reject strict adherence (taqlid) to the four Sunni schools of law (madhahib), and others who remain faithful to these.[13]
saudi arabia human rights
Saudi Arabia is one of approximately 30 countries in the world with judicial corporal punishment. In Saudi Arabia's case this includes amputations of hands and feet for robbery, and flogging for lesser crimes such as "sexual deviance" and drunkenness. In the 2000s, it was reported that women were sentenced to lashes for adultery; the women were actually victims of rape, but because they could not prove who the perpetrators were, they were deemed guilty of committing adultery.[5] The number of lashes is not clearly prescribed by law and is varied according to the discretion of judges, and ranges from dozens of lashes to several hundred, usually applied over a period of weeks or months. In 2004, the United Nations Committee Against Torture criticized Saudi Arabia over the amputations and floggings it carries out under Sharia. The Saudi delegation responded defending "legal traditions" held since the inception of Islam 1,400 years ago and rejected interference in its legal system.
- a lot of socio-economic system try to bind humans using a single method. Religions seek to bind via compassion, many socio-economic system seek to bind via materialism, etc... The tragedy is that what makes each person tick is often quite different making the task of binding the whole of humanity to a single system perhaps impossible? The problem with using meekness to bind is that it also allows the elites to run rough shod over people no matter how bad things may be going? What if they made the apocalypse part up?
Propaganda & Engineering Consent for Empire with Mark Crispin Miller
Keiser Report - Chlorinated chicken Eugh! (E1356)
Men in Black II 'Locker C-18' HD
Men in Black Locker Scene
“The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.”
― James Madison
“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
― James Madison, The Constitution of the United States of America
“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, selfappointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”
― James Madison, Federalist Papers
“Democracy is the most vile form of government.”
― James Madison
“A good Government implies two things: first, fidelity to the object of Government, which is the happiness of the People; secondly, a knowledge of the means by which that object can be best attained.”
― James Madison, The Federalist Papers
“It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be to-morrow.”
― James Madison
“If Men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and the next place, oblige it to control itself.”
― James Madison
- my guess is that Chinese leadership will be less dodgy then US/Western leadership but nonethless still be tainted by dodginess?
shepherd bible quote
Matthew 18:12-14
"What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying? "If it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray. "So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones perish.
Isaiah 56:10-12
His watchmen are blind, All of them know nothing. All of them are mute dogs unable to bark, Dreamers lying down, who love to slumber; And the dogs are greedy, they are not satisfied And they are shepherds who have no understanding; They have all turned to their own way, Each one to his unjust gain, to the last one. "Come," they say, "let us get wine, and let us drink heavily of strong drink; And tomorrow will be like today, only more so."
Jeremiah 50:6
Verse Concepts
"My people have become lost sheep; Their shepherds have led them astray They have made them turn aside on the mountains; They have gone along from mountain to hill And have forgotten their resting place.
sun tzu quote the art of winning without war
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
Colonel Tan-Sun Moon: I know all about the UN. I studied at Oxford and Harvard. Majored in Western hypocrisy. [Bond glances at Colonel Moon's collection of imported sportscars]
- there are some beautiful and great aspects of US/Western culture. I'm not sure it can make it up for all the rest though?
stand for love destiny's child lyrics
Destiny's Child - Stand Up For Love (Official Music Video)
babyface how come how long
Babyface - How Come, How Long (Official Video)
boyz ii men do they know lyrics
Boyz II Men - Do They Know
boyz ii men dear god lyrics
Boyz 2 Men- Dear God
Dear God
someday all 4 one
john lennon imagine lyrics
Imagine - John Lennon (Boyce Avenue piano acoustic cover) on Spotify & Apple
Imagine (UNICEF_ World Version)
Imagine - John Lennon (ARABIC & ENGLISH version) Cover by Talia
A Whiter Shade Of Pale - Procol Harum
Oblivion  - I am Jack Harper
if we have souls they're made of the love we share undimmed by time unbound by death
Jack Harper — 'If we have souls, they're made of the love we share. Undimmed by time, unbound by death.'
La vie en rose - Edith Piaf (Acoustic CoverReprise par Chloé)
- people say that the Dark Ages were caused by being "too religious". If you examine what the definition of a genuine prophet is then you'll realise that true prophets are quite rare and perhaps worthy of listening to even in modern times?
definition true prophet
In religion, a prophet is an individual who is regarded as being in contact with a divine being and is said to speak on that entity's behalf, serving as an intermediary with humanity by delivering messages or teachings from the supernatural source to other people.
1. – God foreknew that His people would have trouble identifying true and false prophets. To reduce this problem, God said to Israel, ". . . Listen to my words: When a prophet of the Lord is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams. " (Numbers 12:6)
This text reveals how God gives information to a prophet. When a prophet speaks, people do not know whether the prophet is lying (speaking out of his own imagination) or if the prophet has actually received a dream or a vision from God. God told Israel to listen to everyone who claims to have received a vision from Him because such persons must either be exonerated or destroyed! "
But a prophet who presumes to speak in my name anything I have not commanded him to say, or a prophet who speaks in the name of other gods, must be put to death. You may say to yourselves, How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord? If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken. That prophet has spoken presumptuously. Do not be afraid of him [or his lies, so put him to death]." (Deuteronomy 18:20-22, insertion mine)
jesus love one another as i have loved you
34 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
jesus turn the other cheek
Turning the other cheek is a phrase in Christian doctrine from the Sermon on the Mount that refers to responding to injury without revenge and allowing more injury. This passage is variously interpreted as commanding nonresistance, Christian pacifism, or nonviolence on the part of the victim.
Tony Abbott joins Q&A
Arguably the most potent influence Christians will have on whatever form of culture might emerge in Europe or elsewhere will be through their practice of Jesus's radicalisation of the command to love the neighbour: the command to love the enemy. What if Christians invested their energy less in preserving the Christian heritage of Western culture - in Europe or elsewhere - and more in loving those who are being presented as our enemies?
The ambiguities attached to such a vocation are immense and the need to avoid both cynicism and sentimentality would be acute. Yet, I would argue, Christian faithfulness demands nothing less.
- the progression of humanity is interesting and comical at times. If intentional humans (and their elite) have moved from more crude forms of competition to mode subtle forms. Systemic bias is one of these forms which is why people lower down find it difficult to gain social mobility. For some they get lucky. For others it requires study. Exceptionalism is dangerous for so many different reasons: it stops you form learning, it limits you from progressing, it creates antipathy/frustration amongst others, etc...
"Sometimes the very measures we put into place to safeguard our liberty become threats to liberty itself," he cautions them.
