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Sunday, May 31, 2020

Education or Indoctrination?, Random Stuff, and More

- one thing that feels strange with the Western (the origin seems to be Prussian/German) education system is that (for many people) it doesn't feel like you're learning all that much sometimes (you're mostly trying to memorise facts and figures rather then think. Obviously, this style of thinking means there's little difference between computers/machines and humans)? I'd like to examine how this fits into how society works in this post
On Contact - The Failing Education System with Nikhil Goyal
... [t]he movie was shot in 1968, and the school was then clearly attempting to hold off what it perceived as cultural anarchy outside its walls. Many of the teachers and administrators are exercising a bland and frightened dictatorship; their speech is deadened as if any sign of life might inspire the students to break out of control. Meanwhile, dull and demoralized by the teachers' inability to bring any subject to life, many of the best students are gathered in a class of malcontents where they sit in resentful torpor - they are also victims of the hypocrisy and authoritarianism promoted in the school ...
Critics argue that the focus on standardized testing (all students in a state take the same test under the same conditions) encourages teachers to teach a narrow subset of skills that the school believes increases test performance, rather than achieve in-depth understanding of the overall curriculum.[21] For example, a teacher who knows that all questions on a math test are simple addition problems (e.g., What is 2 + 3?) might not invest any class time on the practical applications of addition, to leave more time for the material the test assesses. This is colloquially referred to as "teaching to the test." "Teaching to the test" has been observed to raise test scores, though not as much as other teaching techniques.[22]
In 1918, the Kingdom of Prussia became a republic. Socialist Konrad Haenisch, the first education minister (Kultusminister), denounced what he called the "demons of morbid subservience, mistrust, and lies" in secondary schools.[35] However, Haenisch's and other radical left approaches were rather short-lived. They failed to introduce an Einheitsschule, a one-size-fits-all unified secular comprehensive school, throughout Germany.[36]
prussian education style
The system of education that we use in the United States (and many other nations) is called the Prussian Model. Born of Prussia’s military failings in the Napoleonic Wars, the German kingdom developed an “education” system designed to indoctrinate children, year-by-year, from age 6 to 16, into full compliance with the state and its military leaders. The point was, bluntly, to ensure that “no German soldier would ever disobey an order again.”
The system worked. To the world’s horror, German soldiers and citizens — despite growing up in what seemed like a liberal democracy — a socialist liberal democracy at that — committed any atrocity asked of them during World War II.
The Prussian Model largely explains why American and British schools are so often staffed by compliant rule followers and petty tyrants.
Prussian school model or Prussian education system is a model of schooling that dates back to Martin Luther and Frederick the Great of Prussia (see: Education: Free and Compulsory). The system became very popular worldwide and survives to this day in various forms. In this book, the term is used in pejorative.
The central design flaw of the Prussian system is the coherence-interference problem, which stems from the fact that the same piece of knowledge can have a different effect on different students. One child may add to the body of coherent knowledge. Another child will suffer from knowledge interference. For this reason, Prussian model is a notorious violator of the Fundamental law of learning, which says that learning needs to be self-directed and pleasurable. See: Inherent problems of classroom schooling.
Today, the education system requires reform, and when the reform is not forthcoming, the Prussian model is associated with discipline, obedience, subservience, conformity, grading, rigid curriculum, mindless memorization, suppression of creativity, suppression of intelligence, and other negative aspects of modern schooling. For those reasons, the term is often used interchangeably with the factory model of schooling.
The opposite of the Prussian system are democratic schools, unschooling, free learning, Finnish model, Montessori schools, and more.
The factory model of education is employed in most schools in many countries. Schooling is massive. There is a massive input of raw materials: kids. Massive output of low-quality products: slightly educated graduates. On the assembly line the kids get a uniform treatment along the prescriptions of the curriculum. There are assembly line workers: teachers, who work on assembling the product: knowledge in young heads. Child brains are seen as tape recorders that register the appropriate content.
"The Invented History of 'The Factory Model of Education'" by Audrey Watters is a great read full of interesting titbits from the history of education. The problem with the text is that it denounces innovators such as Sal Khan (see: Experts do not understand Khan Academy). He is seen as a person who tries to "automate" education. In reality, Khan actually frees student minds to elect courses and proceed at their own pace. This is what schools should aim at: freedom to learn. This is the direction in which schools are evolving slowly and reluctantly.
corbett report indoctrination education
- I've been looking down avenues of thinking and realised that there is a strange/strong correlation/link between indoctrination/acquiscence and your preceived level of education (namely, the smarter you supposedly are the more strongly indoctrinated you're likely to be?)? It's almost as though there is an elite, people have to compete to work for these elite, and then the rest have to fend for themselves? People are just minions to the elite globally? Always at the back of your mind it makes you wonder whether this was intended to block particular types of people from making it by themselves and challenging those at the top by blocking sideways and upwards movement by providing unequal opportunities through life (elite stay at the top and everybody else just tries to get by?)? The education system can altered such that people can learn more, provide more to society, without having to memorise as much via rote? Most education systems indoctrinate rather then educate their students? If you watch enough video footage of our political masters online you'll notice many logical and factual flaws. They can sometimes even contradict themselves within the same video/conversation. Some people have caught on to this and have basically made a living from it?
university indoctrination intelligence
How California's Colleges Indoctrinate Students
schools indoctrinate
In the political context, indoctrination is often analyzed as a tool of class warfare, where institutions of the state are identified as "conspiring" to maintain the status quo. Specifically the public educational system, the police, and mental health establishment are a commonly cited modus operandi of public pacification. In the extreme, an entire state can be implicated. George Orwell's book Nineteen Eighty-Four famously singled out explicit, state-mandated propaganda initiatives of totalitarian regimes. Opinions differ on whether other forms of government are less doctrinaire, or merely achieve the same ends through less obvious methods.
America Is The No. 1 Country In The USA  - Judah Friedlander (TMBS 137)
compliance iq correlation
This paper looks at the relationship of intellectual skills to three psychological constructs used in forensic assessment, suggestibility, acquiescence and compliance. It was argued that acquiescence was most related to intellectual functioning and compliance the least. Factor analysis of the WAIS-R subsets and suggestibility, acquiescence and compliance, showed that whereas acquiescence loaded highly on an intelligence factor, suggestibility and compliance loaded on a separate factor, having only modest relationship with intelligence. The theoretical and forensic implications of the findings are discussed.
The relationship of intellectual skills to suggestibility, compliance and acquiescence
In law, acquiescence occurs when a person knowingly stands by without raising any objection to the infringement of his or her rights, while someone else unknowingly and without malice aforethought acts in a manner inconsistent with their rights.
iq correlation compliance
critical thinking correlation iq
Previous research has suggested that people with a high IQ are not always critical thinkers — they are no more likely than others to avoid common biases such as a preference for evidence that already supports their worldview.
The researchers found that both higher IQ and more critical thinking were correlated with fewer negative life experiences, but critical thinking ability was a stronger predictor. They also discovered that combining the two was even more highly correlated to avoiding bad outcomes.
correlation memory iq
Memory Quantity, Not Quality, Linked with IQ. ... According to a University of Oregon study, more items stored in short-term memory is linked to greater fluid intelligence, as measured in IQ tests. The resolution of those memories, while important in many situations, shows no relationship with fluid intelligence.
There are three basic kinds of memory - long-term, short-term memory and working memory.
Evidence suggests that the correlation between long-term memory and IQ is one-way in terms of causal relationship: People with high IQs generally tend to have good long-term memory (i.e. they can demonstrate impressive general knowledge and powers of recall), but not all people with good long-term memories have high IQs. A dramatic example of the latter would be autistic savants, some of whom can perform almost superhuman feats of memorization and recall, but who do not score very highly on conventional IQ tests, and many may even have subnormal IQs.
However, there is also strong evidence of a two-way causal relationship between working memory and IQ. Working memory correlates closely with something psychologists call 'fluid intelligence', which is a strong determinant of general intelligence as measured by IQ tests. People with good working memory tend to score well on IQ tests, and vice versa. For this reason, brain-training games that attempt to develop working memory are thought to be beneficial for developing fluid intelligence, and thereby increasing IQ. One of the most well-known games for training working memory and fluid intelligence is the Dual N-Back game, which is freely available at numerous sites online.
Chinese classic texts or canonical texts (simplified Chinese: 中国古典典籍; traditional Chinese: 中國古典典籍; pinyin: Zhōngguó gǔdiǎn diǎnjí) refers to the Chinese texts which originated before the imperial unification by the Qin dynasty in 221 BC, particularly the "Four Books and Five Classics" of the Neo-Confucian tradition, themselves a customary abridgment of the "Thirteen Classics". All of these pre-Qin texts were written in classical Chinese. All three canons are collectively known as the classics (t 經, s 经, jīng, lit. "warp").[1]
Chinese classic texts may more broadly refer to texts written either in vernacular Chinese or in the classical Chinese that was current until the fall of the last imperial dynasty, the Qing, in 1912. These can include shi (史, historical works), zi (子, philosophical works belonging to schools of thought other than the Confucian but also including works on agriculture, medicine, mathematics, astronomy, divination, art criticism, and other miscellaneous writings) and ji (集, literary works) as well as jing (Chinese medicine).
In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Four Books and Five Classics were the subject of mandatory study by those Confucian scholars who wished to take the imperial exams to become government officials. Any political discussion was full of references to this background, and one could not be one of the literati (or, in some periods, even a military officer) without having memorized them. Generally, children first memorized the Chinese characters of the "Three Character Classic" and the "Hundred Family Surnames" and then went on to memorize the other classics. The literate elite therefore shared a common culture and set of values.
