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Friday, August 30, 2019

The 32-bit vs 64-bit VST/DLL Music DAW Problem, Random Stuff, and More

If you've been exposed to the electronic music industry then you'll know about this issue. It feels like they're stuck in a time warp because in spite of the switch to 64-bit Operating Systems and for DAWs, VSTs haven't really caught up (these notes are from a long while back/maybe even years? so if they're not entirely up to date please excuse me)(sorry, if these notes seem a little bit difficult to read. They're mostly for my own reference):
- there are currently an amazingly small number of options out there to attack this problem? It feels pretty obvious how some of it works. Basically, create a small host within a host (your DAW) that is both 32-bit and 64-bit compatible? From this wrapper/host launch the actual 32-bit or 64-bit VST which gives the underlying DAW compatibility with both executable formats
64-bit to 32-bit vst bridge
- another method is to create wrapper code by scanning existing VSTs and then using this to create a bridging element. Effectively, converts VST's from 64 to 32 bit
64 to 32 bit vst converter
- I've obviously looked into Open Source versions that I could hack/mangle into something workeable (mainly for personal interest). We're basically looking for mini DAWs. Not much out there?
64-bit to 32-bit vst bridge open source
64-bit vst skeleton code
32-bit to 64-bit compatibilty source code dll
python vst audio
VST with scripts?
what's the real issue in using 32 bit vst on a 64 bit daw?
setting up juce
open source vst host
smallest vst daw host
Lightweight DAW as VST host
smallest daw vst capable
- there aren't that many options out there with regards to 32-bit to 64-bit bridges (more going the other way around)?
jbridge alternatives
- given the difficulties of programming VSTs it makes sense that people would resort to GUI based programming mechanisms. If you don't already know they're not too disimilar to programming via Visual Basic or Delphi. If you use Open Source VSTs these obviously make recompilation/conversion a lot easier
max4live plugin to vst
- I've look at hacks. One technique I've looked at is injecting code into an existing DLL/VST that is itself a VST host wrapper. It's a technique that is sometimes used in offensive computer security. You may need to brush up on your assembly code technique/programming?
compile exe as dll
compile as dll rather then exe mingw
g++ -c -DBUILDING_EXAMPLE_DLL example_dll.cpp
g++ -shared -o example_dll.dll example_dll.o -Wl,--out-implib,libexample_dll.a
most basic vst source code
open source codes for EQ, Synth, Compressor plugins? 
smallest daw that can be used as a vst
Lightweight DAW as VST host
vst au host
savihost sourcecode
for i in `lynx -dump "http://www.hermannseib.com/programs/old/" | awk '/http/{print $2}'`; do wget -c "$i"; done
get function names from windows exe
get function names from windows exe
insert code into windows executable
windows assembly open excutable
gcc -c -S filename.c
load windows dll source code
extract function names from dll
developing windows applications on linux
- another alternative is to just make your own VST's yourself. If you dabble in IT and music this makes especially if you use Open Source VSTs. Just re-compile the VST in question. Obviously, not so easy if sometimes if you don't have compatible frameworks. Not easy if you're dealing with proprietary stuff as well
vst examples
alternative sonicbirth
sonicbirth source code
Sonic birth registration
plugin developer kit? 
most basic vst source code possible
VST Plug-in Tutorials / Source Code for Equalisation
vst source code example
compile vst under linux for windows
- I've obviously looked at re-routing sound as well. In theory it works but there can be severe latency issues depending on the setup in question
audio re-route
vmware re-route
- using Rewire is a slow alternative. You may need to bounce down sounds to get things to sync up properly?
free rewire daw
open source jbridge
vsthost with rewire support
- using alternative DAWs running semi-simultaneously is another choice. A lot of modern DAWs allow for automatic sound warping (namely, they can synchronise things with existing sounds according to their current time and rhythm)
- if you're like me you prefer lightweight development environments because they're easier to maintain and upgrade/update. Obviously, that's easier said then done given modern life and it's the same with VST development as well

Random Stuff:
- as usual thanks to all of the individuals and groups who purchase and use my goods and services
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Random Quotes:
- THERE’S a prominent idea in political science known as the resource curse.