Semper fidelis is a Latin phrase that means "always faithful" or "always loyal". It is the motto of the United States Marine Corps, usually shortened to Semper Fi. It is also in use as a motto for towns, families, schools, and other military units.
thomas jefferson quotes
“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.”
“Some are whigs, liberals, democrats, call them what you please. Others are tories, serviles, aristocrats, &c. The latter fear the people, and wish to transfer all power to the higher classes of society; the former consider the people as the safest depository of power in the last resort; they cherish them therefore, and wish to leave in them all the powers to the exercise of which they are competent.”
― Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson
“I was bold in the pursuit of knowledge, never fearing to follow truth and reason to whatever results they led.”
― Thomas Jefferson
“When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.”
― Thomas Jefferson
“He who knows nothing is closer to the truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.”
― Thomas Jefferson
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and opressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.”
― Thomas Jefferson
The Giver : Memories are not just about the past. They determine our future. You can change things. You can make things better.
The Giver - Don't accept what is the truth just because it came from someone you respect.
In a recent speech, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said: “There is no such thing as a liberal. A liberal is nothing more than a communist with a diploma.”
What if the opposite is true? If we designate as “liberals” all those who care for our freedoms, and as “communists” those who are aware that we can save these freedoms only with radical changes since global capitalism is approaching a crisis? Then we should say that, today, those who still recognize themselves as communists are liberals with a diploma – liberals who seriously studied why our liberal values are under threat and became aware that only radical change can save them.
Major nonviolent resistance advocates include Mahatma Gandhi, Henry David Thoreau, Te Whiti o Rongomai, Tohu Kākahi, Leo Tolstoy, Alice Paul, Martin Luther King, Jr, Daniel Berrigan, Philip Berrigan, James Bevel, Václav Havel, Andrei Sakharov, Lech Wałęsa, Gene Sharp, Nelson Mandela, and many others. There are hundreds of books and papers on the subject—see Further reading below.
i have a dream speech
Do Genes Determine Politics?
Burgess was a strong influence on the Dunning School of Reconstruction. Burgess "agreed with the scholarly consensus that blacks were inferior,"[3] and wrote that "black skin means membership in a race of men which has never of itself succeeded in subjecting passion to reason, has never, therefore, created any civilization of any kind."[4]
- there are many who are critical of capitalism as as is. Richard Wolff is one of them. Says it crashes roughly everything 4-7 years. Same problem over and over again. It used to be that national borders stopped the elite from being able to supercede national power. Neo-liberalism does away with this and TNC/MNC potentially rival and over ride the power of national governments. This means that if taxes go too high in one country the elite simply leave for another country which is the problem that was experienced in France recently with Hollande. Without national borders or an international consensus of boundaries for international development we're stuck. The US led global order is weird. It creates tiers. Within these tiers are other tiers/hierarchies. It's fairness but bastardised because it seems to filter more for wealth then talent? The system is rigged because those at the top may secretly believe that they are somehow special/exceptional or else they know they may know that they aren't that different from the rest of the population and merely seek to maintain their position within society. The irony is that we can't always predict this which is why everyone should be given an opportunity when they should be?
Corona virus reminds us that capitalists invest for profits, not to meet society's needs. The US capitalist medical care system failed to prepare for or cope with a deadly threat to public safety. We always could do better than capitalism; now we must.
JAMES RICKARDS - BEHAVIOUR MANIPULATION - How Easy Is It To Be Manipulated _ London Real
JAMES RICKARDS - How To Avoid The Next Market Crash _ London Real
JAMES RICKARDS - PROJECT PROPHESY - Does This Government “Secret” Affect You -Part 1_2 _ London Real
JAMES RICKARDS - SECRET CIA CULTURE - What Is The Unknown Culture Of The CIA _ London Real
‘In The Lobby’ to On The Committees—How Lobbyists Took Over Congress
- once you understand the US/Western thinking certain things become easier to understand. Certain countries such as Malawi, Lichtenstein, Ireland, Luxemberg, Belgium, Switzerland, Cayman Islands, etc... are small and have few natural resources so they turn themselves into low tax havens and engage in financial shenanigans. When combined into neo-liberalism, neo-colonialism, and capitalism then it makes sense how they would want to support the system as is?
wealth per capita by country
- if you're like me you're probably wondering why there's a gap in several hundred/thousand years in history where pre-cogs/prophets (if they were real and legitimate?) are no long part of the overall major picture? Did they decide that they experiment was a failure and gave up until they had another chance? Did they go deeper underground and into secret societies? Give what some of these societies seem to discuss difficult to judge their intentions? Have many of the elite forfeited their rights given they are going against the will of the people?
Alfred Pennyworth : Are you coming back to Gotham for long, sir?
Bruce Wayne : As long as it takes. I'm gonna show the people of Gotham their city doesn't belong to the criminals and the corrupt.
Alfred Pennyworth : In the depression, your father nearly bankrupted Wayne Enterprises combating poverty. He believed that his example could inspire the wealthy of Gotham to save their city.
Bruce Wayne : Did it?
Alfred Pennyworth : In a way. Their murder shocked the wealthy and the powerful into action.
Bruce Wayne : People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy and I can't do that as Bruce Wayne. As a man, I'm flesh and blood, I can be ignored, I can be destroyed; but as a symbol... as a symbol I can be incorruptible, I can be everlasting.
Alfred Pennyworth : What symbol?
Bruce Wayne : Something elemental, something terrifying.
Alfred Pennyworth : I assume that as you're taking on the underworld, this symbol is a persona to protect those you care about from reprisals.
Bruce Wayne : You're thinking about Rachel?
Alfred Pennyworth : Actually, sir, I was thinking of myself.
Batman Begins (clip 3) - The Everlasting and Incorruptible Symbol to Protect Your Loved Ones
Batman Begins (2005) - Bruce becoming a Symbol  [720p HD]
separation of church state
An important contributor to the discussion concerning the proper relationship between Church and state was St. Augustine, who in The City of God, Book XIX, Chapter 17, examined the ideal relationship between the "earthly city" and the "city of God". In this work, Augustine posited that major points of overlap were to be found between the "earthly city" and the "city of God", especially as people need to live together and get along on earth. Thus, Augustine held that it was the work of the "temporal city" to make it possible for a "heavenly city" to be established on earth.[4]
Williams was motivated by historical abuse of governmental power, and believed that government must remove itself from anything that touched upon human beings' relationship with God,advocating a "hedge or wall of Separation between the Garden of the Church and the Wilderness of the world" in order to keep religion pure.
wolf in sheeps clothing
A wolf in sheep's clothing is an idiom of Biblical origin used to describe those playing a role contrary to their real character with whom contact is dangerous, particularly false teachers. Much later, the idiom has been applied by zoologists to varying kinds of predatory behaviour. A fable based on it has been falsely credited to Aesop and is now numbered 451 in the Perry Index. The confusion has arisen from the similarity of the theme with fables of Aesop concerning wolves that are mistakenly trusted by shepherds; the moral drawn from these is that one's basic nature eventually shows through the disguise.
