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Monday, June 20, 2011

Short Yet Useful IT Books

There are a number of different categories to allow you to show up on this list. The book needs to be about the same of your palm, it needs to be small and light enough to fit in your bag, and of course it needs to be useful. This list will be updated over time.

Building a Server With FreeBSD, http://nostarch.com/freebsdserver.htm
C# 4.0 How-To - Real Solutions for C# 4.0 Programmers, http://www.amazon.com/C-4-0-How-Ben-Watson/dp/0672330636
Java Puzzlers, http://www.javapuzzlers.com/

- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...