Scholarship on these texts naturally divides itself into two periods, before and after the burning of the books during the fall of the Qin dynasty, when many of the original pre-Qin texts were lost.[1]
Indoctrination of the masses
Psychology & Indoctrination for the Destruction of Critical Thinking in Public Schools
Public Schools Are Indoctrination Camps For Our Kids!
Why Did We Create Public Schools - A Short History of Education
Why Public Schools and the Mainstream Media Dumb Us Down
NZ school kids to get climate-change indoctrination
PETITION - Education Not Indoctrination
Indoctrination and Brainwashing
Despicable Me 3 - Minions Funny Moments
Despicable Me 3 2017 - Minion Idol Stage Song Scene
Minions (2015) - Bob, Stuart, Kevin Best Moments
Minions Banana Song Full Song)
Despicable Me 3 2017 - Minion Idol Stage Song Scene
Leading and leaving the London gang world _ Karl Lokko _ TEDxLondonBusinessSchool
John Perkins - The Secret History of the American Empire
5 Most Powerful Secret Societies that Control the World
Conspirators Hierarchy - Committee of 300 - Dr. John Coleman
History of the Black Nobility and the Committee Of 300
The COMMITTEE of 300
Wasted! Larry Kudlow Tries To Calm The Markets
larry kudlow drunk
'Die Anstalt' - Terrorism in the Middle East IRAQ _ IRAN _ ISIS 23.9.2014 (English subtitles)
Tony Abbott, President of the USA of Australia: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Kids Judge Tony Abbott (with Sam Mac)
Tony Dumb Dumb
tony abbot eating onion
George W. Bush - The Best Bushisms - www.NBCUniversalArchives.com
8 Years Of 'Bushisms'
Best of the Bushisms
President Bush -- Fool me Once
Bush dodges flying shoes
Man Throws Shoes At Bush
Iraqi journalist who threw shoe at Bush runs for parliament
george w bush intellectual breadth
alcoholic politicians
King Henry VIII, Ulysses S. Grant, Lyndon B. Johnson, George Washington, Richard Nixon, Selim II, Tiberius Caesar
6. Benjamin Franklin (USA, 1706-1790)
5. Jean-Claude Juncker (Lux, 1954)
4. Winston Churchill (GB, 1874-1965)
3. Václav Havel (Cz, 1936-2011)
2. Ulysses S. Grant (USA, 1822-1885)
1. Boris Yeltsin (Rus, 1931-2007)
election rigging boris yeltsin
Al-Zaidi announced in early 2018 his intent to run for the Iraqi council of representatives on Muqtada al-Sadr's Alliance towards Reforms ticket.[45] In an interview with Reuters he stated that "The main real purpose and reason behind my nomination is to get rid of the corrupt, and to expel them from our country".[46] Zaidi has been critical of US and Iranian involvement in Iraq during his campaigning expressing a view that "America and Iran are the reasons for the tension in Iraq". During his campaign al-Zaidi sought to criticise US involvement in terms of Iraq's security forces, arguing that; "We have American troops under the name of 'consultants' - we don’t accept their presence in Iraq".[47]
Joker ( Heath Ledger ) Mob Scene
The Joker Meets The Mob scene
The Hippocratic Oath is an oath historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing Gods, to uphold specific ethical standards.
We Are Living Through Neoliberalism's Chernobyl (TMBS 131)
funniest diplomatic moments
Then someone discovered that a 2014 photo of Xi with Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe looked like the bear alongside longtime friend Eeyore, and, well, the Pooh really hit the fan. By last year, anything related to digital dissemination (or search) of the character had been banned by the Chinese government. (The 2018 feature film Christopher Robin was also banned in the country, prompting Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to tweet, “Make no mistake: All bears are created equal in Taiwan.”)
Top 10 Embarrassing Diplomatic Moments
- the reason why this is important is due to the nature of capitalism and how people make it into the elite. It's obviously not easy and probably not fair. The major players in world affairs are royal families, organised crime, national governments, major world bodies such as the IMF/World Bank/UN, Multi-National Corporations/Trans-National Corporations (MNC/TNCs), oligarchs and their friends, wealthy families, warlords, dictators, organised religious groups, etc... It's obvious that a lot of conspiracy theorists have strange ideas but the more interesting ones are about conspiracies spanning hundreds of thousands of years and there being de-facto monarchy/blood rule throughout the world. Royal families due this via bloodline lineage. Western liberal, capitalist, democracies creates this situation via biases in their systems such as the public service/shadow government as well as the nature of capitalism as well? If you filter for wealth, acquiescene, and indoctrination the most likely winners are families that pass money from one generation to another? Really interesting the way the world fits together? We have de-facto monarchies in many countries because they change the rules to suit in China and Russia, United States (politicians act almost like de-facto Regents on behalf of corporate interests? If you do some checking there are so many bloodline based political families in the US that they have to have a separate page for each letter on Wikipedia), Arab Monarchies, European Monarchies, Asian Monarchies, African warlords, Middle/South American Drug Cartels, political dynasties? It's not just the head of state but also the the structure of things overall? Of course, if all else fails election rigging is obviously semi-regular and the total number of threats and political assassinations are uncomfortably high (no matter what side you're on. There have been so many assasinations in Asia and Europe that they require their own page)?
Giants - Who Really Rules The World
Capitalism Is A Blessing
On Contact - Corporate Crime with Russell Mokhiber
Tariq Ali - Global revolt against corporate capitalism and inequality (On Contact)
Capitalism & US to blame for COVID-19 spike – Galloway
On Contact - Casino Capitalism with Natasha Dow Schüll
ON CONTACT - Inside the capitalist labyrinth with Rob Urie
On Contact - Silicon Valley and The New Capitalism
Tariq Ali - Global revolt against corporate capitalism and inequality (On Contact)
The Future of Global Capitalism with David Harvey
11_4 What is Neoliberalism Primer
Alexander Cockburn On Thomas Friedman, Neoliberalism & NAFTA (TMBS 109)
Bad - Buttigieg Admits Neoliberalism Is A Problem, But He Doesn't Have Any Solutions (TMBS 107)
Debunk - Ben Burgis Debates Neoliberalism (TMBS 113)
Debunk - Vox Can't Define Neoliberalism or Be Honest About Obama Admin's Failures ft. Ben Burgis
How Pseudo Woke Neoliberalism Undermines Movements ft. Brandon Sutton (TMBS 91)
We Are Living Through Neoliberalism's Chernobyl (TMBS 131)
Keiser Report _ Quantitative Hardening _ E1524
What Was The Soviet Union ft. Richard Wolff (TMBS 114)
Pepe Escobar's Multi-Polar World Aventure
political assassination
Want to get into politics? It helps if you come from the right family.
Our study, published in the journal Historical Social Research in December 2018, shows that, on average, one in 10 world leaders comes from households with political ties.
We examined the backgrounds of 1,029 political executives – that is, presidents and prime ministers – in sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Europe, North America and Latin America from 2000 to 2017. We found that 119, or 12 percent, of all world leaders belonged to a political family.
Our study defined “political family” as having either a blood or marital tie to someone already involved in politics, whether as a judge, party official, bureaucrat, lawmaker, president or activist.
Notable examples include former U.S. President George W. Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the former Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.
What is difference between Sunni and Shiite?
The group now known as Sunnis chose Abu Bakr, the prophet's adviser, to become the first successor, or caliph, to lead the Muslim state. Shiites favored Ali, Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law. Ali and his successors are called imams, who not only lead the Shiites but are considered to be descendants of Muhammad.
James Ward has said, "In some ways, you could say [Icke's] been vindicated. For years he has claimed that people operating at the highest levels of the establishment were members of secret paedophile networks, claims that now routinely appear on the front pages of our newspapers. Many of the people at the centre of these stories were even specifically named by Icke in print years ago", but that "even on this issue Icke’s credibility is compromised by his habit of naming more or less everyone and claiming they are all part of the same network. Inevitably, he’s going to be right once in a while—after all, if you throw enough shit at a stopped clock, some of it will stick. And throw shit he does." Ward added that Icke's underlying message is positive, which "might hint at why it appeals to some": as Icke said at Wembley in 2012, "If we want a world of love and peace, we have to be loving and peaceful with everyone, even people we don't like."[17]
At the apex of the Babylonian Brotherhood stand the Global Elite, and at the top of the Global Elite are what Icke calls the 'Prison Wardens'. Icke claims the Brotherhood's goal, or their "Great Work of Ages", is a microchipped population, a world government, and a global Orwellian fascist state or New World Order, which he claims will be a post-truth era where freedom of speech is ended.[11][17][21][22][89][93]
Icke believes that the "Brotherhood" use human anxiety as energy, and that the Archons keep humanity trapped in a "five sense reality" so they can feed off the negative energy created by fear and hate.[17][19] In 1999 he wrote, "Thus we have the encouragement of wars, human genocide, the mass slaughter of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject."[134] Icke proposes that human sacrifice 'to the gods' in the ancient world was for the reptilians' benefit, especially sacrifice of children, because "at the moment of death by sacrifice a form of adrenalin surges through the body, accumulating at the base of the brain, and is apparently more potent in children", claiming "this is what the reptilians and their crossbreeds want". He suggests that these sacrifices continue to this day.[134] He also claims the reptilians and their hybrid bloodlines engage in pedophilia and cannibalism.[145]
It is claimed that the Brotherhood either created or controls the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Round Table, Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House, Club of Rome, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group, as well as the media, military, CIA, MI6, Mossad, science, religion, and the Internet, with witting or unwitting support from the London School of Economics.[70][89][146][147] In an interview in February 2019, Icke was asked about his beliefs and replied, "They’re very clever in their systems of manipulation, which is overwhelmingly psychological manipulation, because if you can manipulate perceptions to believe that Osama bin Laden was behind 9/11, then you’ll get support to invade Afghanistan".[148]
global monarchies
political dynasties
This study will examine the effect of political dynasties on local economic development. A political dynasty is defined as a network of family politicians who come to power in an election based regime. Dynasties are a prevalent form of transmission of political power in many new as well as established democracies. The results of this project are relevant to understanding politicians’ incentives to act in the interest of voters in democracies where de facto political power is concentrated in dynastic networks.