11_4 What is Neoliberalism Primer
Bill Gates Talks Philanthropy, Microsoft, and Taxes _ DealBook
Empire Files: Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism
Cornel West is someone who is in no doubt as to the insult to King’s legacy Obama’s transparent attempt to posit his election to the White House the symbolic culmination of MLK’s ‘dream’: “The dream of the radical King for the first black president surely was not a Wall Street presidency, drone presidency, and surveillance presidency with a vanishing black middle class, devastated black working class, and desperate black poor people clinging to fleeting symbols and empty rhetoric.”
When it comes to the legacy of Martin Luther King, the biting insight of Irish rebel leader James Connolly applies: “Apostles of freedom are ever crucified when alive, but glorified when dead.”
social mobility by country
social darwinism
Keiser Report - #DropFiat (E1459)
Impact of WTO protests in Seattle still felt 2 decades later
It never ceases to surprise me that a prime minister so ready to proclaim his Christian faith is so hard of heart when it comes to people on benefits (age pensioners excepted). Presumably, he's not prepared to "give them a go" because he's not convinced that they "have a go".
11_4 What is Neoliberalism Primer
Chile: The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism
Cries of abuse in Catholic Church start to be heard in Japan
“The overarching message we have from the survey is that there is severe abuse and neglect of students with disability in school,” she told Guardian Australia.
Nearly half (48.2%) of students with disability experienced bullying at school in the past year, including 9.1% who said school staff had been the bullies.
The use of restraints and seclusion was reported by nearly a third of respondents (30%). Most commonly, students were physically restrained, but a small number of families also reported the use of chemical restraints.
About one in five children with a disability had been placed in seclusion, such as solitary confinement with and without supervision in a room, classroom or staff office.
“Often schools we hear are using this as a behaviour management technique, rather than actually looking at, well, ‘What would it take to have this child included in the classroom?” Sayers told Guardian Australia. “What it points to is that schools need to really be committed to inclusive education.”
- I think people are going about this the wrong way. Most people are thinking of using a socio-economic system as a means to an end. If we start from the basic premise that life should get better for people overall within the system then we might be better off? It may be easier to overcome the Empire Paradox (the larger your Empire becomes the more difficult it becomes to take care of everyone inside of it) that way?
"India has been a great stage for us because of the high degree of variability that we have within the country itself," Gandhi says, adding that the tech infrastructure in different parts of India mimics developed markets like the United States as well as emerging ones in Africa.
Mittal compares Plantix's strategy to that of companies like Facebook (FB) and Google (GOOGL), which have gone on a spree of adding "India-first" services in recent years that are then rolled out globally.
"If you're able to understand India, the diversity, and the problems, then that works as a very good template for international expansion," he said. "[The country is] becoming a laboratory for emerging market solutions."
The anti-globalization movement, or counter-globalization movement,[1] is a social movement critical of economic globalization. The movement is also commonly referred to as the global justice movement,[2] alter-globalization movement, anti-globalist movement, anti-corporate globalization movement,[3] or movement against neoliberal globalization.
Participants base their criticisms on a number of related ideas.[4] What is shared is that participants oppose large, multinational corporations having unregulated political power, exercised through trade agreements and deregulated financial markets. Specifically, corporations are accused of seeking to maximize profit at the expense of work safety conditions and standards, labour hiring and compensation standards, environmental conservation principles, and the integrity of national legislative authority, independence and sovereignty. As of January 2012, some commentators have characterized changes in the global economy as "turbo-capitalism" (Edward Luttwak), "market fundamentalism" (George Soros), "casino capitalism" (Susan Strange),[5] and as "McWorld" (Benjamin Barber).
Many anti-globalization activists do not oppose globalization in general and call for forms of global integration that better provide democratic representation, advancement of human rights, fair trade and sustainable development and therefore feel the term "anti-globalization" is misleading.[6][7][8]
- if you understand the world you'll realise that the elite often use ideology as a ways of mobilising populations. The academics and public service come up with a system (that may be the reason for attempts by foreign intelligence to penetrate and influence the academic and public service communities?), the politicians convince the public, the public do the grunt work, etc...
- depending on who you listen to the mind control experiments of various yester year have either gone into advancing humanity or aiding the elite into being able to better control the public (in which the conspiracy theorists are completely correct and the elite have to be neutralised?). If religion is just a PSYOP then belief in God should be higher in lower classes then upper but it seems to vary?
"Faith has always accompanied us, it strengthened when our country, our people faced particularly difficult times," Putin said in an interview for the documentary film "Valaam," a clip from which was broadcast by the Russia 1 TV channel.
"There were such severe years of militant atheism [during the Soviet period] when priests were killed, churches were destroyed. But at the same time a new religion was being created — Communist ideology, which is very similar to Christianity, in fact. Freedom, equality, brotherhood, justice — all of this is enshrined in the Holy Scripture, it's all there. And what about the Code of the Builders of Communism? This is a sublimation, it's really just a primitive excerpt from the Bible, nothing new was invented," the president said.
belief in god socioeconomic demographic
- better technology without putting into question the nature of fairness will just ingrain problems we currently have?
Our welfare system discourages work. It discourages families from staying together. And it encourages dependence on government.
In other words, welfare keeps the poor poor.
In many cases, welfare has harmed the very people it was supposed to help, especially children.
- the elite think that pure technological advancement will make things better. It won't. Society needs to advance on so many different levels to progress. No matter how much you want to believe in the ability to transcend it's current nature you realise that so much wrong has happened repeatedly in human history?
The right to exist is said to be an attribute of nations. According to an essay by the nineteenth-century French philosopher Ernest Renan, a state has the right to exist when individuals are willing to sacrifice their own interests for the community it represents.
- it's obvious that even people in the intelligence services don't understand why the East/West dichotomy exist? I think some of the core reasons comes down to ideology and the way capitalism works. A world order dictated by any one group of people will establish a pecking order of sorts. Those at the top get whatever they want. Those at the bottom get whatever is left over. That's why the battle between China and US is so important at the moment? If the debt load at one end of the of scale goes too far it provides for backup/redundancy as well as investments will flow in the direction of safety as well? Neo-liberalism and neo-colonialism has a massive core flaw. It still uses materialism as the core basis of human society which also means you can't break the East/West dichotomy? Ironically, the East/West dichotomy also contributes to international peace and stability. The pecking order it helps control resource consumption. Any attempt to unite humanity will require unification of systems/values at some point as others have alluded to?
