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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Big Data and Social Trading Investments, Random Stuff, and More

- if you don't know many of the Big IT firms are involved in varying forms of shenanigans. They're basically using all the data they've collected to find other business segments where they can invest into to make even more money (ironically, everything they've done is sort of in the open and there doesn't need to be any investigations? It effectively removes much of the background required to launch a new business such as product research, market segmentation/research, lead generation, advertising and marketing, sales, etc...). If you do background into Jeff Bezos (and his former wife) you'll easily understand how he's become wealthy over time. Hedge fund background which means that finding access to funds is easier then the Average Joe (his access to easy finance made it easy to turn his venture into a success as well. Like many other IT firms from the US it did not have a profit for a long time since the company's inception). Trading background also enables him to understand markets better and make money no matter what the circumstances
Amazon, Jeff Bezos and collecting data _ DW Documentary
Amazon Revolution - The Jeff Bezos Story! Full Documentary!
Amazon's Retail Revolution Business Boomers   BBC Full documentary 2014
Inside Amazon Empire(Documentary)
amazon business practices
bill gates
microsoft employees
Layoffs. In July 2014, Microsoft announced plans to lay off 18,000 employees. Microsoft employed 127,104 people as of June 5, 2014, making this about a 14 percent reduction of its workforce as the biggest Microsoft lay off ever. This included 12,500 professional and factory personnel.
jeff bezos
amazon employees
Amazon now has more than 500,000 employees
Amazon soars to more than 341K employees — adding more than 110K people in a single year
warren buffet
berkshire hathaway employees
Formerly called Valley Falls Company (1839–1955)
Owner Warren Buffett (36.8%)
Number of employees 367,700 (2016)
Subsidiaries List of subsidiaries
Website berkshirehathaway.com
jack ma
Employees 50,092 (2017)[1]
Subsidiaries Alibaba.com, Guangzhou Evergrande Taobao F.C., Taobao, Tmall, UCWeb, AliExpress, Juhuasuan.com, 1688.com, Alimama.com, Ant Financial, Cainiao, Lazada, Youku Tudou, Alibaba Cloud
george soros
- given what happened with WikiLeaks my guess is that governments are involved in possible shenanigans in financial trading? That's why the US and China are at each other over the 5G deployment issue?
China condemns U.S. - Poland 5G deal
Trader Anton Kreil Bashes Mainstream Media
Anton Kreil – Mainstream Media is Useless - Don’t Consume It!
share market indices by country
- all this led me to investigating whether it's possible to do what the big IT firms do on an individual scale. Sort of but not really? You obviously need to collect data, draw insights from it, and find out a way to make make money out of it. Not easy. Closest thing I found in pre-packaged form was social trading/mirror trading. Basically, other people have done the hard work for you in financial markets. They base their trades on particular signals and then you copy their trades. Most asset classes are covered including CFDs, cryptocurrencies, stocks, warrants, options, etc... Many of them are similar to simplified versions of Metatrader 
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social trading networks
- sounds simple but it isn't. Most of the platforms involved use fake or AI based profiles according to some people and if you understand how markets work, traders function, and how AI works in relation to financial markets then you'll realise that this needs constant work to make money. This may possibly explain why so few people make money via programs such as eToro (~24%). On face value it feels like a passive investment but it isn't (based on what I'm seeing trading on your own with reference to good data may be just as effective if not more effective then social trading)? Moreover, most social trading platforms have high fees, high transaction costs, large bid/ask spreads, etc...
Etoro - Why do 76% Lose Money (February 2019 Statistic)
Etoro Review 2019: Profits after 2 Years of Copy Trading
#1 Reason copiers WON'T make Money on eToro
etoro Review 100% Honest Review From My 6 Year Account With Etoro - Is it all legit or a scam
Anton Kreil Brutally Exposes Social Trading Platform Fraud
Trader Anton Kreil Bashes Mainstream Media
etoro profit
social trading networks
- keep in mind that some of these platforms are designed for day traders. You get charged for mainintaing positions overnight. Use the simulations to understand the platform. Use Stop Loss/Take Profit options to minimise losses and bank trades. ESMA regulations limit the leverage that you can use. One really strange thing is that minimum investment size. For some platforms you can get in for less then $100 which is bizarre when you consider that some a single stock can be worth way more that? Copy trading deals with this by allowing/working for some trades but not others?
Leverage Trading for Beginners - Etoro
Etoro Copy Trading - $1 Minimum Trade Size
- there are lot of channels out there that specialise in social trading. I suspect they may double as subtle forms advertising for these platforms
Social Trading Vlog
- lots of time trying to convince people that these platforms aren't scams across the board? My guess is that some platforms may be inherently biased (like rigged casinos)? There seems to be lag/latency issues, lack of information, etc...
Mirror Trading International Review - Not A Scam Just Not Expecting Much Profit
You will Fail If You Mirror Trade
- you can get dividends via social trading platforms but you need to keep the correct dates in mind. You're in charge of figuring out that data since some platforms don't include this as part of their software
How To Get Dividends on Etoro - Social Trading