Spending was lower in all constituencies that experienced flooding. This is most likely due to the crowd out of politician effort by expenditure by other actors, such as donors or the federal government. However, the effect was greater in areas with dynastic politicians. I found that development expenditures in constituencies that were affected by floods and had a dynastic member of national assembly were lower by 10.9% than in constituencies unaffected by floods and without a dynastic member of national assembly. This differed depending on the dynastic politician’s power base. Landholding politicians were more likely to engage in development expenditure than those with biradari (clan) connections. This points to heterogeneity in the effects of dynastic politics on development.
Overall, the results of this study emphasise the importance of dynastic political power as a determinant of politicians’ incentives to act in the interest of citizens. In fragile democracies where political power can be concentrated in a small elite class and is handed down through family linkages, political participation needs to be broadened.
The Matrix (1999) - The Pill scene
“Look past the flesh. Look through the soft gelatin of these dull cow eyes and see your enemy!”
Bane/Smith Vs. Neo
Over the years, his criminal empire flourishes, as does his legend; remarking on Söze's mythical nature, Kint says, "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist", a line borrowed from Charles Baudelaire.
asian conglomerate
The Bamboo Network: Asia's Family-run Conglomerates
- people who aren't born into wealth aren't so lucky to have good external counsel or family who understand the system so they often have to learn about the system to become successful (as long as the family have inadvertently not screwed up their life already). This can turn out people who often end up at very different ends of the scale in terms of personality and if you have to move through the system you'll realise that you can identify classes by pure diction, vocabulary, their perspective of life, the way they hold their cutlery, their clothes and even the way they wear their clothes, their haircut and how regularly they get a haircut, sometimes even their skin, etc... One thing that's obvious is that the character that a person has a child often translates into their character as an adult? The "born to rule" class are often ambitious and obviously aware how to rule in a very particular style that involves overt/covert/hybrid warfare, mass manipulation, etc... There are other significant problems though. Freudian analysis says that if you raise a child improperly the flaws that were present in their childhood come to the fore in adulthood. In the case of those who come to power this can lead to very bad outcomes. In their childhood if they were only taught to fight without caring about morality it can lead to sociopathic and psychopathic tendencies in adulthood, if they were taught never to share they may find implementation or understanding of the concept of fairness difficult, if they don't figure out how to learn how to deal with others this trend may continue, if they don't figure out how to adapt then they'll try to force things to go their own way, etc... The "born to rule" child that had difficulty dealing with being wrong in childhood may be the one who is a hardliner when they grow up. It's not a good trend. More research needs to go into learning about finding out about people who are more suitable across the board on an individual as well as collective level?
On Contact - The End of Public Education with Noliwe Rooks
president powerful forces conspiracy
chris hedges cia
Why does Chris Hedges hedge his bets?
At the end of his secondary schooling at Lycée Quốc học, the French lycée in Huế, Diem's outstanding examination results elicited the offer of a scholarship to study in Paris. He declined and, in 1918, enrolled at the prestigious School of Public Administration and Law in Hanoi, a French school that prepared young Vietnamese to serve in the colonial administration.[13] It was there that he had the only romantic relationship of his life, when he fell in love with one of his teacher's daughters. After she chose to persist with her vocation, entering a convent, he remained celibate for the rest of his life.[19] Diệm's family background and education, especially Catholicism and Confucianism, had influences on his life and career, on his thinking on politics, society, and history. According to Miller, Diệm "displayed Christian piety in everything from his devotional practices to his habit of inserting references to the Bible into his speeches"; he also enjoyed showing off his knowledge of classical Chinese texts.[20]
Charles McArthur Ghankay Taylor (born 28 January 1948) is a Liberian former politician and convicted war criminal who served as the 22nd President of Liberia from 2 August 1997 until his resignation on 11 August 2003.[1][2]
Born in Arthington, Montserrado County, Liberia, Taylor earned a degree at Bentley College in the United States before returning to Liberia to work in the government of Samuel Doe. After being removed for embezzlement, he eventually arrived in Libya, where he was trained as a guerrilla fighter. He returned to Liberia in 1989 as the head of a Libyan-backed rebel group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia, to overthrow the Doe government, initiating the First Liberian Civil War (1989–96). Following Doe's execution, Taylor gained control of a large portion of the country and became one of the most prominent warlords in Africa.[3] Following a peace deal that ended the war, Taylor was elected president in the 1997 general election.[4]
During his term of office, Taylor was accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity as a result of his involvement in the Sierra Leone Civil War (1991–2002). Domestically, opposition to his government grew, culminating in the outbreak of the Second Liberian Civil War (1999–2003). By 2003, Taylor had lost control of much of the countryside and was formally indicted by the Special Court for Sierra Leone. That year, he resigned, as a result of growing international pressure, and went into exile in Nigeria. In 2006, the newly elected President, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, formally requested his extradition. He was detained by UN authorities in Sierra Leone and then at the Penitentiary Institution Haaglanden in The Hague, awaiting trial by the Special Court.[5] He was found guilty in April 2012 of all eleven charges levied by the Special Court, including terror, murder and rape.[6] In May 2012, Taylor was sentenced to 50 years in prison. Reading the sentencing statement, Presiding Judge Richard Lussick said: "The accused has been found responsible for aiding and abetting as well as planning some of the most heinous and brutal crimes in recorded human history."[7]
Assassinated anti-colonialist leaders
Gandhi in 1947, with Lord Louis Mountbatten, Britain's last Viceroy of India, and his wife Vicereine Edwina Mountbatten.
A non-exhaustive list of assassinated leaders would include:
Tiradentes was a leading member of the Brazilian seditious movement known as the Inconfidência Mineira, against the Portuguese Empire. He fought for an independent Brazilian republic.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, nonviolent leader of the Indian independence movement was assassinated in 1948 by Nathuram Godse.
Ruben Um Nyobé, leader of the Union of the Peoples of Cameroon (UPC), killed by the French SDECE on September 13, 1958. No clear cause has ever been ascertained for the mysterious crash. Assassination has been alleged.
Barthélemy Boganda, leader of a nationalist Central African Republic movement, who died in a plane-crash on March 29, 1959, eight days before the last elections of the colonial era.
Félix-Roland Moumié, successor to Ruben Um Nyobe at the head of the Cameroon's People Union, assassinated in Geneva in 1960 by the SDECE (French secret services).[55]
Patrice Lumumba, the first Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was assassinated on January 17, 1961.
Burundi nationalist Louis Rwagasore was assassinated on October 13, 1961, while Pierre Ngendandumwe, Burundi's first Hutu prime minister, was also murdered on January 15, 1965.
Sylvanus Olympio, the first president of Togo, was assassinated on January 13, 1963.
Mehdi Ben Barka, the leader of the Moroccan National Union of Popular Forces (UNPF) and of the Tricontinental Conference, which was supposed to prepare in 1966 in Havana its first meeting gathering national liberation movements from all continents – related to the Non-Aligned Movement, but the Tricontinal Conference gathered liberation movements while the Non-Aligned were for the most part states – was "disappeared" in Paris in 1965, allegedly by Moroccan agents and French police officers.
Nigerian leader Ahmadu Bello was assassinated in January 1966 during a coup which toppled Nigeria's post-independence government.
Eduardo Mondlane, the leader of FRELIMO and the father of Mozambican independence, was assassinated in 1969. Both the Portuguese intelligence or the Portuguese secret police PIDE/DGS and elements of FRELIMO, have been accused of killing Mondlane.
Mohamed Bassiri, Sahrawi leader of the Movement for the Liberation of Saguia el Hamra and Wadi el Dhahab was "disappeared" in El Aaiún in 1970, allegedly by the Spanish Legion.
Amílcar Cabral was killed on January 20, 1973 by PAIGC rival Inocêncio Kani, with the help of Portuguese agents operating within the PAIGC.
- at the other end of the scale are the lower socio-economic classes. These guys often embrace "gangster and deadbeat culture" and separate themselves out based on culture/race at a young age. They don't really care about school or their future, will regularly carry a knife or gun (depending on what country that they may be located in) which forces a childish "arms race" between school mates, have organised gang fights for fun, will engage in petty crime, vandalism, and drug trafficking from a young age (in "special cases" they even leave school and home to become full time drug traffickers or manufacturers of drugs. As an aside, if you take drugs please be careful. Depending on the supplier or manufacturer they may cut all sorts of weird stuff into their drugs. They use it to bulk it things up to increase profitability. Some substances dilute it while others may have an additive/compounding effect which may have unpredictable consequences), etc... The flaws that they have as children they have a hard time ditching in adulthood as well. The irony is that life in organised crime and the legitimate world aren't that much different and often just as tough (or even more so)?
