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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Quick Beef Stew Recipe, Random Stuff, and More

This is the latest in my series on quick, easy, and tasty meals:  

This is being placed here for my own possible records and for others to use if so desired. This is based on recipes online and an interpretation of restaurants that I occasionally frequent. The point of these recipes is to achieve the best taste, in the quickest possible time, at the cheapest possible price. That's why the ingredients are somewhat non-traditional at times. Here's the other thing, it's obvious that they can be altered quickly and easily to suit other core ingredients. Don't be afraid to experiment.

- beef steak (any type/cut of meat suitable for a soup will do)
- Heinz Chunky Beef Stockpot canned soup (or something similar)
- vegetable soup pack (includes any vegetables that may be suitable for a stew type dish. Good examples of this include carrots, celery, onion, potato, etc...)
- soup stock (any flavour will do) or water (optional)
- sugar (optional)
- salt (optional)
- pepper (optional)
- flour (optional)
- tomato sauce/paste/passata (optional)

Dice beef up into rough cubes/blocks. Coat cubes/blocks with flour, salt, pepper, and sugar. Fry off/brown off meat in saucepan. Add stock or water and boil meat (to soften it). Add canned soup to saucepan and boil. Dice vegetables and add to saucepan (put vegetables into microwave to soften them up if you want to speed things up). Add tomato sauce/paste/passata and whatever other spices/herbs that you may like to taste. Boil until vegetables and meat are of suitable texture. Add extra soup or stock if need be. Goes well bread, noodles, pasta, or steamed rice.

Random Stuff:
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- if you examined past Soviet (and Russian) behaviour they never really intended to 'lead' in the defense space? The Su-57 was only likely to have ever been intended as a development platform at best? My guess is that they may end up resurrecting one of their other older Soviet single engine based fighter programs as a means to compete with the F-35 once the final specifications for that particular program are better known
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Random Quotes:
- Weech concluded, “Here’s a bit of context. When someone slaps you on the back, you’re experiencing about 4.1 Gs of shock. Kicking a football will yield roughly 300 Gs. A traditional hard drive when parked, or completely powered off, is rated to survive up to 250 Gs worth of shock over two milliseconds.

"In use however, hard drives are rated to endure 30 Gs of shock when saving information and 60 Gs when retrieving information. Since hard drives operate using recording arms, each only nanometres above spinning platters, there’s less room for error if a drive is put through shock – perhaps by getting dropped or hit.

"If the arm in a hard drive gets bumped and moves only a few nanometres, it could scratch the platter and ruin the drive. This is why it matters that SSDs don’t use moving parts – there’s less risk of something going wrong.”

Here are two images that give further detail, but now you know more on why SSD is the way to go!
- “Frankly, the Indonesian delegation was restricted from accessing many part[s] of KF-X technologies and studies, particularly from the ones regarding the U.S.,” the engineer told Defense News, speaking on condition of anonymity. “Given Indonesia foots one-fifth of the KF-X development costs, it was reasonable in some sense that Indonesian engineers could feel cramped about technical advantages through the joint program.”

The KF-X fighter program, also funded by the South Korean government and KAI, involves integration of key U.S. advanced technologies, including engines, armament, flight control systems and others, according to the engineer.

In January, a delegation of the U.S. Defense Technology Security Administration visited South Korea‘s Agency for Defense Development and KAI to review KF-X technology transfer issues, according to the engineer.

“It was true that U.S. engineers dispatched to the KAI headquarters were sensitive about a possible leakage of U.S. technologies to Indonesian workers,” he added.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration, or DAPA, denied speculation that the KF-X partnership with Indonesia is in trouble.
- A new, advanced facial recognition system, which can theoretically scan the entire Chinese population of 1.3 billion people within one second, has quietly entered service with public-security apparatus in 16 locations across China to help police crack down on criminals and improve security.

However, its name, Sky Net, is somehow eerily reminiscent of the kind of surveillance in George Orwell wrote about in his dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Xinhua reports that by leveraging motion facial recognition and big-data technology, the system can accurately and instantly identify people’s faces from different angles and under poor lighting conditions, even if people are in constant motion as when riding an escalator or driving a car.