What is the 'Westless' global order _ The Bottom Line
Special documentary on France's 'gilets jaunes' movement
Gladiator Movie Scene - Marcus Aurelius & Maximus talk of Rome and Home.
Maximus: I've seen much of the rest of the world. It is brutal and cruel and dark, Rome is the light.
While in the political wilderness, Mahathir wrote his first book, The Malay Dilemma, in which he set out his vision for the Malay community. The book argued that a balance had to be achieved between enough government support for Malays so that their economic interests would not be dominated by the Chinese, and exposing Malays to sufficient competition to ensure that over time, Malays would lose what Mahathir saw as the characteristics of avoiding hard work and failing to "appreciate the real value of money and property".[22] The book continued Mahathir's criticism of Abdul Rahman's government, and it was promptly banned. The ban was only lifted after Mahathir became prime minister in 1981; he thus served as a minister and deputy prime minister while being the author of a banned book.[19][23] Academics R. S. Milne and Diane K. Mauzy argue that Mahathir's relentless attacks were the principal cause of Abdul Rahman's downfall and subsequent resignation as prime minister in 1970.[24]
tony abbott china rise fear
- interpretation very important in religion. Obviously, parts of it have falsified and people are looking to re-interpret to get things mesh up with the way way they want? I just can't see how the US/West can fix things even if they are 'it'? I don't understand how they'll be able to fix things either way? Is there anything such as a strongman Christian, Catholic, Methodist, etc?
Trump and religion - 'A battle of heresy versus Christian truth' _ UpFront (Special Interview)
Life Sentences for Charity Work - Free the Holy Land 5!
Private banking and government corruption saddle the 3rd world with debt - Richard Wolff
Idlib - Has the world stopped caring about Syria _ UpFront
World’s top hedge fund mgr: ‘World has gone mad’
Richard Wolff explains Bail-Ins
Keiser Report - Debt is Money We Owe to Our (Future) Selves (E1448)
That Viral Bernie Ad Revealed MSM’s Contempt For His Movement (TMBS 109)
Keiser Report - A Looming Hot War for the Internet Age (E1319)
Keiser Report - #DropGold - Peter Schiff Responds (E1381)
GEM - The West's 'Wealth' Is Stolen Goods (TMBS 105)
Economic Update - US's Profit Driven Medicine
Master Nations vs. Butler Nations
Richard Wolff on the Free Market
Putin on ideology - difference between Americans and Russians
Inside the UN Fight Against Corporate Impunity
Post-Soviet Russia - America's 'Colony' to #1 Enemy
Liberalism 'has outlived its purpose' — President Putin speaks exclusively to the Financial Times
Iran's Zarif thrashes Trump, 'US driven by pathological obsession' (Munich Security Conference 2019)
REVENGE OF HISTORY Ft. Sergey Karaganov, School of World Economics & Intl Relations Dean at HSE
Empire Files
Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending a nation's rule over foreign nations, often by military force or by gaining political and economic control of other areas.[2] Imperialism was both normal and common worldwide throughout recorded history, the earliest examples dating from the mid-third millennium BC, diminishing only in the late 20th century. In recent times, it has been considered morally reprehensible and prohibited by international law. Therefore, the term is used in international propaganda to denounce an opponent's foreign policy.[3]
The term can be applied to the colonization of the Americas between the 15th and 19th centuries, as opposed to New Imperialism, which describes the expansion of Western Powers and Japan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. However, both are examples of imperialism.
In international politics, gunboat diplomacy (or Big Stick ideology in U.S. history) refers to the pursuit of foreign policy objectives with the aid of conspicuous displays of naval power, implying or constituting a direct threat of warfare should terms not be agreeable to the superior force.[1]
Origin of the term
The term comes from the nineteenth-century period of imperialism, when Western powers – Europe and the United States – would intimidate other, less powerful states into granting concessions through a demonstration of their superior military capabilities, usually depicted by their naval assets.[citation needed] A country negotiating with a Western power would notice that a warship or fleet of ships had appeared off its coast. The mere sight of such power almost always had a considerable effect, and it was rarely necessary for such boats to use other measures, such as demonstrations of firepower.
A notable and controversial example of gunboat diplomacy was the Don Pacifico Incident in 1850, in which the British Foreign Secretary Lord Palmerston dispatched a squadron of the Royal Navy to blockade the Greek port of Piraeus in retaliation for the harming of a British subject, David Pacifico, in Athens, and the subsequent failure of the government of King Otto to compensate the Gibraltar-born (and therefore British) Pacifico.
The effectiveness of such simple demonstrations of a nation's projection of force capabilities meant that those nations with naval power, especially Britain, could establish military bases (for example, Diego Garcia) and arrange economically advantageous relationships around the world. Aside from military conquest, gunboat diplomacy was the dominant way to establish new trade partners, colonial outposts, and expansion of empire.
Those lacking the resources and technological advancements of Western empires found that their own peaceable relationships were readily dismantled in the face of such pressures, and they therefore came to depend on the imperialist nations for access to raw materials and overseas markets.
The British diplomat and naval thinker James Cable spelled out the nature of gunboat diplomacy in a series of works published between 1971 and 1993. In these, he defined the phenomenon as "the use or threat of limited naval force, otherwise than as an act of war, in order to secure advantage or to avert loss, either in the furtherance of an international dispute or else against foreign nationals within the territory or the jurisdiction of their own state."[2] He further broke down the concept into four key areas:
Definitive Force: the use of gunboat diplomacy to create or remove a fait accompli.
Purposeful Force: application of naval force to change the policy or character of the target government or group.
Catalytic Force: a mechanism designed to buy a breathing space or present policy makers with an increased range of options.
Expressive Force: use of navies to send a political message. This aspect of gunboat diplomacy is undervalued and almost dismissed by Cable.
Gunboat diplomacy comes in contrast to the views held prior to the 18th century influenced by Hugo Grotius, De Jure Belli ac Pacis, in which he circumscribed the right to resort to force with what he described as "temperamenta".
Gunboat diplomacy is distinct from "Defence Diplomacy", which is understood to be the peaceful application of resources from across the spectrum of defence, to achieve positive outcomes in the development of bilateral and multilateral relationships.[citation needed] "Military diplomacy" is a sub-set of this, tending to refer only to the role of military attachés and their associated activity. Defence diplomacy does not include military operations, but subsumes such other defence activity as international personnel exchanges, ship and aircraft visits, high-level engagement (e.g., ministers and senior defence personnel), training and exercises, security-sector reform,[3] and bilateral military talks.[4]
2008 crash led govts to borrow (for bank bailouts) and to cut interest rates (to keep capitalism going). So govts, corps, families piled up huge risky debts. From crisis to crisis, US capitalism declines.