Gangs, Drill & Prayer - Full documentary
Inside London's Gang Violence
Inside the Asian Crip Gangs of Long Beach
Leading and leaving the London gang world _ Karl Lokko _ TEDxLondonBusinessSchool
Meet Gang Members From Chicago's West Side (HBO)
Shades of Bad The changing face of NZ gang culture
Special Report - LA's Gang Wars
What Makes Someone Join a Gang
Mickey Blue Eyes Funny Scene- Hugh Grant- HD Quality
Mickey Blue Eyes - Fuggedaboutit scene (HD)
8 Mile - Ending Battles
8 Mile | Eminem's Final Rap Battles
8 Mile - Final Battle - Eminem VS Papa Doc (HD Video & Audio)
Mourinho on Setanta - Gangsta Sven
- what bugs me about the elite is that they almost want to deny the chance of those lower down the chain to think critically? If you examine those who are lower the chain you'll find a lot of strange ideas. For instance, intelligence is correlated with education/knowledge acquisition which is correlated with wealth. Be de facto, when you admire someone by calling them intelligent your admiring them for being wealthy? Celebrity culture and massive use of PSYOPS means that instead of the 99% admonishing the 1% elite they admire them even though sometimes they probably don't warrant it?
Pretty Much the Weakest Argument Against Conspiracy Theories Ever
Conspiracy Theories and the Problem of Disappearing Knowledge _ Quassim Cassam _ TEDxWarwick
Why some conspiracy theories just won’t die _ Elise Wang _ TEDxDuke
funny true conspiracy theories
critical thinking correlation iq
Previous research has suggested that people with a high IQ are not always critical thinkers — they are no more likely than others to avoid common biases such as a preference for evidence that already supports their worldview.
The researchers found that both higher IQ and more critical thinking were correlated with fewer negative life experiences, but critical thinking ability was a stronger predictor. They also discovered that combining the two was even more highly correlated to avoiding bad outcomes.
- out of interest sake I decided to do a vocal test of political leaders from various countries. Listen to the shortest clip as possible and see whether you can identify their socio-economic background? The more diverse your background the better you'll be able to complete this exercise. I think it's similar with regards to "look" as well? In fact, you could probably create a game called "Rich/Poor or Not" using just pictures of people?
The Social Network - Facemash Scene
UN 2016 General Assembly Speeches
Top United Nations YouTube Videos of 2019
Reacting to Jodie Foster Speaking French - StreetFrench.org
Wyatt is an Indigenous Australian, also of part English, Irish and Indian descent. He was born at Roelands Mission farm, near Bunbury south of Perth in Western Australia, a former home for young Indigenous children removed from their families. His mother, Mona Abdullah, was one of the Stolen Generations of Aboriginal children removed from their parents and relocated to Roelands, where she met her husband Don. Wyatt's father's heritage is Yamatji and Irish ancestry. His mother's family heritage is Wongi and Noongar ancestry,[1] while her surname, Abdullah, is from an ancestor who migrated from India to be a cameleer, helping lay the trans-Australia telegraph line.[2]
- the practice of sending potential leaders overseas seems to be a holdover from the colonial era? It's about aiding understanding, potential future relationships and trade, potential indoctrination, etc? It may explain why some political leaders from countries that are within the Sphere of Influence of some of the Great Powers seem mesmerised and can't think straight around the leaders of some of the world's major political powers?
south vietnamese life under french colonialism
The French justified their rule of Indochina by the idea that they were bringing into light and liberty the races and peoples still enslaved by ignorance and despotism'. In reality Vietnam was treated as a huge plantation fuelling French industrialization.
Many thousands of Vietnamese died labouring in appalling conditions on rubber plantations; rice was exported despite the starving local people. There were periodic revolts - but the resistance was notorganized enough to succeed against a ruthless French security system. Vietnamese nationalism awaited a rallying force.
French colonialism in Vietnam lasted more than six decades. By the late 1880s, French-controlled Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia were collectively referred to as Indochine Français (French Indochina). Indochina became one of France’s most lucrative colonial possessions. It was part of a French empire that spanned northern and western Africa, as well as islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific.
To justify their imperialism, the French developed their own principle called the mission civilisatrice (or ‘civilising mission’). It was, in effect, a French form of the English ‘white man’s burden’.
French imperialists claimed it was their responsibility to colonise undeveloped regions in Africa and Asia, to introduce modern political ideas, social reforms, industrial methods and new technologies. Without European intervention, these places would remain backward, uncivilised and impoverished.
Profit and resources
By and large, the mission civilisatrice was a thin facade. The real motive for French colonialism was profit and economic exploitation.
French imperialism was driven by a demand for resources, raw materials and cheap labour. The development of colonised nations was scarcely considered, except where it happened to benefit French interests.
In general, French colonialism was more haphazard, expedient and brutal than British colonialism. Paris never designed or promoted a coherent colonial policy in Indochina. So long as it remained in French hands and open to French economic interests, the French government was satisfied.
‘Divide and rule’
To minimise local resistance, the French employed a ‘divide and rule’ strategy, undermining Vietnamese unity by playing local mandarins, communities and religious groups against each other.
The nation was carved into three separate pays (provinces): Tonkin in the north, Annam along the central coast and Cochinchina in the south. Each of these pays was administered separately.
Under French colonial rule, there was no national identity or authority in Vietnam or its neighbours. According to one French colonial edict, it was even illegal to use the name ‘Vietnam’.
Economic transformation
Profit, not politics, was the driving force behind French colonisation. Over time, colonial officials and French companies transformed Vietnam’s thriving subsistence economy into a proto-capitalist system, based on land ownership, increased production, exports and low wages.
Millions of Vietnamese no longer worked to provide for themselves; they now worked for the benefit of French colons (settlers). The French seized vast swathes of land and reorganised them into large plantations. Small landholders were given the option of remaining as labourers on these plantations or relocating elsewhere.
Where there were labour shortfalls, Viet farmers were recruited en masse from outlying villages. Sometimes they came voluntarily, lured by false promises of high wages; sometimes they were conscripted at the point of a gun.
Colonial taxes and opium
The French also burdened the Vietnamese with an extensive taxation system. This included income tax on wages, a poll tax on all adult males, stamp duties on a wide range of publications and documents, and imposts on the weighing and measuring of agricultural goods.
Even more lucrative were the state monopolies on rice wine and salt – commodities used extensively by locals. Most Vietnamese had previously made their own rice wine and gathered their own salt – but by the start of the 1900s, both could only be purchased through French outlets at heavily inflated prices.
French officials and colonists also benefited from growing, selling and exporting opium, a narcotic drug extracted from poppies. Land was set aside to grow opium poppies and by the 1930s, Vietnam was producing more than 80 tonnes of opium each year. Not only were local sales of opium very profitable, its addictiveness and stupefying effects were a useful form of social control.
By 1935, France’s collective sales of rice wine, salt and opium were earning more than 600 million francs per annum, the equivalent of $US5 billion today.
Local collaborators
Harnessing and transforming Vietnam’s economy required considerable local support. France never had a large military presence in Indochina (there were only 11,000 French troops there in 1900) nor were there enough Frenchmen to personally manage this transformation. Instead, the French relied on a small number of local officials and bureaucrats.
Called nguoi phan quoc (‘traitor’) by other locals, these Vietnamese supported colonial rule by collaborating with the French. They often held positions of authority in local government, businesses or economic institutions, like the Banque de l’Indochine (the French Bank of Indochina). They did this for reasons of self-interest or because they held Francophile (pro-French) views.
French propagandists held these collaborators up as an example of the mission civilisatrice benefiting the Vietnamese people. Some collaborators were given scholarships to study in France; a few even received French citizenship. Perhaps the most famous collaborator was Bao Dai, the last of the Nguyen emperors (reigned 1926-45). Bao Dai was educated at Paris’ Lycee Condorcet and became a lifelong Francophile.
French colonialism did provide some benefits for Vietnamese society, most noticeable of which were improvements in education.
French missionaries, officials and their families opened primary schools and provided lessons in both French and Viet languages. The University of Hanoi was opened by colonists in 1902 and became an important national centre of learning. A quota of Viet students was given scholarships to study in France.
These changes, however, were really only significant in the cities: there was little or no attempt to educate the children of peasant farmers. The syllabuses at these schools reinforced colonial control by stressing the supremacy of French values and culture.
1. The French colonisation of Vietnam began in earnest in the 1880s and lasted six decades. The French justified their imperialism with a ‘civilising mission’, a pledge to develop backward nations.
2. In reality, French colonialism was chiefly driven by economic interests. French colonists were interested in acquiring land, exploiting labour, exporting resources and making profit.
3. Vietnamese land was seized by the French and collectivised into large rice and rubber plantations. Local farmers were forced to labour on these plantations in difficult and dangerous conditions.
4. The French also imposed a range of taxes on the local population and implemented monopolies on critical goods, such as opium, salt and alcohol.
5. French colonisers were relatively few in number so were assisted by Francophile collaborators among the Vietnamese people. These collaborators assisted in the administration and exploitation of French Indochina.
French Conquest of Vietnam
 In the mid-19th century, Vietnam suffered under weak leadership, revolts in the 1840s and 1850s, floods, a smallpox epidemic and tribal uprisings, France’s military activity in Vietnam began in 1857, when the French Navy attacked Danang harbour with 14 ships in response to Emperor Thieu Tri’s suppression of Catholic missionaries. Saigon was seized in early 1859 and, in 1862, Emperor Tu Duc signed a treaty that gave the French the three eastern provinces of Cochinchina.
 The French used used the persecution of Christians as an excuse to intervene in Vietnamese affairs. They had little difficulty in taking over Vietnam. The cloistered North Korean emperors were good at composing poetry, making love to dozens of women and reciting classical Chinese literature. But they lacked the ability to harness modern technology, organize a large army and sustain a modern economy. They also squandered the kingdoms's treasury building tombs and palaces in Hue.
