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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Windows Tiling Window Managers

- Twinsplay: neat if you're into keyboard shortcuts, costs something, 29USD
- MaxTo, you basically setup regions beforehand and then max/min
within those regions, free
- WindowSize: extremely flexible and has pre-aranged setups. If money
wasn't a problem I'd probably go with this. not free, 20 USD
- GridMove: lack of flexibility with preset templates, free
- HashTWM: think TWM for windows, looked at help file not fun to use, free
- bugn: it works but has non-intuitive interface, doesn't work well
with multiple monitors, free

Organised Crime Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at organised crime groups. A lot of people say that they pay a minor role in society but it's obviou...