Central banks pretend there is no crisis. But they sure act like there is a crisis. Perhaps investors should take notice.
Shortly after winning re-election, President George W. Bush claimed a mandate for an ambitious second-term agenda and proposed reforming Social Security by allowing workers to redirect a portion of their Social Security withholding into stock and bond investments.[46] Pelosi strongly opposed the plan, saying there was no crisis, and as minority leader she imposed intense party discipline on her caucus, leading them to near-unanimous opposition to Bush's proposal, and subsequent defeat of the proposed plan.[47][48]
"Edmonds must feel a bit like Alice at the tea party, where justice is not being served, and where a secret is a secret but why it's a secret or who says it's a secret is a secret, and we can't tell you why because it's a secret."
capitalism achilles heel baker
maslow hierarchy
1 Hierarchy
1.1 Physiological needs
1.2 Safety needs
1.3 Social belonging
1.4 Self-esteem
1.5 Self-actualization
1.6 Transcendence
Directorate S - The C.I.A. and America's Secret Wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan
Steve Coll, Author of Ghost Wars, Explains Pakistan's Role In Afghanistan
Ghost Wars - The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to S
Directorate S - Steve Coll on the CIA & America’s Secret Wars in Afghanistan & Pakistan
- how colonialism, neo-liberalism, and neo-colonialism fits into religion makes no sense until you understand the importance of understanding interpretation (people often play with words constantly but don't realise it). The colonial powers somehow thought somehow they had God's favour when they defeated other countries militarily and then proceeded to colonise them. There are obvious ironies here. If Jesus was real then I'm fairly certain he didn't mean for this to happen? (massive internal contradiction. Examine things in retrospect most problems after a respective prophet dies. Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity were very similar). There's something else I'm curious about. In some accounts of indigenous conquest/genocide there are accounts of pre-cogs/prophets being highly accurate and being able to predict the circumstances of their own death (after their own death)
- the religious issue is a part trap for anyone who falls for it. How many people are genuinely religious? It plays partly on the narcissism of mankind?
commodus virtue gladiator quote
Commodus: You wrote to me once, listing the four chief virtues: wisdom, justice, fortitude and temperance. As I read the list, I knew I had none of them. But I have other virtues, father. Ambition. That can be a virtue when it drives us to excel. Resourcefulness. Courage. Perhaps not on the battlefield, but … there are many forms of courage. Devotion, to my family and to you. But none of my virtues were on your list. [choking up] Even then it was as if you didn't want me for your son.
Marcus Aurelius: Commodus is not a moral man. You have known that since you were young. Commodus cannot rule. He must not rule. You are the son that I should have had. Commodus will accept my decision. He knows that you command the loyalty of the army.
Maximus: I need some time, sire.
Marcus Aurelius: Yes. By sunset, I hope you will have agreed. Now embrace me as my son, and bring an old man another blanket.
Brothers, what we do in life, echoes in eternity.
take note the jews and christians as allies
Al-Ma'idah (Arabic: ٱلْمَائِدَة Al-Māʾidah, "The Table" or "The Table Spread with Food", likely a word of Ethiopic origin)[1] is the fifth chapter (sūrah) of the Quran, with 120 verses (āyāt). Regarding the timing and contextual background of the revelation (Asbāb al-nuzūl), it is a Medinan surah, which means it is believed to have been revealed in Medina, instead of Mecca.
The chapter's topics include animals which are forbidden, the missions of Isa (Jesus) and Musa (Moses). Verse 5:90 prohibits "the intoxicant", and likewise, Q2:219 and Q4:43 mention it.[2]
babylon translation biblical
The Whore of Babylon or Babylon the Great is a symbolic female figure and also place of evil mentioned in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Her full title is stated in Revelation 17 (verse 5) as Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth (Ancient Greek: μυστήριον, Βαβυλὼν ἡ μεγάλη, ἡ μήτηρ τῶν πορνῶν καὶ τῶν βδελυγμάτων τῆς γῆς; transliterated mystērion, Babylōn hē megalē, hē mētēr tōn pornōn kai tōn bdelygmatōn tēs gēs).
torment of tantalus
Tantalus (Ancient Greek: Τάνταλος Tántalos) was a Greek mythological figure, most famous for his eternal punishment in Tartarus. He was also called Atys.
He was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink.
He was the father of Pelops, Niobe and Broteas, and was a son of Zeus[1] and the nymph Plouto. Thus, like other heroes in Greek mythology such as Theseus and the Dioskouroi, Tantalus had both a hidden, divine parent and a mortal one.
x anime
fullmetal alchemist
fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
- for those who are interested in homosexuality they're probably wondering where conversion therapy comes from? It's obvious that they've following protocols from old PSYOPS experiments. If they honestly believe that homosexuality is such a bad thing that they homosexuals should be killed them we'll have a "slow motion Apocalypse" whereby their rights are restricted? Obvious irony is if Jesus was the real deal then technically he didn't really mind it either way? If you think about things from a perspective whereby people believe that everything was created by God and that God made a mistake and that other humans were simply helping him along then the religious position makes more sense?
religion homosexuality
jesus homosexuality
heredity homosexuality
human experimentation
- the elite are locked into particular decisions owing to decisions and ideologies that they made earlier. Countries with older populations have to deal with it by increasing pension age, using robotics to supplement older works (Europe/Japan), countries which struggle to deal with political stability have to resort to drastic measures to resort to law and order (collapse of USSR and beginning of Russian Federation/many countries in the Middle East such as Egypt/Libya/Iran/Iraq). It looks like a conspiracy at times because of the way the whole system works?
- most humans have what I call Squirrel Syndrome (they can't give up what they have like Jesus because they can't trust society to reciprocate?). Societies create rules which force you to earn resources often through ardous lives. That means there unlikely to give up what they've supposedly earned easily. "Sinner's Paradox" (you often can't beat a sin with a good deed so you end up having to sin yourself) important to understanding how to read some religions and why members of the security services and political leaders act the way they do. If Satan is merely a symbol then he drags you down to his level and possibly pushes you to retaliate beyond what is just? Most obvious story of this relates to "Garden of Eden" story? Religions believe that eradication of certain 'core sins' is required to make for a better world. This means the supposed sinners all need to fall at once and somehow be "neutralised"?
jesus give shirt off back
New International Version
And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.
New Living Translation
If you are sued in court and your shirt is taken from you, give your coat, too.
English Standard Version
And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.
Berean Study Bible
if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well;
Berean Literal Bible
And to the one willing to sue you and to take your tunic, yield to him the cloak as well.
New American Standard Bible
"If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.
tree of knowledge story bible alternate meaning
A parable is a succinct, didactic story, in prose or verse, that illustrates one or more instructive lessons or principles. It differs from a fable in that fables employ animals, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature as characters, whereas parables have human characters.