 Between 1859 and 1883 all of Vietnam fell under French colonial control. The French defeated the Vietnamese at the Battle of Ky Hoa in 1861 and were given three eastern provinces of Cochin China by Emperor Tu Doc. In 1864—under terms that were similar to those given to the British by the Chinese after the Opium Wars—the French set up ports in Vietnam, produced opium as a cash crop which was sold to the Chinese, and required the Vietnamese to pay humiliating war reparations.
 South Vietnam (Cochin China) became a French colony. In 1884, France formed a protectorate over Tonkin (northern Vietnam) and Annam (central Vietnam) , Laos and most of what is now Cambodia. Together they constituted French Indochina.
Hardships Under French Rule in Vietnam
 The French administration and taxation system created great inequalities of wealth. The traditional village system broke down. The French also disrupted the traditional economy, subjected forced labor to inhumane condition on rubber, tea and coffee plantations and introduced a kind of opium that made a large amount of the Vietnamese population into addicts. The French built 83 prisons but only one university. A public education system was established in 1908 as a vehicle to disseminate Western culture in Vietnam. It influenced but did not destroy Vietnamese culture.
 According to Lonely Planet: The French colonial government taxed the peasants heavily to fund the ambitious public works projects, devastating the rural economy. "Colonialism was supposed to be a profitable proposition, so operations became notorious for the low wages paid by the French and the poor treatment of Vietnamese workers. Out of the 45, 000 indentured workers at one Michelin rubber plantation, 12, 000 died of disease and malnutrition between 1917 and 1944. Shades of King Leopold’s Congo." [Source: Lonely Planet]
 Over 100,000 Vietnamese fought under the French flag in Europe in World War I. During World War I, France sought to maximize the use of Indochina's natural resources and manpower to fight the war while it cracked down on all patriotic mass movements in Vietnam. Indochina, mainly Vietnam, had to provide France with 50,000 soldiers and 49,000 workers, who were forcibly drafted from the villages to serve on the French battlefront. Indochina also contributed 184 million piastres in the form of loans and 336,000 tonnes of food. These burdens proved all the heavier as agriculture was hard hit by natural disasters from 1914 to 1917. [Source: Vietnamtourism. com, Vietnam National Administration of Tourism ~]
The Vietnam War
Lệ Xuân's education at the Lycée Albert Sarraut was entirely in French, and she remembered as a schoolgirl learning about French history and nothing about Vietnamese history and of singing songs about the forests and mountains of France, observing later the purpose of her education was to eradicate any sense of a Vietnamese identity, and to make her into a proper young Frenchwoman.[6] The purpose
 of French educational policies in Vietnam was always in reference to France's self-proclaimed mission civilisatrice ("civilizing mission") was to make all Vietnamese into "Frenchmen with yellow skin", and thus French teachers tried to stamp out any sense of a Vietnamese identity in their students.[6] The message French teachers taught their students was that to be French was to be "civilized" and to be Vietnamese was to be "uncivilized". She dropped out of Lycée Albert Sarraut, a prestigious French school in Hanoi. She spoke French at home and could not write in Vietnamese; as an adult, she drafted her speeches in French and had them translated into Vietnamese.[3] She gained a reputation in her youth as a tomboy who loved ballet and piano, once dancing solo at Hanoi's National Theatre.[7] She had an elder sister named Trần Lệ Chi (who married the Frenchman Etienne Oggeri and changed her name to Lechi Oggeri) and a younger brother, Trần Văn Khiêm.[8] Like many other Vietnamese, Lệ Xuân was to find that no matter how hard she tried to be French, that the French were only prepared to accept whites as French.[9]
england scholarships colonial period
Indian students first came to study in Britain in the 1840s. They were Christian converts attending theological colleges or young Bengalis completing medical training. At first only a handful arrived each year – but from the 1870s numbers began to swell.
Most came to study law or medicine or prepare for the Indian Civil Service exams. The majority were Hindus from Bengal or Bombay – but there were also disproportionate numbers of Muslims, Parsis and Christians. By the interwar years as many as 1,800 Indian students were in the UK at any point.
Most Indian students were attracted by the prestige associated with degrees or qualifications awarded in Britain – and, as long as Britain maintained its vast empire, its universities and institutes were considered the pinnacle of postgraduate education.
Some professions in India were not even open to applicants without a British qualification. For example, between 1853 and 1922, it was only possible to sit the examinations for the Indian Civil Service in Britain. Similarly, to be an advocate in the Indian courts during the Raj (with the right to defend or prosecute criminal cases) required a call to the Bar in Britain.
russian scholarships colonial period
Colonization and Decolonization in the Soviet Union
A 22-year-old man, who made international headlines when he was accused of mooning the Queen during her visit to Brisbane, has pleaded guilty to public nuisance.
Liam Lloyd Warriner, of Ashfield in Sydney, was spared a recorded conviction but fined $750 by Magistrate Anne Thacker in the Brisbane Magistrates court today.
Mr Warriner had originally been charged with willful exposure and public nuisance after the October 24 incident, but the first charge was dropped because of a lack of evidence.
Police prosecutor Sergeant Troy Newman told the court Mr Warriner had run from his place of work on Kingsford Smith Drive when he heard the Queen’s 14-car motorcade was passing through the area.
Sergeant Newman said Mr Warriner ran alongside the motorcade for 50 meters before dropping his pants and underwear then flipping up his shirt to reveal his buttocks.
Mr Warriner had also placed the Australian flag between his cheeks.
The court heard Mr Warriner then returned to his workplace where police found him a short time later.
Sergeant Newman had argued the court consider a penalty at the higher end of the scale, citing the defendant’s disregard for the importance of the occasion and the number of families and young children in the area at the time.
The maximum penalty for public nuisance is 10 penalty units [$1000] or six months in jail.
A community service order was not considered an option, given Mr Warriner lives in New South Wales.
In announcing his client’s guilty plea, Mr Warriner’s lawyer John-Paul Mould said the nature of his conduct had been a political protest, which Mr Warriner accepted “may have crossed the line” into offensiveness.
However, Mr Mould argued his client’s conduct would not have “raised an eyebrow” if he had done a similar thing to the New South Wales State of Origin team as it travelled along Caxton Street in Brisbane.
Mr Mould argued the penalty should be around the $200 to $300 mark and asked that no conviction be recorded against his client who had a previous clean record.
Mr Mould said the likelihood of his client reoffending was “extremely unlikely as the Queen was unlikely to visit Australia again”.
- the reason why all of the above is important is because if you try to line up the whole of human history then you'll realise that many of the main inflection points are often related to something significantly catastrophic and/or violent. Once upon a time the East was where the wealthiest and most advanced societies resided. Then it flipped via colonialism/imperialism but is now reverting back to the mean? Western Exceptionalism falls apart on many different levels if you examine things broadly? I tracked GDP changes across thousands of years of history. The major inflection points are slavery, colonialism/imperialism, cynicism  during war (I know that neutral countries probably gain by trading with both sides of a war, http://dtbnguyen.blogspot.com/2020/04/what-happened-to-escaped-nazis-random.html As an aside, if you understand that the losses were much heavier in the Eastern Bloc then the Western Bloc may explain why Eastern Bloc went down the communist route while the Western Bloc went down the capitalist route. The East tried to maximise what they had left over while the West tried to make the most of relative advantage that they had?), wars such as the Opium Wars, World Wars, etc... (https://www.visualcapitalist.com/2000-years-economic-history-one-chart/) which brings us to the next point...
economic history of world
global gdp 300bc
chinese gdp opium wars
Yes, the war was incredibly controversial in its own time, far more so than I expected when I started my research. For the proponents, it was a matter of framing. They denied any connection to opium and argued that the war was entirely about defending Britain’s national honor and protecting their countrymen from alleged atrocities in China. But the involvement of opium was inescapable — thus the name “Opium War,” as the London Times and other papers called it. To many people in Britain the notion of going to war to advance the interests of drug dealers, against a country that had always been friendly to Britain, was abhorrent. As William Gladstone wrote in his diary at the time, “I am in dread of the judgments of God upon England for our national iniquity towards China.”
The collision between those two sides came to a head in the spring of 1840 with a huge debate in the House of Commons over a motion to stop the war by forcing the resignation of the ministers who started it. After three full nights of debate, with impassioned speeches that in some cases went on for hours, the motion failed by a razor’s margin.
global gdp share history
The 19th century appears to be the key juncture when China and India declined and the West rose. Imperialism appears to be the most obvious answer given that before China was 'opened' in 1842 in the first Opium war, it had its greatest share of world wealth. Within a century of these interventions China went from 32% of the world's GDP to just under 5%.
In the graphic below, the area for each country represents the share of the world's wealth. The rise in the share of wealth by the US and Europe is of similar proportion to the decline in wealth of India and China. The total area shown represents the amount of wealth that the seven selected countries have collectively. Note the decline of collective wealth in the last century as the rest of the world has begun to take a greater share of the global economy.
africa gdp over time
The Economic Decline in Africa
"One half of the African continent lives below the poverty line. In sub-Saharan Africa, per capita GDP is now less than it was in 1974, having declined over 11 percent."
