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Friday, January 17, 2020

IT Business Startup Resources, Random Stuff, and More

- I have been (and am currently) involved in multiple IT startups. Obviously, I've been collecting information over time and some of it is useful. I decided to put it into a blog post. It's obviously targeted at the startup business world but the same methods and techniques can be used across businesses of all types as well. I'll add more stuff to this post over time if I find more useful material
- there are school type arrangements around the world. I've only been involved with people from some of them. Quality of content and people involved varies quite dramatically and so does cost. Some are courses are free while others cost tens of thousands of dollars
ycombinator alternative
- for some people getting the process right seems to be important more then the core business? Legal and insurance firms hang around patches where startup founders hang all the time
- there are a lot of startup podcasts and video channels on YouTube and other social media channels. All you need to do is look. Learn from others but don't get distracted from your core business
Y Combinator
startup podcasts
- there are obviously physical events and conferences as well. General help (government and private enterprise partnerships are really common) is available but seems to be concentrated with a small group of people?
- marketing/advertising/journalism resources. Agencies are everywhere now (do your basic due diligence checks as I've mentioned earlier) but you can do it on your own if you want to
email list technology journalist
influencer email list
journalist email list csv
- financing
- finding clients/customers
- training/education
- recruitment
- there are a lot of companies and websites which deal specifically with startups. Look around. Search engines have limited use
- software
- staff. Good recruiters network like crazy and have databases of candidates. It wouldn't surprise me if most used harvesting techniques and extensive AI/ML. There are job boards which specialise specifically in startups. I honestly don't believe in the supposed skills and jobs shortage that people talk about because it feels like be a myth? A lot of employers and employees seem to have unrealistic expectations now and they often hire people they like rather on pure merit alone based on what I've seen. Based on experience I've seen basically anything and everything can be outsourced online now from low level jobs such as assistants and secretaries all the way up to interim executives. You just have to know the correct search terms for it
- be aware that a lot of valuations don't really make sense and the public story of how they achieved success may not be entirely true or complete. A good example of this are the Big 5 IT/FAANG companies. A lot of them did deals with the US DoD or department of defense which often isn't well known. Be realistic about your goals and what you can do and always keep track of your data to maintain perspective. 
- insurance
- be aware that there are often groups of people looking for deals for resources so you may be able to find a discount somewhere (if you know where to look)
- you need to understand how the world works. How to work with it, ways fight it, ways to go around it, etc... when needed to. Note,that a lot of success stories aren't clear cut for either individual or group. Just do a little bit of background for a lot of people and their story often falls apart?
- which brings me to my next point do due diligence no matter who you deal with. Quality, motivations, fees, etc... varies widely. Be wary of people looking for free labour or exploit others, charge crazy fees for little work, etc... I find that there is often a cache of Open Source information that you can reference which will allow you to get a rough idea of what's going on even if people don't want to tell you up front what's happening
Keiser Report - Capitalism Without Capital (E1488)
top bitcoin developers
thomas veys bitcoin
The BIGGEST SCAM in finance right now is "cryptocurrency experts"
Rhondalynn Korolak Please be wary of approaching boutique firms like Apollo League (formerly known as Tauro Capital Pty Ltd). They will promise the moon, take a lot of money upfront + % of capital raised, and then do almost nothing. They will expect you to find all your own leads and their model insists you appoint NEDs so that they can charge you $20k per director.
Jessica Zahra to Sydney Startups
1 hr · 
Hi guys, have any of you ever been blackmailed into giving a good review?
My offshore dev company did a pretty good job at the work I contracted out to them, but have now been withholding all of their work for months based on the stalemate which is: we will give you the work once you give us a good review. I don’t believe this is fair, and of course now I feel like I would be lying if I gave a good review.
They are over in India. I am over here. Do I just write the review? They want the review on Upwork.
Slight hiccup - this new work wasn’t done on Upwork, just maintenance and initial consulting. So I can’t claim the work through Upwork 😫
- most of the economy is composed of SME firms so there will be a lot people experiencing the same trouble that you do. There's a good chance that someone has found a solution for the problem that you face. There are a lot of groups on social media networks (all social networks not just business social networks such as LinkedIn) who offer useful, free, timely, and pertinent information. Generally groups of bigger then 10K are what you want to target as there will be more people offering different viewpoints regularly
- one thing that's been interesting for me has been the information that has been available for sale. Basically, anything and everythig if you're willing to live on the edge and wiling to pay enough?
- get the timing right and things become easier
The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed _ Bill Gross
- each VC is different. Get efficiency, growth, etc... numbers right
A VC Reveals the Metrics They Use to Evaluate Startups — The Startup Tapes #031
- the early investors are interesting the most interesting because they have to take the most risk, have to see the jewel from the rough, etc...
What Investors Look For in Startup Founders from Former YC Partner
- most businesses and startups fail. Solve good problems to make money
Why do Startups fail _ Bikash Barai _ TEDxIITKharagpur
- most people discover the glamour of the startup world wears off over time. Try to do something you like and are interested in
Why do Startups fail _ Bikash Barai _ TEDxIITKharagpur
A Day in the Life of a Startup Intern in NYC
- most startups fail (over 90%). There are regions and countries which want to specialise in startups but across the board there seems to be support in this area. Note, that there are normally equivalents across the major countries. For instance, there are high technology regions similar to Silicon Valley in both Russia, China, etc...
Welcome to the startup jungle _ The Economist
Holy Land - Startup Nations (Full Documentary) _ Future Cities _ WIRED
startup visa
entrepreneur visa
- be aware of core data and indexes. From time to time governments fake data to keep economic momentum going so factor this in when/if making investments and decisions
- it sounds strange but some people are happy to just pay the bills, while others want to get acquired, while others want to build a unicorn, etc... If you examine things carefully, each operation requires a different strategy for growth
- there are business brokers that deal with the process of business sales. Most charges I'm seeing for online business sales are of the order of several hundred dollars. You can obviously try general classifieds as well though I'm wary of the sorts of buyers that you may come across
selling business
- cheap and free office space. Sometimes you can get lucky and people will offer free space or sub-let their own space if they're not using all of it
- something I've come to realise is that Google and many other search engines feel rigged/censored? Mass scale fuzzer and automated/manual check of index pages could determine what is being censored? Really obvious how limited a lot of current search engine technology is if you know where to look? It's getting in the way of life and business though?

