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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Servicing/Fixing my (Briggs and Stratton Engine) Lawn Mower, Random Stuff, and More

- my lawn mower recently wouldn't start (after a bit of a break from usage of a few weeks). Couldn't figure out what was going wrong though so I decided to see whether I could fix it myself prior to taking it to a professional, consigning it to the trash, re-selling, giving it away, etc...
- I looked online and there were a lot of people saying you need to service regularly. In reality, people I know have never serviced their lawn mower until something went wrong (often years). It was the same here. I changed the spark plug, added more oil, added more petrol (while I was at this I tightened and checked all relevant the blades, relevant connections, etc...). Still wouldn't start
mower won't start winter
Project Farm
- I tried to clean/service the air filter by washing it in petrol (cheaper then buying a new one and works just as well). Still wouldn't start
Save $$$ Cheap + Easy + Fast Way Clean Your Lawn Mower Air Filter with old Gas + Water
- my mower was an older type that had a Pulsar type plastic carburettor. Tried cleaning that. Still wouldn't start
Briggs and Stratton Plastic Pulsa Prime Carburetor (Carb) Rebuild
Briggs and Stratton pulsa jet carburetor repair
How to clean out the carb on a small engine
how mower carb works
cleaning briggs stratton plastic carb
mower won't start carb problem
- at one point it felt like the engine had siezed and no matter how hard I tried on the pull rope the engine just wouldn't move. Turned it over and I gently rocked the rotor back and forth until it freed up (it actually took a few light taps with a hammer before I could turn it). Still wouldn't start up
- did some research and some said that it may be bad fuel. However, bad fuel generally looks cloudy. This wasn't
Why your lawn mower won't start - How to fix it.
When your mower won't start - How to clean the carburetor on  5HP Briggs and Stratton engine
- tested ignition coil and spark plug by grounding spark plug and then pulling the start rope. There was a spark but it still wouldn't start
How to check for Spark Plug Fire (in any engine)
NO SPARK !! Testing Mower Engine Coil How To - No Start Diagnosis
no spark mower
- I eventually opened up the engine block. There seemed to be black carbon desposits all over the place inside of the engine and pistons. Got rid of them using engine degreaser and a wire brush. It was at this point that I noticed that one of the internal valves was stuck. I used some degreaser on it and it eventually freed itself. It will now semi-start but I know it will probably take more work but may require replacement parts to get working properly and reliably. Not quite certain whether it's worth working on it further since I bought it really cheaply in the first place and a good replacement isn't that costly (if purchased second hand)? Is obviously an interesting side project though
briggs and stratton 190cc repairing a stuck intake valve
tear the thing apart
briggs stratton engine teardown
- some rare but scary and sometimes dangerous problems and solutions?
carburetor running rich symptoms
repairing mower bodywork
can you rivet a mower patch
fix cord won't retract mower
- I've been exploring making biofuel for small engines but it's not as easy/cheap as you'd think?
home made biofuel
How to Make Biodiesel With a Commercial Kit
convert sewerage to fuel yeast
Bio ethanol from sewage sludge: A bio fuel alternative
Scientists use yeast to convert waste into fuel
Singapore produces over 600,000 tons of waste annually, according to the report. Last year, only 13 percent of the 785,000 tons of waste was recycled.
The National University of Singapore Synthetic Biology for Clinical and Technological Innovation program made the discovery after three years and $300,000 from the National Environment Agency. The team genetically modified the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, which can naturally process fats, by inserting 10 extra genes into its cell. The extra genes allow the yeast to recover half of the waste’s weight in butanol.
According to the report, this process uses four times less carbon dioxide than incineration and half that of anaerobic digestion. It also uses less energy, requiring 33 kilowatt hours for a ton of waste while incineration required half of that. Anaerobic digestion requires 81 kilowatt hours, the report says.
The food waste is blended and the fats are extracted. The fats and engineered yeast are mixed together in a bioreactor, and the butanol produced is filtered out.
- I've seen some mowers with key or electric start options. They're not trivial or cheap to install if you understand how cheap mowers have become now?
add key start mower
- there are some general forums for these topics but they often don't give you the complete picture or enough of an understanding of how things work to be able to fix problems in general. That said, studying gardening equipment is a good way of learning about engines in general?
reason high burn oil mower
The engines in the only Sanli mowers I know of, are accurate copies of the Honda GXV140. Tappet clearance is 0.15 mm inlet, 0.20 mm exhaust. Their carburetors are Huayi, but seem to be accurate copies of the Keihin that Honda uses. So far, I don't know of anywhere on the engine itself that Honda and Sanli parts are not interchangeable, but this won't necessarily apply to the air cleaner, muffler, top cover/fuel tank, and throttle cable for example, since they have been deliberately made to look quite different from Honda. You should be able to repair that chonda by using the GXV140 workshop manual.
victa mower manual pdf