While the rest of the world's economy grew at an annual rate of close to 2 percent from 1960 to 2002, growth performance in Africa has been dismal. From 1974 through the mid-1990s, growth was negative, reaching negative 1.5 percent in 1990-4. As a consequence, hundreds of millions of African citizens have become poor: one half of the African continent lives below the poverty line. In sub-Saharan Africa, per capita GDP is now less than it was in 1974, having declined over 11 percent. In 1970, one in ten poor citizens in the world lived in Africa; by 2000, the number was closer to one in two. That trend translates into 360 million poor Africans in 2000, compared to 140 million in 1975.
war deaths by country
Country Military Deaths Total Civilian and Military Deaths
Albania 30,000 30,200
Australia 39,800 40,500
Austria 261,000 384,700
Belgium 12,100 86,100
Brazil 1,000 2,000
Bulgaria 22,000 25,000
Canada 45,400 45,400
China 3-4,000,000 20,000,000
Czechoslovakia 25,000 345,000
Denmark 2,100 3,200
Dutch East Indies -- 3-4,000,000
Estonia -- 51,000
Ethiopia 5,000 100,000
Finland 95,000 97,000
France 217,600 567,600
French Indochina -- 1-1,500,000
Germany 5,533,000 6,600,000-8,800,000
Greece 20,000-35,000 300,000-800,000
Hungary 300,000 580,000
India 87,000 1,500,000-2,500,000
Italy 301,400 457,000
Japan 2,120,000 2,600,000-3,100,000
Korea -- 378,000-473,000
Latvia -- 227,000
Lithuania -- 353,000
Luxembourg -- 2,000
Malaya -- 100,000
Netherlands 17,000 301,000
New Zealand 11,900 11,900
Norway 3,000 9,500
Papua New Guinea -- 15,000
Philippines 57,000 500,000-1,000,000
Poland 240,000 5,600,000
Romania 300,000 833,000
Singapore -- 50,000
South Africa 11,900 11,900
Soviet Union 8,800,000-10,700,000 24,000,000
United Kingdom 383,600 450,700
United States 416,800 418,500
Yugoslavia 446,000 1,000,000
- that explains why the US/West doesn't seem to top out across areas where you'd otherwise expect it should? It seems like rankings are pretty much locked out by Asian countries for intellect? For hours worked Asian countries lock things out. Productivity hour worked is mostly topped out by the West. Dig deeper and further things bug you over and over again (in reality, the differences don't seem big but I'm guessing that over the long term things open up? For instance, 0.1s a lap difference between race cars doesn't seem like a big thing over a single lap but they add up to a lot of distance over an entire race. That said, I'm guessing a lot of the differences could be made up by better healthcare, childcare, food, etc? As an aside, there must be some seriously frustrated Asian people out there because no matter how much they work they know that they can only sell something for $1 or $2 in their discount stores?)? University rankings don't correlate with how things should be (with the East topping out) because of the popularity of Western culture?
The Newsroom - America is not the greatest country in the world anymore...(Restricted language)
The most honest three and a half minutes of television, EVER...
Keiser Report _ When Plunder Becomes a Way of Life _ E1530
iq by country
productivity by country
employment hours worked weekly by country
As American writer Barry Lopez muses in his book Horizon, “Cook is often held out as someone who embodied all that was right about the Enlightenment – informed thinking, curiosity about the world, a commitment to the ideals of humanism. But he also ... represented the dark side of the Enlightenment, a belief that there was only one right way to govern, to organise one’s economy, to worship God, and to think. All other ways were primitive (ie, unenlightened) and those practicing them were assumed to be far behind on Progress’s inexorable path.”
Australia officially cherry-picks from the Cook “discovery” story (omitting his naive, arrogant violent encounters with Aboriginal people and much else) just as it does from the Anzac foundation myth (leaving out massacres by Australian troops, defeat and retreat at Gallipoli, cowardice and the ill-treatment and addictions of damaged veterans). That’s how victors tend to talk history.
What strikes me most when I read Cook’s journals is how fortunate he was (despite his own stupidity and arrogance, and due to the restraint of the Indigenous people he mistreated on his three voyages of discovery) not to have died much earlier in the way he did in 1779 when the Hawaiian locals chopped him to bits for abusing their customs and generosity.
Official commemoration will laud Cook today. But it will do so in isolation from his many complexities and flaws – and from the terrible experiences of generations of Indigenous people in the clash of continental civilisations for which Cook arguably paved the way.
education in ussr
stem index by country
global university rankings
genius iq level
A normal intelligence quotient (IQ) ranges from 85 to 115 (According to the Stanford-Binet scale). Only approximately 1% of the people in the world have an IQ of 135 or over. Genius or near-genius IQ is considered to start around 140 to 145. Less than 1/4 of 1 percent falls into this category.
The current scoring method for all IQ tests is the "deviation IQ". In this method, an IQ score of 100 means that the test-taker's performance on the test is at the median level of performance in the sample of test-takers of about the same age used to norm the test. An IQ score of 115 means performance one standard deviation above the median, a score of 85 performance, one standard deviation below the median, and so on.[5] Lewis Terman and other early developers of IQ tests noticed that most child IQ scores come out to approximately the same number by either procedure. Deviation IQs are now used for standard scoring of all IQ tests in large part because they allow a consistent definition of IQ for both children and adults. By the current "deviation IQ" definition of IQ test standard scores, about two-thirds of all test-takers obtain scores from 85 to 115, and about 5 percent of the population scores above 125.[6]
disabled iq
In early childhood, mild ID (IQ 50–69) may not be obvious or identified until children begin school.[6] Even when poor academic performance is recognized, it may take expert assessment to distinguish mild intellectual disability from specific learning disability or emotional/behavioral disorders. People with mild ID are capable of learning reading and mathematics skills to approximately the level of a typical child aged nine to twelve. They can learn self-care and practical skills, such as cooking or using the local mass transit system. As individuals with intellectual disability reach adulthood, many learn to live independently and maintain gainful employment.[6]
Moderate ID (IQ 35–49) is nearly always apparent within the first years of life. Speech delays are particularly common signs of moderate ID. People with moderate intellectual disability need considerable supports in school, at home, and in the community in order to fully participate. While their academic potential is limited, they can learn simple health and safety skills and to participate in simple activities. As adults, they may live with their parents, in a supportive group home, or even semi-independently with significant supportive services to help them, for example, manage their finances. As adults, they may work in a sheltered workshop.[6]
People with Severe (IQ 20–34) or Profound ID (IQ 19 or below) need more intensive support and supervision for their entire lives. They may learn some ADLs, but an intellectual disability is considered severe or profound when individuals are unable to independently care for themselves without ongoing significant assistance from a caregiver throughout adulthood.[6] Individuals with profound ID are completely dependent on others for all ADLs and to maintain their physical health and safety. They may be able to learn to participate in some of these activities to limited degree.[10]
criminal average iq
For example, studies consistently reflect the fact that chronic or repeat criminal offenders have a lower average IQ than non-offenders. This is true among both juvenile repeat offenders (who average about 92) and adult repeat offenders (who average about 85). IQ tests are normed for a populace to 100. Every few years the tests are re-normed due to IQ drift, which tends to be upwards (commonly referred to as the ‘Flynn effect’). The 15 point difference between the norm for the general population and that of chronic offending adults is known as 1 standard deviation.
More evidence comes from a study conducted in the Texas prison system which found that more than 20% of criminal offenders had an IQ below 80. IQ’s at such a level begin to seriously impede a person’s chances at life success and it is thought that a life of crime then becomes an alternative (dangerous and risky) path for such persons. Additionally, those who have IQ scores around 80 and below have significant problems in balancing short-term vs long-term desires. This is sometimes referred to as the ability to delay gratification and is related to time-preference (‘I want what I want and I want it now by any means necessary’ vs ‘I want X but will work slowly, methodically, and legally or morally to attain it’).
iq loss nutrition deficiency
iq black vs white
Does adoption count as “jack[ing] up artificially the environment”? In our original post, we pointed out that adoption from a poor home to a well-off home is associated with a 12- to 18-point gain in IQ. Other studies have come up with slightly lower figures, but the general direction of the finding is beyond dispute.
2nd generation black american more white
- the obvious interesting thing is that most of the time the system that people are indoctrinated into supports the Empire in question. That means, that for whatever country is involved the core country in the Empire does well at the expense of the peripheral countries until the core country collapses and another different Empire appears and the cycle repeats?
Debt Imperialism Is Making The Covid Crisis Worse ft. Grace Blakeley #GlobalSouth
How Capitalists Exploit Countries In The Core & Periphery - Wallerstein's World Systems Theory
empire files youtube
Empire Files
The Empire Files with Abby Martin
The World Today with Tariq Ali
On Contact with Chris Hedges
World-systems theory (also known as world-systems analysis or the world-systems perspective)[1] is a multidisciplinary, macro-scale approach to world history and social change which emphasizes the world-system (and not nation states) as the primary (but not exclusive) unit of social analysis.[1][2]
"World-system" refers to the inter-regional and transnational division of labor, which divides the world into core countries, semi-periphery countries, and the periphery countries.[2] Core countries focus on higher skill, capital-intensive production, and the rest of the world focuses on low-skill, labor-intensive production and extraction of raw materials.[3] This constantly reinforces the dominance of the core countries.[3] Nonetheless, the system has dynamic characteristics, in part as a result of revolutions in transport technology, and individual states can gain or lose their core (semi-periphery, periphery) status over time.[3] This structure is unified by the division of labour. It is a world-economy rooted in a capitalist economy.[4] For a time, certain countries become the world hegemon; during the last few centuries, as the world-system has extended geographically and intensified economically, this status has passed from the Netherlands, to the United Kingdom and (most recently) to the United States.[3]
World-systems theory has been examined by many political theorists and sociologists to explain the reasons for the rise and fall of nations, income inequality, social unrest, and imperialism.