- there's an interesting part of the End Times component. It says that the world is basically run by the "Bad Side". If you understand what and how the world runs then you understand capitalism works then you also understand that some of the less moral behaviours are also amongst the most profitable. Track the GDP growth rates of the following countries? Drop off during destablisation and then ramp up during rebuild phase. Much quicker then average growth during rebuild phase. Corresponding jump in growth rate with those countries involved in rebuilding. The world order is important because it helps determine order for access to resources. Overt and covert rules/laws between countries dictate access level at all levels. Note, that if religions are true that if "Bad Side" is real then there are those on the "Good Side" who will hunt them down and they will be neutralised somehow and they'll be nothing that anyone can do about it. Even kids shows are part PSYOPS across other cultures? After a while, you don't need whistleblowers and leakers to see through to many covert operations? Some of the potential operations seem comical?
mission impossible 3 cleanup rebuild quote
Ethan: You told him. You told Davian Lindsey was coming, that's how he knew.
Musgrave: I thought you could get her back. But I wasn't going to let Brassel, to let all people, undo the work I'd done. I took action, Ethan. On the behalf of the working families of our country, the Army force, the white house. I've had enough of Brassel and his sanctimony. IMF director, he's an affirmative action poster boy. You grabbed Davian like he wanted, then what? Davian's a weed. You cut him out, two more spring up he's just like the next day. Arrest him, then what? You use him. Collaborate with him. And it's Christmas. In 18 hours, the Rabbit's foot will be sent to its Middle East buyer, and we'll have credible Intel to prove it. UN security counsil will get a report by this time tomorrow, we're talking a military strike in a week. And when the sand settles, our country will do what it does best: clean up, infrastructure. Democracy wins.
Mission Impossible III - The Purpose of Rabbit's foot..
bds movement
creationism vs evolution
flat earth society
nofap movement
masturbation statistics
Results Across age groups, more males (73.8%) reported masturbation than females (48.1%). Among males, masturbation occurrence increased with age: at age 14 years, 62.6% of males reported at least 1 prior occurrence, whereas 80% of 17-year-old males reported ever having masturbated.
gun rights movement
- one thing that you can't really get over is some of the people who have ended up on US/Western national security watchlists? Noam Chomsky, Peter Joseph, Bernie Sanders, Martin Luther King Jnr, Nelson Mandela, Lee Camp, etc... I heard it once said that that you know someone has turned if they are acting against their own interest or that of their country. If that's the case, it's obvious that a lot of people have turned?
Empire Files - Peter Joseph & Abby Martin on Abolishing Capitalism
The MLK Quotes They Don’t Want Us To See
Lee Camp sounds off on Coronavirus Epidemic and Chelsea Manning's release
New Report - F B 1 Creating Own Plots It Stops
We're On Our Own - Don't Wait For The Ruling Elite (Web Exclusive)
Cheap Generic Meds Are Here, Big Pharma Is Hiding Them!
Woman Ruins MSNBC’s Hilarious Propaganda Segment
NPR Names U.S. Propaganda Chief As New CEO (Web Exclusive)
~248~ Iran War Games, No More Common Good, Russiagate Falls Apart EVEN MORE
Pandemic Highlights How Horrible Capitalism Is
Richard Wolff - This is like nothing ever experienced
Bonus Stream - Michael’s Book Intro
Lee Camp
BREAKING - Russians Trying To Get Bernie & Trump Elected! (Web Exclusive)
lee camp foreign agent
Dark Lord SAURON Scenes _ LOTR_Hobbit
- for those of you who don't mind being branded a Foreign Agent there is now a clothing line to suit your needs as well?
- many sources of frustration with regards to US led order? IMF linked to US/Western Empire right from the start? IMF/World Bank policy linked to US Foreign Policy. These policies created big growth in the US but at times the US was strapped for cash which meant it required money to come back to the US as well? Washington Consensus. Asian countries did well from IMF but Africans did horribly primarily due to low population levels owing to slavery period which exfiltrated huge levels. US/French/German/UK all had impact of centralising wealth of many African countries in urban areas and de-tribalising the country sides. IMF destroyed social infrastructure of many African countries? Fame and war followed. Latin America did worse off and triggered protests. Rhetoric included following words: progress, trickledown, modernisation, reform, revolution. Fear via military suppression used against population in Venezuela. Military wouldn't put up with being forced by government and IMF to follow their policies. Argentina had similar problem to bank crisis in Europe in 2008 except they defaulted on $130 Billion. 5 presidents in 10 days. 16.3% GDP down in first quarter of 2002, manufacting drop 20%. 52% went below poverty line, 20% could no longer afford sufficient food? Unemployment went to 23%, another 22% underemployed. New leaders did the opposite of what the IMF wanted which created stability. IMF policies continue in other parts of the world still in spite of troubles? Stiglitz/IMF considered overly academic/market fundamentalist. Only countries who appear to have benefited from IMF policies are US and China? George Soros appears to have reached same conclusion?
The World Today - IMF BEHIND BARS
Original sense: Williamson's Ten Points
The concept and name of the Washington Consensus were first presented in 1989 by John Williamson, an economist from the Institute for International Economics, an international economic think tank based in Washington, D.C.[3] Williamson used the term to summarize commonly shared themes among policy advice by Washington-based institutions at the time, such as the International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and U.S. Treasury Department, which were believed to be necessary for the recovery of countries in Latin America from the economic and financial crises of the 1980s.[citation needed]
The consensus as originally stated by Williamson included ten broad sets of relatively specific policy recommendations:[1]
Fiscal policy discipline, with avoidance of large fiscal deficits relative to GDP;
Redirection of public spending from subsidies ("especially indiscriminate subsidies") toward broad-based provision of key pro-growth, pro-poor services like primary education, primary health care and infrastructure investment;
Tax reform, broadening the tax base and adopting moderate marginal tax rates;
Interest rates that are market determined and positive (but moderate) in real terms;
Competitive exchange rates;
Trade liberalization: liberalization of imports, with particular emphasis on elimination of quantitative restrictions (licensing, etc.); any trade protection to be provided by low and relatively uniform tariffs;
Liberalization of inward foreign direct investment;
Privatization of state enterprises;
Deregulation: abolition of regulations that impede market entry or restrict competition, except for those justified on safety, environmental and consumer protection grounds, and prudential oversight of financial institutions;
Legal security for property rights.
The Caracazo, or sacudón, is the name given to the wave of protests, riots, looting, shootings and massacres that started on 27 February 1989 in Guarenas, spreading to Caracas and surrounding towns.
"The WTO may not be perfect, but it is indispensable all the same. It is what keeps us from a world where the law of the jungle prevails, at least as far as trade is concerned."