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
- latest in science and technology
‘Don’t be evil’: Whistleblower claims Google plans to sway US election vote
Free Windows 10 Education for Students (Even after You Graduate) @ OnTheHub
- latest in defense and intelligence
Cost-sharing problem emerges over fighter jet project
- latest in animal news
How panda center overcame its breeding rut
- latest in music and entertainment

Random Quotes:
- @TheSouthernGentleman said:
What many of you fail to understand, and I have made the same mistake, is that you can hit hundreds of balls, it does not mean you will get any better. And you can take lesson after lesson, it does not guarantee anything. To a large extent, it is about talent and hand to eye coordination. I am an 80s-90s shooter, occasionally have moments of brilliance in the high 70s, but that is it. I don't believe i have the talent to go any further. And I give no credibility to these gurus who infest these forums and say otherwise, and I give no credibility to the latest claims by the manufacturers of equipment and balls. None of us are entitled to a game at a high level, and hard work does not guarantee much. You get to the point where you just get out and enjoy the company, and the scenery, and the 19th hole that follows. Just like work, there are people that get ahead because of their skills and talents and it seems effortless, there are some that try and try, they go no where. No guarantees with anything in this life, golf is but one example of that.
- The Intercept said it appeared that Google was carrying out the development of the censored search engine along with a second firm, presumably one in China, as Chinese law requires that Internet services companies need to run their servers and date centres within the country.
- In closing, it is also relevant to note that the city of Munich had abandoned the use of Microsoft products some years ago (in favour of Linux and Open Office) but recently determine to return to the Microsoft product suite. Rumour has it that this was due to pressure on right-wing local politicians from sources unknown. It will be interesting to observe how this political attitude might pervade the German decision.
- At the same event, Russian President Vladimir Putin also stressed that since becoming the global reserve currency, the US dollar has turned into a “tool for the issuing country to put pressure on the rest of the world”.

Russia has already taken a set of measures to reduce its dependence on the US dollar, including dumping its US bond holdings, increasing gold reserves, and switching to transactions in national currencies that mitigate external economic and political risks for Moscow.
- War is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.

In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.

How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?

–Major General Smedley Butler
- "It is crucial to now shift to a new paradigm based on joining forces to create strong regions, instead of anyone seeking to be the strongest in our region. And shifting from forming security blocks to accepting security networking. Both are predicated on respect for the interest of all stakeholders--large and small--coupled with a win-win philosophy. In the current inter-connected world, no country’s security can be assured at the expense of others," he noted.
- Almost three quarters of school leavers who enrol at university get in using their ATAR, and its calculation is a frequently misunderstood science. The ATAR is not a mark out of 100 but a rank - a ranking of 80 means the student has performed better than 80 per cent of their year 7 cohort.
- The login attempts were broadly classified into three: the ram, which used limited but very frequent attacks using a few usernames to try and obtain admin access; the swarm which tried sequential usernames (A Smith, B Smith and so on) and a few of the worst passwords; and the hedgehog which was characterised by short bursts of activity.
- How can we really judge F-35A’s supposed kill ratio without knowing those of other platforms used in the exercise, or even historical numbers from other exercises? For instance, what was the F-15C’s kill ratio? Or the F-22’s? What about the Royal Air Force’s Typhoons? How about red air’s corresponding kill ratio? 15:1 sounds great, but it really is about the same as what the US Navy experienced with their Topgun graduates in Vietnam, a time when F-4s were taking on MiG-17s and MiG-21s. In the end we have nothing to compare this number to, and “lesser” platforms could have gotten as high a ratio or even higher, we just don’t know.

None of this is really a mark against the F-35A. It could have performed even better than we know at this time. It certainly seemed by most accounts that it did well regardless of what kill ratio has been reported, but keep in mind that any major issues with the type that surfaced during Red Flag is very unlikely to get a public comment by those involved directly with the program. I have been to Red Flag multiple times, sat in the media briefs and aircrew panels, and asked some tough questions. But if you think a F-35 pilot is going to come out and say “well we did ok, but we kept having data-exchange issues between jets and the S-300 SAM guys were using some unorthodox tactics to detect us farther away than we would have liked” than I have an airworthy F-32 to sell you.
The U.S. Dollar is currently the “reserve” currency of the world due to the stability and reliability of the U.S. economy and its governing infrastructure. Major commodities and trade credits are denominated in USD. Generally, a country must maintain two months worth of USD reserves, based on current trade data, in order to trade with other nations. For these reasons and others, the U.S. government can influence policy decisions in other nations, but opposition has been growing over the past decade. The Dollar has gone through a long period of devaluation, after the Gold-linkage was dropped. The enormous rise in debt and deficits only exacerbates the current situation.
- David Drumlin: I know you must think this is all very unfair. Maybe that's an understatement. What you don't know is I agree. I wish the world was a place where fair was the bottom line, where the kind of idealism you showed at the hearing was rewarded, not taken advantage of. Unfortunately, we don't live in that world.

Ellie Arroway: Funny, I've always believed that the world is what we make of it.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...