The New World Order theory states that a group of international elites controls governments, industry, and media organizations, with the goal of establishing global hegemony. They are alleged to be implicated in most of the major wars of the last two centuries, to carry out secretly staged events, and to deliberately manipulate economies. Organizations alleged to be part of the plot include the Federal Reserve System, the Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the European Union, the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, Bohemian Grove,[56] Le Cercle[57] and Yale University society Skull and Bones.
The Discordian hoax has resulted in one of the world's foremost conspiracy theories, which claims that the "Illuminati" are secretly promoting the posited New World Order. Theorists believe that a wide range of musicians, including Beyoncé and Whitney Houston, have been associated with the "group".[58] Prominent theorists include Mark Dice and David Icke.[59]
Blakeley identifies as a democratic socialist[14] and supports the use of capital controls,[15] calling them necessary to "avoid economic blackmail by the markets" and protect the economy from financial flows.[16] She opposes financial globalisation, arguing that it concentrates capital into financial centres that are more integrated into the global economy than they are with their own countries and leads to unfair trading practices that prevent countries from being able to protect their infant industries.[17] Blakeley supports keeping interest rates low to prevent increased capital investment flows into financial assets and real estate, instead proposing greater public investment into the non-financial sectors to promote economic growth and raise living standards.[18] Blakely also supports local and regional devolution across the UK, reasoning that decentralising the country's "grossly unequal" economy is the only way to rebalance it.[19][20] She is critical of international law and European Union law in particular as a legal system, describing it as being selectively enforced "in the interests of the most powerful states" who are more able to influence its development than the weak, citing the Stability and Growth Pact as an example.[15] Blakeley supports Jeremy Corbyn's views on the economy and campaigned and voted for him in the 2015 and 2016 Labour leadership elections, though she criticised him in 2016 for failing to "challenge the hegemony of neoliberalism" in the way she had imagined he would.[15][21]
ON CONTACT - A History of Neoliberalism, Part I
ON CONTACT -  A History of Neoliberalism, Part 2
On Contact - The Wreckage of Neoliberalism with Philipp Ther
On Contact - Wreckage of imperialism & neoliberalism with rapper, Lowkey
Don't think! Feeeel!
Bruce Lee - Don't Think, Feel
Bruce Lee don't think feel.
Bruce Lee 'I Do Not Hit' Full Complete Scene
us debt
- the gulags/re-education camps are an interesting foray into unbrainwashing? It's obvious that they were very cruel and had limited impact?
#TMBSSunday - Rejecting a Cold War with China ft. Robert Wright
Kolyma - Land of Gold and Gulags
The Horrible Life of People In Soviet Gulags
1985 Vietnam -  Hanoi shows off military and 'reeducation' camp
1985 VIET NAM - Hà Nội Shows Re-education Camp ( Trại Cải Tạo )
Hell Money - Escaping a Communist Re-Education Camp in Vietnam
My time in a Communist re-education camp - 03.09.2010
Republic of Vietnam's Soldiers Died in Hanoi's Re-Education Camps
South Vietnamese Veteran Describes Experience in “Re-education” Camp After Vietnam War
Vietnam Re education Camps
Vietnam Re-education Camp Z-30-D (1984)_In Ham Tan District, Binh Thuan Province, South Vietnam .
torture sagan vietnamese re education camp
Indoctrination and forced confessions
During the early phase of reeducation, lasting from a few weeks to a few months, inmates were subjected to intensive political indoctrination. Subjects' studies included the exploitation by American imperialism of workers in other countries, the glory of labor, the inevitable victory of Vietnam, led by the Communist Party, over the U.S., and the generosity of the new government toward the "rebels" (those who fought on the other side during the war). Another feature emphasized during the early stage of reeducation, but continued throughout one's imprisonment, was the confession of one's alleged misdeeds in the past. All prisoners in the camps were required to write confessions, no matter how trivial their alleged crimes might have been. Some prisoners of former ARVN generals wrote a confessions about several battle and military campaign tactics before 1975. Mail clerks, for example, were told that they were guilty of aiding the "puppet war machinery" through circulating the mail, while religious chaplains were found guilty of providing spiritual comfort and encouragement to enemy troops.
The work
In the reeducation camps much emphasis was placed on "productive labor." Such labor was described by SRV spokesman Hoang Son as "absolutely necessary" for reeducation because "under the former government, they (the prisoners) represented the upper strata of society and got rich under U.S. patronage. They could scorn the working people. Now the former social order has been turned upside down, and after they have finished their stay in camps they have to earn their living by their own labour and live in a society where work is held in honor." Thus, in the eyes of the Vietnamese rulers, "productive labor" was a necessary aspect in the overturning of the social order. Yet in examining the conditions under which this labor took place, it seems that there was also an element of revenge.
The labor was mostly hard physical work, some of it very dangerous, such as mine field sweeping. No technical equipment was provided for this extremely risky work, and as a result, many prisoners were killed or wounded in mine field explosions. Other kinds of work included cutting trees, planting corn and root crops, clearing the jungle, digging wells, latrines and garbage pits, and constructing barracks within the camp and fences around it. The inmates were generally organized into platoons and work units, where they were forced to compete with each other for better records and work achievements. This often pushed inmates to exhaustion and nervousness with each person and group striving to surpass or at least fulfill the norms set by camp authorities, or they would be classified as 'lazy' and ordered to do 'compensation work' on Sundays. North Vietnamese children were brought in to routinely pester prisoners, teenage girls stomping on the bare feet of former ARVN army officers as they marched to work. Sometimes prisoners who missed their quota were shackled and placed in solitary confinement cells.
Deaths from starvation and disease occurred frequently and bodies were often buried in graves on site which were later abandoned.[6] The work was done in the hot tropical sun, by prisoners who were poorly nourished and received little or no medical care. The poor health, combined with hard work, mandatory confessions and political indoctrination, made life very difficult for prisoners in Vietnam, and contributed to a high death rate in the camps. Former prisoners describe the constant hunger that resulted from a lack of food while they were in the camps. The government deliberately kept the prisoners on low rations. The lack of food caused severe malnutrition for many prisoners and weakened their resistance to various diseases. Most common among the diseases were malaria, beriberi and dysentery. Tuberculosis was also widespread in some of the camps. Medical supplies were generally nonexistent in the camps and medical care was very inadequate, usually limited to a poorly trained medic and perhaps a few prisoners who had formerly been medical doctors. The result was a high death rate from diseases.
Rules and regulations
The authorities sought to maintain strict control over the thoughts of the prisoners, and forbade prisoners from keeping and reading books or magazines of the former government, reminiscing in conversation about "imperialism and the puppet south," singing old patriotic and love songs from the former government, discussing political questions (outside authorized discussions), harboring "reactionary" thoughts or possessing "superstitious" beliefs.
It has been acknowledged by Hanoi that violence has in fact been directed against the prisoners, although it maintains that these are isolated cases and not indicative of general camp policy. Former prisoners, on the other hand, report frequent beatings for minor infractions, such as missing work because of illness. Violations of rules led to various forms of punishment, including being tied up in contorted positions, shackled in conex boxes or dark cells, forced to work extra hours or receiving reduced food rations. Many prisoners were beaten, some to death, or subjected to very harsh forms of punishment due to the cruelty of certain camp officials and guards. Some were executed, especially for attempting to escape. It was also forbidden to be impolite to the cadres of the camp, and this rule was sometimes abused to the point where the slightest indication of a lack of deference to the cadres had been interpreted as rudeness and was therefore harshly punished.
Longtime anti-Vietnam war and human rights activist Ginetta Sagan described conditions in the camps in 1982:
During the last three years friends and I have interviewed several hundred former prisoners, read newspaper articles on the camps as well as various reports of Amnesty International, and have studied official statements from the Vietnamese Government and its press on the re-education camps. The picture that emerges is one of severe hardship, where prisoners are kept on a starvation diet, overworked and harshly punished for minor infractions of camp rules. We know of cases where prisoners have been beaten to death, confined to dark cells or in ditches dug around the perimeters of the camps and executed for attempting escape. A common form of punishment is confinement to the CONEX boxes—air-freight containers that were left behind by the United States in 1975. The boxes vary in size; some are made of wood and others of metal. In a CONEX box 4 feet high and 4 feet wide, for example, several prisoners would be confined with their feet shackled, and allowed only one bowl of rice and water a day. "It reminded me of the pictures I saw of Nazi camp inmates after World War II," said a physician we interviewed who witnessed the release of four prisoners who had been confined to a CONEX box for one month. None of them survived."[7]
deaths via gulag
The tentative historical consensus is that, of the 18 million people who passed through the gulag system from 1930 to 1953, between 1.5 and 1.7 million died as a result of their incarceration.
poverty deaths in united states
The investigators found that approximately 245,000 deaths in the United States in the year 2000 were attributable to low levels of education, 176,000 to racial segregation, 162,000 to low social support, 133,000 to individual-level poverty, 119,000 to income inequality, and 39,000 to area-level poverty.
Overall, 4.5% of U.S. deaths were found to be attributable to poverty -- midway between previous estimates of 6% and 2.3%. However the risks associated with both poverty and low education were higher for individuals aged 25 to 64 than for those 65 or older.
"Social causes can be linked to death as readily as can pathophysiological and behavioral causes," points out Dr. Galea, who is also Gelman Professor of Epidemiology. For example, the number of deaths the researchers calculated as attributable to low education (245,000) is comparable to the number caused by heart attacks (192,898), which was the leading cause of U.S. deaths in 2000. The number of deaths attributable to racial segregation (176,000) is comparable to the number from cerebrovascular disease (167,661), the third leading cause of death in 2000, and the number attributable to low social support (162,000) compares to deaths from lung cancer (155,521).