The Trump administration has repeatedly accused the global trade watchdog of having strayed from its purpose to liberalise and protect markets, and that conditions around China's entry into the organisation in 2001 have led to millions of American job losses.
Asked about Mr Azevedo's exit, Mr Trump, who had previously said the US would leave the organisation if it didn't change, said he was "OK with it".
"We've been treated very badly... They treat China as a developing nation. Therefore China gets a lot of the benefits that the US doesn't get," he added.
Mr Azevedo's departure comes at an especially difficult time for the WTO, with global trade expected to slump to historic lows as measures to slow the spread of Covid-19 shut down economic activity around the world.
At the same time the Geneva-based body last year saw one of its main functions, arbitrating trade disputes, hobbled by the US.
Washington's dispute with the WTO has seen it block the appointment of judges to the organisation's top court, called the Appellate Body, since December 2019. It means it has too few officials to rule on major trade disputes between countries.
Along with the US, other WTO members, including Japan and the European Union, have pushed for the WTO to make far-reaching reforms.
They argue that global trading rules need to reflect new realities, notably the rise of China as a powerful economy, and address problems such as state subsidies and forced technology transfers.
- neo-liberalism doesn't work? Ecuador lost their currency and had to switch to USD. Many people left Ecuador/Argentina/South America. Wealth isn't the problem, inequality is. Ecuador infiltrated by CIA and other foreign powers. Vacuum that de-regulation creates allows the wealthy and powerful to move in and expand their power. They wanted to get rid of Free Trade Agreements and US military base? US uses political and military power to protect corporate power. Oil spill/pollution 18x larger then Exon Valdez in Ecuador caused by Chevron/Texaco. They tried to sue but didn't really get anywhere
On Contact - Political Persistence with Ecuador’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Guillaume Long
On Contact - Assange with Vijay Prashad
ON CONTACT - Crucifying Julian Assange
ON CONTACT - Julian Assange Extradition with Joe Lauria
On Contact - Julian Assange w_UN Special Rapporteur on Torture
The war of Wikileaks, Assange and other outlets exposing the inner workings of power
- it's difficult to reconcile religion with many societies? Since the elite play with words constantly unbrainwashing research is just as important as brainwashing research? Religions says that humans will basically beat each other senseless until one day they'll come to their senses and figure out a better way of going about things
The Perversion of Islam -- Hamza Yusuf & Chris Hedges
Every Grunt from Home Improvement
Swordfish (9_10) Movie CLIP - You're No Different From a Terrorist (2001) HD
"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can."
Professor Paul Kengor, author of God and Hillary Clinton: A Spiritual Life has suggested that Clinton's political positions are rooted in her faith. She often expresses a maxim often attributed to John Wesley: "Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can."[571] In fact, Clinton repeated this saying in her acceptance speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention, adding that her mother Dorothy "made sure I learned [these] words from our Methodist faith".[573]
"The Giver" Movie (2014) Ending
Moksha (/ˈmoʊkʃə/; Sanskrit: मोक्ष, mokṣa), also called vimoksha, vimukti and mukti, is a term in Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism which refers to various forms of emancipation, enlightenment, liberation, and release.
In August 2012, the Pakistani Taliban issued death threats if he went ahead with his march to their tribal stronghold along the Afghan border to protest US drone attacks, because he calls himself a "liberal" – a term they associate with a lack of religious belief.[96] On 1 October 2012, prior to his plan to address a rally in South Waziristan, senior commanders of Pakistani Taliban said after a meeting headed by the Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud that they now offered Khan security assistance for the rally because of Khan's opposition to drone attacks in Pakistan, reversing their previous stance.[97]
Diwali, Divali, Deepavali, or Deepawali is the Hindu festival of lights, typically lasting five days and celebrated during the Hindu Lunisolar month Kartika. One of the most popular festivals of Hinduism, Diwali symbolises the spiritual "victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance".
Will Saudi Arabia execute one of its top clerics _ UpFront
- notice that one of the funny aspects of foreign intervention/leadership is that it can often be amongst people who don't entirely understand the situation at hand? Watch and listen to enough video footage and you'll realise and understand the perspective of a lot of other countries regarding the US/West? Most of the public don't really understand or are interested about it. If you listen to the tone alone (sometimes you don't even need to listen the language) is enough to understand a lot of individuals/countries? It's obvious that in some cases countries may deem the situations so far gone that they no longer send their best representatives because they believe that no genuine agreement is possible? Note, that that public perception such as Pew poles are useless because of the popularity and widespread nature of US pop culture/PSYOPS?
heads of state
Kamal Kharazi - 'Iran has the right to develop its own armaments'
LIVE DEBATE – Negotiations Can Denuclearize North Korea
Is Africa really 'rising' _ Ali Mufuruki _ TEDxEuston
african perception united states
Fifty six years ago, John F. Kennedy made 479 references to Africa during the US presidential campaign. He observed that America had lost ground on the continent because of failures to meet the “need and aspirations of the African people”.
President Kennedy charted a new path in US-Africa relations. He created the Peace Corps, and the United States Agency for International Development. And, unlike his predecessors, he began to show more respect and dignity for African leaders.
To African people, Kennedy was the “great one,” and a “friend of the coloured man everywhere”. He began the process to change the “ugly American” image which characterised his predecessor, Dwight Eisenhower’s, foreign policy towards the Third World.
But the new directions initiated by Kennedy were short-lived as his successors reverted to previous policies. While Lyndon Johnson labelled Africans “cannibals” , Richard Nixon ridiculed blacks as “genetically inferior” to whites. And, Ronald Reagan’s pro-Apartheid policy of Constructive Engagement was consistent with his overall African policy.
Though more recently during President Barack Obama’s presidency there was a shift in policy, there continues to be immense and sometimes shameful ignorance in America about Africa.
Popular notions range from seeing the continent through a monolithic lens to depicting it as suffocated with disease, tribal wars, famine, corruption, cannibals and crime.
Even the Peace Corps and university students, both a hallmark of American idealism, were not immune. While some Peace Corps officials talked of “primitive mud huts” all over Africa’s landscape, college students imagined the region to be a place of destruction, primitive conditions, and injustice, and where people practice strange religions.
Though scholars have long discarded those images and corrected the historical record, the negative perceptions have persisted, and continue to dominate the thinking of major political leaders in America.
In an increasingly interconnected and technological global environment, ignorance of Africa is no longer acceptable. This, especially from major political leaders. Yet, examples of such ignorance are evident in the current American presidential campaign. Neither the Republican nominee Donald J. Trump nor the democratic nominee Hillary R. Clinton has articulated any concrete vision for an African policy.