- social trading is part of the mirror trading world/ecosystem
Social trading is a form of investing that allows investors to observe the trading behavior of their peers and expert traders and to follow their investment strategies using copy trading or mirror trading. Social trading requires little or no knowledge about financial markets, and has been described as a low-cost, sophisticated alternative to traditional wealth managers by the World Economic Forum.
The mirror trading method allows traders in financial markets to select a trading strategy and to automatically "mirror" the trades executed by the selected strategies in the trader's brokerage account.[1]
Traders can select strategies that match their personal trading preferences, such as risk tolerance and past profits. Once a strategy has been selected, all the signals sent by the strategy will be automatically applied to the client's brokerage account. No intervention is required by the client as all the account activity is controlled by the platform.
Clients may trade one or more strategies concurrently. This enables the trader to diversify their risk while maintaining trading control of their account.
Mirror trading is sometimes also referred to as copy trading although copy trading differs slightly from mirror trading in the way that accounts are linked.
- if the signal sources are terrible or late/laggy then it's obvious that at best spreads will be minimal. It's obvious that the core issue at play for short term traders is informational. This means that the quality of information is the determinent of how successful a trader they may be
Anton Kreil Brutally Exposes Social Trading Platform Fraud
Trader Anton Kreil Bashes Mainstream Media
Anton Kreil – Mainstream Media is Useless - Don’t Consume It!
- one funny/bizarre/depressing factoid I came across was that some platforms (similar to betting platforms) will potentially ban you for making too much money?
Not to mention with those brokers regulated in Cyprus , you can make money and not see a cent from it. I registered with Interactive brokers rather than any broker in my country , because it's common practice to "ban" your account the moment you make any real money. There are a ton of horror stories about it and governments are pretending it's not a thing (more like getting bribes but whatever). One of those scam platforms is plus 500. You can do a swing trade and they will send you an email that you have been scalping and that they are closing your account and taking your assets. Do your research people we are living in times where scumbags can get away with a lot . Also all those scummy platforms are the first to pop up in google when you are first starting to get interested in the stock market, keep that in mind.
- if you don't know much about financial trading please look at my previous posts on this
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finance trading certificate free
- social trading obviously has similarities with passive income but obviously much higher risks. If you check numbers though you'll realise that there are far easier and much safer ways to make money then via social trading
passive income

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- latest in science and technology
links -dump 'https://www.badvoltage.org/shows/' | grep 'https://audio.lugradio.org/' | grep 'mp3' | sed 's/^.*https:/https:/g' | uniq
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- latest in finance and politics
Critics urge lawmakers to ban crypto mining
- latest in defense and intelligence
US military returns to South America's Guyana
- latest in animal news
- latest in music and entertainment
Clearing The Hips In The Golf Swing: Pros Vs Ams
Athletic Motion Golf

Random Quotes:
- Thousands of Americans have taken to the streets in Washington DC to protest harsh living conditions as part of Poor People’s Campaign rally.

Prominent activists and human rights leaders also participated in the march on Saturday which was part of a weeks-long campaign to raise awareness about the plight of Americans living in poverty.

The protesters also called for moral revival on key issues affecting the lives of ordinary Americans, including voter suppression and mass incarceration, as well as healthcare. 

"So too few have so much and poor people have rich votes, poor people can vote. There are enough of poor people to turn the course of our country, that's what we have to do," said Rev. Jesse Jackson, activist and former presidential candidate.

"People to have rich votes, to have rich hopes, rich aspirations and the rich agenda which is feed the hungry, clothe the naked and set the capital free." 

“Don’t get it twisted,” Rev. William Barber told a crowd. “We are not left, we are not right, we are not conservative or liberal.”
- "You've got to, in some way, modernize here. I think the fear of the Air Force, before the F-35 got going, is that it would [meet] the same fate as the F-22. [But] we are now at a point with the F-35 where the price is coming down. We are doing everything that we can to drive down the cost of sustainment, to make this a long-term commitment. I hope we're at a point now where the commitment is high enough to recapitalize the Air Force with F-35s" over time, while attending to the F-15C dilemma, she said.
- "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."~William Shakespeare
- "The list of cuss words against God is endless. God is still God and those who have cursed Him are now dust," Villegas, former president of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines, said on June 10.

"When you spit upwards, your spit will return to your face. The more you spit at God, the more spit you bring to your face. It is the law of gravity. It is also the law of divine justice," he added.

"For those who dare to teach you error, pray for them and forgive them. They might be insane or possessed. They need God. They need your prayers and love and compassion," Villegas offered.

Duterte's provocative comments about God come in the wake of the recent killing of three Catholic clergymen in the Philippines.

The Philippines is considered to be the only dominantly-Christian nation in Asia, with over 86 percent of the population — some 76 million people — avowing Roman Catholicism.
- The U.S. Treasury added Singapore, Malaysia and Vietnam to a watchlist for currency manipulation, putting their foreign-exchange policies under scrutiny.

Singapore made the list because of its large current account surplus and net foreign currency purchases of at least $17 billion in 2018, equivalent to 4.6% of GDP, according to the Treasury. Malaysia and Vietnam were cited for their bilateral trade and current account surpluses.

Countries with a current-account surplus with the U.S. equivalent to 2% of gross-domestic product are now eligible for the list, down from 3%. Other thresholds include persistent intervention in markets for a nation’s currency, and a trade surplus of at least $20 billion. Countries that meet two of the three criteria are placed on the watch list.

Being labeled a currency manipulator doesn’t come with immediate penalties but can rattle financial markets.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...