How many US deaths are caused by poverty and other social factors? About the same as deaths from heart attacks and stroke, study finds
874,000 People Died from Poverty in 2011
Personally, I find it shocking and abhorrent that so many people are dying of poverty in this, the richest nation on the planet.
Research funded by the National Institutes of Health has been looking at the part social ills play in causing, and or contributing to death. Science Daily reports that recent analysis of these studies found that about 4.5 per cent of all deaths in the United States are caused by poverty related deficiencies, and that poverty is a contributing factor in still more deaths. Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health concurs with these findings.
vietnam gulag death rate
Based on other estimates of the prison/camp population I assumed a 50,000 camp population per year and an unnatural death rate of 2 percent per year, on par with the Chinese rate 4 and much lower then for the Soviet gulag.
Statistics Of Vietnamese Democide
Estimates, Calculations, And Sources*
death via poverty soviet union
Exhumed mass grave of the Vinnytsia massacre
Estimates of the number of deaths attributable to the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin vary widely. Some scholars assert that record-keeping of the executions of political prisoners and ethnic minorities are neither reliable nor complete,[1] others contend that archival materials declassified in 1991 contain irrefutable data far superior to sources used prior to 1991, such as statements from emigres and other informants.[2][3]
Prior to the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the archival revelations, some historians estimated that the numbers killed by Stalin's regime were 20 million or higher.[4][5][6] After the USSR dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives was declassified and researchers were allowed to study it. This contained official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[7] around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag,[8][9] some 390,000[10] deaths during the dekulakization forced resettlement, and up to 400,000 deaths of persons deported during the 1940s[11] – with a total of about 3.3 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[12] The deaths of at least 5.5 to 6.5 million[13] persons in the famine of 1932–33 are sometimes, but not always,[2][14] included with the victims of the Stalin era.
Democide is a term proposed by R. J. Rummel since at least 1994[1] who defined it as "the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command".[2] According to him, this definition covers a wide range of deaths, including forced labor and concentration camp victims; killings by "unofficial" private groups; extrajudicial summary killings; and mass deaths due to the governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines, as well as killings by de facto governments, i.e. civil war killings.[2] This definition covers any murder of any number of persons by any government.[2]
Rummel created the term as an extended concept to include forms of government murder not covered by the term genocide. According to Rummel, democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century.[3][4]
The Phoenix Program (Vietnamese: Chiến dịch Phụng Hoàng) was a program designed and coordinated by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Vietnam War, involving cooperation between American, South Vietnamese and Australian militaries.
The program was designed to identify and destroy the Viet Cong (VC) via infiltration, torture, capture, counter-terrorism, interrogation, and assassination.[1][2][3][4] The CIA described it as "a set of programs that sought to attack and destroy the political infrastructure of the Viet Cong".[5] The Phoenix Program was premised on the idea that infiltration had required local support from non-combat civilian populations, which were referred to as the "political branch" that had purportedly coordinated the insurgency.[6]
Throughout the program, Phoenix “neutralized” 81,740 people suspected of VC membership, of whom 26,369 were killed and the rest surrendered or were captured. A number of criticisms arose regarding the Phoenix Program, including the number of neutral civilians killed, the nature of the program (which critics have labelled as a "civilian assassination program"[6]), the use of torture and other coercive methods, and the program being exploited for personal politics. Nevertheless, the program was described as suppressing Viet Cong political and revolutionary activities.[6] Disclosure of the program publicly had caused significant criticisms, including congressional hearings, and the CIA was pressured to shut-down the Phoenix Program, although a similar program "Plan F-6" continued under South Vietnamese authorities.
Another psychological warfare tactic utilized by the CIA was Operation Wandering Soul. This preyed on the superstitions of the Vietnamese. It was believed that if one died away from one's family and was not buried with their ancestors, then they would be forced to wander forever; their souls in pain. The U.S. recorded tapes of South Vietnamese actors wailing, searching for their loved ones and imploring the Viet Cong to "desert the army to save your soul." These tapes were broadcast by GIs walking about with speakers or by overhead choppers.[68]
Another broadcast used at Nui Ba Den Mountain in 1970 used an actual recording of a tiger from a zoo in Bangkok. A rumor was spread of a tiger attacking the Viet Cong to supplement the playing of the recording. Allegedly, this acted as a catalyst for 150 Viet Cong leaving their positions. Leaflets were also used to amplify this scare tactic.[69]
Deradicalization refers to preventive counterterrorism measures that aim to have those with extreme and violent religious or political ideologies adopt more moderate and nonviolent views.[1][2] This is most effective when counteracting an ongoing − rather than well advanced −[citation needed] process of radicalization (counter-radicalization) whereby individuals or groups gradually develop a mindset that increases the risk of violent extremism or terrorism.[3] Deradicalization is not to be confused with anti-radicalization in which radicalization is aimed to be deterred and prevented from occurring in the first place.[3] Deradicalization has been described as an emerging science.[4]

Random Stuff:
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Random Quotes:
- WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Friday initiating a government-wide review of the U.S. defense industry and suggest changes to strengthen it.
The review is intended to identify and address potential weak points in the defense manufacturing base including companies that could go out of business and leave gaps in the supply chain for U.S. weapons systems, said Peter Navarro, the White House National Trade Council director.
The executive order asked for recommendations on possible legislative, regulatory and policy changes that would improve and support the defense industry, calling it a “significant national priority”.
“America’s defense industrial base is now facing increasing gaps in its capabilities,” Navarro said. “There’s just one company in the U.S. that can repair propellers for Navy submarines,” he added in a briefing with reporters.
Defense analyst Howard Rubel of the investment bank Jefferies & Co said the free market has so far done a reasonably good job. “We don’t want to invest in buggy whip suppliers just because there is only one (supplier).” He added that it is important to recognize that the United States can sometimes buy more cheaply from its allies.
- Poor U.S. Air Force organization and management have contributed to problems with the F-22 Raptor fighter, according to a new Government Accountability Office audit.
F-22 availability, already diminished by maintenance problems endemic to the complex and finicky stealth fighter, has been further reduced by the small size of F-22 squadrons and the practice of deploying small detachments from individual squadrons overseas. The combined effect has been to reduce F-22 availability to the point where there are neither enough planes to meet mission requirements nor to provide pilots with sufficient training for air-to-air combat, which is the Raptor's primary role
"The small size of F-22 squadrons and wings has contributed to low aircraft availability rates," according to GAO. "Further, the Air Force practice of deploying a small portion of a squadron makes it difficult for F-22 squadrons, as currently organized, to make aircraft available for their missions at home station. The Air Force would also face difficulties generating aircraft to support DOD’s concepts for using distributed operations in high threat environments with its current F-22 squadron organization."
- “We’ve got to kind of get over ourselves a little bit and acknowledge that we never field perfect weapon systems,” he continued. “I don’t want to diminish the fact that it’s critical that we get after open DRs, but every weapon system in the United States Air Force — and frankly around the planet — has open deficiencies. What matters is the severity of those deficiencies and ensuring that we have a robust process between government and industry to triage those and deal with them appropriately.”"
- Here's something for economics students.
Did you hear the Australian Government bought $94 million of crude oil from the United States last week?
If you wanted an example of the difference between an energy stock and an energy flow, it's a good case study.
It'll come in handy the next time you're learning about transport and energy systems.
Last week, Australia took advantage of record-low oil prices to buy a stockpile of crude oil from the United States.
Crude oil is the raw material that's turned into petrol, diesel, LPG and jet fuel.
Under international fuel security rules, countries are meant to have an emergency stockpile of 90 days' worth of net-oil imports, but Australia has neglected to meet that threshold for years.
- The owner of a pizza restaurant in the US has discovered the DoorDash delivery app has been selling his food cheaper than he does - while still paying him full price for orders.
A pizza for which he charged $24 (£20) was being advertised for $16 on DoorDash - and when he secretly ordered it himself, the app paid his restaurant the full $24 while charging him $16.
He had not asked to be put on the app.
He later found out it was part of a trial to gauge customer demand.
Content strategist Ranjan Roy blogged about the anonymous restaurateur, who is his friend.
Mr Roy said he first heard about the situation in March 2019, when his friend started receiving complaints about deliveries, even though his outlets did not deliver.
At that point , he discovered he had been added to DoorDash - and noticed it was charging a lower price for one of his premium pizzas.
So he ordered 10 pizzas, paid $160 and had them delivered to a friend's house.
The restaurant was then paid $240 for the order by DoorDash.
New York City caps fees for food delivery apps
Grubhub adds restaurants without permission
The next time, the restaurant prepared his friend's order by boxing up the pizza base without any toppings, maximising the "profit" from the mismatched prices.
"I was genuinely curious if DoorDash would catch on - but they didn't," wrote Mr Roy.
DoorDash did not respond to BBC News's request for comment.
But Mr Roy said: "We found out afterward that was all the result of a 'demand test' by DoorDash.
"They have a test period where they scrape the restaurant's website and don't charge any fees to anyone, so they can ideally go to the restaurant with positive order data to then get the restaurant signed on to the platform.
"Third-party delivery platforms, as they've been built, just seem like the wrong model, but instead of testing, failing, and evolving, they've been subsidised into market dominance.
"You have insanely large pools of capital creating an incredibly inefficient money-losing business model."
DoorDash is backed by investment giant Softbank, which this week posted a record-breaking loss of nearly $13bn.
Defending the loss, chief executive Masayoshi Son reportedly compared himself to Jesus.
The billionaire is said to have stated during a call with investors that Jesus was "also misunderstood".
He later apologised.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...