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Sunday, January 26, 2020

DNS/Amazon S3/Github Enumeration Pack, Seclists, and More

- as I said previously, I've been finding a lot of good and free books via open Amazon S3 buckets and Github. The problem is that it feels like search engines often miss out on crawling everything that may be relevant to what you want and you can never be certain with software built by others that they've covered off the areas that you want. I wanted to see how difficult it would be to build enumeration tools for Amazon and Github by using my subdomain resolving script as a starting point just to see what I may be missing out on?
aws public s3 bucket search engine
- you can download my DNS/Amazon S3/Github enumerator pack here:
- description is as follows:
# This is an enumeration "software pack" for DNS, Amazon S3, and Github
# and obviously builds on my subdomain_resolve.sh script (which was only
# designed for DNS).
# To enumerate a DNS domain run the relevant script with a wordlist/seclist.
# To enumerate Amazon S3 first enumerate against s3.amazonaws.com via
# subdomain_resolve.sh Then use aws_s3_enum.sh against a relevant
# s3_amazonaws_com-*-results.txt file from the results folder.
# To enumerate against Github run github_enum.sh against a relevant
# worldlist/seclist.
# These scripts are obviously very simple but they will give you a 
# good idea into how similar tools work but in a simpler framework.
# They're also pretty harmless because all they really do is look
# for a website/webpage and download that page if and when it's available.
# As this is the very first version of the program it may be VERY buggy. 
# Please test prior to deployment in a production environment.
- if you want to build something like:
then you're better off enumerating first. Thereafter, you being to crawl and see what else is also available. The reason is because crawling is often much slower then enumerating. All you need to do is combine some of my previous work and do a tiny little bit more work

- one key to getting good enumeration results is getting good seclists/wordlists to start with. Ironically, these are often available via open source repositories such as Github
- you can also create good seclists as well. I was going to post a script to convert books into seclists but it needs a little bit of cleaning up so another time?
- as an aside, just because a company has a good reputation doesn't mean that they've covered all bases, aren't lazy, that they are actually good at their job, haven't had to make compromises, etc... Nobody is perfect. The converse is also true, a tiny company with no resources could have the greatest security in the world as well

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- latest in science and technology
Explore Heavens, Solar System, and more!
Human-Chimp DNA Comparison
- latest in finance and politics
US billionaires' group calls for wealth tax
Young, mega-rich - and demanding to pay more tax
- latest in defense and intelligence
- latest in animal news
- latest in music and entertainment

Random Quotes:
- “The Tories have spent the last decade stripping back workers’ rights and overseeing an era of insecure work. There are almost a million people on zero-hours contracts and wages are still lower than they were before the financial crisis.
“A Labour government will bring about real change, giving all workers equal rights from day one, introducing an immediate £10 an hour living wage and putting power back in the hands of workers.”
- “Science is all about iteration and repeatability. But iteration is a luxury that is not always possible in the field of university research because you are often working against the clock to meet a deadline,” said Scott Yockel, director of research computing at Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences.
- In 1983, poorest 80% of US households owned only 19% of total US household wealth; by 2016, that share fell to 10%. Over same years, wealth of richest 1 % rose from 34 to 40%. Wealth redistribution for the richest.
- "The truth is told by those left standing"
- Leon Lin I don’t know how we get these ABS figure with retail sales growth. When every major retailer are reporting lower sales...
Paul Towers I haven't dived deep into the data but at a high level, I'd say, retailers, are increasingly in a perpetual state of discounting. 
The discounting is compressing margins and crunching profits, more so than revenue (at least at this stage).
The retailers we have seen close recently were most likely already operating on thin margins (i.e. fast fashion, in particular, is a tough, lower margin sub-sector within retail) so when they experience even a small decline, the bottom falls out of the business.
In addition, I don't think its quite at the stage where Shopping Centre owners are caving to demands of retailers for rent reduction. I.e. instead of trying to retain the tenant and cut the rent to make the business more sustainable, the centre owner is gambling that they can get rid of the tenant and find a new one at the same rent.
The centre also often is between a rock and a hard place because if they cut rent, even in only a handful of stores, then they are saying to the market that instead of rent being $x psqm, its now $x - y%. This flows on to affect the potential value of the centre as a how and in turn can mean that the centre own breaches debt covenants in their loan agreement.
A similar thing happened with Property Trusts during the GFC. I.e. They have offices they were trying to rent for $300 p sqm, there was a crunch and they could only get $200 sqm, so the value of the building dropped, the loan terms were breached and they had to recapitalise to keep the LVR in check.
- This is the latest in a series of own goals by the United States. A senior Senate staffer told the authors last year: "US politics are toxic. This is self-inflicted decline — the country may be on the verge of being ungovernable."
- James Barr : There's this guy. He's a kind of cop, at least he used to be. He doesn't care about proof, he doesn't care about the law, he only cares about what's right. He knows what I did. You can't protect me. No one can.
- if you find 403 Forbidden while testing. Try X-Original-URL and X-Rewrite-URL Headers to bypass restrictions
- "It's the oldest scheme since the Pharaohs built the pyarminds, private the gains, socialize the loses" - A wise man
“Don’t get it twisted,” Rev. William Barber told a crowd. “We are not left, we are not right, we are not conservative or liberal.”

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...