It refers to the paradox — seen time and time again throughout history — that a country with an abundance of a highly valuable natural resources experience higher rates of corruption, more conflict, and have less democratic governments.

Important resources like minerals, oil and diamonds often go hand-in-hand with conflict and poor governance.

But when it comes to one particular resource — the most important resource of all — many think a different theory will hold true.

Often referred to as the water wars thesis, it suggests that growing water scarcity will drive violent conflict as access to water dries up for certain communities. Analysts worry that people, opportunistic politicians and powerful corporations will battle for dwindling water supply, inflaming tensions.
- This was the opposite of the music industry, where almost every music label is represented on a single music streaming platform. Instead, certain shows or movies can only be found on specific platforms.

As a result, consumers need to subscribe to several platforms, or else simply can't access the content as it hasn't been released in their country.

"They're moving towards more exclusive releases meaning consumers will have to pay much more to get access to services."

"There is still a lot of content that isn't available through streaming.

"The root causes of piracy in Australia is often a lack of cheap and effective easily accessible legal options.

"Whenever we talk to consumers that's the big concern. Many people want to pay but too often can't get access to content they want at price they can afford."
- This anecdote is emblematic of Musk's management style, Tesla insiders told CNBC. Interviews with 35 current and former employees depict an ambitious CEO whose drive to make everything from scratch sometimes impaired his decision-making, leading him to approve expensive projects that failed and delayed production. They also described occasions where Musk refused to consider methods pioneered by other automakers and ignored advice from industry veterans within Tesla's ranks.

Tesla's future as a mass-market car company hinges on efficient, automated production of the Model 3. Tesla will lose $6,000 for every $35,000 Model 3 it sells, says UBS analyst Colin Langan. It only breaks even if the car sells for over $41,000. Tesla has yet to produce the $35,000 base model of the Model 3.

Tesla did meet the goal of producing more than 5,000 Model 3 vehicles in a week during the third quarter. It made 80,142 vehicles (including 53,239 Model 3's), beating Wall Street analysts' expectations. But the company is nowhere near the 500,000 mark Musk promised in 2016. As of the end of Q3, Tesla has produced 167,975 cars this year. To put that in context, Ford makes that many cars approximately every 10 days.
- Linus Torvalds, Linux's "benevolent dictator for life," returned to oversee the open source project on Monday following a self-imposed break last month to "get some assistance on how to understand people's emotions and respond appropriately." Torvalds, who has a reputation for being rude to other members of the community, said at the time he wanted to address his "flippant" actions and proclivity for personal attacks.

His story is one that most boardrooms in the US will have seen at some point in time. Enron, BP, Goldman Sachs, Philip Morris. Fraud, tax evasion, toxic dumping, safety violations, bid rigging and overbilling.

About 3 percent of CEOs assessed in a management study scored in the psychopath range. In the general population its just above 1 percent. These are not primary psychopaths like Jeffrey Daumer, but powerful people who've allowed their biologically inherited empathy traits to dry up.
- The last time a US astronaut walked on the moon was in 1972. NASA's new lunar mission could land another astronaut on there in 2026, four years before China intends to do the same. This would be a triumph that Trump could enjoy in office down the road, assuming he is re-elected president and that he doesn't flip-flop on the project out of fear its price tag will scare off his voters. However, US voters are no longer particularly receptive to the argument that progress in space travel is not only good for the military but also for civilian industries (telecommunications or environmental protection, for example).

This is why it makes sense to work on an international basis with projects such as moon stations or manned missions to Mars. The Europeans, Russians and Chinese are open to this, but Washington is reluctant to work with Beijing. China was not allowed to participate in the ISS, in which over 100 countries are involved. The US sees each Chinese rockets as a potential weapon and each satellite as a tool for spying.

Washington wants to develop its Space Force to protect navigation and communication satellites from attacks by Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, as US Vice President Mike Pence put it. For his part, the administrator of the China National Space Administration, Zhang Kejian, has insisted that China is looking forward to cooperating: "To the extent that agencies and countries from around the world can cooperate on space, it is absolutely in our interest to do so," he said. "I look forward to exploring more opportunities to do that."

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...