During the primary season, Africa came up and when it did it was either in the context of terrorism or as an afterthought. There seems to be little realisation by both candidates that in the current fluid and interdependent global environment, Africa has emerged as a strategic partner in trade, peace, and security. A case in point is the US African Command which collaborates with African governments and regional organisations to combat terrorism.
- same pattern over and over again? The US spends most but as a percentage of it's GDP it doesn't compare too well. The Nordic and Middle Eastern countries come out on top?
who funding by country
The 53 multilaterals in our sample received around $63 billion per year in estimated direct, recurrent grant funding during the 2014-2016 period. Figure 1 shows the composition of these resources by funder. In absolute terms, the U.S. is the largest overall funder at $14.1 billion per year, providing 22 percent of the sample’s resources. The U.K. is the second-largest funder at $7.6 billion (12 percent), followed by Japan at $5.4 billion (9 percent) and Germany at $4.4 billion (7 percent). These four countries contribute approximately 50 percent of the total funding, and the top 32 funders account for 95 percent. Notably, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the 17th largest funder and provides more than $880 million per year.
The funding picture looks quite different when translated into per capita terms, as in Figure 2. The graph shows that Norway contributes by far the most per person to the multilateral system, at $399 per year, followed by Sweden at $229 and Denmark at $160. Among the top three absolute funders in Figure 1, the U.S. ranks 20th overall in per capita terms at $44, the U.K., is eighth at $116, and Japan is 21st at $42. (Note that some smaller funders with sizeable per capita contributions are not included in the figure).
foreign aid by country
The most generous countries?
Looking at official development assistance (ODA), the OECD has calculated its members’ spending in 2015 – both in total and as a percentage of gross national income.
The US, unsurprisingly, comes top when looking at total spend. Last year, it gave over $30 billion either as bilateral aid or through international organizations such as the World Bank or UN.
Germany is second, with over $20 billion of ODA last year. This constitutes an increase of over $4 billion compared to 2014.
The list is dominated by European nations, but the UAE, Canada and Japan also feature.
A very different picture emerges, though, if we consider it as a percentage of gross national income.
Much like the US for total spend, Sweden emerges ahead of the crowd on this measure. Last year, Sweden’s net ODA was 1.41% of gross national income, and the country has committed to keeping this figure above 1%.
The UAE is second, with Norway just behind – both returning figures of over 1%.
The UN calls for economically advanced countries to spend at least 0.7% of gross national income on ODA. The OECD argues this is perhaps the “best known target in international aid”. However, as the chart above shows, few countries have met it.
As humanitarian crises continue around the world, aid remains as important as ever. But with few countries meeting the UN’s target, there’s plenty of work left to do to hit the 0.7% level.
- any potential leader in the End Times is supposed to be a beacon of light of some sort. The US/West clearly has trouble figuring out where their values lie and they're unlikely to be religiously based?
Monkey Business _ Senators accused of insider trading amid corona crash
More than half the world is autocratic now, claims an alarming new report about the state of liberal democracy, touting a ‘state of the art’ methodology. A closer look suggests it’s pushing a political narrative instead.
Announced Friday afternoon, and nearly lost in the deluge of news about the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, the report by the V-Dem institute claims that 92 countries – accounting for 54 percent of the world’s population – now qualify as “autocracies.”
How did the Gothenburg, Sweden-based institute come to this shocking conclusion? They say it’s by using data to calculate the Liberal Democracy Index (LDI), which “combines measures of the quality of elections, suffrage, freedom of expression and the media, freedom of association and civil society, checks on the executive, and the rule of law.”
- the game to determine what is the best country isn't that easy. You'd expect them to be filled by the US and it's allies. In realities, many neutral countries which fill the top spots?
waste by country
Total amount of municipal waste collected
homidicide by country
Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people)
happiness by country
poverty by country
wealth inequality by country
gdp per capita ppp
poverty level by country
corruption by country
inequality by country
war deaths by country

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- apparently there is software to "record" websites. Better then website downloaders because they seem to cover more
- latest in science and technology
Habits: Where do they come from and why do they stick with us?
Immune discovery 'may treat all cancer'
- latest in finance and politics
- latest in defense and intelligence
- latest in animal news
- latest in music and entertainment

Random Quotes:
- "Getting the architecture right is really important," he warned. Throwing everything into a data lake and leaving it for someone else to worry about later just creates a data swamp or a "data dumping ground."
Bobst pointed to Gartner research showing that 90% of data lakes have delivered no value because they lacked both architectural principles and governance, and other research that found 80% of data science work fails to go into production.
Organisations need strategies to promote data products (ie, models and insights that provide real business value), he suggested.
- Has Kurt never heard of robots.txt or the 'noindex' meta tag? Those are the two normal ways of informing Google that the content should not be added to their search database.
Some background. A WhatsApp invite code is simply a URL that includes a long string of (seemingly) random text that permits anyone you share it with, the ability to join your group. This group might be a private chat amongst friends, a negotiation forum for the next big corporate take-over or even a porn collective. All of these could easily be located with a simple search.
How simple? Just ask Google to search for "chat.whatsapp.com" and add whatever identifier you think might be useful. This writer tried a few that popped into our mind and could easily locate a number of 'interesting' chat groups.  We didn't attempt to join any of them (they were probably expired anyway).
Be aware though, in this instance, Google has done nothing wrong. Not seeing any command to ignore the content, they merrily indexed all of this. It is WhatsApp's, and ultimately Facebook's problem.
Apparently Facebook doesn't think there's anything wrong with this, but then again, they've always struggled to grasp the importance of security and privacy of their users!
Update. It seems that something has been done to suppress the visibility of these invite codes. By instructing Google to limit search results to the past 24 hours, this writer found only news articles that discuss the problem were visible. Extending the limit to the past week DOES result in chat groups being displayed.
- JUST six per cent of criminals sentenced by the courts were sent straight to prison, the lowest since 2009, official figures show.
- Coming up through the ranks and fighting naval actions from a young age shaped Gorshkov’s own unique and innovative ideas about the role that a navy should play in the Soviet military and national strategy.
In the space of just two decades, Gorshkov revamped and expanded the early Soviet Navy into a major sea power and global force during the Cold War — a remarkable achievement not seen anywhere else in the world.
As the Soviet fleet began operating globally, with submarines and other vessels shadowing US Navy’s carrier task forces, Gorshkov’s fame and renown grew. The admiral advocated balanced, integrated sea power to achieve maritime control, as well as strategic deterrence based on nuclear submarines — two key principles that have inspired Indian naval thinking and doctrine. 
He coined the phrase "Better is the enemy of good enough" and wrote the seminal book ‘Navies in War and Peace,’ which is still regarded as one of the finest in the world on the subject of naval power as an instrument of state policy, and is taught to Indian naval cadets as such.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...