The system is fast enough to scan China’s population in just one second, and it only needs two seconds to scan each and everyone on the planet, with an accuracy rate of up to 99.8%, its lead developer Yuan Peijiang claimed.
- Even before the Emirati and French wins in 2009, the Americans knew the F-22 could be beaten, although they rarely mentioned this uncomfortable fact. During the Raptor’s first-ever major air exercise in 2006, an Air Force F-16 most likely dating from the 1980s managed to “kill” an F-22. A Navy Growler jet,designed to jam enemy radars, repeated the feat in 2008 or early 2009.
- Eight times during a two-week war game in Alaska, individual German Typhoons flew against single F-22s in basic fighter maneuvers meant to simulate close-range dogfights. “We were evenly matched,” German Maj. Marc Gruene told Combat Aircraft.

The key, Gruene said, was to get as close as possible to the powerful F-22 … and stay there. “They didn’t expect us to turn so aggressively.”

Gruene said the Raptor excels at fighting from beyond visual range with its high speed and altitude, high-tech radar and long-range missiles. But in a slower, close tangle — what pilots call a “merge” — the heavier F-22 is at a disadvantage. “As soon as you get to the merge … the Typhoon doesn’t necessarily have to fear the F-22,” Gruene said.

Neither does the 30-year-old American F-16, a Navy jamming plane or the 1990s-vintage Rafale — flown by a Frenchman! The worrying implication, of course, is that Chinese, Russian and other rival planes also need not worry about America’s main jet fighter.
- And that is the actual case. Executing a successful ICO is difficult. A lot of things have to fall in place. This is why the majority of these ideas will fail and you will never see an actual working product or service on the market.

According to a recent article in Fortune magazine “Nearly Half of 2017’s Cryptocurrency ‘ICO’ Projects Have Already Died“. And Bitcoin.com found another 113 projects that it calls “semi-failed,” because their teams have gone off the radar or their community has withered away. Add those to the mix and the failure rate jumps to 59%. Nervous yet?

As investors grow wary and scared the flow of funds will begin to shrink.

People are getting smarter, earlier. They’re doing more research, sharing information, getting the facts and exposing the schemes, scams and con artists behind these projects. Regulators are getting more involved in cryptocurrencies and they are starting to prosecute scammers. This will make it more difficult for new ICO projects to achieve PRE-ICO and ICO success.
- A team of researchers at the California Institute of Technology has taken a hard look at the challenges facing efforts to carry out the Breakthrough Starshot project. In their Perspective piece published in the journal Nature Materials, the researchers outline the obstacles still facing project engineers and possible solutions.

Breakthrough Starshot is a project launched by backer Yuri Milner two years ago—its aim is to send a spacecraft out of the solar system toward Alpha Centauri by the middle of this century. Most designs for such a spacecraft surround the idea of a light sail and a tiny device to allow for communications. The craft would be powered by a laser array situated on Earth. To reach Alpha Centauri in a reasonable amount of time, the craft will need to travel very fast, close to 20 percent of the speed of light. Alpha Centauri is, after all, 4.37 light years away. And while the concept is relatively simple, the design presents serious challenges, as the team highlights.
A light sail can be pushed by beams from a laser due to momentum carried by photons, the researchers note. But for it to work, the sail must be reflective. It will also have to be very thin (perhaps just a few atoms across) and lightweight, less than a gram. Thus far, engineers have looked at graphene, but it is not reflective, which means it would need a coating of some sort. On the other hand, reflective materials such as metals are too heavy. A suitable material has not yet been found, the team reports.
Another challenge the team will face is how to keep multiple laser beams steady and focused as they pass through the Earth's atmosphere. That will likely mean use of low near-infrared beams, which means the sail would have to be able to reflect such wavelengths of light. But then issues of weight and heat generation come into play. Such issues, the team notes, mean that engineers will have to balance many factors to find just the right combination of materials.
Something else the team will have to consider is the shape of the sail—it will not likely be a simple flat sheet, because imperfections on its surface would send the craft careening off into space. Instead, engineers will have to develop a design that allows for self-correction.

3D Printing Background, Random Stuff, and More

- in this post we'll be looking at 3d printers. I basically wanted/needed one to study/research, help fix some stuff around the home, bu...