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- latest in science and technology
- latest in finance and politics
Short & distort? The ugly war between CEOs and activist critics
Lowkey: 'Israel is exceptional, no other state violates as many UN Resolutions...'
UK child sex offenders commit crimes overseas using gaps in legislation
MKUltra & Charles Manson (New research)
End of the $ golden age? More & more countries restore their gold reserves
- latest in defense and intelligence
- latest in animal news
- latest in music and entertainment

Random Quotes:
- MOSCOW – Experts have acknowledged that despite the significant generation gap between the Russian MiG-21 and the American F-22 fighters, the jet developed in the Soviet years may under certain circumstances be preferable.
Military Watch Magazine qualifies the MiG-21 as a lightweight, inexpensive and old aircraft, while classifying the American F-22 Raptor as expensive, new and complex. The magazine also notes that initial orders for US fighters have been cut by 75% due to high operating and maintenance costs.
“The sheer combat prowess of the F-22 however does come at a steep price, as not only does the fighter cost hundreds of millions of dollars to acquire and maintain over its lifetime, but its delicate systems require extremely high levels of maintenance,” the publication says.
The issue points out that the American jet ” precision instrument, one which when applied properly can be relied on to guarantee air superiority and engage any existing adversary – even when outnumbered.”
Minimizing ground time remains an important attribute for a wartime plane, the magazine points out, but the F-22 not only needs a lot of maintenance time, but is also subject to a number of failures.
Combat Capabilities
Already the MiG-21 has high reliability and capacity to perform a large number of flights per day with minimal maintenance, which distinguishes this fighter plane from the F-22, explains the publication.
“Where the F-22 is vulnerable to rain and adverse weather conditions, and requires pristine runways to operate, the MiG-21 can operate in all manner of adverse conditions,” says the publication.
In addition, according to the magazine, the Soviet fighter can be deployed on combat missions 20 times as often as the F-22, allowing it to carry more ammunition and attack the enemy more often in prolonged conflict.
The advantages of the MiG-21 were well exemplified in the Syrian war, where the reliable, undemanding, maintenance-free aircraft capable of taking large numbers of flights is even more useful than the more advanced and complex fighters.
- "Our concept is a response to a preemptive strike. For those who know, there’s no need to explain what it is, but for the uninitiated I will say it again. This means that we are ready and will use nuclear weapons only when we make sure that someone, a potential aggressor, strikes at Russia, at our territory," Putin said.
"The aggressor must know that retribution is inevitable, that it will be destroyed. And we, the victims of aggression, will go to heaven as martyrs, while they will simply die, because they will not even have time to repent,” he added.
The president stressed that Russia will never start a nuclear war, as it would lead to a global catastrophe.
- RELATED STORY: Rich gold seam half a kilometre deep delivers $15 million in just four days
Researchers have discovered one of the rarest minerals on earth buried deep within an ancient meteorite crater in Western Australia.
Key points:
Reidite is only created when rocks carrying zircon slam into Earth from space
The mineral has only been found six times in history
The discovery could confirm the biggest meteorite impact crater ever found in Australia
The ultra-rare mineral known as reidite was found deep within the long buried Woodleigh Crater near Shark Bay, approximately 750 kilometres north of Perth.
The reidite is only formed under the extreme pressure created when rocks from outer space slam into the Earth's crust.
It is only the sixth time the mineral has been discovered on Earth. The findings were published last month in the journal Geology.
Curtin University research supervisor Aaron Cavosie said reidite started life as a far more common mineral — zircon — and only transformed into reidite during the pressure of impact.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...